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Isn’t It Too Big

Page 90

by Naomi Penn

  Without hesitation, Olivia leaned down and drug her tongue up through the woman’s pussy and over the swollen button. The flavor was tangy and warm. She thought she might understand what the woman in the drawing was so excited about. Olivia found herself wanting to taste the doctor too.

  He smiled down at her as he got the length of his cock licked from underneath. Olivia enjoyed his smile, so she licked the woman’s pussy with greater enthusiasm. Her tongue danced around her own fingers inside the woman – licking first over then on top of them, then underneath, then teasing as if to force her tongue into the opening with her fingers. The woman writhed and bucked against Olivia’s touch. She spread her tongue and cast it wide up over the tender flesh and over the lump that she knew gave such intense feelings of pleasure.

  Olivia looked up over the woman’s tightening stomach to see the doctor holding the woman’s head as he thrust his own hips. He rubbed himself through the furrow of her hungry, licking mouth with his cock outside. Occasionally, the head of it would pop inside bulging the side of her cheek only to pop out and slide through wet over her lips and back. His motions increased and her sucking from underneath grew more intense in kind.

  “Oh,” Dr. Droll moaned. “Curl your fingers up inside her. As her muscles pulse, see if you can find a lump near the inside front. Something perhaps that you did not feel before. But keep applying the stimulation. Yes, don’t stop.”

  Olivia assumed the doctor could only be talking to her. She continued to lick over the external button she knew about. Her fingers curled up and forward inside the woman as instructed. Olivia thought she felt something, but she wasn’t sure. As she continued to lick, she curled her fingers over the spot in a sort of “come here” motion. With her fingers stroking over the new button inside, the woman on the bed pulsed her muscles around Olivia’s fingers and her entire body undulated as she screamed into the doctor’s cock.

  Dr. Droll’s eyes rolled up in his head and the cords in his neck tightened.


  Olivia spoke with her lips over the outside button even as she continued to stroke the new discovery inside so that she wouldn’t lose its place. The woman seemed to rise in pleasure for Olivia’s efforts. Olivia said, “Doctor, I think I found something.”

  She was not sure Doctor Droll heard her as he let out a roar at the same moment she finished speaking. He splurted out white seed across the bed as far as the wall. He gave a mighty thrust driving his cock past the woman’s mouth so that his balls plopped in. She seemed unphased as she started sucking on them and the doctor continued to squirt load after load. The pull of her lips on his balls pointed his cock up shooting droplets into the air that rained down on the woman’s firm breasts and stomach. The last couple ran down his shaft and over her cheek and chin. She continued to suck not seeming to mind.

  Dr. Droll lifted his wet ball from her mouth and drew his shaft across her lips one more time. She flicked her tongue the whole way licking him clean. He pushed the head between her lips and pumped in and out as her cheeks showed that she was giving him a good sucking.

  The doctor blinked and shook his head as he dipped his shaft into the woman’s mouth. “So, dear, what is it that you said?”

  Olivia lifted her glistening mouth off the woman’s pussy while still teasing the button inside. “I said, I think I have found something in the spot you described, Doctor.”

  His eyes widened and he pulled his cock away from the woman’s mouth with a pop and said, “Move, dear, let me feel.”

  Olivia pulled her hands away and stepped out. The doctor remained standing as he inserted his fingers. He looked up toward the ceiling with one eye closed as he felt around. His cock was still out and absently poked at the woman’s pussy. Olivia wondered if he might not insert it and she found that she wanted to see it. A single drop of cum formed on the tip as he worked.

  “There it is. Amazing. We have made a marvelous discovery.”

  He continued to the feel at the inside button and the woman covered her creamy face and moaned.

  Olivia looked at the woman and the doctor and saw neither was looking at her. She slipped one sticky finger down and swiped up one of the droplets of cum. Olivia quickly pushed it past her lips and sucked it off the end of her finger. She was surprised to find the flavor not unpleasant, but hard to place with anything she already knew. As she sucked her finger, she realized that she could not tell whether it was his fluids, the woman’s, or a combination of both that she was finding so intriguing.

  She snuck her finger down and scooped up a little more.

  Doctor Droll pulled his fingers out and said, “Olivia, you have helped me discover a great thing today. We will bring the leading experts in the field to our own medical theater for a demonstration of this discovery and I want you right by my side as we present our findings to the world. Taking you on as my assistant was one of the greatest recent decisions of my career.”

  He extended his hand. Olivia knew she had snuck a drop of his cum. His hands shined with the woman’s lubricants even as the woman heaved for breath on the bed below them. Olivia was not about to hesitate now that the doctor got her name right for the first time that she could remember. She shook his hand and the fluids mixed between their palms.


