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Isn’t It Too Big

Page 21

by Naomi Penn

  The black of my swimsuit really showed up how pale I was. I figured that I could probably get away with a half hour or so without sunscreen, just to get the tan started and headed out for the pool.

  After swimming a few lengths to clear my head I threw a towel over a lounger and lay back in the sun. The pool was freezing and my skin was covered in goose-pimples, but the sun soon dried me off as I lay there. I checked my watch and read a little of my book, an old Mills & Boon about a rakish older Doctor who seduced a young nurse.

  I always imaging myself as the protagonist in stories like that, but was a little surprised to find that I was imagining Bruce as the Doctor. The sun was warm and although my bikini was drying in the heat I could feel it still clinging to me in one place as I read about Doctor Svenson’s muscular body, his throbbing member, and the gentle heat of his kisses as he kissed the nurses naked body.

  I was alone in the house and looking around I could see that the pool area was well hidden from the surrounding area. With tentative fingers I pulled the cup of my bikini away from my breast, allowing the warm Mediterranean air to caress it for a moment before I started to caress it myself. I wet my fingers in my mouth and made small circles around my nipple savouring the sensations as a little shimmer of pleasure seemed to emanate from the nerves in my areola and run down my belly.

  The muscles of my stomach clenched a little in anticipation.

  I read on, imagining Bruce as the Doctor, his white coat open trous-ers down as he kissed me longingly on the examination table. A seagull fluttered over the hedge and landed nearby making me jump and I quickly put the book down and took my hands away from my breasts.

  Stop being silly, what if someone came up from the beach or was walking along the cliffs!

  Still this was Europe. The brief moment of playing with myself had empboldened me so I took my bikini top off and allowed the sun to warm my breasts. It would be nice, I thought, to avoid tan lines. I pulled the waist of the bikini bottoms up a bit, enjoying the tight way they rubbed against my still excited sex and let them fall in a new way it would at least avoid too sharp a line across my belly.

  I lay back and let the sun shine down on my body.

  After half an hour or so, I went in to the fridge to find something to cool me down. There was half a bottle of white wine, and not thinking that a single glass could hurt at all I poured a generous portion and topped it up with ice from the freezer.

  I drank thirstily, sucking a couple of ice cubes to help cool me down and plunging into the pool a few times to help. This was particularly enjoy-able. Feeling the warm prickle of sweat disappear and the sharp cold water envelope me. I would emerge, nipples hard and sensitive then read a little more not particularly pleasuring myself, but being generous with the con-tact of my hands.

  After a while I turned over to ensure an even tan and in that position fell asleep with the sun shining down on me, and the top half of my bikini tossed over the back of the lounger next to me I fell asleep.

  The next thing I knew I was awake and a voice was telling me, ‘You’re gonna catch the sun if you’re not careful.’

  I nearly jump out of my skin. Lucky I was on my front, I thought. Or he’d have got an eyeful. It is incredible, when you are a girl how quickly you can be made to feel vulnerable. Here I was with one of my father’s friends (one who I kind of fancy) standing over me and I couldn’t turn to face him without flashing my breasts at him.

  From his voice I could tell he was standing right over me, and that he was smiling at me a little. Probably having a good laugh at the embarrassment I was feeling and which I was sure he could see.

  ‘Oh, God,’ I said. ‘I’m so embarrassed.’

  ‘Don’t be.’ He laughed a reassuring laugh that suggested if there was a joke we were both in on it, he wasn’t mocking me. ‘I brought some suntan lotion out. You want me to do you?’

  It took me a second to realise he was offering to put sun block on my back, and I laughed a little in relief, surprised that I also felt a little disappointment.

  I still couldn’t turn to look at him but I felt his weight on the lounger by my legs and heard the squirt of cream into his hands. He started at my feet. His hands were strong and displayed no hesitation of lack of confidence. Most people worried about touching other people, especially in such a state of undress, worried about implications. Not him. There was no silliness with him only using his fingers. Instead he had a grip on my leg as he slid his hands up rubbing top and bottom with rough strong palms.

