Save Your Kisses for Me

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Save Your Kisses for Me Page 2

by Pelaam

  “Oh, he’s here. He’s been told that if he can’t keep his narrow-minded comments to himself, he isn’t welcome. Simple as that.”

  “Josh, you can’t—”

  “I can, and I have. This is my wedding. Mine and Aroha’s. We want a happy occasion with everyone enjoying themselves. No hate, no fear that something will be said to ruin the day. Because if someone upsets you, it’ll upset us. It’s time Dad realized there are consequences to not thinking about what he says. And that everyone has the right to love who they want.”

  The impassioned words touched Scott deeply, and slowly, the butterflies in his stomach settled.

  “Thank you.”

  “Don’t thank me. It’s how I feel, and Aroha too. Now, instead of skulking back here, come and join us.” He indicated the group of people and was about to turn when Scott caught his arm.

  “Josh, the guy who saw me first, who is he? I get the feeling I know him.”

  “Him?” Scott smiled. “That’s James Sullivan. He’s responsible for the catering. He’s a chef, a good one, too. Ring any bells?”

  The name James Sullivan was indeed familiar to Scott. He ran one of the top restaurants in the city, and he could well imagine how the hotel would be only too pleased to cut a deal to get a renowned chef in their kitchen. But that doesn’t explain why he seems so familiar. It’s not the name, it’s the man.

  Still trying to work out why James was so familiar, Scott hesitated briefly, then followed his brother. When he reached the group, he was immediately hugged and kissed by Aroha and then her mother. He received a handshake and shoulder bump from Aroha’s father and the two brothers in attendance. Then Josh introduced him to James.

  “James, I’d like to introduce you to my older brother, Scott Hennessey.”

  “Pleased to meet you.” Scott held out his hand and James took it after a quick glance at Josh.

  “The pleasure’s all mine.” James offered another of his megawatt smiles and Scott found himself holding onto the hand a little longer than necessary.

  A discreet cough from Aroha alerted them to the reappearance of Scott’s father. The older man caught sight of Scott, stopped, then nodded at him.

  It wasn’t much, but Scott had to concede it was something, and much more positive than the last exchange they’d had. Then he didn’t have time to think about anything other than making sure that the rehearsal went well.

  Chapter 3

  When he’d been introduced to Scott, Jamie was pleased that Josh had remembered to introduce him by his formal, and only used for business name of James Sullivan. Fortunately, as the rehearsal began, Josh had no opportunity to ask him just what he was up to.

  Watching from the seats, Jamie smiled. I can hardly confess to my best friend that I’ve harbored a long-held crush on his big brother. But what’s not to like, who could blame me? Look at him. Tall, broad chested, that close-cropped sandy-brown hair, and eyes like a clear summer’s day.

  All went perfectly and when the rehearsal concluded, Jamie finally felt he could relax, even though he wasn’t responsible for anything at this stage. I come into play once the happy couple get everyone up on the rooftop restaurant.

  That restaurant was generally only open for dinner, the hotel’s main restaurant being on the ground floor and which was twice the size. That, and the use of his name, had been the reason for the ease of their successful petition to self-cater. Had the hotel refused, they would simply have had the breakfast elsewhere.

  About to trail after Josh and the others, Jamie noticed Scott hanging back and, while his libido was still affected the way it had since he’d been a horny teenager, his heart ached at the way Scott still seemed to feel isolated from his family. Well, becoming a chef certainly brought me out of my shell. Let’s see if I can do the same for Scott.

  “Scott.” Jamie called to the other man. “I’ll walk with you.”

  “I wasn’t…I mean. Ah, fuck it.” Scott’s shoulders slumped.

  “Hey, according to what Josh told me, you and your dad are getting on like a house on fire, just by not talking to one another.”

  “Very fucking funny.” Scott growled the words, but since Jamie knew what the man was really like, he just chuckled at the bad-tempered display.

  “Hey, don’t forget, I’m a chef. I have first dibs on being the overly temperamental one. I’ve watched all Gordon Ramsey’s DVDs and know how to swear every bit as well as him.” To Jamie’s delight, he spotted the twitch of Scott’s lips.

