Trading Teams

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Trading Teams Page 13

by Alexander, Romeo

  "I've always had the opposite problem." Kyle's voice is soft, and Jake glances up. He leans his cheek onto one hand, smile a mirror of Jake's, not quite reaching his eyes. "All people ever do is push me and challenge me."

  Jake exhales a sharp laugh. "Well, yeah. I can see why."

  Kyle frowns. "What'd you mean?"

  Jake rolls his eyes, lifting his fork to point at Kyle with it. "You're a fucking genius, dude. You're smart as hell, and you can do so much. Compared to you, I'm just an idiot with muscles."

  He expects Kyle to smile, but instead his frown deepens. "I don't think so."


  Kyle sets his fork down, eyes intense as he glares across the table. "Jake, you're not dumb."

  Jake smiles, reassuring as he chuckles. "Dude, it's okay. It's fine. I know what I'm meant for in life."

  "No!" Kyle leans across the table, practically putting his shirt in his food as he snatches up Jake's hand. He stares at it, wide and blinking, following the length of Kyle's arms to meet his eyes. They're narrowed and fierce, lips pursed into a scowl. "You're not dumb," he says with enough adamant force that Jake thinks he might just believe him. His voice softens then, scowl easing into a shy smile. "You're not an idiot. You're smart and kind and observant and courteous and a really good guy. You may not know a lot for your classes, but you learn really quickly."

  "You're just a good teacher," Jake insists, but Kyle is already shaking his head.

  "No, I've tutored before. Some people just... really aren't that smart. No matter how often you tell them stuff, they never get it. You get it. You learn. You're determined and hard-working, and once things are actually explained to you, you get it. You're not dumb, Jake. It's just... no one has ever given you a reason to try before."

  Jake's smile is small, barely touches his cheeks, but it's genuine. He moves his hand, easily sliding his fingers between Kyle's. He stares down at them, at how they fit, and runs his thumb over Kyle's knuckles. "Thanks, Kyle."

  "No problem," he says, breathless.

  * * *

  As they leave the restaurant later that night, Jake tries to make a move. He bumps into Kyle's side, and his fingers stretch to lightly snatch at Kyle's.

  As soon as his pinky hooks around Kyle's, the boy pulls his hand away fast. He shoves them into his pockets, subtly taking a step away to put distance between them. "Sorry," he says, head down and shoulders hunched. "I'm just not... ready for that." He pauses, glancing up through his lashes to search Jake's face. "Is that okay?"

  Jake smiles, hoping it's calming and doesn't show any of the doubt he feels squeezing at his gut. "Yeah, that's fine. Don't worry about it."

  He understands, but he wonders if it's going to hurt this much every time.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Jake's car is nothing fancy, but it's clean and comfortable. It's a lot nicer than what Kyle was expecting, given Jake's messy apartment, his disorganized backpack, and the fact that he's a jock. He expected some old take-out bags, some clothes or gym bags, and some other miscellaneous stuff. But his car is organized, clean, and smells nice.

  He doesn't say anything about it, but his expression must be clear enough, because Jake calls attention to it. He tells Kyle not to judge him or stereotype him, and while he's teasing, Kyle's laugh is strained and his cheeks feel warm. He really needs to stop doing that because Jake is just so much more than anything he expected.

  But at the same time, he kind of hopes Jake never stops surprising him and exceeding his expectations.

  "I don't drive my car often," Jake says as they pull out of the parking lot, turning out onto the main road. "Campus and most things are within walking distance of my apartment. I mostly use it whenever we have to get groceries or something, but half the time Marcus or Steve drive."

  Kyle hums, one elbow resting on the door of the car, cheek propped up by his palm. His other arm rests on the center console as he stares out the window. "I don't even have a car."

  "You don't?"

  Kyle shrugs. "I never really needed one. I never really went places, and if I needed to... my brother would drive me. And after his— his accident, I don't really... feel comfortable driving."

  Jake's hand comes down over his, startling him for a moment. He watches as Jake's fingers, warm and solid, slide between his own, putting their hands palm to palm, squeezing gently. It's far more comforting than words could ever be, and Kyle squeezes back.