  I tried not to shiver with pleasure when his hands slipped to the in-side of my thighs and slick with the sun cream massaged my skin and mus-cles. His hands came right up to my bikini line, cupping the very edge of my buttocks and brushing against the seam which guarded my cunt. I hoped he couldn’t feel that I was getting wet again.

  Then his hands, thoroughly greased were rubbing oil into my back, pressing down on my muscles and easing tension out. It felt more like a massage.

  ‘You have great hands. You train as a masseuse,’ I said, expressing my surprised.

  ‘No, but thank your for the compliment.’ Clearly encouraged by my compliment he took some extra-time to massage my shoulders. Because of where he was sitting, he had to lean forwards, and I could feel his hip press against mine side-to-side. I wished it was face-to-face.

  Then he was done, and just as I thought he would leave he leaned in a little closer and in much harsher voice he suddenly said, ‘Have you been drinking?’ He sounded irritated.

  ‘Just a glass.’

  ‘I said no more drinking.’

  ‘I thought you meant no more getting drunk. It was just one glass of wine. Watered down with a ton of ice’

  ‘I was very clear. I said “No more drink” and you promised.’

  ‘Sorry. I misunderstood.’

  He sighed. ‘Look, your dad isn’t but someone has to keep you in line,’ his voice was clearly a little angry and I suddenly felt a little nervous. I still couldn’t turn to look at him without showing my tits so I just hugged myself to the lounger feeling nervous and a bit silly.

  He laid a hand squarely on my arse over the warm black cloth of my swimsuit and gripping it hard he said, ‘I am going to discipling you, young lady.’

  He sounded so in control, so parental and dominating all I could say was, ‘Yes, Sir.’

  Then he spanked me and as the pain and disbelief shot through me all I could think was: I haven’t been spanked since I was a child.

  The second slap hurt more, landing on the tender, stinging skin where the first one landed. There was a hefty weight behind it and the noise was sharp: SMACK. I let out a little whimper.

  ‘That really hurt,’ I said a tear forming in one of my eyes. But a voice inside me was begging for more, Sir. Please, give me some more.

  He was so in control, so confident and powerful, I knew then that no matter what happened I would have to fuck him or die of desire. I wanted him so much.

  The third blow hurt even more, but the shock and sting that run up my body was followed by a warm pleasurable heat that seemed to spread from where his hand landed through to my nipples which were once more erect, and to my clit which had begun to throb as blood began to fill it.

  He spanked me again, the pain drew a sob from me, but now it wasn’t just me eyes that were soaking wet. I wiped some of the mascara from below my eyes and saw that despite its claims of water proofing it was smeared dark grey and watery across the back of my hands.

  He spanked me for the fifth and final time then stood up. Anger flared in my stomach, he was just gonna warm me up like that and then leave me.

  ‘Wait,’ I demanded turning over and baring my face – a mess of smeared make up and tears – and breasts to him. ‘You haven’t finished with the lotion. ‘My front will burn.’

  The scowl on his face turned back to a smile. The palm of his right hand was bright red and he squeezed some cream into it. With a gentle slap he applied a smear of it to my cheeks. Then
took my face in both hands and rubbed it in.

  Once my face was thoroughly covered in sun cream he pressed two fingers to my lips and he pushed his fingers in. They tasted of the salt from my skin, the bitter chemical in the oil, and a rich coconut smell from the moisturising part of the sun screen. I sucked on his fingers as he pressed them against my tongue.

  When he slid them out, they were wet with saliva and smeared with my lipstick. He leaned forward and kissed me and the world fell away. His kisses like everything about him were firm and confident. His tongue en-tered my mouth without apology. There was nothing over eager nor tenta-tive about him. It was as if he was in perfect control of both me and himself.

  He pulled away and squirted some more sun screen directly onto my neck and breasts. It formed a series of suggestive, stringy lines that made me laugh out loud. He smirked. ‘Laughing at me now are you?’ I might jsut have to teach you another lesson.

