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Gryff The Griffin Rider 3 (A Fantastic Harem)

Page 37

by Marcus Sloss

  I had to give it to Pebble he was lighting quick. I let his thrust pierce my chest and only barely miss my heart. I could have dodged the move. An example needed to be made. I shot forward and gripped his hand. The majority of his thin long sword was out my back. My white tunic was ruined.

  I maniacally laughed while he gaped. My right hand gripped tighter until he screamed from the shattered joint. A second blade sunk into my neck and I grabbed that wrist with my left hand. I removed the blade and felt my blood pumping out. I saw it covering his face as he spurted it out of his open mouth. That continued until I healed the neck wound and his broken wrist. I crushed both his hands this time and kicked the fallen dagger to the ground. I stepped back.

  A rapid yank and his sword was free. I healed my wound. Flutter watched Pebble stare at his ruined hands. I held his weapon for his allies to see. I heated it until it flared red, then I froze it, and finally, I dropped it. The weapon was master crafted and it sprinkled across the floor in tiny pieces.

  I walked over to Pebble and healed him again. He punched my face until his hand broke for a third time. Finally, it sunk into him as I healed all his damage.

  “Leaflet Flutter, I cannot defeat this… this… demon.” Pebble pleaded to his mistress.

  I raced forward while he was distracted. I lined my sidekick up perfectly. An aura increased roundhouse sent him flying in a scream out the opening to a small balcony and down a hundred plus feet. He screamed until he landed in the bay.

  “Heal him, Lord Nova. His life is forfeit.” I said to the air.

  Flutter collected herself faster than her envoy. No more gloves were dropped across the floor. Shocker. She went back to her negotiation spot in the middle of the floor. She chose to even step in my pooled blood.

  “The humans who came to us were indeed given menial jobs. They toil in hard labor while being treated far better than the Horde would have. What happened to our people?” Flutter asked.

  “A few thousand made it off world before I could get here in time to realize they had been found. You know that new planet in the skyline. That is an elvath only planet. The rest are there. I will send Glowvia over to envoy for us to your Rarish Empire. I would like to claim more of your males to trade. Are any of you brave enough to challenge me?”

  “You cannot simply best our warriors in combat and claim their souls…”

  “Can, will, and did. If you or your ilk come into my chambers in one of my castles and claims to be a god in front of a demigod…” I tired of the conversation. I did not need to explain myself to this Leaflet. “Go home Flutter, before you ruin our chances of trade and diplomacy. Your attitude failed you and maybe mine failed me. I have things to attend to… There is a college reunion I must go to. Does that work?”

  “See I can tell when you are lying. There is no, reunion you speak of.”

  “Perfect. I want to sink your ship and make you all my slaves to trade for millions of elvath in other places. Then when the next Leaflet shows up to talk or war, blame it on the Horde. Does that work for you or would you become my slave?”

  Flutter bowed and her routine followed her out. I was tempted to ambush them and then thought better of it. I wanted those males. Peanut Pebble would have to do though. I hoped he survived his… Lord Nova dragged him dripping wet to the small balcony.

  “Thanks. Lord Nova, I am not surprised you were at odds with those elvath. Maybe I am just cranky, but I swear I was in a great mood before they showed up.” I said as I leaned over the elvath. He was alive. I sent a peace contract and he accepted. His eyes shot open and I healed him back to sleep. Perfect. “I am going to need to trade him in an hour or two. Care to give me a flight of your progress here around Ooney Bay while I wait for him to recover?”

  “Come join me, my Emperor, keep a lady warm on the cold flight,” Hai said flirtatiously.

  Lord Nova did not exactly fit on the small balcony. It was not meant for portals or large groups. Mostly it was to allow air and light into the ballroom. I had to leap over the railing and land beside Hai. She was a warrior of extreme skill though and deftly sidestepped my landing. A few moments later and we were both strapped in.

  “Lord Nova recommends the disabled ships first then a tour of the foxumi settlement,” Hai said as she leaned into me. She got lucky or knew to be on the none blood soaked side of my body.

