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Gryff The Griffin Rider 3 (A Fantastic Harem)

Page 19

by Marcus Sloss

  “As you can imagine this period of time was rough for the advancing sevens goals. They offset this development by sending ogres up. They also freed goblins from collars. Those collars were used for cyclops. Then it was trolls that became free as the cyclops numbers grew. Add a few million years into the mix and soon enough it was clear slavery was not required. Only a simple incentive was needed for the lesser species. The glorious reward of praise from the gods themselves gave the orcs and trolls their desire to crush the enemies before them. The cyclops rebellion was eventually snuffed out and defeated. Their numbers reduced for a long while. The cyclops breed once every thousand years but are immortal like the elvath. So it was easy to raise their numbers over time.

  “Fifty million years later Warg felt ready to continue to expand. Rightfully so, with the new system in place, they were bursting with a need for new planets again. Shamans and cyclops numbers had never been greater. Our best mages from both species were awarded the most females and so the cycle continued. Until it hit the elvath. The elvath changed everything in ways that you still see today. Victorious ogres stopped returning home. There were no awesome battle scars to win over new mates with. There were dead ogres on the field of battle. As the war with the elvath progressed it was clear the Horde faced a ready and determined foe.”

  I could only imagine the fights that dominated the universe at that time. I watched Virtue shiver and bitch about the cold.

  “This is what turned the tide.” Virtue said as he rubbed his rosy face.

  “The cold?” Ruby said. “Seems dumb the elvath were defeated by the weather.”

  “Is it though. Also, there is a difference between the god of weather, Torn, instantly killing off the elvath and him helping defeat them. The Horde had a sound strategy on every planetary portal they created. Flood the gateway, station solid defenses, and then swarm the planet with expendable troops. The goal is to keep the foe on the defensive. They lost the first few portals opened on elvath worlds. It would take actual spaceships landing on those planets to fix the portals, let that one sink in. A shamanless invasions to attempt to conquer the world a second time. That will eventually happen here. We are talking thousands of years down the line. Maurta finds nearby systems and then opens up portals for ships to fly through that will invade. Vin is not the first planet to successfully thwart an invasion. As far as public knowledge goes there has never been complete defiance. Eventually, the planet is subdued or ordered to be moved to a different climate.

  “Torn played a vital role in cracking the initial elvath defense. The elvath commanders understood how to close the planetary portals and would send roving teams around the equator. The problem for the elvath was Torn would arrive by a small portal and convert the weather into a frozen ice age. This would create an ice planet for a thousand years with his powers only requiring a few minutes and some aura. That crafty god would enter that tiny opening with a team of orcs. That team would completely destroy the first portal. Leaving the planet ripe for a new opening. Sure the stars warmth would eventually defeat his spell, but until then, the elvath were forced to adapt. It is nearly impossible to dig into frozen dirt which was the primary reaction. If you went down you could escape the cold from the cores temperature. To combat the suns inevitable warmth every five hundred years he would open a new portal. His new team would enter and he would perform a new spell and the winter never abates. Until a few million years later and Torn does not reset the spell. He reverses it. The weather suddenly and randomly is habitable again. A massive portal opens and billons of Horde spill out. The defenders are stuck in subterranean hold outs with decimated numbers. Hard to feed billions of elvath when there is an eternal winter.

  “That is how the elvath were defeated over time. Tricks, spells, and lack of options. All this took time… lots of time. Why I personally believe there are more elvath out there in hidden pockets of the universe. Okay, the elvath are defeated at this point in history and the losses are minimal. In fact, the seven jumped over the defenders to find new rich and easy targets other species presented. The slave system changes once again. This time successful cyclops are rewarded freedoms they once already had. This is seen as a massive boon worthy of great sacrifice and more collars are removed than added. So the cyclops gave victory their everything as did the whole Horde. The might of the seven expanded rapidly while introducing many new species. The slave system is tweaked a final time as the majority of cyclops break free of their collars. Victory is everything to the Horde and morale is at an all time high.