  He pressed me back into the lounger with his hands, managing to rub the cream into my skin and pin me down in one rough move. His hands gripped by breasts firmly and his fingers pressed into my soft flesh until it hurt and then he dragged his hands across me in a near bruising sweep that hurt and pleased in equal measure.

  This was a different kind of rough than I had ever expected, not animalistic but almost methodical. I felt completely at his mercy.

  He kissed me again, this time from above me. I looked up into his eyes and he looked down the length of me. The sense of control seemed to crack a little.

  He moved down kissing my neck, biting at it. I’m gonna be sore in the morning at this rate. There was a near bruising intensity to everything he did, for now it was exquisite, amplifying every pleasurable sensation.

  His lips reached my breasts and he gently sucked my skin into his mouth kissed it and moved down. Hew worked like this around my nipple driving me crazy but refusing to give me the pleasure I wanted. He shifted so his hips were between my legs, I could see the massive bulge in his trousers when I looked down, but he held himself back so I couldn’t press my pussy against him.

  Eventually he took my nipple in his mouth and scraped it gently with his teeth, so gently that I realised I was begging him to ‘Bite me, bite me, please bite me, Bruce.’

  Instead he pressed his tongue flat against the hard point of my nip-ple and swept it around in a circle. The feeling was almost orgasmic, like all his teasing had turned it into second clitoris. The pleasure radiated out from my breast warming my whole body and tightening the muscles in my groin. I was desperately humping the air trying to get some friction between my bikini and my clit so desperate was I for his pleasure.

  My hands were scraping into his shoulders and as he slowly moved down away from my breasts I could see I had gouged long scraches over his shoulder blades. I was able to think to myself, Serves him right. Then he grabbed the cloth of my bikini and pulled it tight.

  There was a the friction I wanted, the pleasure rushed through me and for a moment I lost all ability to think to speak. I just moaned at him and grabbed my own breasts.

  ‘Noisy, aren’t you?’ he muttered yanking my bikini bottoms off and then shoving them into my mouth. As the warm air hit the wetness of my cunt I realised just how soaking I was. This was reinforced by the smell and taste of pussy from the cloth in my mouth.

  He then grabbed my bikini top from the lounger next door and used the strings to deftly tie my hands together behind my back.

  There I was, naked, greased up, and turned on sat under the sun in his pool area. Anyone could walk by and look over the fence, see my cunt juices glittering in the sun.

  Then he pulled me into a seating position with my legs off the side of the lounger. Kneeling on the concrete he pressed his face into my crotch and began to kiss my thighs.

  Once again he was kissing and licking everything except the place that would satisfy me. I was wild, incoherent thoughts, sensations and words spilled out of my mouth and fired across my mind.

  Then he gave me what I wanted. He covered my whole cunt with his open mouth and sucked, drawing his lips over mine until all that was lift was his tongue and lips pressed hard over my clitoral hood. He licked and sucked harder and harder in long strokes. As I felt my juices running down my leg and forming a wet patch on my towel he began to focus more and more on just my clit, pushing the hood back with his tongue and circling the sensitive nubbin of flesh.

  I began to cum. My back arched and mind went blank, all I could feel was the pain of muscles tensing so hard I must have pulled something as my whole body was crushed under the pressure of an orgasm that seemed to wipe out all reality.

  I jerked about as he held my cunt tight to his mouth and as the spasms began to die away on the first wave of the orgasm he pushed his fingers inside me and a whole new wave began issuing from inside me.

  I could feel his fingers fighting against the grip of my cunt as it locked down on his fingers. Every rib and texture my vagina seemed to mould itself to the two fingers that were tearing my in two as they powered wave after wave of pleasure into me.

  As the second orgasm died away and I began to stop moaning with pleasure into my gag. I felt his hand cupping my face and he kissed my cheeks and eyes. His breath smelt of sex and I wanted to spit my gag out so I could kiss him and taste myself on his gorgeous lips.