  “We cannot afford to have a single misstep. I have never had a group of more important people mixed in among my students, Olivia. These are the leading minds of our day and they must be impressed by our discovery.”

  “I understand, Doctor.”

  Dr. Droll nodded at Olivia and turned toward the largest picture of a penis entering a vagina that she could possibly imagine. The pussy looked incredibly familiar to her and the cock looked strikingly like what she recalled from seeing the Doctor when he was being sucked off during their last experiment. The realization of the combination of images in the diagram made her blush. He had only seen her pussy briefly during a few of their experiments, but it apparently made an impression either consciously or subconsciously.

  He pointed to the secret button they had discovered inside and he showed where the head of his giant penis was pushing that spot where it would be located inside her vagina. Olivia swallowed and blinked as she tried to concentrate.

  “If we can locate this spot and educate men on where to find it,” the Doctor said, “this will utterly revolutionize sex, relations between men and women, and may well lead to peace in our time, I dare say.”

  Olivia narrowed her eyes. She thought the Doctor was putting quite a lot of stock in the power of really good sex. She said, “What have you decided to call this spot, Dr. Droll? If we expect common men to be able to find it, it will need a name that is easy to identify and remember.”

  “Quite right, Olivia.” The Doctor smiled and nodded. “I have deemed it to be THE G SPOT!”

  Olivia stared for a moment. She saw the Doctor’s smile falter and she did not want to dash his confidence right before the grandest presentation of his career. She said, “The G Spot, you say?”

  “Yes, what do you think? Be honest.”

  “I, ugh, Doctor Droll, what does G stand for in this case?”

  He shook his head and held out his hands waving the pointer stick out by his side. “Stands for? Nothing, dear. That is just its name the same way any person or any object has a name. That is just what it will be called.”

  “Why G then doctor?”

  “Oh, no great reason. My mother was called Gi Gi and I wanted to do something nice that she might be remembered in my work. Now every time a man finds the G spot they will be using my mother’s name in the very act.”

  Olivia swallowed. “I’m sure were she still around to know that she would be quite … proud.”

  “Thank you, Olivia, I think so too.”

  The door to his office opened and a male student leaned in. His eyes drifted up to the massive diagram and he froze with his mouth hanging open for a moment.

  Dr. Droll said, “Yes, son, what is it?”

nbsp; “Oh, ugh, they are ready for you, Doctor.”

  “Thank you. We will be over shortly.”

  “Doctor, I was told to tell you of a slight problem.”

  Dr. Droll waved the pointer stick. “Out with it. What is it?”

  “Your model has not arrived.”

  Dr. Droll dropped his stick on his desk with a clatter. “What do you mean? She is not even in the building?”

  “That’s what I was told,” the student said.

  Dr. Droll shook his head and closed both fists in his hair. “No. No. No. No. Are there any other women in the building? Female students? Other doctors perhaps?”

  The student tilted his head. “Female students and doctors? Here? I don’t think so. Have you gone mad?”

  “Don’t taunt me, boy, or I will bounce you out into the street.”

  “Yes, sir, I mean, no, sir. Sorry, Doctor. What would you have me to do?”

  “Find me a suitable woman. Any woman at this point. This is the biggest experiment of my life. I cannot fail. I simply cannot.”

  The student pointed at Olivia. “She is a woman.”

  “Another woman, I mean.”

  “I don’t think there are any others unless you want me to run through London door to door and I’m liable to get arrested for that,” the student said.

  “Just get out,” Dr. Droll said. “Leave us alone.”

  The student closed the door and the doctor dropped into his chair.

  Olivia said, “What are we going to do, Dr. Droll?”

  He looked up at her. “I will need you to do it, Olivia. There is no other option. You have been with me through my most intense experiments. You know exactly what I would need and there is no one else.”

  Olivia’s eyes widened and she swallowed. “You want me to be the model? In the theater with all those men watching me?”

  “You have to. There are no other options. These men will not return to hear a rescheduled demonstration of our discovery and definitely not after we fail to deliver when they did come. You must, Olivia. Everything is depending on this and you are my only hope.”

  Olivia blinked and glanced up at the diagram. She felt warm all over, but especially between her legs. She nodded. “Of course, Doctor. I won’t let you down. Anything you need.”

  “Excellent.” He clapped his hands and stood up. “Everyone in there is a professional or a student of science. You are being observed by experts in the field. Nothing to be nervous or self-conscious about, Olivia. I assure you.”

  She nodded again and stood with Dr. Droll on shaky knees. “Yes, Doctor.”

  He put his hand of her back and they walked out together. She felt dizzy, but focused on breathing and putting one foot in front of the other. They entered the theater a few doors down from Dr. Droll’s office. The stands were full and Olivia looked nervously from one face to another. She saw young men looking eager. Next to these fresh, young students, she saw older, dower men who already appeared skeptical.

