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Gryff The Griffin Rider 3 (A Fantastic Harem)

Page 14

by Marcus Sloss

  “My Emperor… you are… without upper armor?” She said between gasps of air as she had ran to my call. I waved her forward with me to the next screaming soldier in torment. The girl was muttering to herself in excitement and only caught a bit of what she said. “Damn… Tammy gets to ride that!”

  I rolled my eyes at her and found a griffin standing over Nate. Seven hells my charge had been reckless. I hoped we had saved a lot of lives doing it though. The knights were not able to fight the taller ice cats and more effectively. The main thing was the knights were a loose formation of meaningless deaths than the densely packed dvaren. I sent Nate a contract and he accepted it. When he came to Uqsie healed him back into sleep.

  “I need a griffin… Nevermind. New slaves. Carry our wounded to FOB Watchtower. It is that location there. Do not move anyone until they have been healed.” I ordered and my new orc and troll slaves got to work. “Let's go cutie, we got at least a dozen to pull back from the agony of a griffin healing. When their eyes open, I want you to put them back to sleep.”

  “Is this how you dazzle all your wives. You take them through blood soaked mud while half naked?”

  King Aves landed with Barice, Yvette and an unknown elvath. Yvette leaped off the tall griffin in a backflip and landed the maneuver perfectly. She bounded the last few steps to me and planted a deep kiss on my lips.

  “This one is all mine little human girl, you are not here to flirt with my husband. King Aves says they have cleared between here and the portal. There is a clear line now between FOB Watchtower and Castle Riza that is being erected.” Yvette said and I tilted my head in a confusion of the name.

  Then it sunk in. No, it couldn’t be. The griffins were hauling the healed survivors to my location. I quickly sent contracts to the succumbed injured until there were none left to pull back from the darkness. Yvette led me past some ogre bodies. She stopped on an icraw with a body in its mouth. The dead blank eyes of Duke Riza stared at nothing. He died fighting to end a war he sacrificed so much for. I ran my hand over his face and let his eyes shut for one final time.

  The legendary warrior died in the same battle as his horse. Bella was going to lose her mind in grief. I would have to hide from Lady Rain for the next few years. Who would rule Lakeland? A long list of things ran through my head as I pried my friend out of that cat's mouth. The teeth had killed him instantly. The snarl of his charge was still frozen on his face. I stripped all I could off his body and had King Aves dig a grave right here.

  General Halsad approached as I set Riza into the deep grave. “Are we burying our dead here?” Halsad said I was glad his question was rhetorical. I did not want to talk. More bodies of dvaren and humans from all over the battlefield were being brought here. “I suppose here is as good as anywhere. A city will be erected here eventually. Can you make a bigger pit mighty griffin? I have thirty nine to bury. Then there are another hundred plus dead humans cavalry to add. You stopped them, my emperor. Your men stopped the unstoppable. They saved thousands of lives by halting that ogre charge.”

  The ogre hearts were being extracted from bodies and I added in the work. I needed something to set my hands to. Yvette aided me and Uqsie tended to the wounded. I saw Nate and Donnie hauled off to Watchtower. They would be going to back to Fernlan. As hearts came free a castle formed. It started as a low wall that morphed into hundreds of feet tall. The interior rose to be general garrison housing. Which was exactly what we needed.

  Soaked in the blood of my enemies and my friends, I stumbled through the open gate with hard nipples. I still had my arrival set of spartan armor tucked away in a chest in Fernlan. I would have to use it until I could get a new set made. I went up a long wide ramp that ascended to the top of the wall. It was slow walking the three of us. Mainly because I was lost in thought still. When we reached the top I was able to survey the night time battlefield. I realized I would need to come back in the morning. Troops were entering Riza castle by the tens of thousands. Someone barked orders to occupy back to front.

  I was watching all this with Yvette and Uqsie at the top of the ramp. A mage in black with red trim joined us. When I went to ask his name he patted Uqsie on the back. I raised an eyebrow at this until he threw her off the ramp. She screamed as she plummeted and I instantly reacted. He was reaching for Yvette but the elvath dodged his grasp. I looked hand to his throat and he blasted a fireball into my exposed chest setting us both on fire. I flew off the ramp from the force. My body was a tangled mess of scorched and melted flesh. I could see my ribs and blackness was calling fast.