  Instead he turned me over and pushed my face into the lounger. I was now lying flat and with my hands tied behind my back couldn’t move at all. Still naked, still on display, and every time I squeezed my thighs together an aftershock seemed imminent, rippling out in waves from my pussy. God, I wanted another of those orgasms. It was the most powerful pleasure I had every experienced.

  Lucky for me, he wasn’t done. He pushed me forward so my face hung off the end of the lounger and he came round in front of me. His cot-ton shirt was unbuttoned and his chinos were straining against the biggest erection I had every seen, even in porn.

  He undid his belt and looped it around my neck, pulling it tight so I was forced to look up, then he pulled his zip down and flipped his monster cock out. It looked to wide to fit in my mouth and to deep for me to take anywhere else.

  He seemed to disagree though as he pulled the bikini out of my mouth and kneeled in front of the lounger I gasped a few breaths of air be-fore he pushed the head into my mouth pulling the belt a little tighter. The grip on my throat was unbelievably hot. I licked and kissed the head of his cock getting it as slathered with saliva as possible because I knew what was coming.

  Sure enough he pushed it in, so deep I had to fight my gag reflex. My whole throat was blocked off, I couldn’t breath, it seemed to be stretching my throat I moaned and felt the vibrations of my voice box run up his flesh to the base of his cock which was almost halfway to my mouth. He pulled out and I snorted a thick like of saliva up breathed in and held it. Just as well I did, this time the stroke plunged deeper his pubes almost tickling my nose and my whole throat opening as wide as possible. It felt like there was just a layer of my skin between the grip of the belt on my neck and the cock pressing out from inside me.

  Again he pulled out, I was feeling a little light headed and panted a few more breaths. They croaked in my throat which was sore from being fucked and bound tight enough to nearly close it by the belt.

  Again he thrust into me, two three time, each time getting deeper. It felt almost like his cock was pressing on my collar bones. I gasped in, fought the urge to gag and took it again and again.

  Tears filled my eyes again, but somehow I was loving it. I wondered if you could have a throat orgasm, it almost seemed possible. Though that might have been the light headedness. He thrust into my mouth a few more times and then he rammed it into me in three long hard strokes. My nose was pressed almost flat by his hip bone, his balls were soaked and pressed against my chin. My cunt was blazing with referred pleasure and his whole body was racked by a powerful shudder. I felt his heart beat hammering in his cock and the quick contractions as he orgasmed down my throat. Th
ere was a rush of warmth, and although I could taste nothing he was so deep down my throat the smell of cum filled my nostrils.

  He stayed like that so long I nearly passed out from oxygen depriva-tion then he pulled out and we were both gasping like we’d run a marathon together.

  His cock squirted a few last drops and strands onto my face and I felt them drip with my sweat, and my watering eyes down my face.

  ‘Oh, god,’ was all he could say.

  The strings on my wrists had come loose in all the kerfuffle and I wriggled free. We lay like that for what seemed like forever, him on the concrete me on the lounger. Until eventually, I smiled at him and said, ‘How about that boat trip?’

  He chuckled, ‘Sure thing.’

  ‘One thing though.’

  ‘What’s that?’

  ‘I’ve never been fucked on a boat.’ I winked at him.

  ‘I’ll go grab the keys,’ he said.

  Chapter Three

  He fucked over the side of the boat, the roll of the surf adding to the sense of unbalance and sexiness. He held my head under water at one point and I held my breath as he hammered his cock in to me over and over.

  At one point we had to duck down below the side of the boat to avoid giving some passing tourists an eyeful of my tits which were beginning to go bright red from the rough handling and a bit of sunburn.

  Then he laid me down in at the front of the boat and we fucked gently, the hard wooden boards of the boat warm at my back, his body hot above me. I pressed my hips up in slow grinding strokes as he filled me with the unbelievable length of his cock.

  I was so wet for him, so desperately hot for him, I couldn’t bear the brief moments he pulled out of me to change position.

  We were interrupted before we could finish, by two fishermen who came round the head of the cove. Luckily they were using their outboard, if they had sailed in, they would have seen him fucking me doggy style with a life preserver to keep from hurting my knees.


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