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Gryff The Griffin Rider 3 (A Fantastic Harem)

Page 21

by Marcus Sloss

  His message was ominous, yet the old shaman grinned happily.

  “King Aves, I am going to see my children and check in on two elvath that should be giving birth. Can you handle these Horde here? I will leave the dvaren to help clean up the mess and to set a guard in Castle Riza.” I asked the griffin.

  “Consider it done, they will accept my slave contract or burn. I wanted to clarify something before you go. Does this mean no endless war boar?” Barice said for the frowning griffin. It was really hard to read expressions on griffins. In this case, it was super clear. Someone had taken Aves’ ball and popped it. They also stole their favorite toy and hid it.

  “It is on my to do list. Top priority on acquisitions. I have to move some bibles first then war boar. It is the least I can do…” I said as all the griffins shot fireballs into the air at my statement. Yes. They loved their war boar. “Nate, I need you to stay here and organize a defense with General Halsad. Tell him tomorrow I want a thousand dvaren who are the best of the best, sent right here at sunrise. I am making a strike team. Have him send an instructor on dvaren formations too. We will build off their work. If he says he only needs a certain number here and he wants to send the rest to Uhara or Iceshore that is fine. Griffins will be the primary defenders and his men are there to seal the gaps. Yvette, I want some archers here at all times too.”

  “Building a new team are ya? I will get one of the new shamans to portal us around. Once I am done I will see you at home. Just so we are clear. Dvaren to return home beside a guard force at Castle Riza. Leave the elite of the elite on this field for portal pickup tomorrow morning.” Nate clarified and I confirmed.

  “Virtue take us to Fernlan eastern market… Take me to the seamstress shop.”

  I picked up the bibles and opened the bag. There were a lot of the small books in here neatly organized. I transferred a dozen into my personal bag as Virtue spun the portal into existence. I waited until it was my turn to return home.


  Outside the seamstress shop, there were only a few people walking around our growing group. I sent Yvette in and she informed the next five could be fitted. The bossy lady said to send the last five tomorrow morning. I ordered my team leaders per mage type in to get fitted with orders to return home when done.

  It was past midday here and it was chilly. I was also hungry evident by my cranky stomach. I knew these girls all need to move into rooms on the sixth floor which would take time. That was assuming the guards who had resided in there previously had moved to the fifth floor already. They would figure it out, my main concern was to take a break for everyone. I wanted to check on Nexa and Ahris. I hoped Nexa had not died yet giving birth to my son. An earsplitting scream erupted from the castle. Either Nexa had given her final cry right as I thought of her, or my family was under attack. Virtue spun the portal and I leaped through.

  I exited on my western facing balcony. There in my bed was Nexa. Lady Linzy was covering her eyes and a young baby was being handed off to a dvarette I recognized. Unoxa, the same lady who had taken care of Herc after his birth held the wrapped up baby. I tossed the bible bag onto the ground by the bed and walked over to my newest son. From the corner of my eye, I saw Yvette comforting Linzy who was crying over Nexa’s death. Another scream rang in our halls. The two ladies were gone before I could ask. I stayed with Unoxa and my newborn son.

  This was my first time viewing my blood mixed with an elvath. The little baby was red and angry. There was actually not much to see at this age besides his ears were a touch longer with slight points. He was also smaller in raw mass than Herc. It made me curious as to what Nautica and my child would look like. Assuming I could bake a baby in her oven. I glanced over at the bed and the dead elvath. I scooped her in my arms and had Virtue portal me to the river’s edge.

  I shifted locations in a mere moment and scattered a hundred monox digging in the dirt. When I called out for griffin aid Lydia and the trio of terror flew to my location. The four of them dug a hole for me. When I laid Nexa into the deep grave, Lance, Pearl, and Sunny covered her gently. I thanked them for their time. The trio asked for food and their momma scolded them. I jumped back into the portal and into my home.

  The sheets were being removed because of the birthing mess as the maids and servants worked quickly. Velia wheeled in Pipi and I rushed to them. I covered them in all the kisses.