  “I suppose Josh sent you after me.” Scott turned so that he was now looking directly at Jamie. The intense scrutiny made Jamie’s cock sit up and take notice, and Jamie was glad for the jacket that hid the evidence.

  “No. He’s so much in love with Aroha, I don’t think even an earthquake of seven on the Richter scale would be noticed.

  “Yeah. They do seem the perfect couple.” Scott’s lips curved into a smile and Jamie had to resist the urge to simply lean forward and claim them. “Are we having your food now?” Scott asked and Jamie shook his head.

  “No. We thought that would be too much. This is the hotel’s own food, but I did agree to spend some time in their kitchen, chatting to the chefs, offering some tips. A small price to pay.”

  “You’re young to have such a renowned restaurant.” Scott cocked his head. “Aren’t you?”

  “Kinda.” Jamie nodded. “But things went my way, I was inspired, and I worked fucking hard. I’d like to spend some time abroad, a few months in other restaurants. That would extend my repertoire. I dunno. Guess it depends on how things go.”

  “You seem very…focused.” Scott stared into Jamie’s eyes, and it took all Jamie’s will power not to reach out, grab Scott, and kiss the man breathless.

  “Yes. Well, when you struggle through your childhood, sometimes you come out much stronger at the other end.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to pry.” Scott shook his head and Jamie held up his hand.

  “No, no. It wasn’t as bad as some kids have it. But I did look a lot different growing up, and it wasn’t all sunshine and roses. But that’s all in the past where it belongs. Hurry up, or we’ll miss out.” Jamie grabbed Scott’s hand and began to jog. He was pleased when Scott didn’t snatch his hand back, but he made sure to release the other man before they emerged into the restaurant.

  * * * *

  When Scott had heard his name being called, he’d been tempted to take off at a run. Somehow, he’d known the sexy voice had belonged to the blue-eyed beauty and he didn’t want to be anywhere near the man. He pushes all my buttons, and this is neither the time nor the place to be thinking that way. I can just imagine Dad’s reaction, and it would ruin everything for Josh.

  However, just a couple of minutes later, and Scott felt so at ease with James that he’d only realized they were holding hands to dash along a hallway when James had released him. Almost immediately, Scott missed the sure, firm touch.

  “You’re at my table.” James indicated where people were already seated.

  “There’s only one table there.” Scott cocked an eyebrow at James who grinned. “So? It’s still mine, and you’re sitting at it. Beside me, by all accounts.”

  “Yes, so I am.” Scott eyed James, but the man was already heading toward the table.

  “We’re here now.” James waved at the waiters. “Sorry for the delay. Scott was asking about the wedding breakfast, and you know what I’m like on the subject of food.”

  The excuse was accepted, and it got Scott out of a sticky moment. But he couldn’t help but feel that his seat was deliberately contrived to be next to James. However, when the food came out, and conversation flowed, his time was mostly monopolized by Aroha’s mother.

  As it happened, she’d been a nurse when younger, and some of Aroha’s cousins were in medical practice. All in all, Scott had a very enjoyable time, with stimulating conversation, excellent food, and good company.

  “I don’t know if I can move.” Scott sat back and patt
ed his stomach, catching James’s attention as he did. “If your food next week is anything like this, I should hit the gym every day to make sure I’m ready for it.”

  “Kissing burns calories, wanna work out with me?” James smirked.

  “What?” Scott blinked and sat up a little, but James’s expression was one of pure innocence.

  “Kitchens burn calories. You know; on your feet all day, bringing you into close proximity to the rest of the team, steam rising, bodies get hot and sweaty. You can get a great work out.”

  For a second or two, the hot and sweaty bodies in Scott’s mind were his and James’s, then he shook his head as if to clear it.

  “Yes. I guess so.” Scott frowned, but James had already turned away. That’s not what he said. Or did I imagine it because he has such kissable lips. Fuck, I can’t believe I’m thinking that of a man I’ve only just met.

