Save Your Kisses for Me

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Save Your Kisses for Me Page 3

by Pelaam

  “No, not at all. Far from it, in fact. But I just don’t think it’s the best thing for you right now.”

  Once again, Scott knew he’d said the wrong thing, but this time James looked furious.

  “You don’t think…who died and left you in charge?”

  “I’m trying to think about us both. And my brother.”

  “Who has nothing whatsoever to do with this.” James planted his hands on his hips and glared at Scott.

  “I think you should go.” Scott decided that since he was losing the battle, a retreat was in order. But since it was his house, it was James who’d have to go. He crowded James deliberately using his height advantage to try and force him back toward the door without even thinking about the man’s jacket.

  “Just try and fucking make me.” James didn’t back down and Scott returned the smaller man’s glare. The silence was almost palpable. Then James moved, grabbing Scott’s shirt and pulling him close, mashing his lips against Scott’s.

  A deep groan escaped Scott’s lips, his mouth opening to accept James’s tongue, deepening the kiss. Scott wrapped his arms around James, tugging his shirt free from the dress pants to touch the skin at the small of his back, then around to his chest to tug at a nipple ring he blindly discovered.

  In too much of a haze of arousal to know who moved, Scott quickly found himself with a bare-chested James. Bending forward to suck on a nipple, Scott reached to squeeze the firm globes of James’s ass. James clutched Scott’s shoulders and pressed his body closer, forcing Scott to relinquish his prize, but causing their erections to brush together.

  When Scott moved this time, it was to walk James back to the sofa, kissing him continually until James sat with a grunt. Scott followed him down and knelt over him to straddle James’s hips. James thrust upward, pressing his cloth-covered erection against Scott’s, causing both men to moan.

  Within a minute, both men were naked, clothes tossed carelessly aside to enable them to lie skin to skin. Scott claimed James’s lips in another hard kiss and thrust himself forward. As the pleasure built, Scott sucked and nipped at James’s throat, to deliberately leave bruises in his wake.

  Arching his back, James clutched Scott’s shoulders, pushing him toward his nipples, and cried out his pleasure when Scott sucked on the ringed nub. Scott recaptured James’s mouth and reached down between them, feeling James’s balls, high and full.

  Then he ran the finger along James’s perineum. But when he stroked a finger over the younger man’s entrance, James gasped, and Scott pulled back to gaze into his eyes.

  “Look, I’ve been with guys before, but never went that far. I wanted that for a special person. I wasn’t prepared for it to be anyone less.” James shrugged as best he could, given his position.

  With a deep breath, Scott carefully climbed off James, and quickly pulled on his pants.

  “You’d better get dressed.”

  “What? No.” James shook his head. “Scott, I didn’t mean that. I didn’t want you to stop.”

  Not looking at James, Scott moved away. When he’d put distance between them, he turned around.

  “Look, James, I’m privileged to think you’d consider me special, but it’s best if you leave. You don’t want to waste something so special on me. Go find yourself a nice guy your own age and have a good life.”

  “How dare you decide what’s best for me.” James snatched up his clothing, viciously yanking it on. “I’m not some geeky little kid that needs your big macho protection. I can decide very well for myself what, or who, I want. If you’re not attracted to me, fine. See ya. But don’t expect me to thank you for trying to protect my virtue like some helpless princess swooning at her knight in shining armor.”

  “You don’t know me, you don’t understand.” Scott suddenly felt like he’d missed something vitally important and now the situation was spiraling out of his control.

  “You’re wrong, Scott.” James’s voice was quiet, but the fury was evident. “I wouldn’t have wasted anything, especially not with you. It would have been incredible. And, yes, actually, I do know you. You don’t recognize my surname because when I became a chef, I took my mother’s maiden name, since she and my dad has split up. I wanted my name to sound professional. So I became James Sullivan, and since it had unhappy connotations, I chose Jamie as the name my close friends could use. But when I was at school with your brother, you knew me as Jimmy James. The geeky little kid everyone, except your brother liked to tease. Or worse.”

