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Soteria- The Crisis Forge

Page 19

by Roberto Arcoleo

  “Helena! This is not ‘people,’ this is my brother. Mark, say hello to Helena. Don’t mind her rudeness. This big guy is BoBo, and that skinny one next to him is Gary.” Gary waved, and BoBo gave an acknowledging nod.

  “Your brother?” retorted Helena. “Holy shit. You have a brother? How come we never heard about him before? You never mentioned a brother.”

  “Yeah, well… We kind of travel in different worlds, but we are very close. He’s in town for a bit and we’ve been catching up. He wants to hear our music, so what do you say we show him what we’re about?”

  “Sure, sure. I’m just surprised that you have never brought him around before now,” said Helena. She smiled sweetly, but her tone was acerbic. “Well, it’s great to meet you, Mark. Here, come sit next to me. Your brother, huh? That’s interesting.” She looked at Jason questioningly, and then briefly back at Mark. “I see the resemblance. Except for the hair, yeah, you look a lot alike. Do you play, Mark, or sing?”

  “Well… I never really tried. I do write poetry though. I love poetry; poetry and the stars.” Mark spoke softly, with quiet confidence.

  “The stars? What do you mean, the stars?” Helena was intrigued.

  “I mean the cosmos. All that is out there. All that is beyond space and time. I love thinking about what we cannot see, the vastness of the heavens. I also love poetry and literature, too. It all kind of makes me feel complete.”

  “Whoa! Your brother is really heavy, dude!” blurted Gary.

  “Indeed,” echoed BoBo in his low, bellowing voice. “We will have to get him stoned and listen to some outer space stories.”

  Mark laughed. “I just like a lot of things, that’s all. I really want to hear you guys play, though. Jason has told me how fantastic you are, and I hear that you sing like an angel, Helena.”

  “Well, that’s what some people say,” she said smiling, doing her best to sound coy, “but it’s your brother who is the real star. He brings us all together! We have to play for you. Let’s go down on stage, Jason. Let your brother really hear us right. Not in this little room. Let him see us up there. I want him to see me do my thing with the crowd cheering and the lights beaming,”

  Fascinated, Helena could not take her eyes away from his. Maybe I could like this guy. She knew that when he heard her voice and saw her body sway, she could pique his interest. I’m going to give it a go.

  “Yeah!” shouted BoBo. “I’ll go down and clear the stage for us. Whaddya say, Jason? Let’s do it! I’m in the mood to play, too.”

  Jason nodded affirmatively, and BoBo lumbered out to make the arrangements.

  Helena’s interest in Mark was obvious. She did not understand exactly why Mark attracted her so quickly, yet she felt it, felt something primal when she looked at him. I’m comfortable around this guy. He is not the brooding type, and maybe he’s not as removed as Jason.

  Reading her mind, Mark telepathically sent her a message that he was taken and not to get her hopes up. As quickly as she received it, Helena dismissed the notion.

  Maybe he’s taken, but he’s so cute! Anyway, who’s hotter than me? I don’t mind some competition, and I’m sure I could borrow him for a while.

  Jason could not believe how fickle Helena was, and with his brother, no less. He actually hoped that Mark would go with her, thinking a night of purely hedonistic and selfishly wanton sex would be good for both of them. Hiding his sardonic smile, Jason decided to watch the drama unfold.

  Entering the room from the dance floor below, BoBo announced the stage was clear, and they could go on whenever they were ready.

  “Great,” said Jason. “Let’s do it! You guys better be at your best tonight! I don’t want my brother to be disappointed.”

  “We will really cook,” responded Gary. “I promise you that.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” said Helena with a twinkle in her eye giving Mark a smile, “Sweet like candy.”

  They were greeted with applause as they walked onto the stage. Jason motioned for Mark to sit on the left side in order to be as close to the music as possible. They started to play, and the crowd cheered as they heard the group’s classic growling sound. BoBo pounded a beat while Gary’s guitar yearned and cried, and at last, Helena’s shimmering voice rang out. When Jason started to sing, the place went mad.

