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His Someone Special

Page 18

by Sammi Cee

  “It really is a gorgeous sight,” I admitted.

  He dropped back down, chuckling. Then he said, “I really am sorry I disappointed you, Daddy. I should’ve talked to you about what Russell said instead of just testing out his theory.”

  “That’s okay, boy. It’s over now. We’ll just chalk it up to a valuable lesson learned.”

  “Three actually.”

  “Three?” I asked.

  “Well, now I know that breaking your rules will definitely not get me a reward. I also know that you’re into spankings, and based on how I felt by the time you said ten, if I hadn’t been so worried about upsetting you, I probably would’ve started rutting on you like an animal.”

  “Fuck me.” Groaning, I put the lid back on the little bottle in my hand and laid down next to him on the bed. “Okay, we’re not having sex.” I glanced down at his exposed butt cheeks, still red with my marks. “Yeah, we’re definitely not having sex, so let’s talk about something else. Have you given any thought to what you’d like to do with your life?”

  Davis giggled. “Really? You want to talk about that right now?”

  “You’re a very attractive sight lying across my bed like that, so I need a distraction.”

  “Yes, Daddy. And no, I’m not sure, but I’ll think about it. You know I love photography, but I was thinking about what you said about having a hobby, like you have your motorcycle, and I think maybe taking pictures is something I want to do just for my own enjoyment.”

  “That seems reasonable. And you can always change your mind.”

  “You know, you could—”

  “No. I will not be changing my mind. There will be no sex in this bed before tomorrow morning.”


  “Hmm?” I asked, totally distracted. My cock was pressing painfully into the zipper of my jeans because I couldn’t keep my eyes off of my boy’s ass.

  “You’re totally gonna rub one out after I go to sleep tonight, aren’t you?”

  “Hell ya, I am.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  “Stop it, boy. I told you, the prices don’t matter,” Daddy said sternly as I continued to stare at the menu with a wide-eyed expression. But it couldn’t be helped.

  The place Daddy had taken me to eat was one of those fine-dining establishments that required a collared shirt, nice shoes, pressed pants, and a reservation at least six months in advance. How he managed to snag one was beyond me, but when I asked, all he did was give me a kiss on the forehead and tell me he had friends in high places. I shrugged it off and got ready, chalking it up to owning a bar for so long had its perks.

  Obviously, I’d only ever dreamed of eating at a place such as Pierre’s, but I’d never so much as stepped a foot inside. Until tonight.

  “Do they have chicken?” I asked quietly. It was something I always did when I ate at an unfamiliar restaurant—ordered the chicken. It always seemed to be the safest item on the menu. Aside from making it too dry, how could you screw it up?

  Daddy smiled fondly at me and pointed to a menu item. “Is that what you want?”


  “Would you like me to order it for you?”

  “If you wouldn’t mind?”

  “Of course, I wouldn’t mind. What would you like with it?”

  After telling him I wanted the roasted potatoes and steamed mixed vegetables, the waiter appeared at our table. I listened with a little awe and a whole lot of pride as Daddy placed the order with the confidence that he exuded that attracted me to him in the first place. And after the waiter disappeared, Daddy took a sip from his water glass and pinned me in place with his penetrating gaze.

  “Do you have an answer for me about what your plans are, yet?”

  I nodded. “I do. I want to enroll to go back to school.”

  Daddy’s smile was wide under his thick beard and mustache. His dark brown eyes glittered under the low lighting at the table, and I felt something warm settle in my chest while butterflies took flight in my stomach. “Do you?”

  I nodded. “I know it might take some time away from Full Throttle, but I enjoyed taking classes, and I want to earn my degree.”

  “What degree is that?”

  “Accounting. After struggling for so long and having to watch every penny I spent, I got pretty good with handling money. I figured, why not make a living out of it?”

  “I think that’s a great idea.”

  I brightened at his small praise. “You do?”

  “Of course, I do. I only want to see you happy and succeeding, boy. We can work around your school schedule so you can remain at the bar, if you want. But only after you enroll in classes.”

  “I’m going to make an appointment with the academic advisor to see what I need to do to re-enroll. My classes were the prerequisites that were mandatory for all freshmen to take, so they should transfer if it hasn’t been too long.”

  “It sounds like you’ve put a lot of thought into this.”

  I nodded. “I have. At first, I didn’t think it’d ever be a possibility, but now I see that it can be. And that’s all because of you.”

  “I didn’t do anything special.”

  “You saw me when no one else did.”

  “Only because you wouldn’t let them. I didn’t give you much of a choice to hide.”

  A lump formed in my throat at his words, making it difficult for me to respond. Thankfully, the waiter appeared just then to set our plates in front of us. Rather than speak anymore, we put our focus on eating our meals while they were still hot. I was more than aware of the way Daddy’s mouth worked whenever he’d take a bite of meat off his fork. Or how the silverware looked small in his large hands. Seeing his fingers wrapped around the handle of the knife reminded me of how they felt smacking against my ass, and I squirmed in my seat at the memory.

  Thinking about everything Daddy did for me—giving me a job, helping build my confidence, and basically saving me from myself—made me want to do something for him in return. Something money couldn’t buy. Something that was only for him and didn’t need reciprocation. It had to be deeper than monetary value, but also please him. The wheels started to turn in my head as I thought of different things, but none of them seemed good enough.

  “You’re thinking awfully hard over there. Is your dinner okay?”

  His concern over my meal cemented my decision even more. “It’s perfect. How is yours?”

  “Pretty good. There’s nothing like a good steak cooked medium-rare.”