  “Jimmy.” Scott whispered the name and a host of memories flooded back. Josh and Jimmy had been inseparable, and, even back then, Scott had felt a pull to the younger man.

  But with the age gap, and his father’s attitude, he’d made sure to get out of the house whenever they were around. By the time Josh and Jimmy had started college, he was already working, and his mind focused on other things.

  “I see you do remember. So now you know that I do know you. Very well. And I’ll tell you this, Scott. This isn’t over.” James turned and quietly left.

  As the door closed, Scott covered his face with his hands. Yes, it is. I’ve completely blown it.

  Chapter 5

  The day of the wedding dawned warm and sunny. But as happy as he was for his brother, Scott’s own heart ached. He hadn’t realized how much he’d liked getting the texts about kisses from James until they’d stopped. Not that I can blame him. I was a complete bastard. And when he said it wasn’t over, I really believed him. But I haven’t heard a thing from him since.

  As the thought went through his mind, his cellphone dinged to indicate a text had arrived and he flicked it open eagerly.

  Happiness is like a kiss. You must share it to enjoy it, according to Bernard Meltzer. I said it wasn’t over. I had a lot to process and to deal with. I’ll see you later. J

  For a moment, Scott just clung to the phone, his heart hammering, then he texted back before his courage could desert him.

  I look forward to it.

  At the smiley emoji he received back, Scott’s heart soared. A second chance. He’s giving me a second chance. I’m not going to fuck it up this time.

  However, right then, there was no time for Scott to dwell on anything other than ensuring his brother’s day went well. Dashing into the bathroom, Scott got himself ready and when the limo arrived, he was back in control of himself as he went to pick up his brother.

  The bright and sunny weather seemed to be the good omen the day needed. Everything went without a hitch, and Scott beamed proudly as his brother and his new sister-in-law completed their vows and kissed to the congregation’s applause.

  Then, to his utter shock, several younger men of Aroha’s family along with her brothers and father, stood and began to perform a haka and Josh joined them, performing it to perfection. At the end, Aroha was crying and laughing in equal measure, while the men slapped Josh on the back.

  When the congregation finished applauding, it was time to follow the newly wed bride and groom to the wedding feast as prepared by James. No, Jamie. I want to be able to call him Jamie. Scott looked all around. He’d been unable to catch a glimpse of Jamie during the service, but assumed the other man was toward the back, since he’d want to get out quickly at the end.

  People filed through and sat down for the meal. Scott was aware that he’d be sitting closer to his father than he had for a long time. Feeling a light touch to his shoulder, Scott turned to see the man himself and took a deep breath.

  “Dad.” Scott nodded, but didn’t make any other kind of gesture. The older man stared at him for a moment.

  “Scott. It’s…uh, good to see you.”

  “Thanks. It was very good of Josh to ask me to be his best man. I enjoyed it.” That wasn’t what Scott’s dad had expected, and it took the wind out of his sails.

  “I had a visit from Aroha.” His father glanced in her direction, and his lips twitched. “She told me straight. If I was going to remain a bigot with my head up my ass, she and Josh w
ouldn’t be making any effort to visit me. That she has friends and family from all points on the rainbow, and that the decision was mine. Starting with you. Shoots from the hip, doesn’t she?”

  “Uh, yes, she does.” Scott’s lips twitched in the same way his father’s had. That sounds exactly like Aroha.

  “Scott, I know this probably isn’t the right time or place, but I want to apologize for the way I treated you. I’ve heard regularly from Josh how well you’ve done in your nursing career, and I’m…I’m very proud of your achievements. And well, although I don’t understand how one man can be attracted to another, I have to accept they can be. I really want to set things right between us. I was very wrong to say and act as I did, and Aroha made me see that. I know we can’t repair the damage overnight, but I’m prepared to try, if you are. Maybe you and I can meet for coffee and talk.”

  “I’d like that.” Scott nodded. There was no way he’d refuse an offer to mend bridges. That wasn’t in his nature at all.