  Except that somewhere, in the back of Scott’s mind, he was certain that wasn’t the case. He’d met James before, he knew it. He just needed to work out where.

  The guests began to disperse, and to his surprise, Scott found himself sorry to be saying goodbye to James. He went over to the other man.

  “It was good to meet you, James. I take it you’ll be coming out on the stag night?”

  “Yes. You’d best have my number.” James took out his cellphone. “I may have to change my roster at the restaurant to fit in with everyone else.”

  “Yes, of course.” Scott recited his own cellphone number and James tapped it in. A couple of seconds later, Scott’s phone vibrated, but before he could take it out of his pants pocket, James held up his hand.

  “That’ll be me. Now you have my number and we can keep in touch. It was good to see you, too, Scott.”

  “I’ll text you.” Scott held out his hand.

  “I certainly hope so.” James’s smile was nothing short of sinfully seductive, and Scott felt a familiar heat in his groin.

  Before Scott could react, James had pulled him close, kissed him softly, then whispered in his ear.

  “A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous. Ingrid Bergman said that. Be seeing you.”

  “Wha—?” Even as Scott reached up to touch his cheek where James had kissed him, the other man was already several strides away. On an impulse, Scott pulled out his phone and looked at the message James had sent him.

  “Should we make a bet where you kiss me when I lose, and I kiss you when you lose? Or will that be a win-win situation?”

  A soft chuckle escaped Scott. It seemed that James was a force to be reckoned with. And for some reason, that didn’t scare Scott one bit.

  Chapter 4

  Over the next couple of days, Scott received several texts from James. None of which could truly be described as sexting, but all of which referenced kissing in some way. The notion that James was in some way romancing him, gave James a warm feeling, but the age gap nagged at him.

  But it wasn’t just the age gap. James was also a long-time friend of Josh. Scott could easily imagine how his father would react. Seducing your brother’s friend. He’s only a young man, you’re taking advantage of him and your relationship with your brother.

  The thoughts went around in his head in circles until Scott’s head ached and he just gave up thinking about it. As much as he’d like a chance to see how things went with James, as attracted as he was to the enigmatic and inventive, man, there was no way he was going to risk anything that would cause a family row in the run up to the wedding. Or after it, for that matter.

  There were two things Scott couldn’t avoid and where he would have to deal with meeting James: the stag party that evening, and then the wedding itself. Once they’re out of the way, it won’t matter. There’ll be no reason to see James again, and I can tell him he needs to find someone better to date, if need be.

  Except that thought made his own heart ache. Why couldn’t I have met him some other time? Out and about. But, of course, he worked non-social hours as a nurse specialist, and for someone like James, in the hospitality trade, it was all social hours.

  With a melancholy sigh, Scott turned his attention to his duties as best man. The stag party wasn’t going to be a drunken crawl through the town. Scott had organized pre-dinner cocktails, a meal at a top restaurant, then a nightclub.

  He had no intention of allowing his younger brother to be given too many drinks, or spiked drinks for that matter. Both of which went against his ethic as a nurse. He’d seen too many young people come in needing their stomachs pumped.

  Then Scott took a long hard look at the clothes spread out on his bed, giving them a critical evaluation one last time. I want to look smart, but not overly so. Given he went out so little, it was a difficult decision to know exactly what to wear. In the end, he’d opted for black dress pants and a silver-grey shirt, left open at the neck.

  Once dressed, Scott didn’t even bother looking in the mirror. He wasn’t trying to impress anyone. Just go, supervise the evening, get Josh home safely, and reasonably sober. Nothing more. Despite all of which, Scott couldn’t help a thrill of anticipation at seeing James again.

  To ensure he’d arrive first, Scott had ordered his taxi to get him to the bar thirty minutes before anyone else was due there. He’d reserved a table for the group and he sat down, ordering a pitcher of water and glasses for people to have in-between cocktails. Deciding to treat himself, he ordered a glass of Prosecco and waited for the others to arrive.