  “I cannot breathe husband.” Pipi pouted with a fake complaint.

  “If you can talk you can breathe. I was so worried about you my sweet Pipi. Ladies,” I said as I looked over my shoulder. The last of my harem guards were waiting on my balcony. I decided to dismiss them. “This is a private floor and griffins sit on perches watching my balconies. I want you to get moved into your new rooms. Have someone bring us food please.”

  My newest wives curtsied and excused themselves.

  “Fifteen more… The man who complained of three. I heard about Uqsie, Tammy, and Nexa. Also Duke Riza. I know you admired the man. How are you holding up?” Velia asked while rubbing a hand down my face.

  “I tricked a few thousand elvath into becoming slaves. I justify it as saving their race. That one was a gut punch. I also got conned myself… Sort of. For a moment I thought I got the better of the advancing gods in a deal… Yeah. That was dumb of me. On the plus side, Vin is free now. From invasion armies anyways. The griffins scattered parts to the portal to make it so it can never be fixed again. Then they encased the unbroken sections in so much earth magic it can never be fully broken. We own Vin for now and forever it seems like. That is a big plus in my books.”

  “Thank you,” both of my wives said. Pipi gave off a mighty yawn.

  I picked Pipi up out of her wooden wheelchair and carried her to the bed. “I will be home for a few weeks if not months. I plan on training an elite force to raid the Horde planets that I find as worthy targets. The duchesses will need help integrating. As will Nautica, and Yvette. They will probably need to support staff of their own kind. Amber will be swamped. Bella is gone, and Addilyn is managing livestock to ensure we all eat food that is not a rat. In a few days, forty million more people come through to Vin from the river area. It is going to be a wild next month. I want you girls to know I love and will try to do this very thing. Spending time with you when I can.”

  Velia tucked in beside Pipi. Both girls bore droopy eyes. “We need to rest from birthing super sized children. Even the short jaunt was a lot. Give us kisses, then close that drafty balcony door please.”

  I executed my tasks as instructed while I stole glances at the two women I loved. I tucked my wives into bed and left the room. I needed to find Amber to see what I could help with. I went to the eastern room and found Ahris cradling my daughter in her arms while resting in my bed. I was asked quietly where Nexa was and I told the elvath where I buried her. This was met with sadness but I accepted her wish and would honor her memory. I went to Ahris and kissed her and my new daughter.

  “Erisa is her name, assuming you approve my Emperor. She has a lot of green aura. One hard push and she came right out. Even helped heal me on the way. She is the first of her kind. A child of a demigod of magic and an elvath. I have faith in the four she will be a mighty mage.” Ahris beamed at her daughter.

  “That is wonderful Ahris. She is the absolute cutest. What name did Nexa choose?” I asked.

  “Jall, she asked for him to be named Jall. I will go see her grave when I can. Thank you for burying her yourself. Ah… no time to dote on your daughter the Empress awaits.” Ahris said and nodded her head behind me.

  I saw Amber feeding Herc with both big tits out. I grinned at the bouncy yumminess and went to suck on the other teet when Yvette booby blocked me. No fair.

  “Come husband we have paperwork to go over. The servants asked if the two orders of food was on purpose. Since you are home, I said it most certainly was.” Amber said and chuckled. The ladies knew how I loved food.

  Training was going to start tomorrow, even wit
h the downturn in me actually having heart pumping fighting I would get a good workout. Could probably…

  “Where is Addilyn? I want to go running with her this evening.” I asked as we worked our way to our dining room. When we entered there was a salad with steak in it. The meat type was a mystery and my mouth watered all the same. “You want to join us?”