  “Freedom is as close to a guarantee as it had ever been. In exchange, you had to do as the Horde said, when the Horde said, exactly as you are told. If you are not a contributing or useful being you are a slave regardless of your species. The goblins are so indoctrinated to the Horde they have not rebelled in billions of years. Outside of them, if there is any issue you get the clasp around the neck. That is why you see a few ogres with collars. Or why you find a full army of trolls without collars beside an army with them on. The short answer is a cyclops somewhere dictated that the offender be punished. They will stay that way until they can prove they are worthy of release. Roz is a great example. Forced to starve, ate her own family, and then she fought the dvaren sent to calm the rebellion. She was turned on and enslaved for what likely was to be for as long as she lived.”

  That made sense to me. I could wrap my mind around the system and figured the way to exploit it. If the gods really did trade the soul stones for Aroxa then I would utilize that slave ideology to my benefit.

  “How many ogre planets are there by chance?” I asked with curiosity.

  “A few million. Some estimates put it as high as six million. Again superior to the elvath because they can increase their numbers quickly and even on occasion kill a male elvath in the arena. If you were to freeze an ogre planet they would starve just the same to some extent. You should ramp up your mushroom farms if Glowvia is sent here in a few thousand years to move your planet. Then again if this planet is blessed by the retreating four she may not be able to shift its orbit. A lot of things are still beyond my limited knowledge.”

  “We are nearing the harbor I suggest you focus your attention,” Lirkon said to me.

  “Getting close to our target area. That map back by Castle Riza was so small and lacking detail. Nice big circle please Lirkon.”

  Lirkon started a slow left turn over the harbor. I saw an encampment that was similar to the battle beside Bavie. Horde constructed ships as fast as possible in the millions. There were large docks that went far into the shallow water. A ship was unloading slaves and tossing dead bodies into the ocean. Fresh troops were being stuffed into the ship from a different dock. In the distance, I could see another ship coming in, while a third left the area. I had no idea where the griffins were crippling the vessels, but it was clearly not this close to the docks. The wooden docks transitioned up a slope where there was a slaveholding area. This stretched a few miles until on the opposite side they were loaded onto wagons. The problem was the wagons had stopped cycling and the slave area was filled to the point a second holding pen had hastily been created. Ship oars were used to erect a fenced in zone where recent unloads were being herded into. The captured elvath all looked defeated and weak. I realized there would be no relying on a slave uprising while we fought.

  “I was expecting more,” I muttered as I observed. I was hoping there would be some intricate structure to breach with layered defenses. Nope. In between where the docks and the shipbuilding rested a large tent. This centrally located space had the most shamans and ogres entering and exiting it. It was clear to see that this was where orders were being delivered from. That was my target, an open tent. I doubted there was even a dugout cave to assault. I saw no dirt. Then I had to realize there was no fear of attack here. They rushed here, set up minimal to no defenses and focused on sailing across the sea as rapidly as possible in every aspect.

  “Land us a few miles north. Have the other grif
fins follow us to the ground. Clear some trees if you have to.” I said to Lirkon who turned us away from the enemy.

  Ruby’s eyes lit up at this. “I can burn some trees to clear a spot if you want. Being married to the Emperor means I get access to even vole blood.” The woman said in excitement.

  We soared north until we were out of the eyesight of the Horde and landed. I went down the saddle and found a nice central spot to stand so everyone could gather around me.

  “Virtue go get Urshoe please,” I said and he created a portal. He left and it never despawned. A few moments later Urshoe stepped through with Virtue. The portal closed. “Alright… there is no intricate plan here. We are going to let the griffins burn the Horde guarding the slaves. Once a nice area has been cleared us ground troops will land inside the slave pens and force them through a portal to Castle Riza. Then we will get picked up and stay with the griffins while they torch the command area. I will then offer a one time contract of enslavement. If it is rejected the rest of the Horde here will burn.”

  “How do you plan on getting the ships to offload after?” Urshoe asked.

