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The Tradrych Strain- The Complete Series

Page 13

by Marissa Farrar

  Aleksy frowned, his lips tightening. “I understand. We can give you an injection for that. It will prevent you becoming pregnant.”

  She visibly sagged in relief.

  “I don’t want him touching her,” Nadeusz growled.

  “Me, either,” Miko agreed. “There must be some other way.”

  Aleksy shook his head. “There isn’t.”

  “I’ll do whatever I can to protect her,” I said, glancing over at Tara’s face, not wanting to imagine the Trad’s hands all over her either. She felt like one of us now, as though she already belonged as a part of us. I hated to think of Borys covering her fragile form with his huge body and holding her down as he took her, but I knew for myself what kind of sacrifices needed to be made for the greater good.

  She sucked in a shaky breath. “I’ll be okay. As long as I don’t end up pregnant, that’s really my greatest fear now.”

  “Very well.” Aleksy gave a brisk nod. “I’ll get the medic to give you that injection, and we’ll need to prepare you for market tomorrow so that Borys will notice you.” His gaze scanned down Tara’s body. “You’ll definitely need some different clothing.”

  She was still wearing the outfit Ewa had given her, and it definitely wasn’t flattering.

  “As long as it isn’t a tiny silver dress,” she said.

  Aleksy frowned, but I knew exactly what she was talking about. She didn’t want to be dressed like she had been back at the facility.

  “Very well,” he agreed. “I’ll get my men onto it.”

  He turned and walked away.

  Nadeusz and Mikotaj went back to the hall where we’d been eating. Neither of them looked very happy about this situation, but there was nothing I could do about that. Tara moved to follow them, but I caught her arm and pulled her back.

  “Diarus.” She smiled up at me, but I could see the worry in her eyes about what would be happening tomorrow. “Thank you for offering what you did just then. I feel bad that you’re putting yourself in a dangerous situation for me.”

  “I’d do anything for you.” The words slipped from my mouth.

  Her lips parted. “You would?”

  I nodded. “Yes, anything. And I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe once you belong to Borys, too.”

  “Thank you. I don’t know what I’d do without you all right now. If you hadn’t all come along, I can’t imagine what would be happening to me.”

  She was so close, the scent of her hair drifting up to my nose. Her skin looked soft, and I fought the urge to run my fingers across her cheek.

  “Can I ask you something? You can say no,” I added hurriedly.

  “Of course. You can ask me anything.”

  I blurted it out, terrified I’d lose my nerve if I didn’t just get it out there. “Can I kiss you?”

  “Oh.” She blinked at me in surprise.

  I glanced away. “It’s fine. I’ve just...never kissed a female before, and every time I see you, all I can think about is your lips.”

  “You’ve never kissed a woman before?”

  “No. We have the same problem on Athion as on Tradrych. Females are rare. I went into the Custos, which is all male, and then I ended up here. There obviously hasn’t been the opportunity.”

  “You need to know that Miko kissed me, too,” she said, her cheeks pinking up prettily.

  “That’s okay. We’re used to sharing.”

  Her eyes widened. “You are?”

  “You forget that we don’t do things the same way on our planets as you do on Earth. On Earth, at least before the invasion, women were plentiful. Males took them for granted and were possessive, and if not possessive then they were the opposite and simply threw one woman away for another. We know that we’re lucky to have you, Tara, and we’re not going to start fighting over you because it’s not our fight to have. If you want to choose one of us, then we’ll understand, but if you don’t...”

  She shook her head, not understanding. “If I don’t?”

  I shrugged. “You don’t have to pick only one. We’ll all be grateful for whatever you’re willing to offer us.”

  “You’re saying that you’re fine with me making out with Miko and Nad, as well as you?”


  “And they feel the same way?”

  “We’d rather share you than not have you at all.” I glanced away and then looked back to her. Tomorrow, we’d both be sold as slaves for polityk Borys, and there was a good chance something would happen where I’d end up putting my life on the line to protect her. This might be my last chance, and I wasn’t going to waste it just because of a little shyness. “So, can I kiss you?”

  She smiled and placed her hand against my chest. I took a step in closer, gathered her face up in both my hands. I touched the softness of her cheeks, and reveled in the fact they were as satin-like as I’d imagined. Then I ducked my head and softly brushed my lips against hers, the lightest of touches, like a butterfly’s wings.

  I pulled away again, but her hands slid from my chest and up to my shoulders, and she tugged me back in.

  “You can’t just leave it at that,” she said with a smile, and she leaned up to kiss me again, harder this time.

  My body responded to her immediately, and when she opened her mouth, her wet, hot tongue darting out to trace the seam of my lips.

  Oh, this was bliss. My cock was already rigid, and I was ashamed by the way it was digging into her stomach, telling her exactly how I felt.

  A male voice came from the direction of the hall. “Break it up, you two. We’ve got work to do.”

  We broke the kiss to find Nadeusz and Mikotaj watching us, both with matching amused expressions on their faces.

