Always His Cowgirl

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Always His Cowgirl Page 4

by Lucy Darling

  “You have no idea.” I buck against him. Another moan pours from me as he thrusts in and out of me with his tongue like he’s trying to get as deep as he can to taste me everywhere.

  “I want more,” he grunts. He grabs me, flipping me over onto my stomach as if I weigh nothing. I guess to someone like him I am light. He pulls me to the edge of the bed. He takes my hips, lifting me until my ass is the air, my chest still flat on the mattress.

  He spreads my legs more. I bite my lip, knowing how exposed I am to him. I can’t see him, but I still know. “Better,” he drawls as he runs a finger down my ass until he gets to my sex and thrusts inside. “I want to eat you like this. You're going to come so many times tonight on my tongue, my fingers or my cock. You’ve made me wait and now I’m starved.”

  I turn my head into the mattress, trying to be quiet as he again buries his face between my legs. I grab the sheets. This time it really does feel like he’s everywhere, thrusting his tongue easily in and out of me before stealing a swipe of my clit with this tongue driving me insane.

  “Eric.” I turn my head. “Please. I need to come.” I don’t have to ask him twice. He replaces his tongue with his finger as he goes back to my clit. I clench around his finger, closing my eyes, the orgasm so intense. I let go of my body, relaxing into it. I feel Eric move me around, but I don’t open my eyes until he starts to kiss me again.

  “I can taste myself on you.” I wrap my arms around his neck. “I like it.”

  “I fucking love it.” He kisses me again. “I think I’m addicted to your taste.”

  “That's good, because I’m going to expect you to do that like five times a day. I don’t think I can feel my face.” His body shakes with silent laughter. He presses kisses all over my face. “Okay, I feel that. I think we’re safe.” His body shakes with laughter, causing his cock to brush against my leg. “Eric.” I reach down between us, grabbing him in my hand. He closes his eyes at my touch as though it’s taking everything he has to control himself.

  I stroke him. “It’s hard and soft.”

  He groans.

  “Baby, please. I swear you can do anything you want to my cock after. I’ll never last if you continue doing that.” I give him one last stroke before I release him.

  “We’ve waited so long for this.” I wrap my arms around him. He lifts his head to look down at me.

  “Waited a long time to be with you. Sex is just a perk.”

  I lean up, brushing my mouth against his. I didn’t think I could love him more, but with every sweet word it grows. “I feel bad for all the other girls in the world. There is no way there is a sweeter man in the world than you.”

  “Only for you.” He shifts, dropping more between my thighs. I have to spread my legs wide to make room for him. “Never thought much about how small you are.” He brushes my hair out of my face.

  “Everything is small compared to you.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you.” His cock drags across my sex, making me gasp. He is big. It’s going to take some work to get him inside me, but we’ll fit.

  “I was made to be with you, Eric. Every inch of me is just for you.”

  He lets out a curse. “You’re killing me, Daisy.”

  “All I’m saying is it will work.” I reach between us. He stills when I wrap my hand around him. I drag the head of his cock down my sex to my opening. Eric gives a small thrust forward, the head of his cock entering me. I’m still so wet.

  “Fuck you’re tight,” he grits out.

  “You feel good,” I admit. There is a strange pressure, but I like it. I want more. He pushes forward more, a loud groan coming from him. The sounds he’s making are going to make me orgasm.

  “Daisy.” He breathes my name. I feel it. He’s right there.

  “I love you, Eric.” Before he can say anything, I take his mouth, wrapping my legs around his big body the best I can and lifting my hips. He can’t fight it. His control snaps as he lets himself thrust to the hilt inside of me. I close my eyes, my fingers digging into his back. “I’m okay,” I tell him when I release his mouth.

  It was a sharp pain, but it faded quickly. “Are you doing that?” His jaw locks. My sex clenches and releases around his cock over and over.

  “I don’t know. I can’t stop it. I think my body is silently begging you to move.”

  “I love you too, Daisy,” Eric says before he pulls out, thrusting all the way back inside of me.

  “Yes,” I breathe. I wrap myself around him as he takes us. Our bodies are moving as though we’ve done this a thousand times before, driving us both close to the edge. He shifts his cock, hitting deeper inside of me. My breath hitches. My nails dig into Eric as the orgasm hits me hard and fast. This one is different from the other. It feels like it's coming from deep inside of me.

  Eric groans my name as his warm release spills deep inside of me. He shifts us so that I’m on top of him. I rest my head on his chest over his tattoo as we both try to catch our breath. Maybe I should be mad about some of the shit that slowed us down from getting to this point sooner. But right now? Right now the only thing I feel is happy and thoroughly loved.



  “Fuck,” I grit. I close my eyes, trying not to look at Daisy while she takes my cock into her mouth. I want this to last, and seeing her like this isn't helping. I only last a few seconds before I’m opening them again, needing to see her. She peeks up at me through her lashes, giving me a smirk before she deepthroats me.

  I groan. How the fuck? She keeps sucking and I’m done for. I can feel it in the tingle in my balls. It doesn't matter that I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve come since last night. I’m still going off in record time, and that would almost be embarrassing, but this is my Daisy.