  “I do. Never been big on running. The endless paperwork, countless meetings, and then birthing Lila. I need to exercise, thank the elvath as saviors. They made it so Lilia did not destroy my figure or my body. Helped that I only swelled for four days. While I have not added a lot of weight I cannot promise to run as fast as you two… It would be good to invite the duchesses as well.” Amber said as I slid her chair out for her. When she was comfy she continued and I went to my chair to gobble down my food. “Rarish Empire. They will come to our shores eventually. Probably best if you do not have Urshoe greet them. Yes, my Emperor… Your Empress knows all. Surprisingly I was sent a notice that a volunteer is going to remain in Ooney Bay. Lord Nova himself wants to stay with a few hundred griffins. They want to hunt the area and find war boar to increase our breeding numbers. He said his interpreter… an elvath named Hai could handle diplomacy. She knows how we operate. He may have had her mention that they are there in case the Horde rebels.”

  I nodded between bites of food.

  “Good I agreed too. Next is Dennis and the smithies. They want to start exploring the Saquin Mountains. Like really, really, want to. Any objections?” Amber asked.

  I paused my gobbling of food. “Pen and paper please,” I said and she handed me a set. “There are about to be a lot of dvaren without work. If Vin is secure I do not need a million dvaren soldiers. I need farmers, miners, fisherven… Does fisherven work? By the creator, I was upset about being the boss and right now I love it. Fisherven is a thing now. Emperor’s approval.”

  Amber rolled her eyes as I wrote the letter. It was a declaration. I was giving the dvaren a purpose. To dig and build in the mountains as far and as deep as they desired. The story of how the elvath was defeated shook me to the core. I doubted Torn could affect the magic of Vin as easily as he could on other planets. Being prepared never hurt though. The order said to establish cities of wonder and splendor. I would be attaching mages as I could to aid them and gift another shaman. That would mean I allocated two out of the new four shamans to the dvaren. One for Iceshore, and one now for the Saquin expansion.

  That left me with no free shamans. Once Glowvia sent her ogres plus portal shaman I would worry a lot less. I knew I could trade an elvath on Kikra for more than she was trading for the ones I was sending her. The issue was I knew where these were going and it was more about helping the slave species recover than making soul stones.

  I reached into my bag and pulled out my reformed lists. They were missing a bunch of stuff on them, not much I could do about that. I saw Addilyn and Roz arrive to join us for dinner. This was perfect because I needed them both. As both the ladies sat, I was brought another bowl of salad with steak. I had to hand it to Amber. She sure did find some amazing servants and staff. I could never complain about our home. It was always neat, clean, and orderly. It was even more organized now that we had the extra wet nurses and green mages.

  I ate my steak as I looked over my list of things to resolve. I saw one thing on the list that immediately grabbed my attention. It affected all my expenditures.

  “Hey Roz, since gold holds no value as a currency in the Horde ecosystem. What do they do with it?” I said as I looked at my note – find out souls to gold ratio.

  “It is almost useless in our society and hold very little value. If you plan on buying some for souls that can easily be done on a mineral exchange world. It would probably be best to do a wide sample purchase there too. The dvaren would know better than me but they would be frowned on if I brought them to trade. I can go get some samples and be back in less than an hour. Do you have anything to trade? We are low on…”

  I interrupted here when I pulled a complete set of a dozen unique bibles out of my bag.

  Roz opened them and giggled. “Interesting that you have these. They should fetch a lot to the right buyer. Less to the average cyclops. I will need two hours and then will be back with your samples and some extra gold for you to smelt into coins. You humans are so funny. Our silver value is ten thousand gold ounces to one silver ounce. Where you value gold as more…”

  “Send Virtue in here will you please. He should be on my western balcony if not eastern.” I said and went back to eating a few big bites. “Addilyn I have a couple of questions. Did all the seeds get planted for our fields? And then did we ever setup a goblin slaughter factory?”

  Addilyn chuckled at my question. “The fields that could be planted are done with a variety of different winter crops. We left the ryegrass growing where we planted it for now. There is more work than workers… Before you remind me, we know. There is help coming. As for the slaughter factory. It is in progress southwest of Streb. It will drain the blood and gore not collected into the river there. The goblins can be frozen in underground chambers not far away. The system is simple they go in and are ordered to stand still. Then they are decapitated. The dvaren built a neat tool to remove the heart. You punch a circular metal device into the chest. Then squeeze a hand to close the jaws of the circle. Then they pull the heart free. The dvaren handled it. Said the entire operation can open tomorrow assuming we have enough water mages available to keep meat from rotting.”

