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Isn’t It Too Big

Page 53

by Naomi Penn

  He spanked her once as he slid his fingers up and down between her folds over the saddle.

  She licked the head of his shaft and then said, “There is a button …”

  He laughed. “I know the spot.”

  The king twirled over the right spot in ways she had never felt before. She took him back into her mouth and pumped up and down.

  He groaned and said, “I want to be inside you.”

  “Yes, my lord, please.”


  He walked back around the horse with his shaft out and his armor rattling. He pulled her back toward him a little, but still left her bound and over the saddle with her feet off the floor. He slid inside until his hips met her buttocks.

  Harmony moaned.

  He huffed. “Is this good?”

  “Very good, sire.”

  He thrust into her creaking the horse and rattling his armor with his rhythm. He reached under and stroked her magic button at the same time. Harmony screamed out with a sudden orgasm. She was worried he would stop, but he thrust into her harder. She watched in the mirrors.

  He pulled out of her suddenly and backed away.

  “Get down here.”

  She dismounted, but the leather strap pulled taut. He untied her quickly.

  “Get on your knees.”

  She obeyed.

  “Pick up the carrot.”

  Harmony crawled and retrieved it and then returned to the king on her knees.

  “Moisten it in your mouth the way you sucked on me. Don’t stop until I tell you.”

  She slid the wood between her teeth and sucked it in and out of her mouth. King Girthton stroked himself next to her face as he watched. His face reddened and he blasted out hot, sticky cream onto her mouth and over the length of the wooden shaft. The last bits landed in strings across her knuckles.

  He released his shrinking shaft. “Now. Use it on yourself, please.”

  She took the carrot from her mouth. “Yes, my lord.”

  Harmony brushed the ribbons on her breasts and then pressed the carrot with his juices between her folds below that were already primed from his pounding. As she pumped pleasure into herself with him watching, she licked the stickiness off her knuckles.

  He took a deep breath and shook inside his armor. “Name anything you want.”

  Harmony thought about clothes, freedom to walk the castle, or a bath even. But then she said, “Is the driver that brought me here still outside the door?”

  King Girthton smiled. “She is.”

  “Can I have here come in and do whatever I tell her the way you did with me while you watch?”

  He took a step back. “Driver?”

  The door opened behind him as Harmony continued sliding the sticky carrot in and out.

  “Yes, my lord,” the driver said from the door.

  “You are needed. Close the door behind you.”

  She obeyed.

  Story 26

  I’ll never forget the dread I felt packing to go home for the holidays after my first semester at college. I’ll also never forget how it changed my life.

  I was going to a small university that closed the campus for a three week break, or I never would have left. College had become my sanctuary, an escape from the otherwise miserable life I had experienced as an adolescent.

  I hadn’t been home once since leaving in the middle of the summer. I was all too happy to avoid going back and seeing my father. We didn’t exactly have a great relationship. He was a hardass that never got off my back about anything, but not the good kind of hardass that children look back on later in life and thank for the discipline that they imparted on them.

  You know all the military father’s they portray in movies? They always have strict rules and never bend them regardless of how badly their kids want something. My father was exactly like this, but lacked all the good sense and morality that comes from serving your country. He was just a borderline alcoholic who was bitter that my mom had left him to raise me by himself, and took all that anger out by torturing me.

  I used to blame myself. I bought into all his bullshit for a long time. I had terrible self-confidence issues, especially because I often turned to food for comfort, leading to an adolescence of being slightly chubby.

  It was so bad that I didn’t believe I deserved to date anyone. One time, I brought a girl home after school. She was a very pretty girl from one of my classes, who, like me, was just slightly overweight. I didn’t mind, I was just excited to fool around with her.

  We were making out in my room when my dad came home and barged through my door. I’ll never forget the look he gave me, almost mocking me, as he said to her, “Get out of here, you can do better than him!”

  She ran out of the house without looking back, and we barely talked after that day. I was so embarrassed that I didn’t ask a girl out the rest of high school.

  Like I mentioned, college saved me. I found a way that I was able to head to campus early in mid-July before my first semester by taking work on the grounds crew. This wasn’t a glamorous job, but it was my first one and also gave me an awesome way to get some physical exercise.

  Without the oppressive weight of my father’s judgement all of the time, I also started hitting the gym and eating better. Instead of gaining the freshman fifteen, I managed to drop over 25 pounds in the first semester alone, put on some muscle, and was finally feeling good about myself.

  I even started dating a girl, though we hadn’t become official, and I hadn’t had a chance to fuck her before the Christmas break. To be honest, I probably did, but she didn’t know I was a virgin, and I was nervous as all hell every time it seemed like a night could lead to more than making out, so I would just come up with excuses to leave.

