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Gryff The Griffin Rider 3 (A Fantastic Harem)

Page 28

by Marcus Sloss

  I crafted a circle platform with chairs and a rectangular table on top of it. My seat was a throne at the head meeting area. I planted my butt in my position of power and waited. There were a dozen seats. I watched as those important to my empire joined me at the table. On my right, Yvette seated herself as she separated from our approaching army. I saw Ruby dismount from a rel and take the seat on my left. Virtue was in the back with General Halsad and Colonel Prixal. As they walked our way the drums stopped thumping. My other mage wives joined the table. Victoria, Cora, Priscilla, and Maise were all here and seated. When Virtue and the dvaren joined us I began.

  “I threw an axe through a shaman. He is splattered over there. That closed his portal as well as the silver he was sending elsewhere. I wanted to kill him before he could getaway. We will probably never find where the extra minerals went.” I said to the group and pulled out a water skin from my bag. I rinsed the blood off my face and from around my mouth before I gulped some water down. “General Halsad, I have received many requests from the dvaren for a mine holding. How does Hallow Hold sound and would you like to manage it?”

  The general pulled on his black beard in thought. “There are more qualified dvaren then me to run it. I can help them with establishing this Hallow Hold. The name works and you earned the victory so only fitting that you name it for us. I think if you keep these Horde here, for now, we can simply reap what they toil for us. Then when the professionals are established send these to Ooney Bay. Or to market.”

  Yvette raised a hand and I nodded. “We can free a lot of slaves with this silver. I recommend moving it from here to market.”

  Prixal went next. “The caves, tunnels, and caverns in here are extensive. It will take weeks to clear out everything to feel completely secure. I suggest leaving the dvaren regulars to cleanse this place while we move on. I think we should take a few days off and conduct an after action review. We lost some good troops that might have been saved. The victory was very solid though.”

  “You can randomly cast magic without catalyst. All of us mages thirst for such power,” Ruby said and I saw the other mages nodding. “We need to focus on your casting skills and test them. See if you can do the same thing while off Vin…”

  “He will not be able to. While the power unlocked the spells and abilities. He will not be able to infinitely cast while off Vin. He will be forced to use catalysts and have limits. We will do his training on another planet to get the true feel of what he is capable of.” Virtue said while sliding his fingers into each other to join his hand. He rested his head on the arch that his arms created as his elbows touched the table. “This mine will be another major boon to your economy. Unlike the tundra, there are a few million to tens of millions of souls piled down here already. The question becomes what do you buy my Emperor?”

  “I want to see what Amber is needing. She, Addilyn, and Roz have been tirelessly… And Yvette, Nautica, with Emily also. Sorry I did not leave you out on purpose. They have been tirelessly working to maintain our Empire. There are still worlds with markets we have not explored, and slaves we can easily buy. Our bibles are adding to our soul stone counts also. I guess what I am getting at, is we got a big win. Let us take a few days to figure out what the empire needs. I would hate to rush out and free five million dvaren to only find out the pressing priority was cloth for clothing and now citizens will freeze.”

  “Wise decision my lord,” Victoria said. She was the highest noble born I had at the table.

  “I will tend to the wounded for now. If you will excuse me,” Priscilla said and left the table. I was not offended in the least. If my wife had work to do instead of sitting at a meeting so be it.

  “Okay, well enough for now. General Halsad, I will leave Siliq with you. Cleanse any resistance. Get me a detailed map of this area. Expect Count Donnie to come and be a human liaison for your needs. I will assign a shaman to him to help. Virtue, summon a portal to my western balcony. I need to get clean.”

  “Dibs!” Ruby shouted. When the portal opened she leaped through first. Probably racing for our shower and bathing room. My other wives giggled and I followed them home.


