Damnation Spring
Page 44
To the writers who took time away from their own books to help me with this one: Shabnam Nadiya, Christa Fraser, Greg Brown, and the ruthless Aamina Ahmad. To Erica Martz, Bryan Castille, Andrés Carlstein, and Madhuri Vijay for many hours of shop talk and for reminding me, through their work, what I love about fiction. And to fierce and fearsome writers Ted Kehoe, J. Scott Smith, Don Waters, Jordan Glubka, Merritt Tierce, Arna Bontemps Hemenway, E. J. Fischer, and Amy Parker, who offered a kind word when I really needed one.
To the prolific Melissa Sevigny and to Chris Sevigny, for poker games and pots of chili.
To the Café Léa writers, Hannah Holtzman and Caroline Sandifer, and to Shakespeare and Company, for hosting a motley crew.
To Christopher Merrill, Kelly Morse, Susannah Shive, Kelly Bedeian, Lisa Dupree (cupcake artist!), and Maria Bertorello at the UI International Writing Program, and especially to Nataša Ďurovičová, who uplifts writers around the globe and who treated this book like a real thing before it was one.
To the good people of the Grand Canyon Trust, who give my day life a sense of direction, and especially to Darcy Allen for “Drive fast and take lots of chances” and Rick Moore for “potholes and assholes” and other gems.
To the staff and clients of the IRC/Suburban Washington Resettlement Center 2007–2010, especially Taameem Al-Maliki, Selena Cetino, Abeje Chumo, Kate Evans, Katy Frank, Elsabet Gerbi, Simret Goitam, Marshall Hallock, Chelsea Kinsman, Rachel Mogga, Myat Lin, Tin Tin Oo (and Vanessa Lin), Mina Mulat, and Dr. Beeletsega Yeneneh—the very best of humanity.
For good stories and good company: Cassalyn David, Dr. Megan Johnson, Omar Naseer, Issa Naseer, Mustafa Naseer, Tenmay, Mahmud Rahman, Karen Eason (and Marty), Michelle Hertzfeld, Maya Abela, Emily Musta, Audrey Belliard, Pearl Buniger, Alia El Khatib, Natasha Hale, Anne Mariah Tapp, and Ashley Sheen.
To Rebecca Buntman, Laurah Hagen, and Dr. Whitney Sheen James, who pursue their dreams and believe in mine.
To Greg McLaskey, for good counsel, and many letters, over many years.
To Harold Jacobson. I miss you every time I open the mailbox.
To my sister, Anne, my best person.
And, above all, to my parents, Susan and Dean, storytellers both, whose memories of Klamath got this book started and whose faith, humor, and bigheartedness kept it alive, the whole long way.
And to you who made it this far, for reading.
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Ash Davidson was born in Arcata, California, and attended the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. Her work has been supported by the Arizona Commission on the Arts and MacDowell. She lives in Flagstaff, Arizona.
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Copyright © 2021 by Ash Davidson
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First Scribner hardcover edition August 2021
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ISBN 978-1-9821-4440-1
ISBN 978-1-9821-4442-5 (ebook)