  “You and the enslaved Horde I already have. We don’t explain anything. The ship captains are what, shamans at most. Ignore them, if they demand x or y threaten them with enslavement. If they push the issue say there was an uprising and the dvaren are here to kill those who are defiant. If they stay defiant have crossbows take out leaders. I am sure General Halsad troops have extra weapons he can assign to you. I was thinking we were facing some impressive enemy. Instead, we have spread out Horde with no semblance of defense. Burn them and then focus on freeing slaves elsewhere.”

  “King Aves would agree, he wanted to do this from the beginning. He could not command your cyclops though or your Horde besides that troll champion.” Lirkon pointed out.

  “Mount up, the griffins approve. I will stay in the saddle to adjust as needed.” I ordered and the troops quickly climbed back into the griffin seats.

  Our flight launched into the air as one and flew in a hover until the flight tightened. As a unit, we banked right over the water and then came in directly over the next ship in line to drop off slaves. I felt the griffins burst a weak air shield and saw a shaman stagger from the sudden drain in aura. Yvette stood beside me raining arrows into shamans. There was not a missed shot. It was simply too easy. The griffins were talking fast with each other.

  The unorganized enemy was not fighting back. The griffins were not sending fire magic yet. Instead, the shamans were being picked off with talons and beaks. Finally, a unit of trolls realized something was wrong and volleyed javelins our way. The arcing spears smashed into Lirkon’s air shield and he blasted a fireball into the formation killing most while scattering the rest.

  I was along for the ride. Gryff the griffin rider. As the battle raged around me I pulled out a pen and paper to make a note. Virtue laughed endless at this. I shrugged. The griffins were quickly defeating any foes trying to fight. On a hunch, I sent out an enslavement contract. Let the leaders quake at our…

  “HALT!!!” I commanded while still holding my pen and paper. Ruby was flinging fireballs beside me and had to be stopped by Yvette. “LAY DOWN!”

  As one, the millions of Horde in the harbor laid down. The enemy cyclops and his unit commanders had surrendered into enslavement. Following that the troops surrendered too. The griffins burning a few thousand spooked the entire army. If only I could figure out how to take the griffins through portals. I wondered if the story of Aroxa being soundly defeated by a griffin had reached out here. Well, this cleaned up things nicely.

  “Land us outside the pens,” I ordered and Lirkon dropped us beside the huddled elvath. There were more males than females here and I even saw a few elvath children. “Yvette calm them and Virtue get them away from here and over to Castle Riza. Guards on me!”

  The rest of the griffins landed. I saw Yvette speaking to the now freed prisoners in elvish. Virtue created a portal and the elvath timidly stepped through. I waited for my dvaren and harem guard to form around me. Ruby kissed my cheek while we waited. I raised an eyebrow.

  “Sure know how to make a lady moist. Let her hurl fiery destruction from a griffin’s back. Hottest thing ever!” Ruby said as she balled her fists to hips and twirled on one leg while raising the other. The woman was very happy and I enjoyed the view of her mages robe rotating to reveal her plush behind. Yup… Built exactly like Amber. I need to teach them both how to twerk. I pulled out my pen and paper while I noted twerking with a grin to my to do list. She would be pregnant soon if she kept flirting with me this audaciously.

  I was zoned out thinking of the naughty things I would do to Ruby when Victoria swirled a bit of wind around my face. Awe. That had to be the nicest way I had been broken from my daydreams. I extended my arm to her and she linked into my elbow. Ruby pouted until she received my right elbow. We were ready to go with mages inside, dvaren with the clanky heavy armor on the outside.

  “We are walking toward the shipbuilding. I will have the enemy commanders walk our way.” I said. I sent the command through the contract and in the distance, a dozen plus bodies went from laying down to standing. “Slaves, you are to clean up the dead and pile them by that portal. Bury all the feces in this entire encampment. Then you will all bathe. After that, you are to keep the production chain on these ships going.”

  The mass of Horde rose off the ground and trudged to get the work done that I commanded. Even a dozen ogres had accepted the enslavement contract from me. What in the seven hells was I going to do with them? Or was I building my own Horde army at this point?

