Save Your Kisses for Me

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Save Your Kisses for Me Page 4

by Pelaam

  “You knew?” Jamie asked and at Josh’s nod he shrugged. “Too many.” Jamie joined in the laughter.

  “About as many as I did him.” Scott shrugged. “Who’d a’ thinked it?”

  “Fuck.” Josh sighed. “If I’d known, Scott, I’d have orchestrated a meeting a lot sooner than this. Well, I’m just glad you two finally saw the light.”

  The four of them laughed together before Aroha enveloped each man in a tight hug.

  “I just know you’ll be perfect together. I have a feeling about these things.” She wagged a finger at them. “But you have to remember to stop and think. You’re both volatile.”

  “Yes. I think we’ve found that out already.” Scott nodded and Jamie leaned into him. “We have a cab coming, so enjoy the rest of your night, have a great honeymoon, and Jamie and I will meet you and Dad for dinner when you get back.”

  “We will?” Jamie asked, his eyes going wide, and Scott nodded.

  “Yes, we will. Dad will have to accept you, too.”

  Still clasping Jamie’s hand, Scott walked through the wedding guests and out toward the elevator.

  “Hey, Scott, do you mind stopping at my place first? I’d really like to change out of these clothes and there’s something I need to get.” Jamie looked down at himself, and although Scott saw no reason for Jamie to need to change, he wasn’t going to argue about a slight detour.

  “Sure, no problem.”

  The cab arrived within a few minutes and as soon as they were inside, it began to navigate its way through the sparse night-time traffic. They sat in a comfortable silence on the way, although Scott’s nerves sent a flock of butterflies fluttering in his stomach. I want everything to be perfect. I’ve never been nervous before.

  “Do you want me to come in with you?” Scott asked when the cab pulled up in front of Jamie’s apartment building.

  “No. I won’t be too long.” Jamie shook his head.

  “All right.” As Jamie moved Scott stopped him with a hand on his thigh. “Hang on a sec.” Scott gently placed his hand at the back of Jamie’s neck and guided the other man to him. Their lips met in a light kiss. Scott didn’t want to push his luck with the cab driver.

  “That was just a little reminder for you not to hang around too long in there.” Scott grinned.

  “It worked. I won’t be.”

  * * * *

  With the taste of Scott lingering on his lips, Jamie had to control himself so as not to run into his building. He nodded at the concierge behind the desk, and hurried to the elevator, tapping at the call button repeatedly as if it would hurry the machinery.

  Up in his apartment, Jamie grabbed a backpack. He stuffed in cut-offs, a T-shirt, clean underwear and sandals. Dashing into his bathroom, he pulled out a shaving bag that he always had ready for impromptu getaways and tossed that into the backpack, too.

  Finally, he went into his bedroom and opened the bedside table drawer. In it sat a new bottle of lube and unopened packet of condoms. Jamie’s hand shook as he picked them up and laid them on the bed.

  A minute later, he’d changed into sneakers, and a casual shirt, not bothering to change the pants, he stuffed the supplies in the pants’ pocket, grabbed the backpack, and hurried out, locking the door behind him.

  When he got back to the cab, Scott greeted him with a smile.

  “All set?” Scott asked once Jamie was settled next to him.

  “You bet.”

  Twenty minutes later the cab pulled up outside Scott’s house. Jamie smiled as Scott took his hand and walked him to the door, allowing him to enter first. A potent mix of nervousness, anticipation, arousal, and desire made Jamie excited and anxious in equal measure.

  He set his backpack on the floor beside the sofa, then turned to look for Scott. His breath caught in his throat. There was a heart-melting smile on Scott’s lips. One that Jamie hadn’t seen before despite the many smiles he’d seen on Scott throughout the day.

  The heat of a blush burned Jamie’s cheeks, but he didn’t look away. The blush permeated his entire body as Scott’s gaze raked over him from top to toe.

  “How did I get so lucky?” Scott asked.

  “You got lucky?” Jamie managed a chuckle. “In that case I won the million-dollar lotto.”

  With a soft laugh of his own, Scott sauntered over to Jamie, cupped his chin, and smiled at him.

  “So.” Scott cocked his head.

  “So.” Jamie returned the smile and slid his hands over Scott’s chest.

  “Would you like a drink…or something?” Scott’s grin was nothing short of pure sin and Jamie groaned out loud.

  “I’ll take the or something.” Jamie grasped the lapels of Scott’s dress jacket, drawing the taller man down to him. Their lips met in a tender kiss and Jamie slid his hands up and around the back of Scott’s neck to hold him in place.

