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Wicked Forever (Wicked Bay Book 8)

Page 10

by L A Cotton

  I couldn’t stop grinning. It was the biggest breakthrough I’d had since waking up from the accident.

  “Can I get discharged now?”

  It was a joke, but she didn’t smile.

  “It’s important you manage your expectations about this, Maverick.” She gave me a pointed look. “Regaining some feeling is a huge step but—”

  “Yeah, yeah, this still might not be the answers to all my prayers. Got it.” Nothing was going to dampen my mood though. Not even her warnings about what it did or didn’t mean long-term.

  She left the room and I sat there, grinning like I’d scored the winning point at March Madness.

  I wanted to grab my cell and text Lo, but I didn’t want to get her hopes up, not until I’d talked to my doctor and Miller. So I settled for the next best thing.

  Kyle answered on the first ring. “Yo, bro, what’s up?”

  “We’re not fifteen anymore.” I snorted. “I have news...”

  “I’m listening.”

  “I have some feeling back.”

  “You have feelings for me?”

  “I’m hanging up right—”

  “Whoa, relax, I’m just busting your balls. You have some feeling? That’s huge, Rick. I bet Lo got all high-pitched and emotional when you told her.”

  “Actually, I didn’t tell her yet.”

  “What the hell? She should have been the first person you called.”

  “I know, but I have a plan.”

  “Why do I not like the sound of this?” he grumbled.

  “Just trust me. I need to speak to Miller and the doctor first, but I have a good feeling about this.” Maybe I was deluding myself, letting myself fall for the seduction of sensation and tingles, but I’d been waiting for a sign, and now it had happened, I planned on grabbing it with both hands.

  “I’m so happy for you, bro.”

  “Thanks, I needed this.” I really fucking needed it.

  “So tell me again why you called me first?”

  “Because I need you to do something for me.”

  He hesitated for a second and then let out a heavy sigh. “I’m going to regret saying yes to this, aren’t I?”

  “Maybe, but I’ll owe you.”


  “Wow, this...” I stared around the beach house.

  “The bomb, right?” Kyle chirped from behind me. He moved past me, arms full of our overnight bags. Laurie and Summer filed in after him.

  “Okay, tell me again why we’ve never done this before.” Laurie pushed her oversized sunglasses onto her head and scanned the open-plan room. There was a huge soft fabric sectional overlooking patio doors that led to the ocean. The kitchen was sleek and well equipped, and I was pretty sure I spotted a sunken hot tub on the decking.

  “It’s something, all right.” Summer moved deeper into the room, slinging her purse down on the couch.

  “Tell me why we’re here again?” I flicked my gaze to Kyle.

  “Because you need a break. So does Laurie.” He ran a hand through his messy blond-tipped hair. “You’ve both had a rough few weeks, and I wanted to treat my wife and her best friends to some time away.”

  My brows furrowed as I glanced around our accommodation for the next two nights.

  “Oh no, you don’t,” Kyle said, coming over and slinging his arm around my shoulder.

  “I didn’t say anything.” I peeked up at him.

  “You didn’t have to. You don’t want to be here, and I get that, I do. But Rick gave his blessing. He doesn’t want you to miss out on the entire summer.”

  “It just doesn’t feel right.”

  “I don’t say this often,” Laurie added. “But Kyle is right, babe. We need this. We can keep things low key. Tanning, ice creams, and people-watching.”

  “Hey, now. I know the kind of people you like to watch, just remember you’re wearing my ring.”

  Laurie pulled Kyle away from me and the two of them began making out as if Summer and I weren’t standing right there.

  “Come on, let’s take a look around,” she suggested, and I followed her out onto the decking.

  It really was something. With a prime position along Long Beach’s coast, it had postcard perfect views of the sandy shore and glistening ocean. I tilted my face toward the sky and let the sun beat down on my skin. When I opened my eyes again, Summer was watching me intently.