  “Thank you.” His father smiled. “Perhaps when Josh and Aroha come back from their honeymoon, we could all have dinner at my place?”

  “Okay, but would that include a partner for me?” Scott knew he was pushing it, but if things went right for him, there might just be a boyfriend in the frame.

  “Yes. That’s fine, too.”

  “I’ll call you about the coffee. I have your cellphone number. I need to check my roster, but later mornings are usually good for me. I work nights mostly.”

  “Thank you. Now I’d best sit down. I believe we’re in for a treat with the food.”

  “Yes, I believe we are.”

  His heart lighter than it had been for a long time, Scott took his place at the top table.

  Chapter 6

  The meal was every bit as amazing as Scott had expected and anticipated. A five-course banquet of utter deliciousness. At the end of the meal, Josh stood up and ensured that Jamie came and took a bow. As he did, his gaze sought out Scott and a thrill ran the length of Scott’s spine at the smile Jamie aimed his way.

  After the cake was cut, the music began, and Scott looked around the room. When he spotted the French doors that led out to the garden, he went over to Jamie.

  “Can I talk with you for a minute?” he asked.

  When Jamie nodded, Scott took his hand and led him outside to a small private patio. The evening air was warm, and a full moon lit up the area. Leaving the doors slightly open, Scott turned to face Jamie.

  “Look, I want to apologize for the way I acted the other night. I shouldn’t have made you leave that way. I was a total bastard of the first order, and, and…and I missed your texts.”

  “I was really hurt and angry. Fortunately, I’m also very stubborn.”

  “It was a really shitty thing to do.” Scott hung his head with shame. “Even if I did think I was acting in your best interests. You were right. I should have talked to you instead of acting like a complete wanker. I’m surprised you’re even talking to me. I really am sorry.”

  “I forgive you, Scott.” Jamie met Scott’s eyes and smiled softly. “And if it’s all the same to you. I’d prefer to forget it ever happened and move forward.”

  Returning the smile, Scott took one of Jamie’s hands in his and breathed deeply.

  “You know, you appeared in my life and in less than an hour, turned it upside down. You gave me a lot to think about and made me take a long hard look at myself. You made me feel things I haven’t felt in a long time.”

  The soft sound of a slow song drifted out onto the patio, past the French doors.

  “Dance with me?” Jamie reached up, running his knuckles along Scott’s cheek.

  “I’d love to.” Scott nodded enthusiastically.

  When Scott opened his arms in invitation, Jamie slid into them and wrapped his own arms around Scott’s waist. When he laid his cheek against Scott’s shoulder, they began to rock gently. Scott’s sigh of contentment was echoed by Jamie as their bodies pressed together and they swayed to the slow music.

  Holding Jamie felt so right to Scott, and he wondered how he could ever have made him leave on that night. He fully realized his mistake and was determined it was one that he would never repeat.

  As they rocked their bodies in unison, Scott slid his hand up Jamie’s back to his neck. He slowly pulled the tie from Jamie’s hair, releasing it. Dropping the tie in his pocket, Scott pulled the younger man closer, burying his face in the silky strands and nuzzling his neck.

  “You smell incredible,” Scott whispered.

  “Can I ask you something?” Jamie asked, leaning back slightly.

  “Sure. Anything.”

  “What was the real reason for making me leave?”

  Pulling Jamie back against his chest, Scott leaned down slightly and spoke softly into his ear.

  “It was more to do with me than you, Jamie. It was true that for your first time you deserved so much more than just a quick roll in the sack. Since you’d waited this long, then your first time should have been special. You should have been able to look back and cherish the memory. I’d had a bad time with my dad. He didn’t like that his eldest son was gay, or in his words, a cock-sucking faggot. All I could think about was his reaction to seeing me with you. Corrupting you, seducing you; a young man and my own brother’s friend. As it turns out, Aroha has verbally worked my dad over, and may have made him see the light.”

