Always His Cowgirl

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Always His Cowgirl Page 5

by Lucy Darling

  “They are trying to plan my wedding.”

  “You better not put me in a ugly dress.”

  “I would never do that to you.”

  “Pink is ugly,” Noelle informs her.

  Daisy’s mouth falls open. “Take it back.” Daisy glares at her best friend, who is trying not to laugh.

  “She’s messing with you.” I pluck Daisy out of her chair, putting her in my lap. She melts into me. Fuck does that feel good. Daisy is now mine. I can put my hands anywhere I want on her anytime I want.

  “I am teasing. You know I’ll wear pink.”

  The front door flies open. “Got it.” My mom kicks the door closed and she's got a big-ass box in her hands that she drops down on the table with a loud thud.

  “Where do we start?” Bunny asks my mom as she pulls out two big scrapbook looking things.

  “Mom I think this is overkill,” Daisy says as she stands and grabs another book out of the box. “You can’t possibly incorporate all this into one wedding.”

  “I know, but we’ll have Noelle’s to do next.”

  I grab Daisy pulling her back down in my lap.

  “What?!” Noelle’s eyes are wide behind her thick-framed black glasses. She looks over her shoulder, I’m guessing for Josh, but he’s in her bedroom finishing her bookcase.

  “I’m just saying there will be more weddings.” Bunny winks at Noelle, and I know she’s right. When Josh and I talked shit out he admitted how long he’s been in love with Noelle. He’s not going to wait long. Both Josh and I are over the waiting shit.

  Noelle grabs one of the books and starts flipping through it too. Daisy leans back, resting her head on me. “This is going to get out of control.”

  “Yep.” I agree. “But would you want it any other way?”

  She giggles. “No, I guess not. This is what makes us, well, us.” She is right. And there is no better family than ours. Crazy moms and all.



  “You all right over there?” Eric gives me one of his rare smiles when he glances over at me in the passenger seat.

  “Just excited to go home this weekend. Planning a wedding and now my best friend is pregnant with my brother's baby, so there’s a lot to do. We’ll need to plan their wedding too. Can you believe we’re going to be an aunt and uncle?” I’ve been smiling so much over the last month that I think my face is permanently stuck this way.

  “How are the wedding plans?”

  “Going? The moms are getting a little out of control. How come they aren't all over Noelle?”

  “I don’t see Noelle as a girl who would want a big wedding with all that attention. Josh either.”

  That is true. Her mom had her in so many pageants growing up. She liked to fill Noelle’s head with the idea that being pretty was all a girl is good for. And Noelle is pretty. I don’t think she lost any of those competitions. Yet, I know as the years went on she began to hate every second of them. Once she was finally out of that world it was jeans, sneakers, cowboy boots and glasses for her.

  “Hey wait a second.” I turn, pointing at Eric. “Are you saying I need attention?”

  “I know your brother calls Noelle ‘princess’, but we all know who the true princess is around here, cowgirl.” I lean back in my seat. “Not denying it, I see.”

  “You’re asking for it.” I point my finger at him.

  “When it comes to you I am always looking for it.” My body starts to warm. Eric and I can't keep our hands off each other. Through the week when I was in the city and he was back home at our house, it was rough for the both of us. I’m glad my coursework has kept me busy. I cram it in to make sure I get everything done when Eric isn't around. It also helps that I don’t have classes on Friday. It lets me have nice long weekends with my man.

  “When do you think we’ll have babies?”

  “We can do it right now if you want.” I snort a laugh. I’ve been on birth control since my periods got out of control in high school. “When you’re done with school?”

  “Yeah,” I agree. “I am enjoying the you and me time. We’ll have forever to have babies, but if we did get the itch in a year we could start trying then. I’d be done with the program by the time my little girl would be here.”

  “Little girl?”

  “Don’t you want two of me?” I give him my biggest teasing smile.

  “Promise you babe. There will never be two of you. The world couldn't handle it.”

  I shake my head at him. This was another thing I’d missed in the years I’d spent avoiding him. No one made me laugh more than him and no one could give me a hard time like him either.

  “Is the driving back and forth getting to you? I know you don’t care much for the city.”

  “You’re in the city. When I head toward it that’s all I’m thinking about.” This is true. “You don’t care for the city either. How are you handling it?”

  I shrug. “It actually hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be, and I’m enjoying my classes a lot. Not to mention you can order food any time of the day and they just deliver it to you. It’s like magic.” He smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes this time. “The only thing it’s missing is you.” That gets me that gorgeous smile of his.

  “Noelle and I were thinking of having a girls’ weekend next weekend. We’re both so busy and tired during the week that we don’t get to spend nearly as much time together as we thought we would.” Even though we live together it seems as though Noelle and I are two ships passing in the night sometimes. Plus, with all the planning for the wedding and the baby, our girl time is sucked up doing those things. “We thought we’d get to know the city a bit more. Then do some take out, watch movies, and hang.”

  Eric shifts in his seat. “I’m not saying you can’t come over. I’m just saying Noelle and I are going to hang, but I want you in my bed at the end of the night.”

  “In the city?”

  “Unless we want to sightsee oil rigs and cows then yeah in the city.” I laugh.

