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Isn’t It Too Big

Page 28

by Naomi Penn

  I nodded eagerly, as if I had a choice. She had my dick so worked up I might have come just from the sheer thought of having her mouth wrapped around my pole.

  “Come here,” Krista Thruste instructed me.

  I walked closer… she took hold of my cock and pressed it against her pussy lips. Those glorious and plump things. I watched as the woman slid it up and down between them… letting my precum drip out and flow down the fleshy things. I had never seen a pussy in person before! I must say it was quite a treat… Even better than I thought it would be! Although Miss Thruste didn’t seem to care much. She was very goal oriented and worked meticulously to have me inside her. And a moment later I felt the tip of my cock spread those heavenly lips apart, prodding just inside the pink opening.

  “Thrust forward,” she told me. “Do it, Daniel. Shove that cock into me. It’s nice and wet for you!”

  I did just as she asked, savoring every moment as I inched my cock inside with one smooth pumping motion. She was back to being the magician… making my dick disappear somewhere inside this gorgeous thing! And disappear it did! Every inch in fact! Right up until I felt my balls press against the cheeks of her ass and I looked down, in utter surprise and shock, to see my cock had vanished! I knew right where it was… buried deep inside this lovely pussy. I even loved saying the word. Pussy. Pussy. It looked and felt so fantastic. But the show couldn’t last for long, and she made it known.

  “Pump, Daniel! Pump! Fuck me, goddamnit! Do it now!”

  And this time I was more than happy to oblige her request – as I began pumping madly, jack-hammering her pussy with all my might. The liquids flew in every direction. The sound of skin slapping skin filled the air. It was remarkable and unforgettable. I was actually inside of a vagina! Me! Inside a pussy! Her irresistible tits bouncing up and down with each pounding. I didn’t bother putting a hand on them, as I thought doing so would only minimize their movement, and I loved the way they jiggled…

  Thrusting and thrusting! Ramming and ramming! Hammering and hammering!

  Oh god! I hope all this effort was worth my A+! Miss Thruste spurred me onward, slapping at my ass and pulling me hard into her body. I was thrusting and thrusting, humping and humping, using every bit of strength and energy I had to demolish her pussy. The years of sexual frustration were finally being released and it just so happened that this salacious woman was on the receiving end of my ventings! And what ventings they were! Strong and power! Long and hard! Deep and full!

  She moaned with every insertion. I mirrored the sounds she made, grunting and straining. All of this continued for what felt like no more than several seconds or minutes, who knows, it was difficult to tell. All I knew was my cock throbbed with an unquenchable intensity. I could feel it pumping full, on the verge of coming. Her pussy was tight and wet, massaging the sides and head of my cock in a way I never thought possible. It was like pure heaven from base to tip on every inch of flesh that I had rammed inside of her.

  “That’s it Daniel!” She shouted. “Give me that hot cum! Shoot your load inside me! I know you’re close! Now give it to me! Earn that A+! Fill me full! Make it overflow and drip out of my tempting cunt!”

  Well, she pretty much described just how I was feeling. And she seemed to know my body better than I did, for a moment later… I felt that familiar sensation of an orgasm bursting into the head of my cock and a split second afterward, the surge of cum erupting from the tip and into this sexpot’s pussy. I shouted like a retarded wildman, grabbing her hips and ramming my cock in as deep as it would go.

  “Good boy!” Miss Thruste cried as she grabbed my hips and held me in close, not allowing me to reverse my direction. “Squeeze it all out into me, give me every drop you’ve got nasty boy!”

  I made little movements with my hips, each one squirting out just a bit more cum into her vagina. And after about a dozen of these, I had pumped the well dry so to speak. She must have known this as well, because she pushed me aside and rose from the couch without hesitation. Miss Thruste grabbed her clothes, putting them on as fast as she had taken them off.

  “Great work, Daniel! You’ve definitely earned that A+! Now let’s get out of here so I can prepare for the class.”

  “But…. What about all that stuff in you?” I asked hesitantly.

  “What about it? It’s right where it should be. Your little love goo is resting deep inside my pussy. What’s there to worry about?”

  “I…” I had nothing to say it seemed!

  “Good, then let’s go! Put those clothes on and follow me, assistant!”



  There we were, standing fully clothed beside the desk of Miss Thruste, awaiting her students to come trickling in through the door as class started. I took notice of those pictures on her desk again. The ones I had only scanned briefly earlier on This time, having had my dick relieved of its pent up frustration (for the time being…), I gave them a closer inspection. The first I saw was of Miss Thruste and a little baby boy. There were others on the desk as well. It appeared she was a mother… I had to find out.

  “Is he yours?” I asked.

  “Mmhmm,” she said, nodding at the photo with a smile.

  “You’re married?”

  “Oh no,” Miss Thruste laughed. “The father was my last assistant.”