  I found myself not in Fernlan on a balcony with wives wanting to strip me naked. Instead, I was standing over an exploding star whose destruction had suddenly been paused. The one god of the seven I had yet to meet waited patiently. He had his hands tucked together over his portly body. The god was in a body that portrayed a species I had never seen before. It had three eyes no nose and an evil looking mouth of sharp teeth. The two arms and two legs gave it a humanoid feel. The white cloak with hood helped with the evil vibe especially since it was initially black when I arrived. This was Maurta and he had pulled me from my travels for a talk. I knew how to get back home now. I also was expecting this sooner.

  “Maurta. How may I help you?” I asked.

  The god of portal travel and nullifying electrical magic stared at me. He was agitated and angry. He was not one to stall or delay though.

  “I want my daughter,” Maurta said while he seethed with rage. “I find it beneath me to travel from my studies. Do you know how many gods have mismanaged their champions? I am the only one to have never lost their child. This is a first and an utter disappointing turn of events for me.”

  “Would you like to see her?” I asked with a grin.

  “This instant. Think of the dungeon you have her confined in.” Maurta demanded.

  I thought of the library she had claimed as her home. Seven hells she even had a large cozy room above the library on with a south facing balcony. Maurta came over and gleaned the location. He frowned in confusion but summoned the portal regardless. The god stepped through and I followed him.


  I should not have been surprised that Maurta created a portal inside the building. He was the god of portals. He exited into the heart of the library by where the curator's desk was. A name place identified his daughter. She was on ladder sorting books not far away. The portal was so quiet she never even turned until I clomped around.

  Aww… I was back in my gore soaked armor and the library staff would go berserk at my filth. “I will return in an hour or two. Enjoy your time together.” I said as I made for the exit.

  “Are you not concerned I will simply portal her away,” Maurta asked. His anger was still there. I could tell I had chunked away some of it.


  I exited the library that was south of the castle. I entered into decent foot traffic and was gawked at by my populace. It was a combination of smell and sheer disgustingness of my armor. Luckily the castle was less than a block away and I only had to endure so many comments. My guards to my private stairwell rang a chime at my arrival. I fully intended to walk up the stairs, instead, a portal spawned beside me. I stepped through it and found myself among my guards as well as concerned wives.

  “Alright everyone calm yourselves. Maurta is here visiting his daughter. I need the library locked down to avoid some idiot doing something idiots are known for. Outside of that I desperately want a bath.” I said.

  “How about a bath with a shave combo?” Pipi said. She was looking much better. Her girls were on full display with her corset on tight. “Phew… It took this long for your stench to arrive at my nostrils. Follow us husband. We will attend to your reintegration to nobility.”

  That did the trick. The groups split up with everyone attending to their own business. I followed Pipi who walked with Victoria. The other duchesses went the other way from my room to the sixth floor stairs. A servant opened the showering room door. I saw Ruby inside lounging against a set of jets in the soaking tub. They pushed her large tits up to float at the surface. I loved being me. Ruby opened an eye to look at my entrance.

  “Took you long enough,” Ruby muttered as Victoria led me under the showers.

  We rinsed blood and bits of the dead off and down an open drain. I never enjoyed showering in my armor. It did make cleanin
g it easier long term though. I undid the clasps to Victoria’s armor while Pipi prepared sheers and lathered soap at the edge of the bath by Ruby. I saw Pipi admiring the view of Ruby’s jiggling tits.

  When Victoria was naked she turned and helped get my gear off. I watched the water contour over her plump breasts, down her flat belly, and then drop from her freshly shaven pussy. There was a grin on her face as she tried to get my trousers down to only notice my erection stopped their removal.

  I shifted my boner and the pants hit the shower tiled floor. Victoria had an oopsie and dropped the soap she had ready to lather me with. She bent over and touched her toes. That was all the invitation I needed. I slid my large cock to her tight vagina and she slowly pushed back against my girth. With aggressive rough thrusts, I drove my penis deep into her. Victoria preferred missionary and I was surprised she offered herself up so readily. I felt Victoria squeeze on me with all her effort and I quickly released my cum deep into her.

