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Isn’t It Too Big

Page 73

by Naomi Penn

  Slowly Robert pulled her night dress up over her head to reveal her naked body. She lay there looking so innocent. He wanted to stay watching her forever, but his desire to have her overcame him.

  Starting at her toes he kissed up her body. Making sure to touch her thighs and move briefly past her delightful center. He took one of her nipples into his mouth and Victoria pulled up off the bed in delight. He liked hearing the sounds of pleasure that Victoria made. It fueled him to want more and more form her.

  He used one of his legs to slowly spread her apart. As he lowered his body on top of her he could feel Victoria take a deep breath in. She prepared herself for the pain of him entering her body.

  Slowly he pressed into her. Victoria grabbed onto him and let out a slight scream of pain as his body filled her up. She wanted him to stop, but then she started to feel a little better and wanted him to continue on. The sensation was like nothing she had ever felt before.

  Robert moved ever so slightly; moving in and out in very small motions. He didn’t want her to be in pain, but he loved feeling her around his cock. His body wanted to thrust into her hard. It took every bit of energy he had not to totally destroy her sweetness on that first night. He had to remember, she would be his and only his for years to come.

  As Robert continued to thrust, Victoria started to feel more comfortable. She moved her hips in motion with him and could feel his body tensing up as he got ready to explode. With one final thrust he finally ended their wedding night of consummation.

  Robert kissed his bride and lay down beside her. It was their first night as husband and wife and Robert wanted to lay with her until the sun rose. He wanted to experience the beginning of a new day together with the beginning of their new life together. As the sun rose, Victoria wrapped her body close to his and they fell asleep in wedding bliss.


  Being married those first few months was absolutely wonderful. Victoria enjoyed going with Robert to all of his events and she loved getting dressed up. She was trying to learn how to behave and sometimes Robert’s mother did not approve of things Victoria would do.

  At one royal event, Victoria at stopped to talk with a group of young women. The guards pressed Victoria to continue moving, but she refused. The young woman she was talking to had a concern about her child’s health and did not know where to turn. Victoria listened to her story and then asked on of the royal employees to see if they could offer assistance for the young woman.

  The Royal family had endowed her family with some extra land and money for servants, so Victoria was able to relax and not worry about her family while she lived at the palace with Robert and the royal family.

  Victoria still had the feeling that Robert’s parents, the King and Queen, did not like her very much. They were always polite to her and never rude, but there was just something about the way they looked at her that made her feel uneasy.

  Then one day, everything changed. While they were sleeping, Victoria and Robert woke up to a horrible scream. Robert got dressed and took off down the hallway toward his parent’s room where the sound had come from.

  The guards were already there and they all stood in shock as Robert’s father, the King, lay dead in his bed. There were no apparent wounds on him so it was not possible to tell what had happened to him. He lay peacefully in bed, but obviously dead.

  The Queen was sobbing in the corner and Robert went to her. His mother was not one to cry, so it was a huge event when something moved her so much that she would lose her composure.

  “Mother, what happened?”

  “I had been reading late downstairs and fell asleep in my chair. When I returned to my room to retire, I found your father like this.”

  She continued to cry and was inconsolable for the rest of the evening. Robert stayed with her and the servants brought her warm tea, which Robert tried to get her to drink. Robert had never seen his mother in such a state before. She was always a woman who did not show emotion, it broke his heart to see the emotion that she was capable of.

  Victoria had asked one of the guards what had happened, but decided it was not her place to go to the Queen. The woman already hated her so much, Victoria did not want to cause trouble in her time of sorrow.

  In the days that followed the King’s death, there were wild rumors that he had been poisoned. No one could tell for sure, but they did talk often about his complaints regarding a poor taste of his dinner on the night he died.

  The Queen withdrew her claim to lead the country and instead chose to have her son, Robert, become King. He was well within proper age and he could lead them into the new century with vitality and youth on his side.

  Robert was not sure he was ready for the responsibility, but he surely did not have the ability to turn it down. As preparations were made for his coronation, Robert tried to keep his nerves together. He knew that the picture the people saw of him was important, from the very first moment he was King.

  Victoria didn’t know what to do with herself. She had just become comfortable with the idea that she was a princess by marriage to Robert. Now he would be King Robert James and she would be his Queen. It was overwhelming and on the day of the coronation, it brought her to tears.

  Robert found Victoria sobbing on the bed only moments before they were to be presented to the city. Victoria didn’t want to ruin his day, she just couldn’t keep her emotions in any longer. She was already so overwhelmed and knew that this change would make things even worse for her.