  And then I looked back down at the box she had been rummaging through earlier. It appeared to be filled with empty picture frames. And then I thought back to all the cum I had pumped inside of her, and how eager she was to have me blast every drop inside of her (admittedly tempting) pussy. And how it was all marinating in there at this very moment!

  I had a sneaking suspicion of what she was after… and in the coming weeks I would find out just how much she wanted it. As this was just the first of our many adventures… and in time I would see my own little picture frame up on her desk.

  Story 14

  Madison stared at herself in the full length mirror of her college dorm. In her right hand she held an old photograph from her senior year at high school. How things had changed. Gone were the braces that she had always detested. Gone were those denim dungarees that she wore day in and day out. Her brown, greasy, uncared for hair had been transformed into radiant, luscious curls that meandered down her back. Her body, which was once shapeless and concealed by her unorthodox personal clothing taste, was now on display through an expensive black dress. Her body curved in just the right way, firm and tapered as she half-turned from left to right to take in the full view. Her brown eyes matched her hair, her teeth glistening and perfectly shaped after years of metallic confinement. Things were about to change now and she knew it. For years, her Mother had pestered her about boys, and dates, and relationships. But Madison never had any of those things. For one, she never presented herself as someone who sought those things and on top of that, she had always found contentment in her books. After all, it was those seemingly endless hours reading, writing and re-writing that had earned her a place at Pickatow State to begin her law degree. A couple of years down the road now and things were beginning to feel a bit stale for Madison. Sure, she was achieving her top grades but all of a sudden that just didn’t seem like enough to fill the void in her life. The person that looked back at her now was not the one that looked back at her just a few years ago.

  Brad, Cody and Ryan were the last three members of the all-conquering Pickatow State senior football team remaining in the locker rooms after their game. Just like every other day. Brad was the quarter back, the number one attraction, soon to be number one draft pick in the N.F.L. and the king dick of Pickatow State. He stood staring at himself in the locker room mirror wearing only a pair of black boxers as he applied moisturiser to his rugged face. To his left, Cody towelled off, standing stark naked as he dried his blonde locks. A tall specimen of a wide receiver, for whom life was looking pretty good for at that point in time. He stepped into his tight, orange boxer briefs and sent a message to his recently acquired “gir
lfriend” to tell her that he would soon be back at his dorm and to lie in wait for him. The term girlfriend would have to be applied lightly to Cody as he never felt any source of remorse after a one night stand following a night out with the boys. Ryan was the smallest of the three but had an exceptional physique. Short, but loaded with muscle, he was the number one running back on the roster and another who was destined for stardom in the N.F.L. Just as the boys were finishing their preparations, Coach Harrison entered, ready to lock up. But he had an issue to discuss first.

  “We’ve got a serious problem on our hands boys. This is the last time I’m going to say this. I’ve been covering your asses for long enough now. Either you all raise your grades to the standard required under the terms of your scholarships or you won’t be finishing out this year here as students at Pickatow State. As dull as you all may be, I’m sure you can figure out that means you won’t be members of the Pickatow State football team and you’ll cost yourselves and more importantly me, a place in history.”

  “Don’t worry about it Coach, we gotta plan”, Cody laughed as the boys left the locker room door swinging behind them.

  The boys moved straight to the top of the line at Le Nuit nightclub, one of the most prestigious nightclubs in the state, where they frequented after every important game. They smiled and nodded at the security as they walked straight through, the murmuring and whispering of the common folk echoing from the long line of hopefuls. Once inside, they moved straight to the bar and order a round of drinks for themselves and the legion of hot young women who had followed them upon their arrival. They raised their glasses simultaneously and toasted themselves before draining the contents and moving towards the dance floor. The competition began immediately. Swarms of gorgeous young pretenders of females started to vie for the attention of either of the three boys. As if inspecting lots at an auction, they moved in and teased their potential merchandise, before snapping the carrot away from their lustful eyes and moving to another prospective candidate. Young, firm bodies began to grind against each other. This continued for almost an hour until they were happy that they had made the right choice. They moved from the dance floor to some chic leather coaches to talk the three beautiful women out of the club and out of their clothes. Having been in the club for less than ninety minutes, they were gone. Less than ten minutes after that, Brad was turning the key in the door of the five star hotel room that they would all share that night.

  In one king sized bed, they had their way with the three young women. Brad worked at the head of the bed. With the petite young brunette’s ankles draped on his shoulders and clinging for dear life behind his neck, he thrust into her powerfully as she moaned with a mixture of agony and ecstasy. Further down the unnecessarily large bed, Cody worked his possession over from behind. The tall young woman buried her face into the mattress in a feeble attempt to curtail her moans, as the college stud pounded into her with relentless authority. He grabbed the back of her shoulder length brown her and raised her head from the depths of the mattress for his friend’s to admire the results of his work. He turned to his left and winked at Ryan, who was taking an altogether more relaxed approach. He lay on his back, legs spread wide with his hands supporting his own head and neck while his young accomplice bounced feverishly on his hard cock. Taking his hands to her hips frequently to adjust her positioning or encourage a subtle increase or decrease in speed. The young studs continued their permitted assaults for what felt like an eternity to their short-terms lovers, who each collapsed to the mattress as the clock scraped past 4am.