  A griffin caught me before I landed. They must have heard Uqsie give her cry before her death. I felt the green flow through me. There was no torment only the green tendrils entering my body as it was knitted together. I looked down as we hovered there and saw Uqsie bent awkwardly. This got my blood pumping again. Then I realized my belt and pants were ruined. They had melted into my flesh. I painfully stripped them off and was healed again. The griffin wobbled in the air this time.

  “Return us to the attacker hurry!” I said.

  The griffin shook her head to clear the haze and raised us to where Yvette had the mage on the ground with a dagger at his throat. I saw both his wrist were slashed and he was bleeding freely. If I had to guess he didn’t want to be tortured so he tried a quick death. Then I saw the slashes were on the top of the arm. Yvette had severed his tendons to prevent casting.

  I landed not far away and stomped angrily toward the young man. He had brown eyes and red hair. He stared defiantly as I approached him.

  “You killed my father, the rightful Emperor. I had been waiting for an opportunity to exact revenge. I am only sorry I got to kill one of your bitches.” He said trying to goad me into killing him.

  I stepped closer as I wanted to stop the flow of his blood. Then it hit me what a fitting punishment was.

  “Griffin small healing, please. Enough to drive him crazy. If he doesn’t kill himself we will feed him alive to the rats.” I said.

  The previous griffin had already left. Lirkon arrived and touched a surviving son of Salvoni. The asshole had gotten lucky. Riza had died, Nate, as well as Donnie were healing, and the chaos of battle meant my honor guard were somewhere else. There was no option. I had to make a new team I could rely on. Seven hells even Fwar left my side when he heard of my dispute with Horus. It went to show loyalties could be fickle. The man also had a bunch of wives giving birth. I liked to think that was why he left anyway.

  I left the mage squirming there screaming in torment. I tired of it. I grabbed his body as he fought the pain in his mind and I hurled him with my aura. He went flying hundreds of feet away. I watch his trajectory plummet into the ground with a wet smack. And so he died. I needed a new set of armor and new weapons. I needed to get my divine sword and javelins then I wanted to go home. I found my weapons and got a few stares as I trudged the battlefield with Yvette while naked. I felt my slave contracts and pulled a shaman to me. She was tired and dragged her feet from exhaustion when she arrived. I lowered my head to her and gave her the location of my balcony.

  When she spun the portal I sent some black into the circle. Yvette added some white and pink to the female caster. The portal went from wobbly to perfect. I dragged the shaman with us through and onto my western balcony.


  The blackness faded from the portal transition and was joined by the blackness of the night. I heard Yvette and the captured shaman step from the portal and then the static noise vanished when it disappeared. There was no torch blazing on my balcony or in my western room. I went to reach for a torch and realized my bag was a ruined mess back in Castle Riza. I sighed heavily and froze. All my lists were gone…

  “Hello… Who is there?” Bella’s voice squeaked out from our bed.

  “It is your husband Bella. I need a warm bath and we need to talk while you clean me.” I said quietly in case she was sharing the bed with anyone else. Indeed she was, I saw Trish and Addilyn poke their heads
out. They rose out of bed to join us. “Actually, go prepare the baths Addilyn, and take this slave shaman with you. She reeks… get her and Yvette clean while I talk to Bella and Trish alone.”

  Addilyn brought me a blanket to fight the chill as they left the room. Trish lit a torch and placed it by the door to help everyone see in the room. Bella went to snuggle into me, then smelt the blood and gore. She closed the blanket over my body and leaned into that. Trish stood beside Bella, and when it was only the three of us I lifted Bella’s chin to lock eyes with her. The flickering torchlight illuminated her blue eyes.