  I smiled as I adjusted to get comfortable. That was enough for Nova as he sped off to the west over the bay. We left the castle behind us and I saw the lizard humanoids working down long dock lines. They were dragging supplies to and from the shore. I saw large chunks of white meat being hauled to a water mage station for freezing. There was an outflow dock that carted chiseled slabs of granite and marble. I understood that making clay structures under the sea for the branki would not be ideal. I wondered who was mining the stone though. Maybe Horde… definitely Horde.

  We swiftly left the bay behind and a few minutes later I saw the islands that dotted north to south. This created the choke points to flow out of the east-west bay. Here was the piled warships that the griffins had disabled over a week ago.

  “What are the name of these lizard humanoids that serve the branki?” I asked Hai.

  “They are the varnz. Great amphibians and the perfect symbiotic species to aid the branki. I have heard their plight and story of destruction. They were a one-world combination species. The Horde has more aquatic warrior types than most realize. However, the branki are an outlier. They are large, smart, and vicious. Combined with the varnz they stalled the Horde until peace accords were formed. In exchange for the freedom of the oceans, a few are given up each year to help the cause of the seven. Which generally go to breeding farms and then to generals who need troops to crush resistances. I think Urshoe got these thousand for a thousand ogres. That should show their value right there.”

  “They are connecting all the boats… Are they going to drag them back to port?” I asked as I watched the varnz at work. They were running ropes between all the ships to chain them together. I had to guess this was to make the work of moving a hundred disabled ships easier.

  “Indeed. Urshoe just ordered it to be done. The Horde died aboard the ships for the most part. There was no desire to claim the half starved dehydrated survivors. Lots of resources to get back to full health and then to market. So they were allowed to die before the varnz and branki were sent to salvage the boats.”

  Lord Nova banked us left to head south. I saw a few varnz wave goodbye to us. I needed to greet the leaders of these species at some point. While I married a dvaren and elvath I rapidly concluded I would not be marrying a whale or a teddybear with wings. Maybe a council or something could be established here. I would bring it up to Urshoe later.

  The flight south was not longer than ten minutes. The snow covered peaks of the Saquin Mountains grew larger as we soared. I had never been this far west besides to Ooney bay. There was a lot of my empire I had not explored. The dense forest below me thinned as the altitude lifted. The rocks became more common and the trees smaller. On the side of the mountain, I saw rocks arranged into alcoves.

  The foxumi had indeed settled here in numbers. I saw what was little more than a white fox. There was no humanoid torso or anything fancy. They could swap between two and four legs like the loncri which is probably how they pushed so many of these rocks. I saw a fire blazing and an ogre burning over the flames. The heart… I cried inside. We were stocked on supplies for earth magic so I let it go. I saw glanced around and saw Horde settlements still intact. This would give them something to keep busy with. If they requested aid I could always have the Horde cleansed.

  Lord Nova had the same thought I did and flew over the closest troll town. Flame burst from his paws in a torrent. The trolls screamed in terror and tried to flee. Lord Nova laughed, I smiled, and Hai fired arrows for fun. Ten thousand plus dead trolls later, we flew the mountain range east. There was so much untapped potential here for mining. There really were endless mountains
on Vin it seemed like. I saw another active volcano that spewed lava rivers much thicker than Malvia. The golems were superabundant here, more so than I ever imagined they could be. I saw a few distant Horde cities and a ruined human city. Everything north of the Saquin Mountains had been abandoned. It was sad to see the lack of civilized life here outside of Horde. Even though I knew I would eventually run into population issues it was still disheartening to see all the unused and untapped space. This was prime real estate. Well not by the active volcano. All around it though.

  We shifted north in our flight and Lord Nova found a river.

  “This was been a fantastic place for us to catch war boar. We have been eating the extra males for the weeks. Now that you have established farms we are even eating the younger males. It has been a wonderful time to be a griffin.” Hai said for Lord Nova.

