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The Revelation (Pandora's Harem 1) A Reverse Harem Tale

Page 6

by Angelique Armae

  “Oh, you won’t be escaping me this time,” Chaos says.

  “But what good do I do you? I don’t have my box.”

  “No, not now. But eventually Hope will reach out to you and when she does, you’ll be the magnet I need to destroy her.”

  I’ve caused enough problems with opening that damn box. If I ever find it again, I am going to make sure it remains sealed. Make sure Hope is safe and secure so mankind never loses her, never stops believing in her. Which I need to remind myself right now because I don’t see any hope of me surviving Chaos at the moment. Though I have no intention of showing my fear.

  The goddess reaches out to me. She drags her bony finger down my cheek and over my chin. “My sweet little Pandy. Like I just told you, I have no desire to kill you yet. I need you to first locate your lost box.”

  “If you think I’ll help those sordid grandsons of yours, you’re sorely mistaken.”

  Chaos’s thin lips curl. She raises her right arm and flicks her wrist.

  Wind and rain hail down on me, swirl around my body. I struggle to breathe.

  “See, I can very easily make your life miserable. And I do prefer that to killing you, while I still can use you. Of course, once I’m finished with you, there will be no reason to keep you around. That’s when I’ll officially gift you to my grandsons.”

  I am so screwed. “You’re a horrible soul.”

  “Oh, honey, you haven’t seen nothing yet.”

  I don’t like the tone of Chaos’s voice. Not that her statement would mean anything good if she says it nicely. She’s a bitch and will never change. It’s not in her core to do so.

  Fear spirals in my soul, but I refuse to cower. If I die, then at least I go down with a brave effort.

  Two shadows appear in the room’s corner and fly to flank Chaos’s sides. Landing, they shift into human form.

  Chaos extends her arms and pulls both men in for a hug. “Boys, what took you so long?”

  “Thanatos insisted on knifing a guy.” The one man says, his face pale and drooping. He looks like he hasn’t slept for days, maybe months.

  “That’s not true. Ker here took the bastard’s life before my blade even touched the human’s skin.”

  So, these are my two enemies in the flesh. Now, if only death dude number three shows up, we can have a real party. “Why isn’t Moros here? Isn’t he the one who really wants my lost box?”

  Chaos pushes her grandsons away. “Moros wouldn’t waste his time on you. Not until he needs, you, anyway. And besides, you’ve already brought yourself here to Thanatos and Ker. Moros is actually more Destiny than he is Death. And that’s what makes him so powerful. No one can come to Than or Ker if it weren’t for Moros.”

  Now I understand. Moros is just a catalyst, so to speak. He’s every man’s destiny regardless if he is to die a peaceful death or a violent one. It makes sense now why even Zeus won’t mess with Moros. No one wants to interfere with Destiny because doing so creates Chaos. And that is exactly what I did when I let those evils out of my box. Stupid, stupid Pandora.

  But maybe not. I did leave Hope behind. Maybe that is the purpose of my life. Making sure Hope remains for all of humanity. Maybe the gods have been painting me wrong all these years. It would be nice if that is the case. But they’ll never tell.

  “No, we won’t,” Chaos says with a smirk. “Now come here.”

  I don’t budge.

  “Boys.” The crazy-ass professor orders her grandsons.

  They do her bidding on the instant and are at my side, their hands squeezing my wrists.

  “Take her somewhere no one will find her.” Chaos vanishes in a swirl of wind and ice pellets.

  “I get first dibs,” Thanatos says, his red eyes glowing.

  Ker shakes his head. “No way. She’s mine.”

  I don’t belong to either of them. I don’t belong to anyone. Twisting my wrists, I try to break free from these two goons of death.

  They tighten their grips.

  Ker brings his mouth to my ear. “Sleep, sweet Pandy.”

  I am so not going to die today. I can’t. I have to fight this. My Spartans need me. Especially, Lycus.