  I clapped my hands at this. That was perfect.

  “Next item on my list then. This one is for Amber. The desert cities of Wonva, Exira, and Baku. I tasked a shaman to come here. Did he show up yet?” I asked.

  “Little green man much younger than Virtue… No offense Virtue.” Amber said as Virtue entered the room. I gestured for him to sit and the servants gave him a steak salad. “Yes, he is here. He is gleaning locations from our scouts down in the Tipsy. Then he is going to travel to them with some mages once they get back from the front. I know you want to start the expansion, and it will be done, my Emperor.”

  “Everything cannot be perfect like this… We need something to go wrong.” I said and Amber laughed.

  “The griffins make things so much easier. The initial reports from the Saquin Mountains came back. There are ogres inside caverns too small for griffins. So there is that. Granlan and Pinelan are infested with orcs. The cities cannot be saved and will have to be rebuilt. Every city we have besides Livina needs more buildings built. Every operation we are running is understaffed. Then there are rumblings around the city of crime. A few petty thefts here and there. It may be Salvoni sympathizers or it could be we have grown to the size of a settlement that bad people do bad things. We are out of souls and almost out of gold. The ice tundra has produced nothing so far and cost us a lot. Our wagons production is ramping up without a single unit sold. Duke Riza died and now we will end up behind on our vole production. Shall I go on my Emperor?”

  I went from my chair and kissed my wife before seating myself again.

  “Yes, not everything is perfect. Thanks for adding to my to do list. I will visit these caves with our assembled teams when I can. Probably after a week of training. I will work on getting our funds back up to manageable levels. How desperate are we? Weeks? Days?”

  “On gold four or five weeks in reserves. We burned a lot for this war that was a success. So money well spent.” Addilyn answered as Amber patted her hand. It was her money. Ouch.

  “Virtue you know the Horde better than Roz. I want to move a dozen books funds to procure soul stones, extra gold in case the rate is low, and for war… animals… phew. Did you understand what I requested?” I asked and he shook his head no. I wrote war boar. If you say it out loud the griffins go crazy! Do not say those words! I then slid the paper over. “We clear now?”

  Virtue let a giant smile spread across his face that was followed by that odd laugh of his. “So Gryff… I know a breeder of th
is species. They breed them to exploit any wealthy chieftains they find. They will dump a few dozen in the proximity of the chieftain’s settlement. The orcs pay good soul stones for the chance of trying to tame one as a mount. The funny thing is they are kept in pens until delivered to a world. Do you want to guess the irony of you asking me about war boar?” Virtue said and then his face lit up at realizing his mistake.

  “War boar?” “Where is the war boar?” “Can I have some war boar?”

  The nagging repeating of war boar questions pestered me until Dina calmed them. She finally got them to shut up because it was interrupting her labor. I glared at the shaman who found his staff suddenly very interesting.

  “Okay, well… Lesson learned. I do not know the irony Virtue. I do know, I now owe you one griffin mental torment. So please fill me in.” I said.

  “Well, it carries less of a punchline now. Rakmar happens to own a farm of the creatures I mentioned earlier. A dozen of your newest bibles should entice him to part with a lot of stock. If that doesn’t work offer to have them signed by the original author. Not like she doesn’t owe you anyway.” Virtue said this while picking the steak out of the salad.

  “Delay on the run?” Amber asked with a pout.

  I knew the girls wanted to spend time together. I kept telling myself that would happen next. The war boar and getting some souls were more important than a run. I really did want to ease back on the tempo and get some family time in.

  “Hopefully before or right after the sun sets. I saw something really neat on Praxa that might work here. Maybe a train system over the city. They had orcs using hand carts. We could do that here and build a running track beside it…” I said and Addilyn burst from her chair to grab my pen and paper. “Awe, you are adorable. You put a heart beside the note. Train with running track. Well ladies, you have lots to do and we have a cyclops to visit. I need to stop by my room. We will grab three sets of bibles then leave.”


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