  “The city really is growing on you.” His voice is gruff. His grip on the steering wheel lightens.

  “It’s not as terrible as I thought it would be.”

  He gives a grunt to my response. It hasn't been that bad. It’s not home. Nothing will ever be better than being out on the land. It’s in our blood. I think the city doesn't bother me because I know I’m going home. I’m there to learn. It will give me a tool I can take back home with me.

  We sit in silence. Something I’m not good at. “What’s happening?”

  “We're going to your parents’ before we head to our place.” Gah, I love our place. When Eric showed it to me that first weekend, I think I cried all day. He didn't much care for that. How could I not? The man had remembered everything I’d always said I’d want in a house and did it. It was another reminder of not only how sweet Eric is but that the man is truly in love with me. That is good because I’ve never seen another but him.

  “Really?” I raise my eyebrows at him.

  “Yeah really.”

  “That was me being sarcastic. You know I wasn’t asking that,” I half shout before I fold my arms over my chest.

  “I’m sorry. I love you.”

  I bite my lip so I won’t laugh. He has no idea what he’s saying sorry for but it’s sweet that those are the two things he blurts out. “I love you too.” I feel some of the tension leave the truck. Probably a good thing because we’re almost to my parents’ house.

  “I want you to be happy. I’ll learn to love this city.”

  I look over at him. “You don’t have to love it.” I don’t even love it. He grunts. Again. His jaw flexes. “Still sorry?” I ask in a sugary tone, making my Southern drawl more pronounced.

  The truck rolls to a stop in front of my parents’ house. I don’t understand his mood. I know everyone can be in a mood sometimes, but what’s bothering me is the fact that he isn't sharing. Where I’m expected to share everything. Even if my breathing h
as changed Eric launches a full investigation, making sure that I’m all right.

  “You got something you want to say to me?” I unclick my seatbelt. He starts to open his mouth, and I raise my hand, my beautiful antique wedding ring on my finger shining bright. The setting sun hits it through the window of the truck, lighting up the insides with little rainbows. “Don’t say I love you either.”

  “But I do love you.”

  “Ah!” I huff, opening the truck door and stomping towards my parents’ house. My dad is opening the door before I even get there. I keep going, stomping past him too. My boots kick up enough dust to show how frustrated I am.

  “Daisy. I’m warning you,” I hear Eric growl from behind me. My traitorous body heats at the sound.

  “Hey, honey,” Mom says as I keep stomping through the house. “What’s going on?”

  “We’re having our first fight,” I inform everyone in earshot as I make my way to my old bedroom door.

  “Okay, you kids have fun then,” I hear her say before I slam my bedroom door like I’m back in the seventh grade and flop onto my bed with a huff.

  “Daisy.” Eric's voice is soft through the door. “Let me in. I don’t want to spend tomorrow fixing Jameson's door when I can spend it in bed with you.” I smile up at the ceiling.

  “You ready to tell me why you’re grunting at me in a nonsexual way?”

  “Everything is sexual when it comes to you.”

  I giggle. “Don’t make me laugh, we're fighting. It’s our first one so it needs to be over the top dramatic.”

  “I’m sorry. I’ll try and do better. Don’t want to ruin our first one.” I sit up. I can’t stay upset with him. It’s impossible. But I never want something to come between us again because we didn't open our mouths and talk. We already made that mistake once, and it cost us time. It’s not one I’m willing to repeat. I walk over to the door, flipping the lock. Eric pushes the door open. I get a look at his face.

  He takes a step into my bedroom. I take another step back as he kicks the door shut. He turns and flips the lock next. I lick my lips.

  “You ran from me.” I nod. “I warned you.” I nod again. He grabs me around the waist. I let out a small scream as he drops me onto my bed, coming down over me and pinning my hands to the mattress as his mouth takes mine. I moan at his possessiveness. The way he always dominates me with this need to reassure himself I’m his alone has me wet between my thighs. He doesn't stop until we’re both breathless. “Tell me,” he says, dropping his face into my neck.

  “There is something you’re not saying to me and I don’t like it. What happened the last time something bothered us and we didn't talk to each other?”

  “Fuck.” He kisses my neck, starting to get it. “You love the city now.”

  “Stop saying that! I said it’s not terrible.”

  “I’ll do whatever you want, Daisy. You know that. If you’re changing your mind—I know we were young when we said all the things we wanted. People change. Ideas change.”

  “You’re losing me here. My idea of us will never change.”

  “No it won’t,” he growls, lifting his head. “I’m talking about where we live. If you want to stay in the city—”

  “Stay in the city? Like to really live? Forever?”

  He nods. “If that’s what you want.”

  I burst out laughing. Not because this is funny, but his face looks so pained at even thinking about living in the city, but here he is still trying to make my dreams come true.

  “We need to get two things straight here.” I go to lift my hand to do two fingers, but they're still pinned. The look Eric gives me lets me know that’s not changing at the moment. “First, not everything is about my dreams. There are two of us. Your dreams are important too. Second, I will never want to stay in the city. I’m trying to see the upside of it because we’ve got another year there.” He drops his forehead to mine.