  The group played for hours, but to the crowd, it seemed like minutes. Helena was especially wonderful that night. Her singing redefined the notes with ease, slipping in and out of melodic sophistication, swooning gracefully, piercing into the audience. Her body persuaded, as she purred within an aura found only in dark places. “Captivating,” was heard from a manager’s voice off stage. She was hungry for approval, and she wanted to leave behind only devastation and satisfaction. Jason allowed her the spotlight since he knew her secret motivation. He did take the last number though, thinking, it’s my band, after all.

  Leaving the stage, Jason turned to Helena, “You were really on tonight. What’s gotten into you? Have you been eating your Wheaties?” he said laughing. Of course, Jason knew the motivation was Mark. He had struck her like a bolt.

  “I don’t know, it was if something grabbed me. We were great, I feel great!” She turned to Mark, “Sooo, what did you think? Did you like it?” she asked expectantly.

  Mark smiled wide, and his excitement was palpable. “It was fabulous. You’re fabulous. You all are.” They were screaming to each other since the crowd would not stop roaring in maddening applause. Jason signaled that they should all retreat so they could talk.

  Just then, Angela appeared out of nowhere. “You guys were unbelievable, Jason. Fantastic! And you, Helena, magnifica! Brava, brava!”

  Jason knew her compliment to Helena almost caught in her throat, but she could not contain her enthusiasm. It was as if she could do nothing but give the devil its due.

  “Why, thank you, Angela! Thanks a lot.”

  Angela responded with a perfunctory smile, trying not to show her disdain for Helena. But she could not hide that she was impressed. The crowd could not be silenced. Helena returned to the front of the stage and raised her arms towards the crowd, beaming with pride. She had come into her own, and everyone knew it.

  Jason could see that both Helena and Angela had partying on their minds, and he was up for some frolic himself. But peering into Mark’s mind, he saw he was not ready for such an evening. Telepathically, Jason asked Mark what he wanted to do with the night. Mark returned the communication. He had a wonderful time, but he was not up for a wild night with his friends.

  Helena looked at Mark. “So, what are you guys up to tonight? We could stay around here or bang around town to a few places! It’s not that late! What do you say?”

  Looking at Jason, Mark replied somberly, “Well, we have a really big day tomorrow, and I am not sure about running around tonight.”

  Just then, Angela snuggled up against Jason, grasping his arm and leaning her head against his shoulder. “Say, I just quit early to come out with you! You’re not going to quit on me, are you?”

  Jason glanced over towards Mark and Helena. “It’s up to Mark; it’s his night. If he has had enough, then that’s it!” But, really, in the back of his mind, he knew that a double date entailing Angela and Helena in the same room could end up in a knife fight.

  Mark turned to Helena. “I had a great time tonight. The performance transcended the music; it was life-giving. But I must quit on you. I have to hit the sack early. We can do something again another night, right?”

  Helena felt disappointed but tried not to show it. “Sure, we can do it another time. Or maybe something else sometime, if you like.” She looked intensely at Mark, letting him know that she was really interested. Mark paused, looking back. Her intentions were clear.

  He liked Helena, but he was completely infatuated by Gabriela. And although Helena was mysterious and beautiful, he did not see how it would be possible for him to bring her into his life in the way she wanted. He could barely handle the stress
of one woman.

  Man! But she is really beautiful, he said to himself. And my, what a voice!

  Jason jumped into Mark’s mind, teasing him. Dear brother, what do you want to do?

  Mark communicated back: Jason, we had better get out of here soon! She’s really sexy, and I am tempted.

  Just then, Helena asked, “Would you like my number? Maybe we could get together, hang out, do something?” She smiled mischievously, with a glint in her eye. She was not usually this forward, but she could tell that Mark was a shy one; tonight, she had better make her move.

  Jason jumped back into Mark’s mind. So, here we are, where the roads part. Either get her number and we bail out of here or accept the offer and just go for it! I can see she’s yours for the taking.

  Mark took a breath. “Yes, I would love your phone number. I’ll call you soon. We can make a plan or something.”