  “What?” I asked.

  “They’re right, you do need this.”

  “Yeah, maybe.”

  “Rick will be okay, you know? Mom and Dad are going to spend some time with him. And JB said he’ll visit.” Summer gave me a warm smile. “It’s only a couple of days.”

  “I know. It just feels weird, being here to enjoy ourselves while he’s stuck in the hospital.” Maverick had been tired yesterday when I’d visited, so I hadn’t stayed long. He said he was okay, that it had been a tough session with Miller, but I couldn’t help but wonder if he was still hung up on our conversation about living arrangements when he was finally discharged.

  “He wants this for you, Lo. You know he does.”

  I managed a small nod. Maverick had been totally on board with Kyle’s plan to whisk us away for a few days. Maybe even a little too keen.

  “I think he wanted a break from me,” I confessed, the words almost choking me.

  “Lo, that’s not true. But you know my brother better than anyone and his pride is something that will always get the better of him.”

  “You’re right. I’ll be okay.” I had no choice. Kyle wasn’t staying. Once he’d made sure we were settled in, he was returning to Wicked Bay to take care of Laurie’s parents.

  Summer followed me back inside, and thankfully, my cousin and best friend had managed to untangle themselves.

  “Everything okay?” Kyle asked, drawing Laurie into his side.

  “Yeah.” I gave him a weak smile. “You’re right, I think we need this.” I said the words, but my heart wasn’t in it.

  “It’ll be great, babe.” Laurie came over to me and took my hand. “We haven’t had a proper girl’s weekend in forever.”

  “And that’s my cue to leave. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t, okay?” Kyle grinned. “And please keep an eye on my wifey. She tends to get a little wild when she’s drunk.”

  “Get out of here before we break out the face packs and moisturizer.” Summer shooed him toward the door.

  “I’ll be back in two days. Be safe and don’t—” his voice was drowned out by the door closing in his face.

  Laurie chuckled. “He’s almost as bad as Rick.”

  “Well, he did learn from the best.” Summer agreed.

  But that was Maverick before the accident.

  “Did we bring drinks?” I blurted out.

  “Of course.” Laurie looked at me like I’d grown a second head.

  “Thank God.” I rubbed my chest, trying to soothe the permanent ache there. “I think I’m going to need something strong.”


  Guilt gnawed at my insides as I drove straight to the hospital. I didn’t like lying to the girls, but Rick had sworn me to silence. Between Laurie’s dad, and my stepbrother, I knew this place like the back of my hand now.

  When Rick finally got out, I didn’t want to come back here until Laurie was about to give birth to our first kid, in at least five or six years.

  I shook the thoughts out of my head with a smile. Getting pregnant was supposed to fill guys likes me with terror, but the truth was, I wanted that. We needed to graduate first and see where the draft landed me, but then I wanted to put a baby in her and grow our family.

  God, I loved that girl. We were lucky—Maverick and I—to find that kind of once in a lifetime love. It’s why I knew, without doubt, that they would come out of this thing stronger than ever. Because a love like theirs—a love like mine and Laurie’s—didn’t wither in times of tragedy, it flourished. It coiled around your heart, protecting it, and tethering it to the other person.

p; My smile grew as I took the elevator up to Rick’s floor. This time next year, all this would all be a distant memory. Rick would be ready to graduate and then he would be heading off to play professional ball while Lo cheered him on every step of the way. I wasn’t just wishing for it, I felt it in my gut.

  And my gut instinct rarely let me down.

  The vibration of my cell pulled me from my thoughts, and I dug it out of my pocket.

  Laurie: Is something going on? Lo is already on the hard stuff... what aren’t you telling me?


  My girl also had excellent intuition. I should have known the beach house and an all expenses mini vacay wouldn’t be enough to throw her off the scent.

  Kyle: I don’t want to lie to you... so just enjoy the beach house, and make sure Lo enjoys it too.

