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UNtouched: a bay falls high novel

Page 17

by Kidman, Jaxson

  I reached for my bag and took out the screwdriver. I looked at it in my right hand.

  “You heard about this?” I asked.


  “What I did. To Blair.”


  “What if I stab your dick with this?” I asked. “Or what if I take out my phone… text Pres… tell him that you have me on the field. That you’re making comments about me. That you said you want to fuck me…”

  “Bullshit,” Brando said.

  I took my phone out.

  Brando stepped toward me.

  “Try me, motherfucker,” I said and stuck the screwdriver in the air at him.

  “Shit,” he said and stepped back. “Wait a second. What do you want?”

  “What were you just talking about with him?” I asked.

  “With Pres? Are you kidding me? That’s what this is?”

  “I want to know something about them. Anything.”

  Okay, the plan in my head seemed so much cooler and smoother. I had a vision of Brando breaking down with fear and telling me every dark secret about them so I could figure some stuff out.

  The opposite was happening. I looked desperate and stupid.

  “What… you want to know what?” Brando asked. “I was talking to Pres about a football game. We have stuff going down with HCH right now. Needed to make sure we have his support.”

  “Yeah?” I asked.

  “Yeah,” Brando said. He lifted an eyebrow. “Anything else?”

  I looked at the screwdriver again.

  Such a stupid idea…

  “Why are you so afraid of him?” I asked.

  Brando laughed. “That’s what you wanted to ask me?”

  “Or… I need to know why they are the way they are.”

  “Maybe you should just ask him yourself, new girl,” Brando said. “Last thing I’m going to do is get into a gossip war with the Rulz. I know the ending to that.”

  “Which is?”

  Brando showed me his right hand. “My throwing hand would end up under the tire of one of their vehicles.”

  Brando grabbed the football off the field and jogged away.

  That did not go the way I had planned.

  At all.

  I looked at the screwdriver in my hand one more time and growled.

  I quickly tucked it away into my bag.

  My phone vibrated in my hand.

  I screamed.

  I looked, figuring it was Pres.

  It was Iris.

  bitch - be home - ill pick u up - partttttyyyyy

  My thumb shook as I sent her a middle finger emoji as my response.

  When I turned my head I saw Barr’s cigarette on the field, smoke gently climbing into the air.

  I curled my lip and walked over to it and stomped on it as hard as I could.

  I could stomp all I want. As hard as I wanted. But it wouldn’t matter.

  And maybe Brando was right.

  Maybe I should just corner them and ask whatever the hell I wanted…

  … not that they would actually even give me an answer.

  * * *

  Claire sat at the counter with a glass of wine.

  There was a small dim light lit in the kitchen.

  “You okay?” I asked her.

  “Yeah,” she said. “Long day. Busy day. Glad I didn’t get any calls from the school.”

  “And I had a screwdriver with me,” I said.

  “What?” Claire asked, her eyes going wide.

  I laughed. “Inside joke.”

  “Not when everyone knows what you’ve done with a screwdriver,” Claire said.

  “I know. It was a joke. I swear.”

  “Hey, Tinsley. Someone did vandalize Blair’s car, right?”


  “And it wasn’t you.”


  “But someone did it because of you. Or for you.”

  “I guess.”

  “Be careful with that,” she said. “Everything around here comes with or for a favor. Nothing is free. Especially when you’re wealthy. Trust me. Nothing is free.”

  Claire stood up and took her glass of wine and walked to go out to the pool.

  It was weird. All of it.

  I watched as she sat down in a chair and crossed her legs. She sipped her wine.

  Dark. Quiet.


  My phone vibrated with a text.

  bitch - im outside

  I again replied with a middle finger emoji, which was going to be my only response to Iris for the foreseeable future.

  When I looked toward the pool again, Claire was gone.

  But her wineglass was on the table.


  She must have chugged the glass and went for a walk.

  Honestly, that sounded like an amazing plan.

  Have a drink. Feel good. Walk the beach.

  Avoid everything and anything to do with the Rulz.


  Before I could even touch the first step at the beach house, the front door exploded open and out ran two shirtless guys. Actually, the first guy looked completely naked, with his hands covering a certain area. He jumped from the top step and landed hard on his bare feet, stumbling forward, but didn’t lose balance.

  The second guy took the steps two by two, holding the left side of his chest.

  “I think he ripped my fucking nipple off!” he yelled as he chased after the first guy.

  I looked at Iris.

  “Watch your nipples,” she said.

  “Right,” I said.

  “Fucking assholes,” Gi said. “They’re the ones who come and get wasted in the first hour for a few laughs.”

  “They always end up puking or lost on the beach though,” Iris said.

  I followed them into the beach house, which was… wow.

  I always pictured a little beach house that looked kind of beat up but had that old fashioned charm. A place that felt like home.

  This place was big, bright, and looked staged.

  Which it probably was.

  It wasn’t my first party but it was my first rich as fuck party.

  Even still, the idea was the same.

  Music thumping from one side of the house and drinks flowing in the kitchen.