  “The good news. We are free from Horde invasions. The master portal to Vin was destroyed and a castle in honor of the fallen was erected over its remains.” I said this and Bella jumped in joy for a moment. When she saw me not join her in her excitement she paused. I think she figured it out at this point. Her smile did not fade though. Trish realized it the moment I signaled them both out. She had a stern face and was calm. “The castle is named Castle Riza. Your father died helping halt charging ogres on top of massive ice cats. I was the one to close his eyes. His lance had felled an ogre earlier so he had to get closer to his foes. He died from an icraw that killed him with his teeth from a bite. Your father’s face was frozen with his battle rage. He died… I know it does not help much, but he died fighting for others.”

  Bella cried into me and Trish joined us. Instead of balling, she cried happily.

  “For months after the peace accords, he would drink himself into a stupor. Some nights he cried that he survived while better men, like his sons, died. You said he perished facing a foe with no fear that he should have been terrified of.” Bella said. Both her and Trish nodded to each other in confirmation of this. “The four will honor him. We should name a son after him. He was a good man. This is what he would have wanted. For us to remember him fondly and to not cry or get into the wine over his death. Speaking of death… Let us remove you from our sleeping chamber smelling like it. Go, husband… to the baths with you.”

  I resonated with what she was telling me about Riza. I did manage a smile as they dragged me toward the baths. I heard her more muttering about my smell. There was a private room not far from my bedroom that was used for baths. The water mages had figured out a way to pressurize the water this high up and we set lava balls in the hot pipe. This allowed us to select cold or warm water. The hallway was well lit and the door to the baths wide open.

  Trish left our side and went to washing the female shaman already under the steamy water. The showers were against both the left and right sides of the room with a large rectangular bath splitting the middle. I went to a different shower and Bella flung her nighty to the side. Her large breasts bounced free and she rushed under the warm water with me. We worked to get me clean. While we did this more wives arrived. Addilyn, Yvette, Nautica, and Amber waited in the bathwater. They were all here besides Pipi and Velia who were recovering.

  “Welcome home my Emperor, your wives await you. Do we entice you?” Amber asked as she ran her fingers from her inner boobs to her outer. She then plumped the big tits up and smiled at her larger bust. The woman was so stacked after childbirth. “I tried to get us all here. Pipi muttered a few words and when we woke Velia she decided to stay with her sister wife in bed. How goes the campaign?”

  “Less than two hundred dead and the portal is secured. In the grand scheme, we demolished the Horde. It still hurts to even lose one. I was betrayed again. This time one of Salvoni’s sons was able to get close to me. Almost killed me and I am sad to say Tammy’s sister died. Addilyn should break the news.” I said and Addilyn’s face dropped. “What is it?”

  “Our threesome in Livina… Well, Tammy was with child. Your child. She didn’t realize it until during a lecture at the mage academy when an elvath swelled her belly randomly. The most we heard was she was going to inform me the next day and move in for round the clock care. She went into early labor and died that night. Both she and the child were lost. I did not find out until you marched to war. The two sisters died within days of each other.” Addilyn said while fighting tears.

  “Tammy was a good friend, a great warrior, and a part of this family. She will be missed. We have a few major flaws in our system right now. I need mage guards that are bound to us in some way. With the Knights of Fernlan disbanded, there is a hole in my protection. I was thinking we should add a team of twenty mages to protect me.” I said this and Addilyn raised her hand rapidly. Her ripe tits bounced at this. I swore some milk leaked out. Now that I focused on my wives instead of my troubles I realized all those who had born me children were bursting with full breasts. “Before you jump at the opportunity to follow me to war everywhere Addilyn. You are not expendable. To be honest it will never be easy to determine who is.”

  From behind us, Trish finished cleaning the shaman. “I am expendable my Emperor. I know this. I am a concubine. Yes, I live in the estate with you… A lesson that should be followed with all your family from now on regardless of convenience. Tammy will indeed be missed. I can help protect you. My air magic is improving. There are many female mages who would gladly join our family as other than wives. It would help secure your rule too. Do not feel bad for us. I understand that you will fight and you will need to be protected at times by friend as well as foes. Let us ladies decide that. Assuming you want female mages to tie to you. You do seem to only have an eye for the ladies.”