  “You bastard,” Thanatos says, his cold hand pounding my chest, searching, I guess, for my heart beat. “You had no right to steal her from me.”

  “You need to learn to be quicker, brother.”

  Ker’s warm breath blows against my cheek.

  My eyelids grow heavy.


  The room fades. My body goes numb.

  My heart beat slows.

  I fall back, my captors now releasing my wrists.

  My head hits the floor and every sense of feeling I have, vanishes.

  Chapter 8

  Death is a strange existence. It makes you think of all the things you could have done while you were alive on earth and didn’t. For me, I should have made friends. I spent so many years alone. Always keeping my nose in books to get a scholarship to college, then once I got there it was all about maintaining my grades. And after graduation came work. But even before my most recent years, I was a loner kid. Maybe a part of me always knew I was Pandora.

  I let out a deep breath. Another surprise. I don’t think I should be able to breathe, being dead.

  A stinging pain slaps my cheek. Ouch… Whoever heard of sensing pain once you’re dead? No wonder some people don’t follow the tunnel of light.

  “Pandora.” A strong, smooth male voice vibrates against my ears.

  Another sting to my cheek ensues. Whoever thinks they can beat the crap out of me, even dead, is going to learn a very different lesson in a few minutes.

  My eyelids flutter open.

  Ares crouches next to me, his hand slaps my face.

  “Hey,” I say. “Stop that.” I grab his wrist. “Why did they kill you, too?”

  He raises one blond eyebrow, but says nothing.

  A lion prances by.

  I certainly am no longer in Kansas. What the fuck? I turn to Ares and give him what I hope is my most questioning glance ever. Doesn’t he see the damn lion? My gaze flies past his shoulder to where a rather large wolf paces. Brother, but Ares is one dumb dude. We might be dead, but we are so going to also get eaten if the looks in the eyes of those two animals is any indication. One looks pissed and the other looks beyond pissed.

  “There’s a lion and a wolf in here.”

  “I know.”

  “Are they yours?”

  The lion roars.

  The wolf just gives up a look of disgust. Though I don’t think a wolf can actually express disgust, but this one does.

  “It’s just Leonidas and Lycus.”

  The lion prances over. He nudges my face with his huge nose. He licks my cheek. A shot of raw energy fires through me. Definitely Leonidas.

  “He’s just glad to see you,” Ares says.

  I nod. I gaze at Lycus who keeps his distance. Apparently, Mr. Brooding Moodiness doesn’t share Leo’s happiness at seeing me. Rogue. “How is it we all died at the same time?” I can’t help but ask the question.

  Ares slips his hand under my back and helps me sit up. “We’re not dead.”

  “So I’m the only one Ker killed?”

  “You’re not dead, either.”

  “But…” I shut my mouth figuring it’s better to keep quiet while I’m ahead. I’m alive and that’s all that matters. I stand. “Where are Moros’s two puny brothers? I have beef with them and I’d like to settle up.”

  Ares gives a slight laugh. “Trust me, they’re still here, Sugar Pie.”

  Taking a good look at Ares, I only now realize he’s half dressed. He dons a red cape, a barely there leather slatted skirt over some sort of loin cloth, a pair of open-toed boots like an ancient Spartan wears, and he’s got a spear and a shield, as well as a metal helmet, all leaning against the wall behind him. I purse my lips.

  A lion…

  A wolf…

  A Spartan in full battle garb…
r />   Oh, this isn’t good. Not by a long shot. “What the hell did you boys do while I was knocked out?”

  Leonidas roars…again.

  “Don’t get testy with me. I left the three of you sleeping. How can three sleeping Spartans get into….into this?” I wave my hands in a frantic manner, encompassing the whole situation we’re in.

  “Sweet Cake, we’re here, in this mess, because of you.” Ares winks.

  I hate when he does that. Not because I don’t like him winking or flirting with me, but it’s just the way he does it that irks me. “What do you mean we’re in this mess because of me?”