  It's dark now, and Kyle feels braver in the safety of shadows and in the blanket of night that covers the town. Here, hidden from the world, it feels like no one can touch them. No one can see them or judge them. It's just him and Jake. He feels like he's stepped outside of himself and hesitantly towards someone he isn't, but who he might like to be.

  The cars moving alongside them down the main road blend into the background, their passengers disappearing into the darkness and becoming inconsequential. They're on the outskirts of town, a good twenty minute from campus, but it might as well be hours.

  The small, sly smile that curves his lips surprises him, as do the words that leave his mouth. "You know, if I've learned anything about dates from watching old movies, it's that you're about to take me to a make-out point or something."

  Jake seems taken aback, but he chuckles nonetheless. "Holding my hand in the parking lot is moving too fast, but you want me to take you to a make-out point?" He's teasing, but there's a genuine curiosity in there and an eagerness that he can't quite hide.

  Kyle keeps his eyes trained on the window, glad for the darkness to hide his blush. "Well... people could see us then. They wouldn't be able to see us in the car." He lets his thumb move across Jake's knuckles. It feels like a natural movement, and he hopes it's as intimate for Jake as it feels for Kyle. He also hopes his palms aren't sweating too badly. He takes a slow breath to steady his voice as he says, "Besides... I think it would be fun."

  Jake laughs, hand squeezing Kyle's. "You're full of surprises."

  Kyle smiles, but the silence seeps back in. It doesn't feel as calm as before. There's an undercurrent of anticipation and nervousness that runs between them. After another mile or two, Jake pulls off on an exit, and Kyle's heart hammers in his chest, spreading adrenaline through his veins. He knows this isn't the exit for town, and it's nowhere near campus.

  He tries to regulate his breathing as they pull off on a scenic route that circles the town, showing off the more mountainous region that surrounds the area. Their speed slows to match the new speed limit, and with it, Kyle can feel his nerves rising.

  For a moment, just a moment, he feels doubt. But then he glances over and takes in Jake's profile in the light of the moon and the glow of the car's dashboard. His eyes trail along the strong lines of his jaw and the cutting edge of his cheekbones, his strong nose and the curve of his lips.

  Desire hits him all at once, memories bleeding into fantasies. He wants to kiss those lips again. He wants to feel Jake's tongue on him. He wants to feel his weight, his hands, and writhe under them. He wants Jake's attention on him, solely him. He wants to see Jake's face again as he comes and know it was all because of him. For a moment, just a moment, Kyle wants to occupy all of Jake's thoughts. As selfish as it feels, it's what Kyle wants.

  His heart beats faster and his skin tingles with anticipation because he knows what he has to do— no, what he wants to do. He wants this just as much as he hopes Jake does.

  The car slows, and Jake pulls off onto the side where the road curves off into a scenic overlook. It's tucked away from the main road, but even that road is off the beaten path and near empty this time of night. They haven't seen another car since pulling off the highway. Jake puts the car into park and leans back, staring out the windshield with a small smile on his lips.

  "It's not really a make-out point, but it's close." He chuckles, and if Kyle didn't know any better, he'd say it sounds nervous. Then it hits him that; Jake probably is nervous. Jake is nervous over him.

  Before the high can fade
and before doubts can creep in, Kyle rides his wave of courage. He unbuckles his seatbelt, the sound loud in the quiet car. "I think it'll do just fine," he says, licking his lips as he turns in his seat, letting go of Jake's hand to reach out with both of his. He takes Jake's face, firmly pulling him over the center console as he leans forward, pressing their lips together in sudden fervor.

  Jake is surprised and caught off guard, and in his moment of hesitancy, Kyle feels his courage bleeding away. His hold goes lax, and he starts to pull away, but then Jake is surging forward after him. A firm hand finds its way behind Kyle's neck, cradling the back of his head, holding him firmly in place while Jake's tilts his head and devours Kyle's lips.

