Save Your Kisses for Me

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by Pelaam

  Save Your Kisses for Me

  By Pelaam

  Published by JMS Books LLC

  Visit for more information.

  Copyright 2020 Pelaam

  ISBN 9781646562695

  Cover Design: Written Ink Designs |

  Image(s) used under a Standard Royalty-Free License.

  All rights reserved.

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  No portion of this book may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher, with the exception of brief excerpts used for the purposes of review.

  This book is for ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It may contain sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which might be considered offensive by some readers. Please store your files where they cannot be accessed by minors.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are solely the product of the author’s imagination and/or are used fictitiously, though reference may be made to actual historical events or existing locations. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Published in the United States of America.

  * * * *

  To my partner—who makes every day special.

  * * * *

  Save Your Kisses for Me

  By Pelaam

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 1

  At the sight of the embossed envelope in his mailbox, Scott drew a deep breath. Not that it was a surprise, of course. He and his brother had been emailing and exchanging messages on Facebook for some time regarding Josh’s upcoming wedding.

  However, this meant he had a decision to make. I’ve looked after my little brother all my life. It’s not like I can walk away now. Even if it means things are uncomfortable for me.

  Ambling back inside his villa, Scott went through to the kitchen. Grabbing his coffee, he set it down, then sat at the counter turning the envelope over in his hands. Finally, he opened it.

  Sure enough, an embossed invitation sat inside, but there was a handwritten note as well.

  I still want you as my best man. Don’t make me send Aroha to sort you out. You know I’ll do it. J

  Despite everything, Scott burst out into loud guffaws. Yes, I believe you would. And just who can resist that little powerhouse of positive energy? Folding the note once again, he stuck it back in the envelope, glanced at his watch, and groaned. Absent-mindedly, he carried the envelope with him as he hurried into the kitchen.

  As a nurse, Scott worked in the local hospital’s Emergency Department. He preferred its generally faster pace and wider variety. For the next few days, he was on the night shift, starting at ten in the evening, he worked through the night, retiring to bed when most people were starting their day.

  With a quick detour to his fridge to get out his meal break supplies for the night shift; Scott filled his cool bag with an assortment of goodies. He always felt hungrier when on a night shift. Although sometimes it could be so busy that he only managed to grab a few snacks rather than the meal he always made to take with him.

  With his cool bag and a clean uniform in his backpack, Scott ambled out to the car and set off. The hospital was only a short fifteen minutes’ drive away and at that time of night, there was always plenty of staff parking space. Locking his car, Scott headed into the building and into the nurses’ changing room.

  Most nurses came ready dressed, but Scott was old school. He’d change here, and take the uniform home to wash, bringing a clean one in with him the following night. Stripping quickly, he donned his uniform and hung up his own clothes, then went into the break room to put his lunch box in the fridge.

  To his surprise, Scott found that he’d stuffed the invite in with his meal break goodies. He studied it again and was so engrossed in his own thoughts that he failed to hear one of the other nurses, Simone, come into the room.

  “Oh good, you’re in. Hey, is that a wedding invite? You don’t look happy about it.”

  “Hi, Simone. Yes, it is. It’s to my younger brother’s wedding. And he wants me to be his best man.”

  “Surely you should be delighted. I mean, you are going to accept. Both, that is.”

  “I don’t know. I want to, and he and Aroha, his lovely fiancée want me, but, well, I’m still the family’s rainbow sheep and after the last family fiasco, I swore I’d never go to anything family again. I never expected Josh to be so keen to marry. They’ve only been a couple for a year, but they’re smitten. It’s cute really.” Scott offered Simone a smile and she grinned.

  “Aww, that’s sweet. But what about you? You can’t let Josh down. Remember, it’s not that idiot of a father of yours, or your day. It’s Josh’s day. It’s all about what Josh and Aroha want.”

  “I guess so. But you know how complicated family stuff can be.”

  “Yes, I do.” Simone nodded and placing a hand on Scott’s shoulder, she squeezed gently. “You should go, Scott. Maybe try and fix some of that family stuff.”

  “I know. I don’t want to let Josh down, and you’re right. It is his and Aroha’s day.” Scott sighed as Simone walked away. And that’s why I thought it best to keep my distance. Perhaps Josh has made Dad promise to keep his antiquated ideas about love to himself.

  With a rue smile, Scott knew it didn’t really matter whether they had or not. He wasn’t going to change a habit of a lifetime, especially for the worse. He’d be Josh’s best man, and if his father behaved like a wanker, then so be it. I can be the bigger man.

  Chapter 2

  Sitting at his best friend’s kitchen table, Jamie worked methodically through the invites which were still to go out, and the few from close family that had come back first. Josh and his fiancé Aroha sat on the sofa, still deciding on color schemes and bridesmaids’ favors.

  Stopping for a moment, Jamie gazed at them. Their heads were almost touching, Josh’s sandy-brown hair such a contrast to Aroha’s black tresses. They’re such a cute couple, and so in love.

  Jamie took a deep breath as the thought of coming face to face with Josh’s big brother came to mind. He shivered pleasantly. He’d had a long-held crush on the older man, which he hadn’t even confided to Josh.