  Things were looking up for me, so when I found out about the requirement to leave over the break, I was devastated. I tried to find a loophole, but the only one was paying an additional $500 and moving to a tiny room on the other side of campus for the three weeks.

  I didn’t even bother calling to let my dad know I was coming. We hadn’t talked since July, and even though I knew we would have to talk eventually, I wanted to delay it as long as possible. I packed my things and took a bus back to my home town.


  I got back to town on a Wednesday. I fooled around a bit by visiting some old friends, but eventually made my way back to the house. As I walked up the street, I was surprised to see my father’s oversized Ford truck replaced by a tiny Fiat. I tried to picture a scenario where my dad would be seen in a car that small, but couldn’t find one.

  Puzzled, I started to worry something was going on with my dad. As I opened the door, instead of sneaking to my room, I actually called out, “Hello,” curious enough to want to find out what the hell was going on.

  A woman's voice called back, “What’re you doing home babe?” For the briefest of seconds I thought I walked into the wrong house. I looked around. Things looked a lot different, but this was definitely the house I grew up in.

  Then it dawned on me. He must have sold the house once I left.

  I tried to pick up my things and head back out the door, but as I bent down to grab my bag, the woman stepped out from around the corner.

  She was fully nude, and still wet from the shower she must have been taking. I stood aghast, mouth hanging open in what must have been an incredible scene. I began stammering, apologizing, and fumbling to get to the door while not being able to physically look away.

  The woman was gorgeous. She looked to be in her mid-30’s, sporting an impressively perky and large rack with large pink nipples. Her hair was long and brown, and her body looked like she worked out, or at least did a lot of Yoga. She even had a nicely shaven pussy with a landing strip drawing the eyes down towards her slit.

  I took all this in while backing towards the door. Just as I was about to step out, she said, “You must be Johnny.” I stopped dead in my tracks. How in the world did she know my name?

  She conti
nued, “I’ve heard so much about you! Your dad can be a bit critical sometimes though, I seriously cannot believe how handsome you are. The way he’d have it you are some chubby little kid with no muscles.” I turned red, partly because of this description, but also because as she said this she came rushing towards me and gave me a hug.

  I was more than confused, but all I could focus on was feeling her bare breasts push against my body. She was warm, and I wanted to melt into her as our bodies pressed together. I hugged her back for a second, enjoying the moment, before realizing I had better figure out what the hell was going on before it got creepy.

  Slightly worried she’d be angry that I hugged her naked without knowing who she was, I clumsily tried to find out without asking. “It’s good to meet you.”

  “I know, right!” She giggled, and I tried to keep my eyes from watching her glorious tits jiggle as she did. Whoever this woman was, she was not shy. I was very thankful for that. My father had brought a lot of random women into the house, but they were usually drug addicts or whores. This one seemed nice, and it wasn’t just because she looked so hot.

  “Oh my god, I’m sorry, am I making you uncomfortable? I thought you were your father, I usually throw a towel or robe on if something like this happens.”

  “No, not at all!” I said this too eagerly, but she just laughed and didn’t seem offended.

  “Good. Man, I can’t get over you. Look how strong you are,” she squeezed my arms as she said this. I felt an erection growing, but luckily I was wearing jeans and could hide it well. “You must have ladies throwing themselves at you now, not like high school.”

  My cheeks burned again. This beautiful woman seemed to have been spared no details regarding my struggles with weight, women, and self-confidence. I wished my dad was home, just so I could punch him in the jaw.

  I muttered something along the lines of, “Getting close,” and tried to hide the embarrassment.

  “Aww, I’m sorry. I can be forward. I didn’t mean to pry. I feel like we have so much catching up to do. Things have moved so fast.” I was collecting my things, realizing I did in fact still have a place in this house, and wanted to go hide. “After you skipped the wedding, I was worried I’d never meet you.”

  I literally dropped everything in my hands and spun to face her again. “You’re married!?”

  The look on her face was a mix of shock, anger, and sadness. “That lying little fucker. Your father can be a real asshole sometimes. He promised me that he invited you but that you refused.”

  My head hung, a little depressed and a little confused. I just shook it slowly, the disappointment obvious on my face. I didn’t care that he was married, but was a little upset he hadn’t even let me know. He was still my dad after all.

  “He’ll be back tomorrow. If you want to talk about this before then, let me know. You can have some space.” With that I headed to my room, started blasting some music, and quickly fell asleep. I didn’t want to think about any of it.


  I have no idea how long I slept, but I was eventually woken up by a soft tapping at the door. “Can I come in?”

  “Sure,” I called out.

  She slowly opened the door, like she was worried she’d catch me doing something. As she finally stepped through, I was surprised to see her dressed in an extremely sexy dress and a Santa’s hat.