  Kyle returns the kiss, but he feels like he's fighting a stronger current, barely able to stay afloat. Jake has so much more experience than he does. He knows exactly how to turn his head, how and when to move his lips, how to sweep his tongue into Kyle's mouth and make his toes curl. His hands roam Kyle's body, leaving trails of fire in their wake. Even with his patient guidance, it's all Kyle can do to just cling to him and kiss him back, trying to follow his lead and explore on his own.

  He enjoys it. He really does. He loses himself in Jake's lips, and the feeling of his hands, and the smell of his cologne. But it doesn't take long before he realizes that Jake is being cautious. Jake's hands roam over him but stay courteously outside his clothes. His kisses are urgent and desperate, but he doesn't push for more.

  It's strangely sweet. He's respecting Kyle's boundaries and not pushing him for more. It makes Kyle's chest tighten and a fluttering fills his lungs.

  It's sweet, but he wants more. He wants to see Jake come undone, and he wants to be the one to do it.

  He puts a hand on Jake's chest, pushing back until he can see his face. It takes a moment for Jake to come out of his haze, blinking as he pulls back. His eyes are lidded, lips wet and parted as he looks at Kyle, confused. "Do— do you want to stop?"

  Kyle shakes his head, licking his lips. "No, I want— I want—" Oh god, it's embarrassing to say. A lot more so than he was anticipating. He leans forward, burying his face in the crook of Jake's neck to hide his face, but presses his lips to his throat as an excuse. His hands slide down Jake's broad chest, coming to rest decisively at the front of his jeans, tugging lightly at the button.

  "You want to touch me?" He sounds breathless, one of his hands already moving to help Kyle unbutton and unzip his pants.

  Kyle nods, face rubbing against his neck. He licks a spot there, running his teeth along tender flesh before latching on and sucking lightly. It's instinctual, something he's not entirely sure about, but he hears Jake's breath hitch and knows it's alright. He kisses the spot and forces himself to say, "Yeah, but... not with my hands." He runs his nose and lips lightly up Jake's neck, trying to tell him without saying the words.

  It seems to do the trick. He feels Jake's full body shudder and the hand on him tighten. "Oh," he sounds winded, and it sends a thrill through Kyle. "Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah, totally. We can— We should move to the backseat. Yeah, okay, let's go."

  It takes a lot of awkward maneuvering for them to get into the backseat. First Jake forgets his seatbelt is still on and gets tangled up in that. Then they take turns sliding through the two front seats to fall into the back, limbs spread as they lose their balance and laughing as they elbow and knee each other. Kyle follows Jake's lead as he settles in.

  He ends up sitting with his back to the car door, one foot on the floor and the other on the seat, knee bent and resting against the back of the seat. Kyle sits between his spread legs, eyeing the front of his jeans. Jake doesn't hesitate to reach down, eager as he pushes down the waist band of his jeans and boxers far enough to pull himself out. He's as big as Kyle remembers, flushed and red and thick.

  He swallows hard, embarrassed when he feels his mouth watering.

  He manages to get down between his legs, one hand wrapped loosely around the base of Jake's cock, mouth hovering several inches above it, before he loses his nerve and his courage gives way to nerves. He looks up sheepishly, gazing through his lashes at Jake, leaned against the car door and watching him intently through lidded eyes.

  "I, uh... I'm not really sure..." He swallows thickly, eyes flickering back down to the swollen cock head. He's never been this close to one, and while his body burns with the need to touch, it's still incredibly intimidating. Especially when he wants this to be good for Jake, whose no doubt done this plenty of times. "I've never... done this before..."

  "Hey." Fingers slip beneath his chin, lifting his head until he looks up at Jake again. He's smiling, encouraging and kind. "It's okay. I guarantee I'll like anything you do." His fingers run through Kyle's hair, gently applying pressure to push him down. "Just go slow and explore. It'll feel good for me, I promise."

  Kyle takes a deep breath, closing his eyes as he lowers his head and opens his mouth. It feels strange, and tastes stranger. But it's not bad. It tastes of salt and skin, smells musky and so much like Jake. There's something about it that fuels the fire in his belly. He licks along Jake's shaft, first with the tip of his tongue and then with the flat of it.