  “Hey. You forgot one thing.” Jamie pulled away from Scott to look him in the eye. He placed a finger over Scott’s lips, and Scott looked down at him. “You forgot me. I’ve endured that shit, myself. Not with family, but with cocky bastards who thought that a little faggot like me had no place in their kitchens. Well, I showed them, and I’d have told him, too. My life. My choice and I’m a stubborn enough bastard in my own right to fight my own battles.”

  “I guess you are at that.” Scott nodded. It was true. He’d made decisions for the other man without a moment’s consideration for Jamie’s wants or feelings.

  “What happened between us that night was unbelievable.” Jamie looked up, then shook his head. “I can’t even begin to explain how you made me feel. You’re the first person to ever make me want to share that part of myself. I’ve always been the skinny little nerd. But when it comes to sharing my body, I’m the one in control. I’ve known you so long, kept up with what you were doing, and always thought that one day, I’d ask you out. I should have made a move sooner, but life kept getting in the way. I saw the wedding was my perfect opportunity.”

  Just the thought of Jamie’s hands touching his naked body was making Scott hard. He continued to hold him tightly. Even though the music stopped, they still rocked slowly together. What Jamie was telling him touched Scott more deeply than he could ever have imagined.

  When they finally stopped moving, Jamie pulled back and cocked his head, his smile so achingly beautiful that Scott couldn’t resist kissing him again. Reaching up, Jamie pressed a hand to Scott’s cheek.

  “Did you know that kissing is a means of getting two people so close together that they can’t see anything wrong with each other? It is a beautiful quote by Rene Yasenek that I read somewhere. Now, why don’t we go back inside, enjoy the rest of the evening, and later we can go to your place, or mine, to talk.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” Scott coughed, and Jamie looked at him, his eyebrow raised. “My place has a nice deck out the back where you can sit outside, enjoy the garden, and have a leisurely breakfast.” Scott squeezed Jamie lightly before letting him go.

  “You just sold me.” Jamie grinned.

  With his hand on the small of Jamie’s back in a gesture that screamed that Jamie was his, Scott guided him back into the large reception room. With Jamie at his side Scott relaxed and thoroughly enjoyed the rest of the evening.

  At one point he had approached Josh and Aroha to wish them a happy honeymoon and Josh mentioned the dinner. It was agreed that the meal would take place as soon as possible once Josh and Aroha were
back from honeymoon.

  While Scott was genuinely happy by the turn of events, he was still cautious about getting back together with his father. But he had to admit that Aroha was a force of nature to be reckoned with and he was also glad that his father seemed to be making an effort to put things right.

  As the evening drew to a close, Scott felt increasingly excited about having the chance to be alone with Jamie again. I can’t be sure how the night will go, but if he wants to make love with me, then I’m going to show Jamie just how amazing making love for the first time can be. His heart soared at the thought of claiming Jamie and being the first person to ever touch him so intimately.

  Scott looked around for the younger man, then slowly made his way over to Jamie. Coming up behind him, Scott gently placed his hands on the younger man’s shoulders and whispered into his ear.

  “You about ready to leave, Jamie? If you are, I’ll call for a cab.”

  “Yes, ready.” Jamie looked up and his smile heated Scott’s entire body.

  “I’ll be out on the patio. It’s a little quieter.” Scott strolled away; certain Jamie would follow. By the time he’d finished his call, Jamie was there, his body pressed tight against Scott’s back.

  “You have no idea how ready I am.” Jamie wrapped his arms around Scott’s waist, and rested his head against Scott’s shoulder.

  “Believe it or not, I think I do.” Scott remembered back to all the times he’d excused himself, telling his brother that he’d leave the kids to it. When all the time Jamie felt the same about me as I did for him. We’re both lucky men. Careers we love, and the man of our dreams.

  “Let’s say good-night to Josh and Aroha. Then we can wait in the hotel lobby.” Jamie released Scott, who turned and pulled him into a kiss.

  “Good idea.” Scott grasped Jamie’s hand, and as they approached the happy couple Josh and Aroha’s smiles widened into beams of utter delight.

  “Well about time, you two.” Josh laughed out loud. “How many years have you lusted after my big brother, Jamie?”


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