  I noticed Pipi smirk while she watched me pound the duchess with a few final stabs of my cock. Ruby pouted from behind, we both knew it was a fake pout. I was fairly certain Ruby was pregnant from a few days ago. I tended to do that fairly easily. If a woman had a ready egg, my sperm would find it. I was actually surprised more twins and triplets were not born.

  With my post sex sated I climbed into the relaxing bath. Pipi attached a hair catching bib around my neck and went to work with sheers. When she freed my ears of excess hair she hummed a soft song. It was lulling me into a nap until I felt Ruby and Victoria nestle into me. Bella would have been offended by such audacity from lower wives. Not Pipi. She enjoyed my company in all settings. I also saw her staring at those naked ladies as much as I did if not more. I was shaved with a straight razor after a thorough lathering.

  The combination of a being freshly clean, nicely trimmed, and recently sexed pulled me into a nap. The ladies dragged me from the baths to my western bed where the balcony was closed and the curtains were drawn shut. I fell asleep with Pipi only. The others went to their rooms.

  Sometime later the curtains were drawn open and I wanted to hiss at the bright light they brought in. Amber was the culprit.

  “Time to rise dear husband. You know it is bad when the only one willing to wake you is me. Maurta is requesting your presence. Pipi help him get dressed, there is an outfit here at the end of the bed.” Amber said and left the room with the door open.

  I stretched my way out of the bed and saw Pipi grinning at me. If I didn’t know any better those were her sex eyes. “Tonight is my night husband and I got a special surprise lined up.” She said as my tunic went over my torso. My trousers were held open for me.

  “Oh yeah! I thought you were recovering still.”

  “I hope I am not. If it is too painful I promised to send you to Bella. The girls are getting ready for round two. I think they want to stagger birthing your babies out more. Well, your duchesses are different, they all want children now and are not happy about the one per mage type rule. We queens, want to support each other after a birth. As you have seen that entails a lot of work for a few days if not weeks. Side note Vern was wondering if you would take him for a tour of Iceshore. I told him with all the spare mages we could go without you and you were really busy.”

  “I am all for whatever it is you ladies decide. Thanks for the shave, the cut, and the snuggles. Tell Vern next downtime I would love to show him Vartin Tundra. I will see you this evening my love,” I said and gave my cheerful wife a deep kiss goodbye.

  As I bounded down the stairs I decided to keep my mind open when meeting with Maurta. To be honest besides closing the portal to our universe there was not much I desired. That was something I knew he would vehemently reject. So then it came down to what I wanted. Gravin reminded me on our last visit he wanted the invasion fleet Warg was prepping to land at the exact spot it was supposed to. I shrugged the thoughts off as I exited the castle.

  I ran the short distance to the library when I heard a chant of protest. “We are not slaves! Set us free!” That was definitely human voices shouting in anger. I found the contracts clumped together in that area to stop chanting. I paused to see if they did indeed go silent. I would deal with that issue later.

  There was a set of dvaren with Virtue guarding the library entrance. I passed them as the doors were opened for me.

  Maurta sat with a giggling Aroxa at a table with Horde bibles. “Interesting copies these. Never thought the originals would see the light of day. You have some powerful friends. I was warned as much. I came here expecting something far more different than the reality. Thank you for treating my daughter kindly. I am afraid I cannot offer much. I am limited and bound by prior commitments. I am certain you yourself will understand such things. I find myself overjoyed to see Aroxa so happy though. She will get to study and learn a lot here. There much to uncover about your magics and mysteries of this planet.”

  I joined them at the table. There was a part of me that expected him to extend some form of an offer. We sat there in silence for a moment.

  “I must return to my studies. I am not one of personal possessions or wealth. I do find short breaks with Aroxa well rewarding. I can offer to not cut off your portal power from my diplomatic reserves for treating my daughter so well.” Maurta said. I extended a simple contract. Current arrangements for Aroxa would stay the same in exchange for portal power. Done. We both agreed and he left his seat. “Interesting place you have here Gryff, the demigod of Lily. Know that I do not consider you an evil foe that must be purged from existence. If my prior commitments did not dictate my current actions, I would consider getting to know this place you call Vin better. Alas, for now, I wish you and my daughter the best.”