  "Yeah," Jake breathes from above. "Keep going. Take it into your mouth— yeah, slow. Just like that."

  Kyle suckles on the head, curiously moving his tongue over it, pressing into the slit to taste him. He feels Jake jerk, but then he’s exhaling a shuddering moan, and shivers run down Kyle's spine.

  It gives him the confidence to continue, to take a little more into his mouth, to slide his lips over the shaft. "Yeah," Jake says, panting now as his chest heaves with each word. "Make your lips tighter, just like that. Use your hand as a stopping point so you don't go too far. Use your tongue— holy shit! Yeah, holy fuck, okay, okay—"

  Curious, Kyle moves down as far as he can before he feels his gag reflex start to trigger, and then he hollows out his cheeks and sucks.

  The sound Jake makes is low, guttural, and sends sparks of pleasure sizzling down Kyle's spine, especially when the moan trials off into his name. Kyle wants to make him sound like that again. He'll do anything to hear that sound. To hear Jake say his name like that.

  So he keeps going, following Jake's instructions that are getting less informative and more like babbled encouragements. Jake, as it turns out, is surprisingly talkative. With his mouth unoccupied, he pants, and each exhale has words and moans escaping his lips. He babbles, begs, and pleads with Kyle for more, go faster, just like that, do that again, harder, oh god.

  Kyle can feel his own hardness straining against his jeans, and his hips jerk shallowly, seeking any sort of friction he might get against the seat of the car.

  Jake's fingers tighten in his hair, back arching and his head hitting the window. "Kyle, I'm gonna— I'm gonna—"

  He comes then, spurting hot and sticky into Kyle's mouth. Despite the warning, it takes him by surprise. The texture and taste are strange, as is the way it fills him suddenly and quickly. He pulls off Jake as his last spurt settles, and surprises them both when he puts a hand to his lips and swallows, wiping off the last bit at the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand.

  "Holy shit," Jake says, staring at him, wide eyed and mouth gaping. "That was so hot."

  Kyle giggles, surprised and pleased and still riding the high of making Jake look like that and sound like that.

  Jake takes a moment to come down from his high, breathless and chest heaving as he stares at Kyle. Kyle stares back, unable to look away, feeling caught in the headlights. But his hips can't stop moving, even if it's just a shallow cant. His hard on strains against its confines, and his blood still boils. The taste of Jake lingers on his tongue. He licks his lips, and watches as Jake's eyes flicker down to the movement.

  Then Jake is moving, surging forward to capture his lips again. They fall backwards onto the seat, and Jake settles over him, between his legs. Kyle wraps them around his hips automatically, and one of Jake's hands moves to cup and squeeze his ass. He
gasps, and Jake's tongue pushes inside his mouth.

  His hand moves, fingers creeping beneath the waistband of his pants, grabbing a handful of his bare ass with his palm, squeezing before his finger move again, slipping between his cheeks, prodding at—

  Kyle jerks back, hands pushing Jake's chest. He doesn't move far, but it breaks their kiss, and Jake moves back far enough to look down at him. Kyle stares up at him, eyes wide and chest heaving with every breath. His heart hammers painfully in his chest, entire body tight.

  "I'm not—" His voice cracks, and he has to swallow past the lump in his throat. "I don't think I'm ready for that."

  The confusion on Jake's face melts into understanding, followed quickly by relief. "Okay," he says, bending forward to press a gentle kiss to Kyle's lips. "That's fine. We can wait. I can do something else."

  He moves down Kyle's body, trailing kisses as he goes, pushing up Kyle's shirt to spread his attention around his chest and stomach, moving lower and lower. He pulls Kyle's pants and underwear down to his thighs, exposing him to the cool night air. He feels vulnerable, but the thrill of it isn't bad. Anticipation runs hot through his veins as Jake stares down at him.

  He holds eye contact with Kyle as he lowers himself over Kyle's erect cock, swallowing him whole until Kyle feels himself touch the back of his throat and Jake's nose is pressed to his curls. Kyle gasps, jerking automatically, but strong hands hold him down.


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