  “Great, you will have to let me show you my favorite clubs.” Clubbing was not really on her mind, but she thought it sounded right.

  Helena wrote down her number and gave it to Mark. He is so nice; I wonder if he likes me! I like the fact that he is passing on me tonight. I would have probably slept with him, woken up feeling like shit, and never heard from him again. Same old story with another face. But if he calls me, it will mean he really likes me! I am sure he has a girlfriend, but maybe I worked some magic on him tonight. God, he’s so cute! I hope he calls.

  “Yeah, call me!” said Helena.

  Mark replied, “Yeah,” trying to sound a bit cool, but still interested.

  Jason’s mind communicated back to his brother: You know, these humans are really starting to charm me. Of course, we could control their minds if we chose to, and we could do whatever we wanted with them. We could treat them as toys in a sandbox. But living as they do, experiencing as they do… Having a girl like Helena want you, really want you… How much fun is this? Then he said aloud, “Angela, I am going to take my brother home. Maybe I can find you later.”

  “Ok, bambino mio. Hit my buzzer three times; two short and one long. I’ll know it’s you. I’ll buzz you in. You know the address. I’ll be home about 2 a.m. Okay?”

  Turning towards Mark, Jason said, “Okay then, let’s get going. See you guys later! You all were awesome tonight! You really did me proud, all of you. But you, Helena, you were so, so superb!”

  “Hey, that’s my line! You can’t steal that from me, Jason!” She smiled as she spoke.

  “No chance. No one can say it like you. Okay, see you guys later.”

  Jason and Mark headed out to the ballroom, preparing to leave. Jason turned to Mark. “So what do think? Did you have a good time? Everyone really liked you. Especially Helena.” He grinned.

  “I had a wonderful time! It was perfect. And I really do like Helena. But I don’t know if I could do anything with her. It would be too complicated for me. I am really crazy about Gabriela. She is something; wait until you meet her.”

  “Yes, yes,” he responded. “I understand, but didn’t the Council instruct us to learn and experience?” He grinned as he spoke. Mark could see that Jason was playing with him, poking fun at him for being conservative.

  Mark wanted Jason to understand how much Gabriela meant to him, how special she was, how she could see such depths in things – not just the black and white – but a thousand shades between. But it was true that Helena was very tempting.

  Mark followed Jason across the dance floor, weaving through the crowd. The music was still raging, bodies dancing wildly. He had never been to a club like this; it was intoxicating. He could see why Jason was seduced by this life. It ate you up and overcame your senses.

  They were approaching the club’s exit when a fight broke out to their left. A very large young guy, maybe 6’4” and 280 pounds and wearing a football t-shirt bearing the word “Iowa” was swinging a small Spanish guy around like a rag doll. The smaller guy was trying to punch the bigger one, but his blows bounced off him. His wailing swings appeared more like a bird flapping its wings against the face of a cliff. The two were on a direct course to intersect with Mark when Jason touched the large one. He fell to the ground like overcooked spaghetti rolling off a fork.

  The little Spanish guy stood over the stunned and dazed football player waving his arms victoriously, a gladiator in triumph. He yelled to his friends, “Who’s the man? I’m the man!” He danced over the larger man, taking in the applause and cheers, beating his chest with boastful pride. Not knowing that his blows had nothing to do with the giant’s fall, he relished his moment as a champion.

  Walking quickly towards the exit, Mark motioned to Jason. “We better get out of here before anyone notices us.”

  But as they walked out to the street, Jason froze. “Mark! There! Do you see them? Those furry little things again! Do you see them?”

  Mark looked up. “Yes, Jason! I see them! Who, what are they?”

  In an instant, they were gone.

  Chapter 34: In Her Bed With Her Thoughts

  Gabriela lay in her bed gazing at the light from the window. It was early; the sun had just begun to sneak into the room. The windowpanes started to glow. She could see the shadows of the trees playing on the white linen curtains, swaying lethargically and telling stories, like rivers, hiding their directions.