  A low moan escaped Jamie as Scott slid his arms around Jamie’s waist, pulling their bodies tightly together and deepening the kiss. He’d dreamed of Scott wanting him, loving him, like this since he was a teenager, and nothing was going to get in their way this time.

  Jamie was the first to pull back slightly, his eyes fixed on Scott’s.

  “I want you, Scott. Want you to make love to me.”

  Reaching out to cup Jamie’s face, Scott brushed a light kiss across his mouth.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’ve never been surer of anything in my life. You’re about to make a dream come true.” Jamie nodded to add emphasis.

  “Okay.” Scott took Jamie’s hand, and led him upstairs to the bedroom.

  When he saw the bed, a flush of nervousness washed over Jamie. Don’t be an idiot. This is Scott. This is what you always wanted.

  As if he sensed Jamie’s anxiety, Scott pulled Jamie into his arms.

  “I promise to take things slowly, Jamie, and I promise it will be a night you’ll never forget. But if you feel uncomfortable at any time, about anything, you let me know and we’ll stop. Okay? We don’t have to do anything more than what makes you happy and feel good. There are lots of ways to make love.”

  Scott’s warm breath on his neck, combined with the promise made Jamie’s heart soar and help dissipate his nerves. He snuggled a little deeper into Scott’s embrace, feeling safe and secure in the man’s strong arms. I’ve known Scott most of my life. I trust him Scott more than I trust anybody other than Josh.

  “Thanks. I do trust you.” Jamie replied without moving, relishing the feel of Scott’s hard body against his.

  After a moment, Scott moved to look into Jamie’s eyes. Jamie hoped to convey all the trust, love, and desire he felt for the other man, and Scott’s smile seemed to confirm he’d succeeded.

  “You’re amazing,” he whispered and placed a small kiss to Jamie’s forehead. “How about I turn off the main light, and just leave a couple of lamps on?”

  In addition to the lamps, Scott also switched on his radio. The music was older hits and Scott shrugged as Jamie grinned.

  “I hate sleeping in silence, and I like more classic hits.” Scott cocked his head. “Fuck. You always looked beautiful, but in lamplight it adds something so erotic, like you’re some fae creature.”

  “Not me, man. I’m just a regular flesh and blood guy whose cock is aching in these pants.” Jamie wriggled and Scott laughed.

  The breath caught in Jamie’s throat as Scott stalked toward him, a sexy smile gracing the handsome face.

  “Well, we’re just going to have to do something about that, aren’t we?”

  Jamie’s heart hammered in his chest from a mix of arousal, anxiety, and anticipation. Scott claimed his lips and Jamie tried to infuse it with all the love he’d always harbored for the older man.

  They kissed passionately before Scott started to slowly remove Jamie’s clothing. Not wanting to be the only one naked, Jamie quickly followed Scott’s lead, shedding his lover’s clothing to reveal the hard, muscular body.

  When Scott began to walk forward, Jamie
backpedaled toward the bed. Jamie settled in the middle of the bed and Scott covered Jamie’s body with his own. Scott claimed Jamie’s luscious lips in a hungry kiss, and Jamie arched up into him.

  As Jamie clutched at Scott’s back, he rubbed their erections together, the friction causing his arousal to spike.

  “Oh yeah. Scott. I need you.” Jamie groaned.

  “I know. Let it go, Jamie. This is only the start. We have all night.”

  When Scott latched onto one of Jamie’s peaked nipples, the sensation seemed magnified out of expectation and he felt his climax building, his breath coming in short, harsh gasps.

  “Come with me, Scott. Oh, so close. I want us to come together.” Jamie arched his body, clutching at Scott’s shoulders, crying out his lover’s name as his orgasm crashed over him. He was too overwhelmed to notice if Scott came, too, but heard his name dimly over the blood pounding in his ears.

  With a satiated sigh, Jamie snuggled into Scott, planting light kisses on the soft flesh beneath his lips.

  “That was amazing.” Jamie leaned up and smiled down at his lover.

  “It was.” Scott lifted his head enough to claim another kiss.

  “I’d really like you to make love with me, Scott. I’ve dreamed for years about having you love me. I don’t want to wait another day to know what it feels like to have you moving inside of me.”

  With a soft groan, Scott flipped Jamie onto his back, pinning the other man beneath him, his gaze locked on Jamie’s eyes.

  “Are you sure?” he asked again, and Jamie nodded emphatically.

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything. In my pants’ pocket there’s a new bottle of lube and a couple of condoms. That’s the real reason I went home. Ever since I knew I’d be seeing you again, I never gave up hope that we’d end up here, like this.”

  “Okay.” Scott nodded.