  Laurie: Hmmm... you’re treading dangerous waters, husband.

  Kyle: You just need to trust me, wifey.

  I chuckled, shoving my cell back in my pocket, as I made my way down the hall to Rick’s room. But what I saw as I stepped inside had me grinding to an abrupt halt.

  “Holy shit,” I exclaimed, at the sight of Miller and Maverick. “Something you want to tell me?”

  “Ask Rick,” Miller said around a knowing smirk. “It’s all part of his master plan.”


  “If this ain’t the life, I don’t know what is.” Laurie let out a contented sigh as we lay sprawled on beach towels at the water’s edge. The beach house led directly onto the sand and we’d managed to find a quiet spot to soak up the sun.

  I envied my best friend. Even with everything that was happening with her dad, she always remained in high spirits. I, on the other hand, was a giant ball of nerves. I couldn’t shake the feeling something was going on, that we were here to keep me away from the hospital.

  Away from Maverick.

  “I can practically hear your mind working overtime from here,” she went on. “We’re supposed to be relaxing.”

  “How do you do it?” I pushed up on one elbow and peered over at her.

  “Do what?”

  “Put on such a brave face all the time? I’m a mess and you’re...”

  “Great at faking it?” Laurie winked but her expression fell. “I got really good at pasting on a smile and pretending in high school. I guess it stuck. I’d rather tell myself I’m okay than let myself acknowledge I’m not.”

  “I’m sorry.” Guilt twisted my insides. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “You didn’t. I just want us to make the most of this before everything changes again.”

  “We can.” I steeled myself. “I promise.”

  “Thank you.” She mouthed. “Now who wants cocktails? I spied a cute little beach bar over there.”

  My head was still woozy from the drinks we’d had earlier. But maybe Laurie had it right. Maybe if you pasted on a smile and pretended everything was fine for long enough, then after a while, maybe it would come true.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “What do you mean I can’t come to see you?” I sank down on the chair, hardly able to believe my ears.

  “There’s a nasty stomach bug sweeping through the ward so visiting is currently on hold.”

  “For how long?”

  “Until they get it under control I guess.”

  My brows crinkled. “Are you okay?”

  “Thankfully, I seem to be fine so far.”

  I let out a sigh of relief. I knew how difficult Maverick found it relying on the nursing staff to help him in that department.

  “I was looking forward to seeing you.” Disappointment welled in my chest.

  “I know, but we can still talk. Tell me all about your trip. How’d you like the beach house?”

  “It was nice, I guess.”

  “I sense a but in there.” Rick chuckled.

  “I would have preferred to be at the hospital with you.”

  “I thought it would be nice for you to spend some time with the girls. The summer is nearly over, and you have nothing to show for it.”

  “Maverick...” I didn’t like hearing him talk like that as if spending time with him was the consolation prize. “Have you given anymore thought to what I said?”

  I’d already emailed the administration department at SU and enquired about deferring the fall semester at least. I didn’t want to abandon Maverick, not until I knew he was settled and capable of being reasonably independent. But if we wanted to find somewhere suitable to live, we needed to move fast.

  He hesitated and my stomach washed with apprehension. “So, I’ve been thinking,” he said, “and maybe we should stay at the house. Mom has already started planning and it’ll take the pressure off you. Plus, it means we can keep the apartment.”

  “I see.” I bit back the tears burning my throat.

  Maverick let out a frustrated breath. “It’s only a temporary solution, I promise. But this way, you can get back to classes as soon as possible.”

  I couldn’t speak. No matter how much I tried to rationalise his explanation, all I could focus on was the fact he was dismissing my suggestion. Again.

  “Lo, come on,” he said after a few seconds of stilted silence, “don’t do this...”

  “Do what, Maverick? What am I doing?” I swallowed a fresh wave of tears, moving the phone away from my ear so he couldn’t hear how devastated I was.

  After giving myself a second, I inhaled a calming breath.