  But Scott had gone to nursing college, and Jamie had been so set on a career as a chef that he’d never had chance to ever let Scott know. But, at the wedding, just maybe I stand a chance.

  His real job for the couple was the catering, but until Josh knew what his brother was going to do, he was helping as a temporary stand-in best man. Not that there were many duties to do for Scott if he accepted. Just a stags’ night. Nothing difficult there either. Josh hardly drinks, so a decent meal out will do the trick, and the speeches.

  With a smile, Jamie picked up the next envelope and on reading the sender’s address, he froze for a moment. This is from Josh’s brother. He glanced up at the couple.

  “Hey, Josh. You may want to open this one yourself, bro.”

  “Why? Wazzup?” Josh twisted around to see as Jamie held up the envelope.

  “It’s from Scott.”

  “Bring it over, Jamie.” Aroha waved a hand and Jamie hurried from the table to where the couple sat, to hand it to Josh.

  “Has he contacted you over being best man yet?” Jamie asked and Josh shook his head.

  “No. But this has come back almost immediately. Look. He didn’t post it.”

Now that Jamie was looking properly, he saw there was no franking on the stamp.

  “Well, open it silly.” Aroha pushed Josh, who seemed unwilling to move.

  “What if he’s declined?” A worried frown creased Josh’s forehead.

  “You won’t know unless you look at it.” Jamie shrugged. “Surely if he was refusing, he would speak to you directly. You and Scott keep in touch. The family…disagreement as you describe it, wasn’t between you and him.”

  “You’re right.” Josh slowly sliced through the envelope, removed the reply to his invitation, then stared at it.

  “Well?” Jamie asked, anxiously waiting to hear if he had to pick up a lot more arrangements.

  “He accepted.” With a wide grin, Josh looked up at Jamie and Aroha. “And he’ll be my best man. He’s working nights, so wants to jack up a time that suits us both to go through what’s expected of him. Yes!” Josh fist-pumped the air and Jamie laughed out loud.

  “That’s awesome.” Jamie sighed his relief. Organizing the catering was enough of a job. And he hated speaking in public. Thank all the gods his big brother will be the best man. I remember Scott as being very family orientated, and a good man. Jamie’s smile turned wolfish. And as sexy as fuck. Not that he’d remember a skinny, geeky thing like me. Six years is a big gap between a mature nineteen-year-old and a freckle-faced, gap-toothed thirteen-year-old.

  “Oh, Josh, that’s wonderful.” Aroha leaned in to peck a kiss on Josh’s cheek. “I’m so happy for you. I know it means a lot to you to have Scott as your best man. Now we have to hope that your dad behaves.”

  “Yeah.” Josh nodded. “This was only half the battle. I still have to tell Dad about my decision. But if the choice comes down to Dad or Scott, then I’ll choose my brother, and Dad will have to live with the consequences.”

  “Good for you.” Jamie slapped Josh’s shoulder. “Being gay isn’t a choice. How you react toward your friends and family is.”

  “Exactly. I think Dad had the whole, marriage, kids, usual family life thing all plotted out for Scott. Everyone said how similar they were. Then Scott showed no interest in sport, preferring to study. And the notion of Scott being some high-flying business exec or lawyer was then in Dad’s mind. He never expected his son to be a nurse or gay.”

  “Double-whammy. Still, no excuse.” Jamie shook his head. “And Scott’s done so well for himself. He’s a nurse specialist.”

  “Exactly.” Aroha stood up and stuck her hands on her hips. “I have gay cousins. They’re as much a part of my whanau as anyone else. We need to work on your dad.”

  “We will.” Josh nodded and rose to stand beside his fiancé. “This is our day. No one is going to spoil it for us.”

  “And I’m glad that I can focus on the catering.” Jamie wrapped his arms around his friends. “I’d have proudly been your best man, but you know I hate being the focus of attention. Giving the speeches would have near killed me.”

  “You’d have been wonderful.” Aroha leaned closer to plant a light kiss on his cheek. “And I can’t wait to see your menu for our wedding breakfast.”

  “I’ve been working on it, but I haven’t quite finished it. I still want to think a couple of things through. I’m so pleased for you, bro. I’m looking forward to seeing your brother again.” Maybe he won’t think me too skinny or geeky now. At least, a man can dream.

  * * * *

  For a man who relied on remaining calm, being in control, and taking charge in emergencies, Scott couldn’t believe the way butterflies had taken flight in his stomach. It was ridiculous. All he was required to do was attend a rehearsal, discuss a stags’ night, confirm how many bridesmaids, and go. Except Josh has arranged dinner. With immediate family and close friends.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake.” Scott paced back and forth in his living room. “I’ve dealt with severed limbs, heart attacks, consoled grieving relatives, and welcomed new life into the world. Surely I can handle a rehearsal and ignore Dad if he acts up.”

  But this wasn’t just about him. It was also about a much-loved younger brother. The last thing Scott wanted was to ruin Josh’s day, and Josh had made it quite clear, with Aroha backing him up, that he was their choice for best man, they both wanted him there, and, if necessary, it was their father who’d not be attending.