  Chapter Twenty-one

  The following twenty-four hours passed in a flurry of primping and preening, readying me for the auction.

  One of the rebel Trads, who I assumed to have some kind of medical background, came to give me an injection that would prevent me becoming pregnant again. The thought of having to put myself through sex with one of the bad Trads made me sick to my stomach, but I kept reminding myself that there were many other women in similar positions right now. I thought back to Zoe, who’d been one of the first to be taken away to give birth. She’d have been handed over to another Trad by now, and perhaps might even be forced to work in one of the whore houses in the city. I would be doing this in the hope of one day freeing all of them.

  I’d imagined being dragged to the marketplace filthy and dressed in a sack, but the opposite was true. On the morning of the auction, I bathed in sweet-scented bubbles and washed my hair until it was squeaky clean.

  My hair was coiled and pinned up, leaving only a few tendrils falling around my face. I was given a new dress in white and silver with a beaded corset bodice, which pushed my breasts so high I felt certain the tops of my areola were exposed. The sandals for my feet were mercifully flat, but they were also white and silver.

  From what I was wearing, I felt like a bride rather than a slave, but soon I was to be taken to the marketplace in the center of the city and sold to a man who had been overseeing the abduction and breeding of women on this part of Tradrych.

  I sucked in a shaky breath and tried to push down the anxiety that wound its way through me.

  I turned to find Nadeusz standing directly in front of me. I’d been so lost in thought about what was ahead, I hadn’t heard him come into the room. He stared down at me, hunger in his dark eyes.

  “Fuck, girlie. I can’t stand to see you like this.”


  He backed me up against the wall, my spine hitting the solid surface behind. He reached up and gently lifted my chin, raising my face to his. He was so tall and big, I felt like I was sandwiched between two walls.

  “You understand what Aleksy is asking of you is incredibly dangerous.”

  I nodded in his grip. “I understand.”

  He glowered down at me. “I wish you’d said no.”
/>   “How could I? I have to do everything I can to help.”

  “The thought of you near Borys drives me insane,” he growled, still not releasing his hold on me. “Now that we’ve freed you, I can’t stand the possibility we might lose you again.”

  I was breathless. “You’re not going to lose me.”

  His tail swished behind him like an angry cat. “Promise me, Tara.”

  “You know I can’t make that promise.”

  He let out another growl, and then his mouth crashed down on mine, his tongue thrusting into my mouth. I melted in his grasp, my body turning to goo. I reached up, lacing my hands through his thick, dark hair, kissing him back as passionately as he was kissing me. My fingers met with the smooth, hard surface of his horns, and I took the opportunity to stroke their length. I ran my hands up to the sharp point at the ends, and then back down again. There was something so phallic about the shape, and about the movements I was making, too, it sent a thrill of excitement through me. I could tell Nad felt the same way, and while I had no idea if he could feel my touch, I was fully aware of the way he ground his erection against my stomach.

  But the last time I’d had sex, it had gotten me in a lot of trouble, and I couldn’t help the fear that shot through me.

  He must have sensed my hesitation, as he broke the kiss and pulled away. “What’s wrong? Did I do something to hurt you?”

  “No, not at all. It’s not you...” I trailed off as I realized I was about to say ‘it’s me.’

  “Are you still in pain?”

  “No, I’m fine, physically. It’s crazy just how back to normal those injections made me. I feel like I was never pregnant.” I paused and added, “But mentally, it’s going to take more than a few days to get over what I’ve been through, and honestly, I’m terrified of ending up in the same position.”

  He grazed my cheek with the backs of his fingers. “I’d never put you in that position.”


  What the fuck was I thinking? He was an alien. He had horns and scales and a goddamned tail. If I didn’t know him the way I did now, I’d think he was a fucking monster. I wasn’t going to even consider having sex with him. And yet, I knew I was, and that I wanted to, as well. We might look different, but he was big and muscular and brooding, and overprotective, and dare I say it, sexy. And I felt the same way about Miko. Shit, I’d even gotten hot over the leader of the rebel group. Maybe the pregnancy had done crazy things to my hormones, but I couldn’t deny that my libido was back with vengeance.

  “I want to give you pleasure, Tara. You deserve it after everything you’ve been through. I want to watch your face as you climax and hear the moans coming from your pretty mouth. I want you to be able to think of me if Borys touches you.”

  His words made me melt again. “God, Nadeusz.”

  He ducked his head and feathered kisses along my jaw and then down my throat. “Let me help your body feel like your own again.”

  The fight was going out of me.

  His hand pushed between my legs, the other hand in my hair, another on my breast... My mind blurred. No, wait...what? He didn’t have three hands. I glanced down and gasped. That wasn’t his hand between my thighs, pushing up under the skirts of my new dress, but the tip of his tail. It was thick and muscular, and applying just the right amount of pressure. I squirmed down, feeling like I should be repulsed when I was quite the opposite. The tip slid along my folds, parting me, and instead of pushing it away, I groaned. He kissed me again, his tongue darting into my mouth at the same time as his tail slithered back and forth across my opening, the tip twisting and coiling around my clit. The pleasure condensed low in my belly, and I knew I wanted more.