  “Coming,” I tell her, wrapping my hand in her dark hair. Her fingers sink into my thighs, letting me know she’s not stopping. I grunt as I spill into her mouth. She sucks every last drop of me down before releasing my cock. She crawls up my body with a smile on her face.

  “Did I do it right?”

  “I think you know you did it right.” I pull her mouth to mine, kissing her as she tries to giggle, but I cut it off. I brush her hair out of her face. It never gets old seeing the smile on her face. “How are you feeling?” I think we might have gone a little overboard, but Daisy does not make it possible for me to try and slow things down when she’s tempting me on purpose.

  “I’m fine. I think the bath helped.” She lets out a yawn.

  “You need more sleep.”

  “I just want to lay on you all day.” Her finger traces my tattoo.

  “Me too. It’s surreal. I was scared I was going to wake up this morning back in my own bed. That it was just another one of my all too real dreams. I’ve had enough of those to last a lifetime.”

  “We’re real. Nothing will ever get between us again. Not other people or even our own self-doubts. Both of us know how much we love each other and that’s all that matters.”

  “I should have pushed back then. I’m sorry I didn’t fight for us sooner.”

  “You couldn't. I was young. Even without my stupid brother coming between us we still wouldn't have been able to do anything until recently.”

  “Your dad would have killed me.”

  She giggles.

  “I’m still mad at myself for ever thinking you were with Missy or anyone at all. So stupid. You're not that kind of man, and I freaking know that.” That was good to hear, but I don’t want her putting this on herself.

  “Fear can mess with the mind, babe. We have to let it go. We’re not festering on that shit anymore. It’s done. Dead.” She nods in agreement.

  “What do we do about my brother? Also about the fact that he was in bed with my best friend.” He needs to talk to Daisy. That’s what Josh needs to do. She’s not saying so, but I know this shit cut her deep.

  It’s not only about the lie but the trust he broke. I’m still fucking pissed at Josh, but I know he�
��ll work on getting it back. At the end of the day Josh is a good man. Whatever fucked-up idea he’d gotten in his head about Daisy and me needing space is something he would only have done if he truly thought he was doing the right thing.

  “I want to say the Noelle and Josh thing is a surprise, but now that it’s out there it’s kind of not. It explains a lot.”

  “He never brought girls around.” Daisy rolls her eyes. “Those girls in high school used to drive me crazy with the shit they would say about you two.” She lets out an adorable growl. “Why are you smiling?” Now she’s glaring at me.

  “You know I didn't do shit.”

  “I know, but I don’t like them looking or even thinking about you that way. How would you feel if you overheard other men saying they were dying to go down on me?” The smile drops right from my fucking face. “See!”

  “I get it. I’m always dying to get my mouth on your pussy.”

  “I noticed.” She smirks. I pull her up to me, kissing her. One thing leads to another, and I’m not sure we are getting out of this bed today.



  I stare at my best friend over the kitchen table. Her face has a rosy glow to it. As hurt as I am at what my brother did, I’m kind of really excited about them being together too. Noelle is going to be my sister. To me she always has been, but now it will be official. How crazy is that? We’re going to have to steal some alone time later when the men aren't around to have some girl talk.

  We all turn when we hear a door open. Josh comes strolling out of the bedroom. He walks right up to Noelle and kisses her right in front of us. I stare in shock. I mean, I know they are together now, but I’ve never seen him this way before. We just spent the last thirty minutes talking about it, but seeing it is totally different. I may be mad at him, but it doesn’t mean that I’m not happy for him.

  “You need anything, baby?” he asks her.

  “No, I’m good.”

  “I’m going to steal my sister for a bit if you don’t mind.”

  “I think that’s a good idea.”

  Josh turns to look down at me. More of my resolve fades. Until this moment Josh has been more than any girl could ask for as far as an older brother. He always looked out for me and never excluded me even though at times I could be the annoying little sister.

  I always looked up to him and respected him. He could do no wrong in my eyes and that’s why him lying to me hurts so much. When we were little he was always letting me go first when we were doing things or carrying my toys for me. He would try all of the baked goods I made even though I know they didn’t taste the best.

  “Come on.” I stand and my eyes meet Eric’s as he watches us head back to the bedroom. “I’m sorry,” he says the instant the door closes. “I could list all the reasons why I thought I was doing the right thing, but it really doesn't matter. I was wrong. You got hurt and no matter what explanation I give, it won’t be enough. I know I’ve fucked up some of our trust, but I’m going to fix it. I swear it.”

  I grab him, pulling him into a hug. He lifts me off my feet, hugging me tighter. “I love you jerk.”

  He laughs, putting me back down. “I love you too.”

  “That said”—I give him a hard look—“that’s my best friend out there. She is like a sister to me. I kind of thought she was like a sister to you too.”

  “I’ve never felt anything sisterly about Noelle.”

  “Yeah, clearly.”

  “I’m not messing around. You know I’m not.”

  I let out a long sigh. “No, I didn't think you were, but it had to be said anyway.”

  “I get it. I’m playing for keeps.”