  Lycus whines. He slaps his massive paw over his eyes.

  Ares cracks up. “And they say animals don’t have feelings.”

  Lycus snarls. And walks away. He slaps his tail at Ares’s leg as he passes the battle-dressed warrior.

  “You don’t think, after what went on earlier between the three of us, that we wouldn’t sense you were in danger?” Ares asks.

  What the frick does that mean? “So, what, are we like all connected now or something?”

  “Partially. In a way. We’d have to do a bit more than what we did this afternoon, to officially be connected. But for now, there’s definitely a link between you and the three of us.”

  I wonder which of the three senses me most? I have my hunch, but I don’t dare ask at the moment. “So why are you dressed for war and why have the other two shifted?” I didn’t even know they could shift, but I guess Leonidas wasn’t kidding when he said Lycus was wolf. And him being lion makes sense, too, based on his name. I wonder what Ares can become. And if he can shift, why hasn’t he? Oh, gods, all these questions make my head hurt and I so do not need a headache now.

  Ares runs his hands over me as if he’s checking for injuries. And I don’t move. Naughty Pandora is enjoying the man’s pat down. I am so going to go to hell one day.

  “When we found you, passed out on the floor,” Ares says, still roaming his hands over my body, and doing a damn good job of being thorough. “We had a bit of a spat with Thanatos and Ker. Now we wait.”

  “For what?”

  “For them to come back and get their asses kicked.”

  Has Ares lost his mind? I think he has. “How can you kick Death’s butt? That doesn’t even make sense.”

  “Trust me, you’ll see in just a few seconds.”

  I don’t know what the hell he is talking about, but it doesn’t matter because as soon as I look over to the door, Doom and Gloom appear. I don’t think either of them owns a mirror. Who goes out of the house looking like death warmed over? Okay, so maybe I’m not one to talk considering I just remember I’m standing here commando, and Ares probably knows it since he’s checking me out.

  He squeezes my right boob, even gives my nipple a nice little pinch through my sweatshirt. And he smirks.

  He also offers me another one of his sly winks.

  The man really does think he’s the bomb. Well, he is, and I guess it’s okay that he knows it. But still…

  He stretches his arms out and the spear, shield and helmet fly to him.

  Leonidas prances up to Ares’s left.

  Lycus to his right.

  “I think you should step back” Ares says.

  I take his advice, but only because all this is happening so fast and I’m not really sure what my place is in a battle between Spartans and the gods of Death.

  “Shall we do this, gentlemen?” Ares eyes Than and Ker, head on.

  All five men approach each other.

  And it happens.

  Fur flies, blood squirts, teeth flash, and not just animal fangs.

  Two gods and three Spartans. I don’t have the heart to tell them that in this one particular incident, I don’t see either side winning. Humans, even immortal humans, can’t beat death forever. And Thanatos and Ker are not Moros. They might think they can kill off my three dudes, but no way can either of those skinny twigs best a lion, wolf, or totally ripped Ares.

  Of course reality isn’t stopping any of them.

  Leonidas’s reaches out and swats Ker with his sharp claws.

  The thin, pale god whines as blood flows from a gash on his legs. The wound heals in a split second, then he spins around and goes for Leonidas, grabbing my lion by his mane. A thin layer of ice covers Leo’s pelt the second Ker’s fingers touch his fur. He slows down.

  I gasp. I can’t believe what I’m witnessing. The cold hand of death is a mighty weapon and Ker apparently likes using it.

  Lycus howls and lunges for his brother’s tormentor.

  Ker jumps back.

  Thanatos steps in. “You can’t best me, wolf.” A sharp dagger appears in his hand. He raises his arm and flicks the blade with expert skill, slashing a nasty gash on Lycus’s side.

  My wolf settles for none of it. As Lycus opens his mouth wide, he goes in for a bite and snags a piece of the vile god’s arm.

  Ares comes to his aid, uses his shield to knock the dagger from Thanatos’s fingers.