  I saw Brando and Maverick as they refilled their drinks. They both looked at me for half a second before walking away, each putting an arm around a girl.

  “Thanks for coming by, ladies… and new girl.”

  “Thanks, house party dude,” I said.



  “What do you want to drink?”

  “Something without fruity shit in it.”

  “Ah,” Roman said.

  He slid a bottle across the counter and I grabbed it.

  “Cups are-”

  “Don’t need a cup,” I said.

  “Right on, new girl… Tinsley.”

  “I’ll be back for more, house party dude… Roman.”

  I turned and showed Gi and Iris the bottle. “Objections?”

  “None,” Iris said.

  “None from me,” Gi said.

  “Out back?”

  “Please,” Gi said.

  Iris looked around. “I can hang outside for a bit.”

  “She likes to get drunk and dance,” Gi said to me.

  “Only on a cute boy’s face.”

  I shook my head. “You just put it all out there, huh?”

  Iris grabbed the bottle from my hand and leaned toward me. “You should try it.”

  Outside, the ocean waves were soothing. There were about the same amount of people outside as inside but they were all spread out. There was a fire down on the beach too.

  It was a totally awesome kind of party.

  It also helped that I went to town on the bottle.

  Drink after drink, taking two gulps to Iris and Gi’s one.

  Whatever had gotten into my head made me want to for
get it all for one night.

  “You know, Claire was acting weird tonight,” I blurted out of nowhere.

  “How so?” Iris asked.

  “Just weird. She was sitting alone. She went outside. Chugged her wine. Then disappeared.”

  “Maybe she’s got a date,” Iris said.

  “Stop,” I said.

  “Not with him,” Iris said.

  “Maybe she had a bad date,” Gi said. “Or guilt set in.”

  “For as much as everyone just leaves their shit hanging out in this town, there’s a lot of kept secrets too.”

  “What did you expect?” Iris asked.

  “I don’t fucking know,” I said.

  I grabbed the bottle and took another drink.

  I spotted Beth and Denny walking from the beach to the steps.

  “Look at her hair,” Iris whispered to me. “Sandy, sex hair.”

  “Really?” I asked, curling my lip.

  “What? Jealous?”

  “No,” I said. “I just…”

  Iris grinned and leaned back in her chair.

  It wasn’t jealousy at all.

  Just… curiosity.

  If the Rulz hadn’t done what they did to Denny… maybe something would have happened there. Maybe I would have been the one with sand in my hair instead of confusion in my mind.

  “I need to talk to her,” I said.

  I stood up and the ground felt gooey.

  “Easy,” Iris said. “Go slow.”

  “I’m fine,” I snapped at her.

  As I walked toward the steps, Beth saw me.

  So did Denny.

  His hand was still in a cast.

  He froze and touched Beth’s back. He leaned in and whispered something to her and walked away.

  My eyes followed for a second, wanting to say something.

  But I didn’t.

  “Hey,” I said. “I didn’t see you today.”

  “You’ve been drinking.”

  “You’ve been fucking.”

  “Together we make a great party, huh?” she asked.

  I took a step and missed the top step and crashed down to my ass.

  Beth laughed and climbed up toward me. “You okay?”

  “Yup,” I said.


  “What did you want to talk to me about?” I asked. “Before those bitches showed up and threatened us?”

  “Have you had anything to drink other than booze?”

  “Nope,” I said with a proud grin.

  “Shit,” Beth said. “Sit here. I’m going to go get you a glass of water. Okay?”

  “Water? Why?”

  “You need water,” Beth said. “And I need you to seriously listen to me when I talk to you.”

  She stood up and I grabbed her hand. “Is it bad?”


  “Wait. Like really bad?”

  “Ti, just trust me for a second,” Beth said.

  I could see she was annoyed. Probably wishing she stayed down on the beach with Denny.

  “Fine,” I said. “Whatever.”

  “Just stay here. I’ll get you some water and we’ll talk.”

  I waved and rolled my eyes.

  Beth made it to the top of the steps and I pulled myself to my feet.

  I looked back and saw nobody.

  Beth was gone.

  Gi and Iris were gone too.

  “Fuck,” I whispered.

  I faced toward the shore again and walked carefully down the steps.

  I was fine.

  A little drunk.

  Not wasted or anything.

  Taking a breather and having a glass of water would help too.

  I laughed.

  Help? There is no fucking help here, Ti. It’s all fake. It’s all lies.

  A bottle of water suddenly appeared in front of my face.

  I snagged it out of the air. “Thanks. Now what were you…”

  I lost my words as my nose started to tingle.

  My eyes went wide as I turned.

  Beth didn’t hand me the water.

  Pres did.

  * * *

  “What are you doing here?” I asked.

  “Heard you need water,” he said.

  “Where’s the others?”

  “Not your problem, sugar,” he said.

  He was taller than normal to me as he was up a couple steps.

  I twisted the cap off the water and took a big drink.

  “You know, girls who drink as much and as fast as you did tonight are the ones looking for trouble.”