  “She is right,” Amber said while Yvette and Nautica nodded in agreement. “I will see to it personally and meet with Lamont. I can work with your idea Trish and improve it. Thank you. We will do a thorough vetting and I will select two or three females per mage type. While all your core wives are queens. These will be duchesses. That was something my father implemented with his lower marriages. I think it will work here too. Now. It has been a long day and I left a nursing baby. I feel my tits leaking and my pussy is still hurting from pushing your babe out. I will take my leave to return to our children. Let your new wives please you. Oh… husband. You rise when the sun does, you have to oversee all the shopping Roz, Nautica, and Addilyn did. While you do that, I will have your old armor adjusted. Yvette informed us your set you went to war with was ruined. I will talk with the dvaren smithies maybe…”

  Yvette interrupted her. “There are dragon scales that sell in the trade markets. We elvath are master seamstresses. Let us craft you a new set of armor. You need freedom of movement and the ability to move quietly. The dvaren cannot craft that. If my Emperess allows it, I would be grateful.” Yvette said to Amber as she left the waters.

  The hierarchy of my inner household was firm. Amber was the boss. Even the ancient elvath wife deferred to her. I watched Amber’s ass and tits shift with desire. The sad part of the day was fading as Bella, Addilyn, and Trish vacated to find private rooms. They were all tired and I had woken them in the middle of the night. They kissed me sweetly good night and then it was just Nautica and Yvette with me now.

  “I need to release, then go to bed. I know you both deserve a romantic night. Tonight is not that night though.” I said as I watched the girls slid closer to me.

  “How about I start and you finish in Nautica,” Yvette said as she parted the water to sit on my lap. “Until your guard is established and I feel you are safe I can wait on a child. I will protect you until then.”

  I was losing focus on what she was saying. Nautica stood on the seating self and plopped her large tits into my face. Yvette slid under the water to suck on my cock. It grew happily while she blew bubbles on it. I felt her tongue working around my shaft. She surfaced for air while Nautica ran a hand over my hairy chest and kissed me. Yvette went to jerking my stiff dick while Nautica rotated over me.

  Yvette tried to help her onto me, then remember Nautica preferred only a males touch. She tried to get me inside her, but the water and my girth made it impossible. I yanked Nautica out of water and bent her over the edge of the bath. For a dvarette she was tall and her hips wide. Her vagina
was still small. I went down and licked her swollen little lips. It was going to need to be as wet as I could get it.

  Yvette sat on the edge beside us and strummed her clit while watching. I figured I had wet Nautica’s little tight pussy as much as I could. I slid my large throbbing boner into her tiny slit. It opened greedily and she shoved back onto me. That was a first, as she fit me in deep with no problem. Once I was in deep she constricted so tightly I almost instantly orgasmed. This was better than a vibrating pussy. I loved it. I thrust deep and hard. Nautica loved it too. She screamed out in pleasure. Yvette bit her lip and rapidly stroked her clit while we had sex.

  Nautica was moaning with extreme pleasure while Yvette was talking dirty. The three of us climaxed in combination. It was euphoric. I went to remove my softening cock when she reached back and pulled my hips forward.

  “All of it my Emperor. You give me… all of it. Then I will release you.” Nautica demanded.

  Sure enough, I pumped for a few minutes while Yvette dried off. When I was finally released from her clasping vagina I was drip free. A quick rinse off and I left the water for a towel. We dried off and left for the western bed. I fell asleep with a dvarette and an elvath tucked into each arm.


  I stirred in the sheets as the early morning sun beamed into our room. A quick check by flailing my arms for a body and I found myself alone in bed. At my table, Addilyn was with Amber. They were both going over paperwork. My old armor was stretched out over the foot of the bed. I guess that was a good use for the space that was always empty. I had given up on the idea of guard wolves. I simply lacked the time to train them. A long stretch to greet the morning was followed by me inspecting the chest piece. The straps had been lengthened, no additional armor or covering was done. It would work for now. I easily geared myself, while I grumbled and mumbled about not having my bag of trinkets. I made myself ready for the day as I saw the wives continued with their paperwork. I ringed my sword to my belt and walked to my two handed weapon rack against the wall. I could procure crossbows, a new bag with gear, and a shield later.


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