  With that Maurta spun a small portal and left the library. I looked to Aroxa who had tears in her eyes. I went to talk to her when she waved me off and continued her work. She was a good friend with Virtue. I was certain if there was available information to be learned he would relay it to me.

  I exited the library and signaled for Virtue to go in. I needed to pester Roz and Amber over finances. It was time to buy some slaves while acquiring slave locations to raid. I walked back to my estate when I heard stomping and the pounding of fists. Right the protestors. Humans, I swear they were the most fickle of the bunch.

  A few streets later and I turned left toward a restaurant district not far from the river. On that road, I saw a gathering of a few hundred angry women with a few men. I undid the silence binding and they slowly realized they could chant again. When they started we are not slave slogan – I reinforced the silence.

  “News flash, you are slaves,” I said as a defiant angry woman pointed at me while stomping into my personal space.

  I bitch slapped her so hard she went unconscious. That one stung my hand. I probably broke her jaw. There was a mixed reaction. A few supporters rushed to her aid while the rest backed up in fear. The first man that bent to assist her receive a boot to his ribs. Now I pulled the kick. I really and truly did. This man was five feet and weighed at most one forty. He died within moments, I had probably pierced his heart with a broken rib or broke his heart from its arterial walls. I would probably toss him in the dirt just the same as warriors who died. Killed by a kick to the chest from the Emperor. Do not piss off the demigod with super strength confirmed. I bent down as the others gave me room and healed the woman.

  She came to and saw the dead lightweight. “Devon… Devon… Wake up!” She screamed. I let this be her lesson and turned my back to find Amber.

  “How dare you? I am Supreme Chancellor Nica of Alpha Prime,” She bellowed at my back. “You… I find you guilty of murder. Arrest him.”

  I needed a good laugh. This one certainly did the trick. I saw a few bored griffins land to watch the debacle unfold. They liked a good theater show. I decided to have some more fun.

  “Oh my gosh, by the creator. A Supreme Chancellor! Tell me did you slay hundreds of Horde before you were captured and turned
into the slave you are?” I asked.

  “Arrest him! These are my personal guard, and you will rue the day you crossed me and murdered my assistant.” She screamed with control. It was as if the woman were born to be dramatic. Her three guards closed on me to obey her commands.

  “Lay down,” I said her guards and they obeyed my order. “Listen. One time offer. Supreme idiot of nothing. I really would prefer not to bloody my clothes, you would have no idea how much scrubbing it takes to get blood out of one's hair. Trust me I do. I am Emperor Gryff, your lord and slave master. I have killed thousands of Horde. I have won more than my share of battles. I will never, ever, tolerate orders from sniveling cowards who hide in the rear behind diplomacy. With that being said I still see you standing.”

  “I brokered peace for my people, half of us became slaves while the other half went to Earth to join General Redland’s army of free people. It was a…”

  “This general did he have a first name?”

  “Gryff Redland, famous leader who died freeing Earth? How could you not know that?” She demanded.

  “Describe him.”

  “Tall, handsome, a talented field commander. Died from assassination during a celebration ball.”

  “In all your years of being a Supreme diplomat did you ever lie to your populace about something that was vital to security?” I asked and she shrugged. I had a feeling the group behind her were support staff or fellow Alpha Prime residents. “I am Gryff Redland, you daft bitch. You are in my home now. I will not tolerate your insolence.”

  I kicked her in the vagina and felt as her pelvis shattered. She immediately yelped and dropped to her knees. I swiftly executed her with a sidekick to the head. Her brain ejected from her skull and splattered on the wall. That was how the second most powerful leader of humanity died. Survived a dozen plus years of war to be murdered by a slave master. I walked to the three men lying on the dirt road. With my right foot, I applied the perfect amount of pressure to cave in skulls without dirtying my pants. With five dead protestors in the street, I went to the cowering group.


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