  Although it touched Scott deeply that both Josh and his fiancé felt that way, the last thing he wanted was for the family to be further divided. Fuck, I hope it doesn’t come to that. He stopped pacing and took a deep breath.

  “I can cope with Dad for a couple of hours over a couple of days.” I hope.

  The wedding and its rehearsal were in one of the top hotels in the city. Grand and luxurious, the hotel boasted a wooden-floored lobby and private rooms tastefully decorated and housing fine antiques. Scott knew it to be a favorite place for visiting heads of state, international businessmen, and the social elite.

  But according to his brother, the catering was being organized by another friend. Scott was vaguely surprised that they wouldn’t just get the hotel to organize the wedding breakfast, but apparently, some deal or other had been sorted.

  He shrugged, that wasn’t his problem. Thankfully. Scott glanced at his watch. Time for procrastinations were over. He had to leave now, or he’d get caught in the city traffic and be late. Hurrying to the bathroom, Scott cleaned his teeth, and then patted on his favorite Joop cologne.

  He gave a cursory glance at himself. Should be passable enough. Scott had gone for smart but understated in black dress pants and a dark burgundy shirt, open at the neck. Making sure his shoes were shined, Scott strode back into his living room.

  With his phone in one hand, keys in the other, Scott left the house, locked it behind him, and got into his car. With a silent prayer to all the gods that the rehearsal went well, Scott started the engine and drove into town.

  There were still parking spaces to choose from in the underground car park. Josh had reserved slots, and after displaying his invite, Scott had been waved through by the parking attendant.

  Normally Scott would jog upstairs, but to remain calm and unflustered, he chose to take the elevator instead, which allowed him to close his eyes and take several deep breaths before he stepped out.

  Feeling more in control, Scott strode casually to the reception desk. The receptionist looked immaculate. Scott couldn’t spot a thing out of place, from her tightly restrained bun to her long, perfectly manicured nails.

  As he approached, she ran her gaze over him, and her professional smile turned flirtatious.

  “May I help you, sir,” she asked, brushing at her shoulder as if her hair was loose.

  Another time, Scott might have been flattered by her behavior, but his nerves weren’t up to banter, and he didn’t want to be late.

  “I’m Scott Hennessey, here for the wedding rehearsal. I have a card.” Scott spoke in the crisp tone he used in work. It had the desired effect. The receptionist sat up straighter, the warmth vanished from her expression and she held out her hand.

  “May I see that, sir?” Her voice was crisp and business like and Scott smiled to himself. It was amazing the difference a firm nurse’s voice had on people.

  Scott handed over the thick, embossed card. After looking it over carefully, the receptionist returned it to Scott.

  “Right this way, sir. Miranda.” She indicated to someone out of Scott’s sight and another receptionist came through to take her place.

  With a glance over her should to ensure Scott was following, the receptionist led the way through the lobby, past an oversized staircase, and out to the back of the hotel.

  “The rehearsal is in the courtyard, and dinner is in the hotel restaurant.” The receptionist informed Scott as she kept up a brisk pace.

  After walking down a long hallway, they stopped at door.

  “Here we are, sir. Go right in, they’re due to start any time now. I think you were the last.” She gave him one last glance, sniffed, then turned on her heel and str
ode away.

  With a shrug Scott opened the door and peered outside. The courtyard was bigger than he expected. Small trees in barrels, shrubs in large plant pots, and raised flower beds gave it a lovely outdoor feel. Looking up, there was a roof, and Scott wondered if it slid back.

  At the far end was a water feature, the water running down a stone slab to gather in a small pool. It had been incorporated into an arbor, which was obviously where the ceremony itself would be conducted. Between the arbor and where Scott stood were rows of chairs, covered in pink fabric which were tied at the back with large bows.

  Gathered in the center, Scott recognized Aroha’s parents, as well as his very soon sister-in-law to be, a few flower girls and the bridesmaids, Josh, and another man who instantly caught Scott’s attention.

  Lush, long dark brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail, his face, although in Scott’s eyes was nothing short of beautiful, was still obviously masculine. His eyes were a smoky shade of blue and he had the same slender build as Scott’s brother who stood beside him. As he spoke his hands were in constant motion in a flurry of animated gestures.

  A soft groan escaped Scott when he felt a warm tug of desire toward the man. Worse yet was the fact that Scott couldn’t help but feel that there was something familiar about him, although he couldn’t imagine where he’d met him before. There’s no way I’d forget a man like him.

  However, when the man noticed Scott standing there, he gave such a smile that his entire face seemed to light up, and it was obvious to Scott that he’d been recognized. The man didn’t break his gaze even as he reached out to alert Josh who turned around with a warm smile of his own.

  “Scott, you made it.” Josh hurried over to wrap his arms tightly around Scott who reciprocated instantly. “It’s so good to see you. Aroha and I are going to make sure we see a lot more of you in future. No excuses. We’ll work it around your shifts.”

  “It’s good to see you, too. And Aroha. She’s looking as beautiful as ever.” Scott smiled, then glanced around. “Where’s Dad?”


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