  I saw pens tied into the river system with lots of war boar in them. The griffins were farming here. They allowed enough grazing space and water. Really that was all you needed. One day the pens would be reduced in size but for now, it was perfect. I saw a few other animals that included goats, sheep, and even bears. Some of those were unique Vin variations. I let them leave my view as we continued north.

  The outlines of Castle Riza blossomed into view as we soared towards the formal portal location. The Horde that had dotted the landscape was removed. They were signs of a few defiant sections that had refused to accept a new slave master that were torched. Most had surrendered and with Raxune’s death, they were full property able to be traded. Aroxa had given up her rights the moment she became a slave herself. Part of the binding contract I taught King Aves.

  Castle Riza and the area around it was such a drastic change than before. The siege crews were at the ready watching the landscape. There were dozens of roosts strategically placed around castle Riza. A solid defense had been constructed around what was arguably the most important place on Vin. There were thousands of griffins here. I think King Aves had shifted many of the southern city dwelling prides up north. It made sense. If a portal spawned that was from the Horde our troops were ready. Most of the dvaren that refused to retire from the military life were here. Even thousands of elvath archers waited atop the walls and roosts.

  After we flew a circle around the area to show me how solid the defenses were we headed further north. A port city so massive it dwarfed all others came into view. It stretched east to west as the ocean formed a ‘u’ between the two continents. It went for miles south as it was endless in its size from left to right. There was one massive battle here that made the remanents of the Saquin pass look small. Humanity had stood its first test here and fought the Horde. The bones were more numerous than the millions of pieces of rubble.

  The stones that were strewn everywhere showed where walls first collapsed. Inner defenses were evident as new walls were built to fend off the Horde. I wondered how long the fight here lasted and let out a sigh. It mattered not. This was a defeat that was echoed across worlds invaded by the Horde. I was certain the defenders knew they were doomed from the start when they saw millions and then tens of millions of foes aligned against them. The story of this battle hopefully survived with some of the refugees who fled to the Nagolands. Of all the port cities I saw, this one had zero ships floating in the water. An exodus had very likely been conducted by ships fleeing north.

  Lord Nova executed a left bank and we soared over more of the condensed ruined city. The smell of shit wafted up as there were Horde living in the crumbled and destroyed buildings. We passed them by, they were low on the to do list and they were not an easy strafing cleanse. It would take time to burn them out of and below the rubble here.

  Open plains were west and you could see some old crop fields fighting wild growth. The farming communities were destroyed but the ruins still gave you an idea of how all those people thrived on food besides fish. It was creeks, rivers, lakes, and farms. Lots and lots of abandoned or ruined farms. The wildlife had recovered here to an extent and we saw many wild animals roaming. I did not see much Horde.

  “Lord Nova has been enslaving all the Horde in these parts and sending them to Urshoe to swap into worthy allies. There is plenty of work to be done. He wants to iterate that with the planetary portal closed Lord Nova shares your desire and dream to free more from the Horde. Even if the task is daunting without a clear victory. It is noble and worthy.”

  “That it is my friend, that it is.”

  We flew back to Ooney Bay and a few griffins pick up off the ground to join our flight. They were escorting some slave trolls this way. The conversation I overheard was they were trying to get some the trolls to catch some rabbits for breeding. These woods were thick with them but the trolls were not equipped to snare them.

  As the castle grew when we neared, Lord Nova lined us up to land on the same large platform I had portaled to earlier. When he landed I thanked him for the tour. When I was off his back he shot off to a tall roost nearby.

  “Thank you, Lord Nova and Hai! Hello Virtue,” I said to my shaman friend who held up Pebble by one side. The other side Urshoe held him firmly. “Urshoe, I was wondering. Where could we trade this elvath for the most females directly? I very much desire to see an elvath slave world that is not Entrai.”