  “Good. As much as I didn't see this coming it feels right. Noelle has always been a prize and I’m sure one day soon you’ll make that official.” Josh smiles, causing his whole face to light up. “Mom is going to flip.” Josh nods in agreement. “So is Aunt PJ when she finds out you and Eric are finally together. I think she and Mom started planning y’alls wedding years ago.” I smile because he’s likely right, and I love that I already know my family is going to be more than okay with Eric and me being together.

  “You go make up with your best friend.” I nod toward the living room. “I’m going to take a shower before Mom gets here.” Josh gives me another hug. I follow him to the door. “No hitting.” I shout down the hallway before I close the door again.

  I take my time before getting into the shower. It’s not too long until I hear Eric coming into my bedroom. He steps into the bathroom and starts pulling his clothes off to join me. My heart warms every single time I see my name on his chest.

  “Everything okay?” I step back, making room for him under the warm spray. I run my fingers up his broad chest. Almost not believing that all of this man is and always will be mine.

  “Yeah everything is fine.”

  I smile up at him. “Thank you.” I knew he’d work it out with my brother.

  I wrap my hands around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss. He lifts me in his arms. We take our time. Eric makes love to me and then cleans every inch of me. I do the same to him, getting a taste of what our life is going to be like together.

  Us being together is everything I ever dreamed of.



  “This is so good, Aunt PJ.” Daisy lets out a moan as she takes another bite of a ball of cookie dough. The sound goes straight to my dick. I shift, trying to get it to go down. Daisy holds the ball out for me to take a bite. I indulge her by taking one.

  “He doesn't like cookie dough,” my mom says. I chew my bite and swallow it. She’s right, I don’t, but there was no way I’d ever say no to my girl.

  “I prefer it cooked, but I’m not going to turn down something my woman is trying to feed me from her own hand.” Mom stares at me for a moment with a huge smile on her face.

  “I swear you’re your dad’s clone or something.” Bunny is just smiling ear to ear about us too. It took us ten minutes to calm them down, which didn't last long when they noticed what was going on with Josh and Noelle.

  “I know. It’s crazy how much kids pick up from their parents when it comes to relationships.” Bunny winks at us. “You guys are lucky you had us as parents.” PJ nods in agreement. They aren't wrong. Our parents are madly in love.

  “You taught me how to make out in the kitchen.” Daisy smirks at her mom.

  “I can’t help it if your father can’t keep his hands off me.”

  “Jameson always gets her in the kitchen so he can distract her from whatever it is she’s trying to cook. He’s smart.”

  Bunny narrows her eyes at my mom, causing us all to burst out laughing. “One of these days I’m going to make something so good that you’ll all have to eat your words.” That only makes us crack up more. “Maybe I’ll take a shot at making your wedding cake.” That shuts us all up.

  This time it’s Bunny who's smiling. “Speaking of wedding cakes and getting married, when are you two going to get on that?” You can always count on my mom to get straight to the point.

  I’m surprised it took her this long to ask. They’ve been here a few hours, but we’ve all been pretty busy. Mom took over the kitchen and Bunny was helping Daisy get her room together. I think she really just wanted some alone time with her daughter to fish for more information. Bunny and my mom worked as a team. They divided and conquered, gathering whatever information they could from each of us and then sharing it with one another.

  “He hasn't asked.” I give Daisy a look. No, I haven't asked yet, but it’s happening, and she knows that. “I’m teasing.” She smiles at me. “We have plenty of time. We just got back together.”

  “We need time to plan this.” Bunny isn't even looking at us when she makes the statement. She’s looking directly at my mom.

  “I know. I mean, you have to give us some sort of idea.”

  “Hello? Isn't it me that should be planning it?”

  “Of course you can have s
ome say, but PJ and I have been waiting forever for this. We just need time to put everything together. Don’t ruin this for us.”

  “We could elope,” Daisy chirps. Shit. I lean back in my chair not getting in the middle of that one. I love my girl, but she’s on her own with the moms now.

  “You wouldn't dare.” Bunny stands up from her chair.

  “I wouldn’t,” Daisy huffs, caving instantly to her mom. I think she’s going to give them this one. Neither of our parents have ever been overbearing. I think they can get a pass on this. I love that my girl is so close to my mom.

  “I would like to get married this year.” I reach out and grab Daisy’s hand. My finger rubs where a wedding ring should be. “With splitting time in the city and back home it might be a lot to handle.”

  “And that’s where we come in.” Both of them are once again smiling from ear to ear.

  “I want it at home. That’s my main request.”

  “Of course.” She walks over to Daisy, bending down to give her a hug before kissing her on top of the head. “We’ll do you right.”

  “I know,” Daisy agrees.

  “PJ, you want to help me get that thing out of my truck?”

  “Oh, shit. I forgot that was in there.” My mom is already halfway out the door before she finishes.

  “You do not have a wedding dress in your truck.” Daisy stares at her mom, who rolls her eyes.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. We have to go and try on all kinds of dresses where I’ll cry and we’ll fight over which is prettier. It’s all drawn out in our master wedding plan.”

  “Sounds like fun.” She tries to tease Bunny, but a laugh comes out.

  “What’s going on?” Noelle comes in, snagging a chair next to Daisy.


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