  She looked away. Olivia started to climb onto the exam table. Dr. Droll pulled at the back of her dress and turned her around to face the center of the stands.

  He whispered. “Undress.”


  “Yes, Olivia.”


  “Yes, do it quickly, please.”

  She unbuttoned her dress and folded it down away from her body. She saw pencils rise in the younger men’s hands and she realized in horror that they planned to draw her. Perhaps there would soon be more diagrams in the offices depicting her and what was about to happen to her.

  Don’t hesitate, she thought to herself.

  Olivia dropped the dress away from her bare breasts and pushed it down past her hips. The dress fell to her ankles leaving her exposed and naked before more men than she could count. She did not know what to do next. She stepped out of her dress on the floor and stood with her arms by her side.

  The Doctor’s hand moved over her pussy and pointed at the opening. She almost recoiled, but caught herself and remained steady. She realized that the Doctor had been talking the whole time, but her ears were ringing and her mind was blocking out the words. She only felt the sensations of her own flesh and the weight of all the eyes focused on her. Their rapt attention started to bring up excitement in her to replace the nervousness.

  She heard the Doctor ask, “Are you ready?”

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  Story 45

  Marie could not believe she was finally about to go into the STO High Tech Convention. The convention had been coming her city for many year, but her mother had never allowed her to go. Her other believed did not approve of Marie’s love of science, technology, or books. She preferred that Marie spend her time cheerleading, socializing, and prepping her hair and makeup. So on the outside Marie looked like blonde bombshell popular girl, but she was all geek on the inside. Now that she was graduated from high school and eighteen years old, her mom no longer had such a strong influence over her decisions. Plus, she had a job now and could afford the high priced ticket for the convention herself.

  The day was finally here, and Marie’s stomach fluttered with butterflies as she handed the man at the gate her ticket. The large venue was filled with tons of booths and displays. Lights flashed around the room, noises sprang through the air, and people crowded the place from wall to wall. It was as magnificent as she had hoped. Excitement rippled through her body.

  A nearby booth caught her attention so she went to check it out. It was a display on new small generator that could single handedly power a village on its own.

  “Impressive, huh?” A man’s voice startled her as he spoke from behind.

  “Yes it is.” She turned and saw a very handsome man in his late thirties. He was tall with dark hair and icy blue eyes. Warmth began to heat up her body as she felt herself enticed by his looks.

  “Do you like what you see?” His voice was deep and had a touch of seduction dangling from his tongue with each word.

  “Excuse me?” She was not sure what he meant.

  “Do you like what you see around this convention? There are so many remarkable things here.”

  “Oh, yes. I just got here, but I can’t wait to see it all.” Her eyes stared deep into his for a long moment before she pulled away.

  Marie was not used to being so attracted to a man, especially an older one. She was always shy around guys and had never had a boyfriend. With her awkwardness and strange interest, she had never even had a boyfriend and was still a virgin. Until now she had never really even desired sex, but something about this man made her body yearn for it more than ever.

  “My name is Dr. Vex.” He reached out his hand to her.

  “Marie.” Her hand met his and she couldn’t ignore the arousal his touch brought.

  “Marie, enjoy the convention. Make sure you don’t miss the display in the way back of the room, down past the yellow sign ahead.” He suggested.

  Looking ahead to see the big yellow sign he told her about, she saw it and made a mental note to go where he told her later.

  “Is that your display?” She asked him, but when she turned to face him he was gone. As quick as he had come, he had disappeared, but he didn’t take the arousal with him. Marie was still turned on as she ventured out into the crowd.


  There were many extraordinary booths and people who seemed as into technology as her. It was nice being around others who were as excited to see the displays as her, but even among these similar people she still stood out. Her long blonde hair, luscious curves, and large breast seemed to make her eye-catching no matter where she went.

  Ignoring the stares, she made her way through the convention, booth after booth, and was disappointed when it seemed as though there was nothing left to see. It was then that she remembered Dr. Vex and the display he told her to visit. Finding the big yellow sign, she went past and scanned the area with her eyes
for a sign of him or the booth. There was nothing there but an empty space. Let down, she turned around and headed back to the main part of the room. The convention had been great and she did not want it to end. Something made her stop one last time and turn back. A small, bright light flashed quickly. If she would have blinked she would have missed it. She decided to go back towards the light again.

  As she walked back she noticed something where before there was only empty space. This had to be impossible, there was absolutely nothing there before. She had check and it was completely empty, but there was no mistaking the large machine in front of her now. The mysterious machine was unlike anything she had ever seen and almost seemed like a small space ship of some sort, built for only a few people to fit in at once. Someone had done a very good job creating this replica. It must have been a display of a rocket or spacecraft.


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