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Surviving Storm (Kings Reapers MC Book 7)

Page 8

by Nicola Jane

  “She’s right,” says Anna. “It can take some getting used to. You’re not new to club life and you know the dangers. Enemies target us, so our guys want to keep us safe. So what if he checks up on you? So what if he tracks your phone? Does he beat on you? Does he lock you away from everyone?”

  “And the work thing?” I ask. “Because he didn’t like my job, and I told him I’d quit.”

  “Hey, Chains,” shouts Leia, causing Chains to glance up from the bar. “Would you let me work in Enzo’s as a dancer?”

  He scowls. “You wanna take your clothes off for other men?” he questions, narrowing his eyes further.

  “No, I’m asking if you’d let me do that?”

  “Why the fuck you asking me that? Don’t I give you enough money? Aren’t you happy being a mama to Grace? You wanna leave our daughter to go and shake your ass for other men?”

  Leia laughs. “No. It’s a hypothetical question.”

  “It’s a fucking stupid question.”

  “See,” she mutters to me. “None of them want to share. It’s like they missed that lesson at school.”

  Riggs and Storm come from the office. “You heard this, Pres?” asks Chains. “Your sister wants to strip for money.”

  Riggs glares at Leia, and she rolls her eyes. “That’s not what I said.”

  “So, I spend a fortune on getting you a nursing degree, and you wanna shake your ass for strangers?” Riggs growls out.

  “That’s what I said,” Chains says smugly.

  “Jesus, you guys are overreacting. I do not want to strip for strangers. I was asking a simple question, and you got all cavemen on me,” she argues.

  “Like Vinn would let you anyway,” adds Riggs.

  “I’m sure he’d be front row to see you naked.” Anna grins as all the men glare at her. “Kidding,” she whispers.

  Chains pulls Leia to stand and leads her towards the stairs. “‘Scuse us, we need to have serious words,” he mutters.

  Chapter Ten


  I kiss Lottie on the cheek. It feels like the most natural thing in the fucking world, and now Lake knows my intentions, it feels like all the pieces of the puzzle are falling into place. I spot Taya coming in with some shopping bags. She’s next on my list. “I have to speak to Taya about this before we make any big announcement,” I tell Lottie, and she goes to stand. I still her and wince. “Actually, do you mind if I tell her on my own? I think she’s gonna stress out.” Lottie lowers back onto the couch and nods, looking slightly hurt. “She worries. I don’t want her to push all her negativity onto us when we’re both happy about this.”

  I take the bags from Taya and follow her through to the kitchen. “Seb is getting fussier with his food,” she mutters, opening the fridge and putting some things away. “I told Frankie I’d shop for him because I feel bad making her get all this.”

  “I need to talk to you,” I say, taking a seat.

  “Is this about Laura?”

  I shake my head. “No, she’s gone. I told her to leave.”

  Taya goes back to putting the shopping away. “Thank God for that. I had nightmares you’d get back together. She’s nothing but a bitch.”

  “I’m not getting back with her. That’ll never happen.”

  “Good, because she’d be a terrible stepmother to Seb.”

  “What do you think of Lottie?” I ask.

  Taya stops and turns to face me. “She’s nice,” she says carefully. “Good with Seb.”

  “And you? Do you like her?”

  “Yeah, I guess. Is she what you wanted to talk to me about?”

  I nod. “We’ve decided to give it a go. I like her and—”

  “You haven’t known each other long,” she mutters.

  “I know. But sometimes, you just know. With her, I feel . . . happy.”

  “That’s good. I’m happy for you, if this is what you want, but just be careful. You have a habit of going in there full steam ahead, and I don’t want to see you hurt.”

  “That’s the other thing,” I say. “I’ve kinda claimed her.”

  Taya’s eyes widen. “Christ, Storm, that’s huge.”

  “I know, and I get you’re worried, but can you try to act happy for us? Lottie is . . . delicate. She needs reassurance and to know I’m serious.”

  “Delicate how?” she asks through gritted teeth.

  “I don’t wanna talk about her like that, but she needs to know I’m serious about her and that seemed the only way.”