  “It’ll be okay, you’ll see,” Maverick added. There was something in his voice I couldn’t place, but I was too upset to try to figure out what.


  It was beginning to feel like the tide was against us. I knew Rebecca meant well, but I was Maverick’s girlfriend, his partner. I wanted to be the one caring for him.

  I wanted to be the one he wanted by his side.

  But he kept pushing me away.

  “Call me when it’s okay to visit again,” I said, desperate to end the call.

  “Lo, you don’t have to go, we can talk… hold that thought, the doctor’s here. I’ll speak to you soon okay?”

  I said goodbye and hung up, frustration burning through me. My phone bleeped almost straightaway.

  Maverick: I love you, Lo. Nothing will ever change that.

  If that was the case, why did it feel that with every passing day, the distance between us—both physical and emotional—was growing?

  I was still staring at the message when another one came through.

  Maverick: We’ll get through this... I promise.

  I wanted to believe him.

  But I wasn’t sure about anything anymore.


  I broke every speed limit known to man as I drove to the Davisons’ house.

  I’d been on the phone to Coach when Laurie’s message came through. Mike had taken his final breath. I couldn’t imagine the anguish Laurie must be feeling, waiting all these weeks for the inevitable to happen. And then for it to be over, just like that.

  My father-in-law was gone, and now I had to pick up the pieces of another broken family.

  Not that I would have had it any other way.

  I loved Laurie with everything that I was. Her pain was my pain. Her joy was my joy. Her heartache was my heartache. I would always, always put her first.

  By the time I reached their house, the ambulance was just pulling away. Climbing out of my car, I headed straight inside. “Laurie? Gabi?”

  “In here,” Laurie’s mom called, her voice muffled with pain.

  I found them wrapped in one another. “Hey,” I said, moving to the couch. “What can I do?”

  “Take her,” Gabi said around a weak smile. “She needs you, and I need some air.”

  “Are you sure?”

  She nodded. “You take good care of my girl, Kyle. I’ll be in the yard.” Laurie’s mom slipped out from beneath my girl’s hold, and I moved into place, pulling Laurie into my arms.

  “I’ve got you.”
My fingers went to her hair, stroking softly.

  “He’s gone,” she hiccoughed. “I mean, I knew it was going to happen. I knew, but it stills feels...” A sob broke from her lips.

  “Ssh, take all the time you need. I’m not going anywhere. I’m right here.”

  I’ll always be here.

  “Come here.” I patted the bed and opened my arms to her.

  Laurie hovered at the edge of the bed, looking completely lost. She’d changed into one of my old football jerseys. It barely skimmed her thighs, giving me a peek of what was hiding underneath. But tonight wasn’t about that. It was about holding my girl and taking away her pain as much as I could.

  She switched the light off and climbed in bed beside me, pressing herself into the side of my body. Her arm went over my stomach, sending a shiver down my spine. I might have been here for her, but I was only human. And Laurie Stone got me going. Every. Single. Time.

  “How are you feeling?” I whispered against her hair.

  “Numb.” Her fingers traced nonsensical patterns along my abs.

  “Whatever you need, I’m here. You know that, right?”

  She peered up at me and smiled. “I know. I love you, Kyle.”

  “I love you too, babe. So fucking much. I wish I could take all your pain and keep it as my own. If I could do that for you, I would.”

  Tears clung to her long lashes. “I know.”

  “Tell me what to do.” Because seeing her like this gutted me.

  “Make love to me, Kyle. Make it all go away.”

  “Laurie, babe, I’m not sure—”

  “I need this. I need my husband to love me. Please.” Her fingers curled against my skin as if she was trying to peel me open and climb inside.

  I rolled us until she was fitted beneath me. “You are so beautiful.” My fingers glided down her cheek to the slope of her neck. “Even sad, you’re pretty.” Laurie managed a faint smile at that. “And I thank the universe every day for giving you to me.”


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