  “Sweetheart, you will make a great Queen.”

  “Robert, I am too young. They will never look at me for leadership.”

  “You have a heart the people will love. They will want you as their Queen, trust me. Now let us go and introduce ourselves to the world.”

  Hand in hand the pair walked toward the ceremony. Robert could feel Victoria’s hands shaking and he squeezed her tighter to try and calm them.

  He was just as scared as she was, but there was no turning back now. Robert was prepared to be King and to lead his country like his father did. Robert knew it would be a rough road, but he also knew his country needed him.

  The ceremony and party went on for hours. Many dignitaries from around the world arrived to pay their respects to Robert’s late father and to wish him luck in his work as the new King.

  Many people asked his opinion and plans for different aspects of the country, but Robert was not prepared to answer any of these questions. Robert did not know how to run a country; he had not expected his father to die so suddenly. For years his father had been trying to get Robert to go to more events and be more involved in the politics of running an entire country. Robert greatly wished he had taken his father up on those offers for the last five years.

  Running the country was much more stressful than Robert could imagine. He realized this on the first day after becoming King.

  He was set to meet with commoners from London for the first two hours of his day. It seemed like a wonderful way to get to know the people and to hear about the things they wanted and needed in the community.

  “Your highness, my mother and father are dying. I need medications to help them and a doctor to save them.”

  Robert gasped at the horror of the situation this young man had presented him with. He quickly had one of his servants go with the young man and arrange for a doctor to visit. Robert was a kind man and he couldn’t stand the thought of anyone suffering; if there was something Robert could do to help them, he would.

  The next young lady approached Robert.

  “Your highness, we are hungry and have no money for food. Please help us.”

  Robert again was appalled that someone in his country was starving so he made sure the woman left the palace with a crate full of food. Robert knew somewhere deep down that there were probably many more families that were hungry. He vowed to himself to work on a program to provide food for the needy.

  By the time his two hour session was over, Robert was exhausted and sa
ddened. His people were all suffering and there was nothing he could do. Yes, he could provide a short reprieve from their suffering. But nothing he could do would make all their sorrow go away.

  “Robert, you cannot fix everyone’s problems. If you keep up with giving things away, you will drive us broke,” Robert’s mother said after the first session.

  Robert looked at his mother in horror.

  “So I should let good people go hungry over concern for my own wealth?”

  “Yes. Your job is to lead the country. If people are going hungry, you need to fix the larger problem that is causing that hunger.”

  Victoria had to interrupt.

  “I think Robert is the King now and if he wants to feed starving people, he should have that right.”

  The look the Queen gave Victoria could have melted stone into a puddle. The Queen did not like how Robert was handling things and she certainly didn’t think Victoria knew anything about leading a country.


  The animosity and bickering between Victoria and Robert’s mother continued on for months. There was nothing that Victoria could do that would please the Queen. She felt like the Queen was constantly trying to make her break down in tears.

  Night after night Robert felt caught in between the fighting that was going on between his wife and his mother. There was no way around it. Every night the two women argued about how the country should be led. Every night Robert chose his wife’s side over his mother’s. This, of course, infuriated his mother.

  Victoria and Robert’s relationship becomes strained through the nights of fighting and Robert finally decides his mother must move to one of their other homes.

  “Mother it is for the best. You can retire and relax.”

  “You cannot banish me like a peasant. I am still the Queen.”

  “Actually mother, you gave up that title. Victoria is now the Queen.”

  Victory did not like Robert bringing her into this conversation. His mother already hated her so much. It was going to be hard enough to get her to leave and go to their summer house, adding Victoria’s name to the argument was surely going to set his mother’s anger loose.

  “Victoria is Queen? Oh Victoria. Yes, let’s let the little peasant girl give away all our riches to her homeless friends.”

  “That’s enough mother. You will listen to me. You will go to the summer home and make it your own. Live whatever life you would like there. But you are no longer welcomed here.”

  Robert’s mother showed a small hint of emotion when she heard her son say he didn’t want her there. But she quickly turned to ice. She also held her temper back. Victoria suspected that Robert’s mother realized he could have left her in one of their small cottages outback. Instead, the summer home was a sprawling castle that Robert’s mother would be able to enjoy with plenty of servants to bow to her and take care of her every need.

  Robert didn’t like sending his mother away. She was his mother and he loved her very much. It was impossible for him to continue living with her always telling him he was doing things wrong. Add in the way he fought with Victoria and put her down all the time, Robert knew he had made the right decision.