  “Fuck, Storm, there’s loads of ways. Just keeping your dick in your pants is one of them. Have you done this to make up for the fact she caught you with Trudy?”

  “No,” I snap. “Just trust me.”

  “What about Seb? You’re barely looking after yourself, let alone him, and now, you’re throwing a woman into the mix. One who will also need looking after. What if you’re not strong enough?”

  “I will be,” I say firmly. “I’ll have to be.”

  Taya shakes her head, and her eyes are full of uncertainty. “You’re putting yourself under too much pressure. This will end badly.”

  The kitchen door opens and Riggs comes in. “Brother, stay calm, but the cops are here. They wanna take you to the police station.”

  “What the hell?” I growl as four cops march in.

  “Hey,” yells Riggs. “I asked you to wait while I talk to him.”

  Two of the cops grab my arms and twist them behind my back. “Jaxon Michaels, I’m arresting you on suspicion of breaking a court order . . .” The rest of the words blur together as my wrists are cuffed, and he reads me my rights.

  “I’ll get a solicitor to the station,” says Riggs.

  Lottie watches sadly as I’m led through the main room. “Don’t worry,” I tell her. “It’s a misunderstanding. Be strong,” I say, my eyes conveying what I mean by that. “For me,” I add, and she nods.


  The girls try desperately to distract me. They get their kids to bed and make me join them in the club bar to relax and unwind. Riggs sent the club’s solicitor to the police station, but we’ve heard nothing. “Do you think it was Laura?” asks Leia.

  “We agreed to avoid the subject,” says Eva.

  “Sometimes it helps to talk about these things,” says Leia, shrugging. “I think she called them to spite him. She wasn’t happy earlier when he asked her to leave.”

  “Surely, it won’t stick. She came here, to his home,” says Anna. “She came all the way from Nottingham.”

  Taya sighs heavily. “She’s a twisted cow. She’ll lie, and they’ll believe her because she has this way of making men do whatever she wants.”

  “Like Medusa?” asks Leia, and Taya laughs, nodding.

  “I just want him home,” I mutter, and Leia smiles sympathetically.

  “He didn’t get a chance to make the announcement,” says Eva.

  I catch Taya’s grim expression and wonder if he had a chance to tell her. She sees me looking and gives a small smile. “Shall we go for a walk?” she asks.

  We get outside, and I take Bently’s leash off so he can run around the yard. “Do you think he’s okay?” I ask to break the ice.

  “He’s a big boy. He can take care of himself.”

  “Did he cope well with prison before?” I ask because he never went into detail about that.

  Taya presses her lips together. “He told me he plans to claim you.” I notice she avoided the question, but I nod because she clearly has things she needs to get off her chest. “He said you’re delicate.”

  I suck in a surprised breath. She’s direct, and it unnerves me. “Did he?”

  “What does he mean?”

  I shrug and tug my sleeves down over my hands. “Not sure.”

  “Because he is too,” she says. “He won’t tell you because he wants to be seen as the strong one. He would rather struggle than tell you he needs help.”

  “I’ll pay close attention,” I say. “Watch for signs.”

  “And then what will you do?” she asks bluntly. When I don’t answer, she stops walking and glares at me. “When you see the signs, what will you do?”

  I shrug helplessly. “I’m not sure.”

  “How will that help?” She begins walking again. “What happens if you’re both struggling?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Lottie, I don’t want to come across as rude, but it doesn’t fill me with confidence when you have no idea how to support or help my brother.”

  “You just said he was a big boy,” I mutter, and she narrows her eyes. “I can’t give you answers I don’t have. I like him . . . a lot . . . and I’ll help him the best I can, but until we reach that point, how will I know what to do?”

  “He drinks,” she says, ignoring my comment. “He thinks I don’t know, but I do. At least he takes it away from Seb these days.”

  “Is he an alcoholic?” I ask.

  She shakes her head. “I don’t think so. He can live without it, but when things are hard and he’s not in a good place, he disappears for days on end and drinks. He comes back relaxed and calm, and we have some good weeks. Then the cycle repeats . . . and it always repeats,” she says pointedly.