  The death god wails.

  A few steps away, Leonidas shakes his head, tosses off the icy coating that graces his fur. He regains his footing and is no longer moving at a slow pace.

  My three Spartans regroup and go in for another round of punches. They tumble with Thanatos and Ker, all five men rolling to the ground.

  Leonidas opens his mouth to reveal massive canines. He snaps at Ker.

  I cringe and look away, the sight of more blood a bit too much for me right now.

  A shadow appears at my side. It’s Moros, I feel his essence in my bones. He’s cold, so cold, colder than anything I’ve felt. Even colder than Ker and Thanatos combined.

  Moros takes human form; a long midnight blue, hooded robe covers his body. He turns and stares at me. His pale blue eyes are striking, almost hypnotic, against his even paler skin. A vapor of cold air swirls off his skin. “Your men will live, today, Pandora. But only because I feel they are honorable souls. I can’t say the same for my brothers. But don’t think I won’t be back.”

  Biting back dread, I face the dark god. “I might not have my box, but I do know I have a link to it.” I jab my finger at my chest. “I feel it, deep inside me. So, while you may be Destiny and Death, remember this. When I unleashed hell on earth, I preserved Hope. I did that. Pandora, preserved Hope. Not a god and not a goddess. And I will not give up on finding her.”

  Moros lifts his chin. “My grandmother, and Zeus, were right. You are a formidable opponent, Pandora. Not even the mighty ruler of Olympus would dare speak to me as you have.” He turns to the watch the battle.

  “I won’t let you have my box, even if you find it first. I know Hope. She’ll stay hidden until she knows it’s safe to come out.”

  Moros’s lips curl upward. “Keep thinking that, human. You may be immortal, but you don’t have the mind of a god. And neither does your pitiful Hope. She’ll slip up. She’s bound to if she’s connected to you. Your curiosity will be her downfall.”

  I hadn’t thought about how my impish ways might endanger Hope. I’d like to say I can fight off the impulse of curiosity, but I know me. The one thing I cave to, all the time, is curiosity. My inquisitiveness is a danger to all of us, but I can’t help it. Somehow, I will have to learn to curb it. But that is not a lesson I can manage tonight.

  Moros inches forward. “Thanatos. Ker. Enough.”

  The two gods of death back off my Spartans.

  Lycus growls at Moros.

  “Have no fear, dog. You will get another chance with these two, trust me on that.” He crouches to Lycus’s level. “And one day, you’ll have your chance with me, as well. That, I promise you.”

  My wolf snaps at Moros, but the dark god doesn’t flinch. He vanishes, taking his brother with him.

  The scent of rose tinged with cinnamon lingers in the air.

  Chaos was right when she said this was going to be a game.

  And it now it begins.

  Where it will lead, I ha
ve no clue. But for now, I have my Spartans, Zeus’s book, and for the first time in many years, I have hope. Hope that somehow, I will find my box, make amends for opening it, and in the process stay one step ahead of the gods, specifically Moros. I might be thousands of years old, but in this lifetime, I am only twenty-one and that’s too young to give up. I have a whole life ahead of me in human terms.

  Pandora is finally coming into herself.

  To be continued…

  Ready for the next installment in Pandora’s Harem? Check out THE PLEDGE!

  Author’s Note

  Thank you for reading THE REVELATION, the first novella in my Pandora’s Harem series. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I’ve loved writing it. Up next is THE PLEDGE, an adventure where Pandora and her Spartans face off against a feisty goddess who’s in cahoots with Moros and Chaos, and who tries to destroy the bond between Pandy and her hunky warriors.

  About the Author

  National best-selling author Angelique Armae is a native New Yorker who loves all things royal, can trace her Irish roots back to the Scottish Highlands, is half Italian, and is owned by a long-haired Tuxedo feline. She spends most days writing, unless her cat deems otherwise.

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  Other Books by Angelique Armae


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