  Pebble frowned at my request. Urshoe did smile though. “I can send you to one renowned for its splendor. Probably the largest and most elaborate besides Entrai. Entrai was a closely guarded secret. Elvue is the opposite. It has guided tours and an entry fee. You will notice a lot of ideas stolen from Entria that were applied to Elvue. If you show up with this unique male that has never been recorded or fathered children in the universe… Well, I think you will get an audience from Cyclops Supreme Lord Yrak himself. Shall I open the portal, my Emperor?”

  I looked around to figure out who to bring with me. I waved Cora forward and she pointed at her chest, then looked behind her. She figured it out quickly. I don’t know why I loved working her confidence up. I only know it was a passion for me. I was also really confident she was pregnant and avoiding the elvath bump. We had been at it like rabbits during lunch sex sessions. I extended a hand and twirled her into me. Pebble rolled his eyes and Urshoe backhanded him. That a girl. Still not forgiven for endangering Amber. Would need to figure out a suitable punishment later for the cyclops.

  “Peeble you need to accept my contract I am sending you. If you do not, I will break all your bones and flay your skin until you do.” I said and sent a slave contract to Pebble. Thankfully he accepted without me needing to torture him. I would do it, merely preferred not to. “Yes please, Virtue, Cora, and I should have this. Drag him through Virtue.”

  The portal spun smoothly into a black existence and for once I stepped through first.


  I was amazed by what greeted me upon my arrival at Elvue. There was no blocked view at our entry. There was clear flooring over water with stone support beams that the glass rested on. Instead of floating with the power of a god there were marbled columns breaching out of the calm water to thirty feet off the ground. It was not the same as Entria, but close. It was a crowded mess of cyclops and fewer shamans being herded off the portal arrival pads to a circular staging area.

  We had a friendly looking troll in an elvath outfit with a skirt, corset, and even a fake bow welcoming us. It was hilarious and I wished there was a way to capture the image. The troll was waving us off the landing pad and into the circular gathering spot that looked to be holding millions of Horde. These were all upper society types. I saw a scarcity of this on the dvaren amusement planet. This was fancy jewelry, finely tailored clothing, and far fewer shamans. Virtue led us from our arrival spot to the flow of traffic.

  There were now five choices arranged before us. We could hire a private biponi flight. We could purchase an airship ticket. There were train tickets that were cheaper in price and numerous ticket types. Then there was the option to go down to the calm waters and get on an actual ship. Finally, there was
the warning label and the most expensive option of riding a dragon. Warning may consume riders… Epic.

  In the very center of the circle, there was another round opening. Inside the opening goblins marched to sit in seats. Cyclops children lobbed rocks at spring targets. If they hit the arm it would trigger a release and the goblin would go crashing into the waters. I was nonchalant about this trying to decide if I wanted to kill a dragon when I saw where the goblins were landing. They were being dropped into a swirling cesspool of sharks, octvi, and other deadly sea creatures. They swam peacefully waiting for a meal. I, of course, lost my mind in anticipation. I was a little kid at the candy store at that very moment.

  I rushed past some cyclops children to cut in at the front of the line. I was yelled at in Horde. A loud roar scared the young ones back and I let my hands burst into flames to prove my point. The shaman working the vendor slot with the rocks trembled when I put the fires out, healed my hands, and smiled at him.

  “Buy me rocks. Is there a limit. Why have I not thought of this?! This is so going into a slaughter pit! Damnit Virtue this dumb shaman is not handing me rocks.” I demanded like a child.

  “You cast magic like a god and you are a slave master to a rare elv. He is stunned stupid. Maybe the next one over can help us.” Virtue said and I lunge growled at the shaman who scampered back in fear.

  Some alarm went off. Seven hells. I want to dunk goblins. I was causing a scene and that blaring trumpet was annoying. The next shaman that was clockwise to us had pushed back his customers and was waving us over.

  “I can speak with humans. Come kill some goblins. Our master is on the way, might as well have fun while you are here.” My favorite shaman ever said.

  A dozen rocks were laid out in front of me and I nailed the first target. “Yes! Die you inferior rodent.” The sharks tore him into three bits. Besides a pool of blood, all traces of a goblin hitting the water vanished quickly.


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