  “What exactly are you saying, Taya?”

  She shrugs. “I don’t know. I just feel like this is moving so quickly, and if it falls apart, I have to pick the pieces up again. And frankly, I’m sick of it. It’ll be us who have to leave when it all goes wrong because Lake won’t kick you out.”

  “You want me to walk away now?” I ask. “Tell him it’s over?”

  She shakes her head, looking conflicted for a moment. “I’m so tired,” she finally mutters, “of not living my own life. I know it sounds so fucking selfish, and I feel like a bitch for even saying this out loud, but I’m caring for a kid I never asked for. And I love Seb, I really do, but Storm seems to live his life, and I just follow him around, looking after him and his child, and I can’t help but get pissed when shit like this happens. I don’t want to move away again. I want to settle down. I want to make friends and maybe meet someone myself.”

  I suddenly feel bad. I hadn’t looked at things from her point of view. “I’m so sorry, Taya. It doesn’t sound fair. Have you talked to Storm?”

  She shakes her head. “No, and I don’t want you to tell him either. I love him and Seb, and I wouldn’t want him thinking I resent him, because I don’t. I just want to avoid anything or anyone who’s gonna cause drama.”

  “Let’s make a deal. I’ll try not to cause drama. I’ll try and help with Seb and Storm, and if it all goes wrong, I’ll leave. I don’t want to be the reason Seb has to move again, so I’ll go. I promise.”

  Taya smiles sadly. “That’s so sweet, Lottie. I can see why he likes you. Let’s take each day as it comes. Just remind him that life isn’t a race. He doesn’t need to declare his love, marry you, and get you pregnant all within the first week,” she says, and I laugh, nodding in agreement.

  “I’ll slow him down.”

  Anna fills my wine glass to the brim. “I really shouldn’t have another,” I mutter, checking my watch. It’s almost ten in the evening and there’s been no word from Storm.

  “Last one,” says Anna, winking. “Seeing as she won’t join in,” she adds, glancing at her best friend, Eva.

  “I can’t be bothered listening to Cree nag at me,” mutters Eva. “He’s really serious about making babies, and if I hear one more lecture on my body being a temple, I might gouge his eyes out.”

  I almost choke on a mouthful of wine, laughing at her statement. “You don’t want kids?” I ask.

  “I do,” she mutters. “We’ve been trying a long time, and I’m starting to worry there’s a problem. He must think the same because he’s suddenly on this health kick and he’s big on me not drinking.”

  “And he’s watching her every move,” whispers Anna, nodding in the direction of where Cree is watching from the bar.

  “I keep telling you, there’re loads of kids around this place, just take one of them,” jokes Leia. “I never thought I’d see the day Cree wanted kids.”

  “I think seeing everyone else popping them out has affected him,” says Anna. “He’s realised he ain’t getting any younger.”

  “Did Chains cool down after earlier?” I ask, and Leia smirks.

  “I had to show him my actual dancing for him to see no one would ever employ me to do it professionally.”

  “Did you have to strip?” asks Anna, giggling.

  “I tried, but he was too busy laughing at my dancing to take an interest.”

  I’m draining the last drops of wine when Storm finally walks in. I stand to greet him, but he barely looks my way as he stomps towards Riggs’ office. “Let him cool off,” says Anna, gently patting my arm. “He’ll be in no mood right now.”

  “It’s hard,” says Eva sympathetically, “and it takes some getting used to, but let his brothers handle him right now. They can deal with the mood, and you can soothe him later.”

  “Don’t ya think Hannah and Taya are looking very cosy lately?” muses Leia.

  I glance over to where Hannah, Blu’s ex, and Taya are laughing together. “Leia, just because Hannah is bisexual doesn’t mean she’s into every woman she speaks to,” says Eva. “We’re all laughing together, but does it mean we’re having sex?”

  “I wasn’t suggesting anything,” says Leia defensively. “But that’s the fourth time this week I’ve seen them whispering together. She’s so wrapped up in their conversation, she didn’t see Storm come in!”