  Jamie waited as Scott slid carefully off his body, immediately missing the warmth of his lover’s body. Scott retrieved the supplies. Leaving them in easy reach, Scott settled back on top of Jamie and for long minutes, they did nothing more than kiss, before Scott began touching and teasing, the touches arousing Jamie until his cock was half hard once again.

  Finally, Scott urged Jamie to spread his legs wide. Kneeling between them, Scott coated his fingers with the lube, bent down to take Jamie’s dick in his mouth, and ran a single digit past Jamie’s balls to trace lightly over his opening.

  “Enough with the teasing.” Jamie groaned out loud, trying to push on the tantalizing finger. “I want to feel you.”

  Easing off the hard flesh, Scott looked up.

  “One finger.” Scott went down on Jamie again, but as he did, he pressed forward with his finger. Slowly, carefully, Scott worked on him until Jamie was riding three fingers. He pressed down on the slick digits to then thrust up into Scott’s hot mouth.

  “Scott!” Jamie cried out when the delving fingers brushed across his prostate. ““Oh, God, that’s so good.” Jamie reached out to tug at Scott’s hair. “In me, please. I need to feel you in me.”

  With the same slow deliberation, Scott removed his fingers, kneeling up to tear open the foil packet and slide the condom over his length, slathering it with lube.

  “Okay, relax as best you can.” Scott shifted until he was kneeling between Jamie’s legs, the head of his cock pressed against Jamie’s opening.

  “Do it. I want you in me.” Jamie met Scott’s gaze levelly, then groaned as Scott pressed forward. It was harder to take Scott’s cock inside him than he’d anticipated, but Jamie had no intention of backing down now.

  “Relax. Breathe.” Both of Scott’s instructions were good ones, but as far as Jamie was concerned, easier said than done.

  Finally, Jamie took a deep breath in and his body slowly relaxed. As it did, Scott eased forward. Inch by inch, Scott slid in deeper until he was fully in, his own breath coming out in harsh panting gasps.

  “I have you. I have you.” Elation washed over Jamie and he reached up to caress Scott’s face.

  With a grunt, Scott lowered himself, leaning his weight on his elbows so as not to crush Jamie. He pressed his mouth to Jamie’s in a hungry kiss. When he eased back, he looked directly into Jamie’s eyes and Jamie nodded.

  “Yes, I’m ready.”

  Once he had that affirmation Scott started to move, pulling back then thrusting forward. The motion added another layer of pleasure for Jamie, and he softly moaned his approval. As soon as he was used to the sensation, Jamie urged Scott to thrust faster as Jamie clung to him, fingers digging into his lover’s back.

  “Want you to come with me.” Scott shifted, burrowing a hand between their sweat slick bodies, and Jamie gasped as his cock was taken in a firm grip. With a cry of Scott’s, name Jamie came, spilling his seed between their bodies. Still lost in an orgasmic haze Jamie felt Scott thrust twice before freezing in place with a deep groan of Jamie’s name.

  When Scott collapsed on top of Jamie, he relished the feel of the bigger man’s solid weight. Finally, Scott eased from Jamie’s body, disposed of the condom, and settled next to Jamie, reaching out to tenderly brush sweat-damp hair from his face.

  “That was incredible.” Jamie stroked his fingertips over Scott’s smooth chest.

  “You’re so beautiful. I love you.” Scott stared at Jamie, his eyes wide, he realized what he’d said.

  Jamie reached out to lay a hand on Scott’s cheek.

  “I love you, too, Scott, more than anything. I have for so long.” He leaned to claim a kiss, then smiled at Scott. “Judy Garland once said: ‘Twas not my lips you kissed but my soul. Ancient lovers believed a kiss would literally unite their souls, because the spirit was said to be carried in one’s breath—I learned this from Eve Glicksman.”

  “More quotes?” Garen asked and Jamie nodded.

  “Too much?”

  “Not at all. I expect a new quote, complete with a kiss, every day from now on.”

  “I can do that.” Jamie nodded. “Let me show you. And don’t forget, from now on, you save your kisses for me.”



  Living in clean, green New Zealand, Pelaam is a multi-published author of gay romance and erotic books. When not busy writing she can be found indulging in her other passions of cookery and wine appreciation.

  Of Pelaam's books, Smoking Mirror was a finalist in 2017 Rainbow Awards in Gay Futuristic/Sci-Fi; Stranded was Evernight Publishing Readers’ Choice winner 2016 for Sci-Fi; The Avian Emperor was runner-up and received an Honorable Mention in the 2016 Rainbow Awards in Gay Futuristic/Sci-Fi.

  For more information, visit


  JMS Books LLC is a small queer press with competitive royalty rates publishing LGBT romance, erotic romance, and young adult fiction. Visit for our latest releases and submission guidelines!




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