  “I want it,” I gasped against his mouth, barely able to believe what I was saying. “Please.”

  Maybe a part of me thought that if I’d experienced a little of what it was like to be with a Trad in his true form, then I wouldn’t be so frightened when I was in the hands of this polityk Borys who I was about to be sold to. Or maybe it was simply that Nadeusz was right when he’d said I’d need something else to think of in my darkest moments.

  His tail moved positions, curling to push inside me. I gasped, clinging to Nad’s shoulders. I couldn’t even begin to describe how it felt—so different to both a finger and cock. Its girth stretched me open, filling me, and the tip stroked my inner walls, seeking the spot that would send me flying.

  It hit the right spot, and I let out a whimper. Nadeusz pulled back from me, gazing down into my face, a hint of triumph in his dark eyes. “That’s right. I’ve got the spot. It’s right there, isn’t it?”

  My cries and gasps for breath were enough to let him know he was right. While the length thrust inside me, the end rubbed that fleshy spot on my inner wall.

  My thighs trembled, every nerve in my body poised for release.

  The raw pulse of an orgasm ripped through me, and I arched my back, pressing into him. My fingers dug like claws into his muscular shoulders, a wail of pleasure escaping my throat. I was being fucked by a monster, and I didn’t even care. I rode his tail as he fucked me harder with it, owning my body with every thrust, until my inner muscles finally stopped rippling around him.

  I came down in a dizzying spiral, hardly even able to believe what had just happened. For the moment, I had forgotten what was ahead of me, and I pulled Nadeusz in for a kiss. He kissed me hard in return and then pressed his forehead to mine.

  “Come back to me when all this is done,” he told me, “and I promise you that will have only been a taste of what I can offer.”

  I smiled, endorphins surging through my system.

  I had just enough time to put myself back together again—to straighten my dress and pin up the pieces of my hair that had fallen down—when a knock came at my door. It opened, and Aleksy stepped in, Mikotaj and Diarus close behind. I was flushed and wondered if they could tell what Nadeusz and I had been doing. The idea embarrassed me, even though it shouldn’t. On this planet, I existed for sex, and what I was about to do was far worse.

  I didn’t miss Aleksy’s appreciative gaze traveling down my body, and he gave me a nod.

  “It’s time to go.”

  The rebel leader held something in his hands. It was the same silver metal that had kept me chained back at the facility.

  With a shaky breath, I squeezed my eyes shut and did my best to prevent myself from running screaming from the room. Instead, I put both my hands out in front of me.

  Aleksy covered both my wrist with the metal, and it slid like a living creature to circle my wrists and reattach at the center.

  I looked to the worried expressions of Nadeusz and Mikotaj. Beside me, Diarus was also having his hands secured with the same substance.

  This was it.

  I was about to become a breeder slave once more.






  Bait: text copyright © Marissa Farrar 2019

  All Rights Reserved

  With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from Marissa Farrar.

  Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded or distributed via the Internet or any other means, electronic or print, without the author’s written permission.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

  Please note this book is intended for mature readers.

  Artwork and Editing by Studioenp.

  Don’t forget to FOLLOW Marissa Farrar on Amazon to be the first to hear of hot new releases including Planet Athion stories.

  Back Cover Information

  I’VE BEEN KIDNAPPED to an alien p
lanet, and forced to give birth to a creature that isn’t even human.

  But now I’m fighting back...

  The discovery that two of the alien Trads, Nad and Miko, and the slave Athion, Diarus, are part of a rebel group came as a shock. Even more of a shock is discovering I have feelings for each of them, and, it seems, they feel the same way about me.

  Now I’ll do anything to help them, including handing myself over to the most dangerous Trad in the area, Polityk Borys.

  I’m offering myself up as bait, and there’s a good chance he’ll take the bite.

  This is a dark sci-fi romance and is reverse harem. It is also part of the Planet Athion multi-author reverse harem sci-fi world.




  Chapter One

  Liquid metal cuffs circled both my wrists, leaving me in no doubt that I was a Trad prisoner once again. The rear doors to the transporter slammed shut, encasing me with the others in the back of the vehicle, and I jumped at the sudden bang.

  “Tara? Are you all right?” The Athion, Diarus, sat beside me, his hands also in cuffs.

  I swallowed hard and nodded.

  We were about to be taken to the auction. Like me, Diarus was allowing himself to be sold as a slave in order to get access to the home of the Trad who watched over this district, Polityk Borys. The plan was to gain the trust of the polityk so I could search the private areas of his home and try to find the locations of other facilities like the one I’d recently escaped from.

  Diarus may have volunteered for himself to be sold as a slave beside me, but he wouldn’t be subjecting himself to the same things I would. He was there to help me if things turned ugly, assuming I was even chosen by Polityk Borys at the auction. Borys had to look at me and see something in me that would make him think I’d make the perfect breeder for him.


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