  Completely exhausted and satisfied, they lay curled up in the bed stark naked as the three studs unloaded the mini bar of their lavish hotel room, cracked open a few beers and discussed their victory from earlier that day. Before long, the talk drifted to Coach Harrison’s words from earlier that day which still rang loudly in their ears.

  “So what are we going to do about this grade thing?” asked Brad, for the first time becoming genuinely afraid that his college lifestyle could actually cost him his place in the N.F.L. which he so craved.

  “We’ll figure it out. There will be no shortage of people willing to help us out. Kicking the three of us out of college is just unthinkable for everyone here. Don’t worry, it will be taken care of for us”, came Ryan’s confident reply.

  Madison sat at the front row of her lecture, bored and frustrated with how everything was being “dumbed down” and spoon fed to the two hundred or so young minds in the large hall. She sat, doodling on the edge of her green folder as the clock inched its way towards 2pm. Upon hearing the words:

  “That’s all for today guys. I’ll see you all tomorrow at the same time.”

  She slammed her folder shut, but just as she was about to take her leave, she was stopped in her path by a middle aged man.

  “Hi Madison, my name is Coach Harrison, I have a bit of a proposition for you if you have a minute.”

  Madison was taken aback. She had followed the progress of the college team, attending some of their home games, more for the eye candy than the love of the sport. She had noticed Cody from the start. While the whole college had Brad-fever, Cody was more to her liking. She loved his long muscular limbs and the way his blonde hair streaked out from under his helmet. But to tutor these three guys? Sure, making notes and delivering the information was no great challenge. The challenge lay in the social frame. Even though she was almost unrecognisable to the girl that had never even talked to a boy her age, never mind go on a date with one, on the outside, she was still the same shy, passive and reserved young woman on the inside. But she had promised herself that things would change. While her head told her to politely decline this dream offer from Coach Harrison, as though in a trance, she felt her lips form the words:

  “It would be an honour Coach. We will start on Monday.”

  Madison paced the room continuously, travelling over and back to the large desk in the dorm common room to straighten her notes and shift pens around until she was sure that it was perfect. She glanced up at the clock. 8:05pm. They were late. She wondered if they coming at all. This would be typical of the way her life had gone to date. She worked hard for something only for it all to blow up in her face.

  She wasn’t looking to start any kind of a relationship with any of these studs. No. That would be unrealistic. What she hoped for, on the other hand was to win their respect through her work and persistent and caring mentoring, so that her social status might sky rocket for her remaining semesters at Pickatow State. These hunks would be her route to the good life. Maybe by the end of the semester she would be returning home on the arm of a beautiful young man for the first time in her life.

  A gentle knocking on the door returned her to reality with a bang, as her heart began to pound furiously in her well-endowed chest. She felt her body temperature rise as she became momentarily short of breathe. She considered just running back to her room, locking the door and staying very quiet until they went away. But just like in her conversation with Coach Harrison the previous week, she was drawn towards these men like a moth to a flame. She paused just as she reached the door in order to regain her composure. She placed a brown eye against the peephole of the door where the expanded images of the three studs caused her heart to skip a beat. She inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly before opening the door and granting them entry. They smiled at Madison as they strode confidently into her meticulously maintained temporary home. They were each dressed in wool Hollister shorts and tight fitting tee shirts. Brad’s was black and plain, hugging his barrelled chest so tightly that his nipples protruded and were clearly visible. Ryan, the most muscular of the three, wore a white Pickatow State tee shirt which did little to conceal his emanating biceps which bulged through the sleeves of his tee shirt, causing them to bunch up towards his shoulders. His physique was enhanced by the rippling vascular lines rippling along his forearms. But Madison’s eyes immediately fixed on Cody. He was even more wonderfully constructed than she had though
t from afar. He was not as powerfully built as the other two, but there was something about his rangy limbs that appealed to her. His blonde hair, slightly longer than the others, continuously flopped down over his eyes before he removed it with a swift flick of his head to the right hand side. He was just perfect in every way.

  “So where do you want us?” Ryan asked innocently.

  “Where do I want you? What do you mean where do I want you? What are you saying?” Madison stammered, confused, sexual innuendos swarming her brain.

  “To study? Over here I assume?” Ryan continued as he raised his eyebrows and the skin of his forehead furrowed as a result of the strange but oddly beautiful young woman before him.

  The three boys strode arrogantly towards the desk which had been immaculately prepared for them. They took their seats with Brad at the end of the table, Ryan to his left and Cody to his right. Madison regained her composure after her previous awkward reply and took her seat directly opposite Brad.

  She became enchanted by the aromas of the manly colognes in the air as she fumbled through her papers.


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