  “Hardly whispering,” says Anna. “They’re very openly sharing a joke.”

  “Is Storm’s sister straight?” Leia asks me, and I shrug.

  “How would I know? I’m still getting to know Storm. We’ve hardly spoken about his family.”

  “Lottie,” calls Storm from outside Riggs’ office. He’s glaring at me through narrowed eyes.

  “Make him wait a second,” whispers Leia. “Play it cool.”

  “Don’t be stupid, Leia. Stay out of it,” hisses Anna.

  I stare back and forth between the pair, unsure what to do. Storm’s eyes widen. “Didn’t you fucking hear me?” he yells.

  “Oh no he didn’t,” Leia says, looking outraged.

  I glare at him, and he sighs, looking down at his feet. “Sorry . . . tough day. I just wanna go kiss my kid and get into bed with my woman.”

  I melt slightly, but Leia rolls her eyes. “Go be with your man,” says Eva. “Ignore her. She’d have gone running the second Chains walked in. She pretends to be hard-faced.”


  I gently kiss Seb on his sleeping head and pull the sheets over his tiny body. He looks so peaceful as I stare at him for a few minutes before heading to my bedroom warily. Lottie is lying on her stomach, staring at her mobile. She smiles when I slap her ass. “You were gone a long time,” she says, placing her mobile on the bedside table. “What happened?”

  I pull at her pyjama shorts, revealing her naked ass. I climb on the bed, kneeling behind her and running my hands up her thighs. “I don’t wanna discuss today,” I mutter, gripping her hips and tugging her so she’s on all fours. I unbuckle my jeans.

  “I wanna know why they arrested you,” she says, glancing back at me over her shoulder. I rub my hand between her legs, and she moans, dropping her forehead and resting it against the bed.

  “Later,” I mutter, pushing my finger inside her. “All I’ve thought about is this

  moment,” I add, lining my erection up. I sink into her, pausing halfway to get control of myself. The urge to fuck her hard and fast is overwhelming.

  “Stop being gentle. I’m not gonna break,” she pants out.

  “Don’t say that, butterfly. You have no idea how rough I wanna be right now,” I mutter, gripping her hips. She begins to meet me thrust for thrust, forcing me to slam into her. “Fuck,” I mumble, wrapping her hair around my hand and tugging her head back to give me more leverage. Moving
faster, I chase the impending orgasm. I feel her pussy clench my cock as she cries out. I feel her wetness between us and pull out, pushing her to lie down on her back so I can bury my face between her legs and taste her pleasure. She tugs at my hair.

  “No more,” she eventually groans, trying to push me away. I grin down at her flushed face.

  “I hope you don’t think we’re done,” I tease, arching a brow. Lottie smiles, pushing herself to sit. “That’s more like it,” I add when she takes hold of my erection and runs her tongue along the shaft. My head falls back as she takes me into her wet mouth. She sucks me greedily, and I hiss each time I hit the back of her throat. “I’m gonna come,” I groan, warning her, but she doesn’t let up, cupping my balls and sending me over the edge. I release into her mouth and watch as she swallows every drop.

  I flop down onto the bed, and she joins me, cuddling into my side. “I missed you today,” she mutters.

  “You didn’t cut,” I note, and she shakes her head. “Good.”

  “Was it Laura?” she asks.

  “Sleep, butterfly,” I murmur, stroking her hair sleepily.

  “I don’t want to sleep, Storm. I was worried all day,” she says, propping her head up on her hand. “What happened? Why were you arrested.”

  I twist a lock of her hair around my finger. “I’ve gotta go and do a job for Riggs,” I say, and she frowns in confusion. “I was gonna tell you, but I wanted an hour of drama-free,” I add.

  “What’s going on?” she asks, pleading with her eyes. “Why won’t you tell me anything?”

  I smile, pushing myself to sit. “Don’t worry, butterfly. I’m fine. Everything is fine. You get some sleep, and I’ll be back before you know it.” I sit on the edge of the bed, and she wraps her arms around my neck, pressing her cheek against my back. “Lottie, I promise, I’m fine.”


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