  Sometimes rivers can’t make up their minds, she thought, like me most of the time… pathetic. I feel like a raft being swirled by the currents, kicked around by the rocks, my head half underwater. I’m barely hanging on.

  She looked over to her husband. His large hairy back was turned towards her. He’s grown so fat. He has become a stranger, and he still smells of cigars and whisky. These days, he always seems to. He was up until 3 a.m. again with his crew of scientists and students, talking wild abstract theories, physics, and strange, incomprehensible mathematics. How could I have ever thought I could make a life with a guy like him? He used to be so interested in everything. With that beautiful blond hair, and those blue eyes... He was thin and tall. Oh, how I wanted him. I loved him! But that was a long time ago. Now he is boring and bald! I wonder if he was always this hairy… maybe I never noticed it, or all those dark spots and ugly skin tags that seem to grow like insects all over him.

  She looked again at the curtains. The light just played, the lines of the shadows fading and then sharp again, moving, wandering. She wanted that. Just to move and wander, to feel free, to feel like she could just…

  I’m being unfair, but that’s the way I feel. I wonder what Mark is doing right now. He must be thinking about the things he has to do. I wish I could be with him right now, my arms holding him. He is so strong yet so fragile. I wish I could help him. I wish I could help myself. I don’t know what I am doing. I’m bored with my husband, and I’m in love with what… a being from another world. Great. Really great, Gabriela… What more can you do for yourself this week? Maybe I can call him. If I could just hear his voice… It’s 6 a.m., for God’s sake! You don’t call people at 6 a.m.! But he’s not a person; you could! I bet he never sleeps! I wonder if he sleeps. I’ve never seen him sleep. He never seems to get tired. My God, for sure, he never gets tired when he is close to me! I want to call him, but I might wake up George if I do that. He leaves early today; I’ll wait.

  But Mark is able to read my thoughts. I wonder if he knows I want to talk to him. Maybe if I think about him really hard, he will know. I want to see you. I want to see you! There! Maybe he heard that. Maybe he will call me. Wait! Don’t call now, Mark! George is still here! Oh, he would know that, wouldn’t he? Oh, just call me when he leaves, Mark, please call.

  “This room feels like a cage!” she said out loud as she looked again towards the window. I feel like I could just jump, but it’s only four stories; I’ll probably just break a leg.

  She closed her eyes. What have I done with this life? Is it this marriage? Is it me? “Stop thinking like this!” she said out loud.

  Oh… I’m so hungry. I wonder if there is any more of t
hat German chocolate cake left in the fridge from the other night. She crept into the kitchen to reach the refrigerator. As she opened the door, she jumped and said out loud, “Yes! There is a God!” She picked up the last piece of cake with her hand. Without consideration for a knife or fork, she wrapped her mouth around deep chocolate nirvana. Oh, this is just what I needed!

  Through the kitchen door, she looked over towards her husband’s sleeping body, wiping frosting from her nose. She picked up a volume of poetry she had left open from the night before: her old friend Edna St. Vincent Millay, and with the light of the refrigerator she read:

  I cannot say what love has come and gone

  I only know that summer sang in me

  A little while, that in me sings no more

  “Oh, Edna… how you get me!”

  Chapter 35: Visiting the Doctor

  It was midnight by the time they returned to the apartment, and they remained there until the morning. Although Jason had promised Angela a late-night visit, he would not leave his brother’s side, not even for the pleasure of her arms.

  Each would look at the other but say nothing, worried that their words could in some way stimulate the portal and that somehow the sound of their voices might reveal their trepidations to the Council. Ignoring its calling, they busied themselves with books and music. As the sun rose, quietly, they left the apartment.

  “It was really hard for me to resist its pull,” Mark said, turning to Jason as they walked down the street.

  “Yeah, for me as well,” Jason responded. “It was good that we did not communicate. I think if we had, the portal would have tried to engage us, tempting us to enter, but it was important that we were home. They could see us and know we were not up to anything nefarious. I’m sure any exchange between us would have been to their advantage. We still don’t know what the Council is up to. We have to find a way to turn the situation in our favor.”


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