  “Oh? And you’re here to be my hero? Save me from myself?”

  “I’ve never been a fucking hero ever in my life, sugar,” Pres said as he came down a step. “Why would I fucking start now for a poor girl like you?”

  “Wow, thanks for putting that into perspective,” I said. “But you forgot something.”

  “Like what?” Pres asked.

  “My junkie of a mother.”

  “Ah, right. Except she’s not here. And she’s not you. And you’re not her.”


  Pres stepped down into the sand, still towering over me.

  He reached up and held my chin with his thumb and forefinger.

  “Yeah, sugar,” he said. “So stop fucking carrying her shit around like it actually matters.”

  “Fuck you,” I snapped. “It does fucking matter. It’s my mother. It’s my…”

  “You’re what?” Pres asked. “Fuck her. Let her dig her own grave, sugar. If she wants to do it little by little with a needle then let her. Don’t stand next to her with a shovel.”

  I laughed. “And you’re one to talk.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Your mother is either stupid or just likes the money,” I said.

  Pres stepped toward me, his eyes flashing an evil I never thought possible.

  Holy. Shit.

  I overstepped.

  “You think I don’t know you were asking around about me?” Pres said in a low voice. “Looking for dirt, huh? And all you’re finding is sand.”

  “Better than the ocean,” I said. “Going to throw me out there and try to drown me?”

  I had to get the fuck out of there.


  I turned and hurried, drinking the rest of the water, dropping the bottle.

  Cursing myself for littering on a beach, but whatever.

  I walked down to the fire and tried to blend in.

  It was a small group of girls and guys. Two guys had guitars and were strumming away.

  Before I could say a word, Pres appeared again.

  The guitars stopped and everyone looked at him.

  All he had to do was nod once and everyone stood up to leave.

  Guys grabbing for their girl’s hand and hurrying away.

  That was fucking power.

  I slowly walked around the fire to put it between myself and Pres.

  I folded my arms and stared at him.

  The firelight danced in his eyes.

  It was scary.

  But god it was fucking sexy too.

  In a dark shirt with his strong arms pouring from the sleeves and that look on his face. Hinting to me that maybe - even for a second - I had some kind of control over him.

  And I decided to take my chance…

  “Your father is cheating on your mother,” I said.

  Believe me, if it wasn’t for the booze I wouldn’t have been able to say that.

  “Oh, yeah?” Pres asked.

  “Sorry. Hate to break the news to you like this. But it’s true.”

  “And what makes you qualified to make that kind of statement, sugar?”

  “Qualified?” I asked. I laughed. “How about because I have fucking eyes and can see?”

  “So you saw it,” Pres said.

  I swallowed hard.

  Shit. Are you really going to tell him you saw his father with Claire? And if this gets back to Claire…

  “I saw
something,” I said. “I’m not going to talk about it. It’s not my problem.”

  Pres slowly walked around the fire toward me.

  I really wished I had another drink.

  “So that’s what you wanted to do? Tell me that? And expect what? Me to run away crying? Me to call my Daddy and yell at him? Me to rush home to Mommy and tell her to leave my Daddy?”

  The more he talked, the darker he sounded. The madder he got. The words were like vile evil pouring from his mouth.

  I blinked fast, wondering if there really was a way to break them. Any of them.

  Maybe if I took Barr’s cigarettes. Or maybe if I drained the ocean so Kip didn’t have that. Which is impossible.

  But for Pres…

  He was untouchable.

  “It doesn’t bother you?” I asked. “Your perfect, rich life…”

  Pres reached for my right hand and lifted it toward his mouth. He pressed his lips to my hand and grinned. “Rich? Yes. Perfect? Sure.” Pres pulled, making me collide with his body. Hard.

  Everything was hard.

  His chest, arms… body… hard.

  I lost my breath for a second.

  His lips grazed my ear.

  “Nice try, sugar, but I already know all my parent’s dirty nasty secrets…”

  * * *

  Pres stood with me as I stood with my feet in the water. I had my shoes hooked on my finger, over my shoulder.

  “So that’s it then?” I asked him. “You’re just okay with that?”

  “It’s like I said with your mother. Her baggage. Her shit. Not yours.”

  I looked up at him. “Easy for you to say. I’m sure you have your own money. A trust fund or some rich persons crap. I’ve got nothing, Pres. Nothing. And if I don’t try… for her… she will end up killing herself. And she’ll justify it by being alone.”

  “When she’s dead, she can’t talk,” Pres said.

  “You’re fucking evil and cold,” I said. “Asshole.”

  I started to walk along the water.

  I had to get away from him. Even though I knew he wasn’t going to just let me be.

  He was going to follow me.

  That was fine.

  I’d walk all night just to prove a point to him.

  “It’s not evil and cold, sugar,” he said from behind me. “It’s the truth. It’s life.”

  “Fuck off,” I said. “You have no idea what it’s like, Pres.”

  I kept going. Moving faster.

  He kept the same pace.

  I was gaining distance.

  But not much.


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