  “I’ll never not open my mouth. We don’t do that shit.”

  “No, we don’t do that shit,” I agree, wrapping my legs around him.

  “Daisy,” he growls. “We’re in your parents’ house.”

  “Yeah, have you ever thought about sneaking into my room and taking me on this bed?” He sucks in a deep breath. “Can’t tell you how many times I laid in the bed thinking about you while I touched myself?”

  “You’re going to kill me.” He kisses me again. I start to pull at his clothes.

  “Everything okay?” my mom calls out. “I can come back later, but I was thinking about the floor plan for the wedding and—”

  “I’ll be there in a second,” I call out, knowing she’s not going to quit.

  “Okay! I’ll make tea.” Thank God Eric and I have our own place.

  “You better be fucking quick.” His voice is low and very unhelpful to the throb between my legs. He pulls me up from the bed. I start to head to the door, but he snags me around the waist, pulling me back to him. “You’re going to show me exactly how you touch your sweet pussy when we get home,” he orders.

  “I will if you will.” I give him a wicked look.

  “Fuck.” He kisses me again. “I love you so damn much.”

  “I love you too, cowboy. Always have, always will, and I’ll always be yours.”



  7 months later

  I’m too old for this shit. I run my hand down my face willing myself to fall asleep. The last thing I need to be doing on my wedding day is dragging my ass. I have no idea where the moms came up with the bright idea that the bride and the groom should not spend the night before the wedding together.

  Not only that, I’d then been wrangled into staying in my childhood bedroom. I’d rather be in my own house. Where my sheets smell like Daisy and everywhere I look there are pieces of her. On the bright side, my two brothers are home for the wedding, and it’s always nice to catch up with them. Not nicer than being in bed with my Daisy, but beggars can’t be choosers.

  I just keep reminding myself that come tomorrow Daisy will finally be mine in every way. Then in a handful of weeks she’ll be done with this round of school, and I can take her on our honeymoon, and I’ll get to spend the summer with my wife in my bed every night. No more of this split shit where I go four nights a week without her. I don’t want to think about how it’s going to be when summer ends and she goes back to school.

  I jerk up from bed when I hear a scratching noise. A smile pulls at my lips as I get up from my bed and walk over to my window. I’m not one bit shocked to see Daisy climbing up the side of the house like it’s nothing. I open the window, causing her to look up.

  She gives me that bright smile of hers, the one that captured my heart. I hold my hand out for her. She grabs it instantly as I pull her through the window into my room. Before she can say anything, my mouth is on hers as I pick her up, carrying her to bed with me. Where she belongs. She giggles against my lips as I lay her down onto the bed.

  “Did you really think I was going to be crawling through this window?” She smiles up at me. Her delicate fingers trail up and down my jaw.

  “I missed you.” I drop my forehead to hers.

  “You saw me three hours ago.” She rubs her nose against mine. “Not that the feeling isn't mutual. I’m here, aren't I?”

  “It takes me back.” She nods in agreement going back to that night so many years ago she climbed into my bedroom window not feeling good. Before everything changed for us. At least it changed for a while. We found our way back. There was no other way. My path was always meant to lead to her. Daisy and I have always been like two magnets. Get us close to one another and there will be no stopping what is meant to happen. We were young back then. She was younger than me, and even though we always had a connection I still wouldn't cross some lines. Not until she was truly ready. I not only owed that to her but her parents too.

  “Yeah, you said you’d wait.” My throat goes tight with how sweet and love-filled her voice is. My
Daisy. She could save you with a few touches, but she could end you just as easily. You never want to get on the wrong side of her. Her love, loyalty and friendship are second to none. I thank my lucky stars this woman picked me.

  “I’ll wait until I take my last breath. It’s you or no one.” That is the truth. She pulls me down for another kiss. “Daisy.” I pull back, feeling the wetness on her cheeks.

  “They’re happy tears, I swear. Kiss me.”

  I do. We pull at each other's clothes until we’re both naked. She falls onto the bed, spreading her legs for me, giving me a taste of her sweetness until she floods my mouth with the pleasure I give her. Then I’m inside of her. Making love to Daisy Price for the last time. The next time I’m inside of her she’ll be my wife: Mrs. Joshua Davis.

  I fall on the bed next to her, pulling her into my arms. She tucks her head into my neck, her warm breath tickling my skin. “Did you think about this a few times before?”

  I bark out a laugh. “You have no idea.”

  “Me too.” She kisses my neck. “I hate this sleeping apart crap.”

  “Summer will be here soon.” I feel her nod.

  “I went and saw Old West this morning.”

  “Someone sick?” West is the local veterinarian.

  “No, but the next year of course work is working with a vet. The school can line you up with someone, of course, but if you can find one who will mentor you—”

  I roll over on top of her, caging her beneath me. “Say it.”

  “He said he’d love to mentor me. That it would be nice to have extra pair of hands sometimes.”

  I kiss her. It’s crazy how everything keeps going our way. Since Daisy and I finally came back together everything feels easy. Maybe we’ve been lucky. Maybe it’s fate. Or maybe life just feels a whole lot easier when you have the other half of your soul next to you.



  Many years later


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