  The first to arrive wasn’t Josh as he’d hoped. Instead James strolled into the bar. Scott didn’t miss the way both men and women’s gazes followed the younger man’s progress. He groaned silently. It was bad enough that he’d been fantasizing about James; but now he was there in the flesh, looking incredibly gorgeous.

  Dark blue pants were molded to James’s legs, and the pale blue shirt was open to midway down a chest liberally dusted with dark hair. His hair was loose, reaching past his shoulders. Scott had an almost overwhelming urge to run his fingers through the long hair, and his tongue along the exposed skin to see if James tasted as good as he looked.

  When James spotted Scott, his face lit up in a bright smile, and he increased his pace to get to the table.

  “Hi. Am I the first?” He looked around as he sat down.

  “Yes. You’re early.” Scott poured him a glass of water and pushed it across the table.

  “I’d rather be early than late if I can. Work often interferes with a lot of my life. But I’m trying to make it run like clockwork for the wedding. Josh has been such an amazing friend over the years that the wedding breakfast is the least I can do for him.”

  “Just how long—?” Scott started, but his words were cut short as Josh appeared and James stood up to wave him over. He glanced at Scott as he sat down again.

  “Oh, I knew I wanted to be a chef while I was in my teens. I used to help in kitchens to earn extra money, so I was used to all the prep and was fast at it long before I went to study catering. Hi, Josh.” James stood to give Josh a hug and a firm slap on the back and Scott sighed silently.

  He hadn’t intended the question to be about James as a chef, but how long he and Josh had been friends. Scott thought he’d known them all, but as familiar as James Sullivan seemed, Scott couldn’t picture him with Josh at all.

  * * * *

  To Scott’s delight, and relief, the evening went without a hitch. The friends Josh had chosen to attend were all responsible young men. Plus, his and Josh’s father was absent for the stag night.

  Earlier that evening, Scott had received a text message from his father when sending out a reminder of the time and place declining and citing work commitments. Scott hadn’t cared whether the excuse was genuine or not. It meant that, at least for that evening, he could relax and not worry about him for the night.

  Somehow, at the end of the night, Scott ended up sharing a cab with James. Although he would have preferred to go straight to bed, curiosity about the
other man led to an offer of coffee, or a nightcap, at his house, which James readily accepted.

  Once inside the house, Scott ushered James through to his lounge. Without hesitation James put his jacket on a chair and sat on the sofa.

  “Nice place.” James looked around, smiling.

  “You always make yourself right at home in other people’s houses?” Scott had to admit, he admired James’s assertiveness, and Scott was quite certain the man wasn’t someone who was easily pushed around.

  “I’m a chef. You learn quickly to be the one in charge.”

  “I’ve seen a few TV programs. You a Gordon Ramsey or more of a Jamie Oliver?”

  “Neither. I see myself as me.” James smiled. “I cook local, fresh, and in season. I’d like a Michelin star one day, but for now, I’ll settle for rave reviews.”

  “A man who knows what he wants. I admire that. I always knew I wanted to be a nurse. Despite some very vocal opposition.”

  “You don’t know the half of it.” James’s smile didn’t reach his eyes, and Scott wondered just what had happened in the man’s past. “So, why didn’t you reply to my texts?”

  The question threw Scott completely, and all his ideas about how to handle the situation as his brain immediately shut down.

  “It’s not that I didn’t appreciate them.” Scott paced the floor. “I did. But, it’s just not…not convenient now.”

  As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Scott knew he’d said the wrong thing. James’s face paled and Scott shook his head.

  “No, no. That’s not what I meant. Fuck, I’m no good at this sort of thing.” Scott put his hands to his head, then held them out in a placating gesture. “Look, I’ve said the wrong thing, and I apologize. Absolutely. But, with my brother’s wedding coming up, I just don’t see how we could make things work.”

  Without a word, James rose from the sofa and came to stand just an inch or so from Scott.

  “Are you trying to say you aren’t attracted to me?” James asked, his gaze was so piercing that Scott didn’t dare try to lie.


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