  I decided to pause here and let the enemy leaders get closer. Mainly because I was feeling stupid walking with this amount of guards. I sighed in frustration. I knew this was the last major victory for Vin though. I should be happy and did smile at this achievement. It felt cheap. The enemy threw down weapons and cowered because of the griffins. Lemons into lemonade.

  Three cyclops and a dozen shamans reached us and my guards allowed them to pass. “From this day forward I proclaim this harbor and settlement to be called Ooney Bay. Kneel and address me as your Emperor… Emperor Gryff of Vin,” I commanded and they obeyed. I waved Urshoe forward.

  “You are bound to me and will serve at my whim. Which of you can use portals?” I asked. Only one shaman and one cyclops raised his hand. I decided I would leave the cyclops here because Urshoe would need them. I need to utilize the shaman myself so I would be stealing him. “This is Urshoe, glean Fernlan from her my new shaman. Good, now leave us and go to Fernlan. Report to Roz. Tell her you are not to be added to her harem. Your new role in life is to facilitate our expansions. To the northeastern deserts cities. Nod if you understand your instructions.”

  The shaman nodded and walked outside our formation to create a small portal. Moments later it vanished after he stepped through. I was glad we got another portal master, we certainly needed to expand our fishing and liveable space.

  I snapped to get everyone's attention again. “This is Urshoe, she is my liaison and a gifted manager. I am making her overlord for Ooney Bay. Any objections Overlord Urshoe?”

  She was confused at this revelation. I saw Urshoe go to talk and she instead clammed up. Well, might as well get things organized for her until she was ready.

  “For you three cyclops. When a ship comes to the dock, get the crew to accept enslavement, or have the ogres butcher them. Any dead will be piled over by the portal. From this moment forward I will have your water purified and from this day forward expect all your feces to be buried. Your troops will be sanitary. You will offload the ships and leave them resting in the harbor. I want a list of all your needs that are required to maintain this army. That includes gear, supplies, and anything you find relevant. Congratulate overlord Urshoe on her promotion.”

  The three cyclops and eleven shaman bowed. I realized I needed these male shamans for Roz and Siliq. I made a note on my paper. Ruby gasped as she watched over my
shoulder. I had written add shaman to harem. Which caused the reaction. Then I inked… for Roz and Siliq and Ruby gave an embarrassed oh… I smirked and turned to place my hands on Urshoes shoulders.

  “Urshoe, you will manage and maintain my Horde army that seems to be growing. You told me when you wanted employment that you were a gifted manager of goblins. Now become a gifted manager with this team. I will leave the three cyclops. The rest of these shamans are going to be going to Goblin Isle. Utilize Goblin Isle as you see fit. I expect you to figure out some way to be productive to our economy. Either by fishing, harvesting goblins, or something. You have seen enough of Vin to have an idea where you can be impactful. Oh… I need to earn souls more than anything else. Well, souls and animal feed. But animal feed is cheap to buy… So souls. As for the troops… Have them train in the mornings then get these boats built. As for the cyclops, you can make these three males your harem though if you want. Let me know what you need for a budget. When you are ready I will be in Castle Riza, in Fernlan, or Entria. Any questions?”

  “I will need time. A few days to sort this mess, and you need to alter the slave contract so I can command them. I am not a wife of yours.” Urshoe said and I noticed that wives were in the command list and she was not. I kept them there and added Urshoe. “Better my lord. I will need a few mages to build structures. There should be goblin hearts in the dead pile that I will order them extracted. If there is not enough may I trade some orcs for goblins at the market to build this into a proper Horde city. Ooney bay will make you proud in time, Emperor Gryff.”

  “Kill as many as you want. I plan on buying some more goblins here soon anyway. I need to go now. Good luck Urshoe. Send your portal cyclops with your requests to my wives in eastern Fernlan if you do not find me easily. Ensure they do not portal to my balcony and they deliver the paperwork to my guards. The griffins do not like guarding the castle with all the random portals.” I said to her and spun to return to Virtue. “We are taking that portal. Air and earth mages in front.”


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