  The days came and went much easier once Robert’s mother moved to the summer house. Robert and Victoria continued to learn the ins and outs of running the country, but they were able to do it without criticism.

  Robert brought in specialists in the varying areas of the country’s needs and had them teach him all about the necessities of their country and the future that was best for them. He met with architects and city planners. Robert visited with experts on hunger and agriculture. He spent a whole day with a political specialist to learn more about parliament.

  For several months Robert threw himself into his work. He was dedicated to being the best King he could be. Victoria also threw herself into her work. As the new Queen she made women’s issues especially personal to her. She visited with families and learned about what was important to them.

  What Victoria and Robert didn’t understand was that there were two sides to everything they learned about. There was an exact opposite view to all the specialists they met with and soon the two were meeting with the people with the opposite views.

  It was overwhelming and Robert was frozen with fear. Every decision he made there was one or more people in his ear telling him to make a different decision. Robert wanted to do right by the people, but it became harder and harder to know what was right and wrong.

  Another month passed and another, Robert stopped seeing the people of his country. It was too overwhelming to him. He didn’t feel confident in his ability to help anyone and he wanted a break. In his heart he knew that his father would never have taken a break from being King and Robert hated that he couldn’t handle it.

  The argument with his mother still weighed heavily on him and Robert sent a letter by courier to her. In his letter, Robert apologized for sending his mother to the summer home. He hoped she was doing well and enjoying her retirement.

  He went on to describe the stress he was under and the overwhelming feeling he had that he was not good enough to be King. He desperately hoped that his mother could forgive him.

  The one thing Robert did not include in his letter to his mother, was an invitation to return to the palace. He still felt like it would not be a good idea for Victoria and his mother to be around each other.

  In the months since Robert’s mother left the castle, Victoria was blossoming. She no longer sat in the corner of the room during events. Instead, she was right there by Robert’s side as he greeted guests.

  Victoria was taking her responsibilities very seriously and she was learning all the specifics that went along with being royalty.

  The two of them worked great as a team and Robert didn’t want that to go away. Victoria was confident and full of life again. Just like when he first met her. This was the Victoria he loved; this was the woman he wanted to be by his side day in and day out.

  Robert also loved the eagerness that Victoria would lay with him at night now. Since his mother had left for the summer house, Victoria had been laying with Robert almost every night. She was relaxed and vocal during their love making and Robert loved that. He loved to hear her moans of pleasure as he thrust inside of her.

  If only for that one reason alone, Robert would not be inviting his mother to come back to the palace.


  “Your highness, I have received word that the Scottish King is sending his men toward our way in an attempt to overthrow you.”

  Robert was shocked. He had heard for years that the Scottish wanted to try and overthrow his late father. But he had not heard of it in many months. He had hoped it was only a rumor and they would not have to deal with this mess.

  Robert did not want to fight anyone. He firmly believed most issues could be settled man to man if the leaders could sit down and talk about the issues. But Robert was not a stupid man, he knew his attempts to talk with someone who wanted to kill him and his family, was certainly not a good idea.

  “Gather the guards. Prepare for attack,” Robert said.

  The next few days were spent preparing the castle for what they expected would be a horrible attack. All the women and children who lived on the grounds were moved to other locations, but Victoria refused to go. She insisted she would be safer by her husband’s side than anywhere else in the world.

  Robert didn’t like that Victoria refused to leave, but deep down he also thought she would be safest there with him. They had hundreds of guards around the building and even if a few of them lost their life in a battle. The Scottish would never make it all the way into the castle.

  For a good week the guards lay waiting for this attack. They paced the yard and worked every entrance to the castle. There was no sign of these men.

  Robert got tired of being cooped up and went against his lead military commander’s advice and lightened up the security around the castle after about a week of waiting. It was c
lear to Robert that the information had been false. No one waits that long to attack. If they were going to attack the castle; these Scottish solders would have already done it.

  “Sweetheart, we will have to get back to life as usual. We cannot live in fear of some attack for our entire lives.”

  “I know, but if the commander said they were going to attack, we should believe him,” Victoria begged Robert to keep the extra security around the palace.

  There was nothing she wanted more than to keep her and Robert safe. It would be devastating to her if anything ever happened to him. If this other King did attack them, the one thing he would want would be to hurt Robert as much as possible. He would torture and kill Robert before he took over control of the country.

  No matter what Robert said, Victoria knew something bad was about to happen. She could feel it and it made her sick to her stomach. She didn’t know what it would be and she didn’t know when it would be; but something bad was going to happen to her and Robert.


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