  “I just wanted to let you know that I’m having a small party tonight for some of my friends.”

  I rubbed my eyes trying to wake up a bit and replied, “No problem at all.”

  “Well we can get a little crazy. A lot of eggnog will be consumed.” Visions of dozens of hot older women dancing naked on the couches, hitting each other with pillows shot through my head. I was thankful to still be covered by a blanket, as once again I began sporting a major hard-on.

  “No worries.”

  “I know you’re only 19, but feel free to have some too. I won’t tell,” she winked at me which turned me on even more. I felt slightly guilty, as she was technically my step-mother now.

  “Thanks,” I said smiling.

  “Look, we don’t have to talk about anything, but is there anything you want to know. I feel really bad about all of this.”

  “Well, to be honest, I don’t know anything. The last I talked to my dad was July. So maybe we should start off with your name?”

  Her eyes got wide, in a shocked but not upset way. “Oh my god! Well, my name is Julia but almost everyone calls me Jules. You can call me anything you want.” My boner was now even more guilt ridden. The girl I was dating back in college was Julie. I tried to reason with myself that it was completely inappropriate to be turned on by a stepmother with the same name as the girl I was actually seeing, but my dick’s argument won with the point that she looked incredible in her red dress. Her cleavage was magnificent, and there was a Rudolph necklace complete with flashy red nose hanging in the canyon between her boobs.

  I had lost focus for a moment, so she asked, “Anything else?”

  “Not really.”

  She flashed a knowing grin at me and simply said, “You should come hang out with us later. We need to get to know each other more.”


  I considered sticking around, but decided against it. I headed out to grab a bite to eat, then met up with an old buddy to go see a movie. Around 10, I finally headed back to the house.

  Walking up the sidewalk, I could tell that the women inside were enjoying themselves. Music was blasting and shrieks of laughter pierced the otherwise quiet night.

  I headed in the door, and as I stepped into the living room they all turned to look at me and cheered. Jules rushed up to me and said, “Finally, we’ve been waiting for you! They all want to meet you.”

  “Actually, Jules, I hate to be a party pooper but I’ve got to get home, and I’m their rides,” she gestured to a group of women on the couch. They booed, but all reluctantly got up to gather their things.

  A few awkward minutes passed as I just sat in the room while they went through their goodbye rituals. There were now only two women left sitting. One was a tiny, darker-skinned girl who must have had some Latina or Indian in her blood. She seemed a bit younger than Jules, with very curly and dark hair. Her tits were enormous and so was her ass, which made her thin waste and otherwise tiny body even more shocking. Her dress was grey at the top and black at the bottom, with a large built in belt that really highlighted how thin she was. The way the dress suctioned to her skin made her curves pop even more, and it cut off just below her ass. When she moved around on the couch, I got pleasant eye fulls of her ass cheeks and a lacy pink thong.

  The other woman seemed like she was in her early 40’s. She was blonde and bigger than either Jules or the other woman, though not overweight at all. I didn’t have much time to analyse her before Jules was sitting down beside me again, offering me a glass of eggnog.

  She introduced me to the other two. The exotic one was Eva, and the blonde was Callie. We talked for a while and continued to drink eggnog. I was a complete lightweight, and was feeling pretty good a couple glasses in. They were ahead of me, so were also a bit tipsy.

  I wasn’t doing much talking. I mainly was sitting back and staring at their cleavage, enjoying the show they were putting on. To be honest, I had no idea what they were talking about until my ears tuned in to Callie saying, “Yea, Mark hasn’t fucked me in months. We’ve had sex, but that's not the same as a proper fucking, you know what I mean?”

  They all giggled and agreed, seemingly oblivious to my presence. I sunk back into the couch, trying to remain as unnoticeable as possible. I didn’t want to interrupt them.

  Eva continued Callie’s thought saying, “Yea, there's a big difference. It’s like after a while they stop trying. It all changes when they think they don’t have to work for it anymore. It’s like we’re nothing more than something to cum in.”

  They giggled some more and continued to drink. The conversation turned to talking about their f
avorite sexual experiences. I sat there, wishing I had a way to touch myself. This was the hottest conversation I had ever heard, especially given how sexy the participants were. I was physically pained to not be able to jack off to it.

  Eva reminded them of the time two guys double teamed her while she was at Spring Break in Brazil. They had heard the story, but encouraged her to tell it again. Thank god for that. I hung on every detail, sure I was falling in love with this woman.

  When she finished, Callie went into detail about her experience at a ski lodge with her best friend. The two of them had gotten snowed in, and had two days of nearly nonstop sexual adventures. The other two playfully teased her for being a lesbian, but she insisted it was just a spur of the moment thing and did not change her love of cock at all.


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