  The rest of the dinner passed, but not quick enough for me. I was anxious to get back home so I could show him how much I appreciated and cared for him—which was a lot. My feelings for Daddy grew deeper every single day, but I kept them to myself because I needed the time to be right. I wasn’t sure when that would ever be, but it’d make itself known. But finally, our plates were cleared, the bill was paid, and it was time to go home.

  “Did you want to watch television or anything before going to bed?” Daddy asked me after we went to our room to change into something more comfortable.

  “No,” I said softly.

  “Do you have something else in mind, boy?”

  “I do,” I answered as I shrugged out of my shirt and put it back on the hanger.

  Daddy smirked as he grabbed his pajama bottoms, but I reached out to stop him. “Do you trust me?” My question came out breathless and hopeful.

  Daddy released the pants and reached up to cup my cheek. “Of course, I trust you. You wouldn’t be here right now, in this room, if I didn’t.”

  “Do you trust me to please you?”

  “You already do.”

  “Will you take off your underwear?”

  Daddy didn’t break eye contact as he hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his underwear and slid them down his legs.

  “Now what?”

  Rather than answer him, I stepped closer and lifted my mouth toward him in a silent question. His grunt of appro
val was all I needed before I pressed my lips to his. Instantly my mouth parted under his and his tongue swept inside to lick against mine. The taste of the juicy steak mingled with something I could only describe as Daddy burst on my tongue, and I moaned as I got lost in the kiss. Finally, when I needed to catch my breath, I broke away with a gasp.

  “Please go get on the bed. Preferably on your knees.”

  This was the biggest test of the trust we’d built. He could either ask me what I had in mind, or do as I asked without question. I held my breath as he decided which to do, and I nearly sagged in relief when he dropped his hand to get in the position I requested.

  The position made Daddy vulnerable, and it forced him to let go of some of that control he had a white-knuckled grip on. Seeing him in such a way made my heart swell while my stomach did somersaults because it proved that he really did trust me.

  Daddy stared at me over his shoulder as I slowly edged closer to the bed, and I traced the curves of his body with my eyes. His arm muscles quivered as he held himself in position while his thick thighs bulged under the weight of the rest of him. And when I stepped up to the bed, I raised my hand slowly.

  “You don’t need to ask, boy. You can touch me.”

  “Thank you, Daddy,” I whispered as I placed a gentle hand on his hip and slowly ran it over one ass cheek.

  My other hand joined the first, until I had the globes of his ass in the palms of my hands and I started to gently knead the taut muscles. Daddy’s grunts told me he enjoyed what I was doing, letting me know he’d like what I had in store next even better.

  “Lean forward,” I instructed, before adding, “please.”

  Daddy complied and shifted his body until the front half of him was lying on the bed. The position opened him up to me, and I parted his ass cheeks to expose what I was really after. I might’ve had a tasty meal at dinner, but this, my Daddy, was going to be a delicious feast.

  I should’ve been nervous about what I was about to do, but I was too empowered by my desire to please Daddy to let my anxiety take over. My need to make Daddy come had taken control, and I didn’t hesitate when I ran my tongue over from the top of his ass down to his hole in a single swipe.

  The way his body jolted and his breath hitched, followed by a low moan, was the reaction I was hoping for, and I dove in to lick and suck on his hole like my soul depended on it. I’d tasted Daddy in many ways. From kissing him, to licking his skin, to swallowing his cum. But this was an intimacy like no other, and feeling his pucker pulsate under my tongue was intoxicating.

  “Holy fuck, boy, what are you doing to me?” Daddy asked as his entire body quaked under my hands.

  Rather than answer, I stiffened my tongue and used it to fuck his hole. Letting go of one ass cheek, I reached between his legs to grab the base of his cock, and I slowly stroked my hand forward and coated my fingers in his dripping pre-cum to use as lube. I worked my hand faster over his dick while I continued to lick and fuck his ass with my tongue, while my own cock hung painfully between my legs. But this wasn’t about me and my need for release. This was about pleasing my Daddy.

  Daddy’s deep groans and grunts had me moving my hand faster and fucking my tongue deeper until his entire body tensed. Spurts of his hot cum spilled onto my hand as his ass clenched around my tongue, but I kept milking his cock until the tremors stopped. Only then did I sag to the floor while he collapsed on the bed as our ragged breaths echoed throughout the room.

  While he laid there getting his bearings, I took the opportunity to get a wet rag from the bathroom and clean him up. Rolling over, he eyed me as I took special care to clean his cock. Once that was done, I asked him to stand up so I could switch out the blanket before tucking him into bed.

  “Come here, boy,” he growled and held up the blanket for me to slide in next to him.

  I instantly laid on the bed until my body was nestled against his. While I loved his house, in his arms was my home and the one place I loved to be above anything else.

  “Want to tell me what that was about?” he asked.

  I tucked my head into the crock of his neck. “It was the only way I knew how to show you how I felt.”

  “Words work pretty well, too.”

  “They do, but sometimes I’m not that great with them.”

  “Well, while I enjoyed what just happened right now, why don’t you try to tell me so I can have a better understanding?”

  I leaned back enough that I could see his face. There was no going back no, no matter how bad my heart raced, and even if I could backtrack, I didn’t want to. The understanding look in his eyes told me he already knew, and he was just waiting for me to confirm it verbally.

  Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and put everything I felt into those words, “Daddy, I love you.”

  Daddy leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. It was the gentlest kiss I’d ever experienced, but even though it was chaste, it held so many emotions.

  “Thank you, boy. I think it’s very brave that you told me first.”

  “You do?” I asked.

  “I do. And I need you to know that I love you, too.”

  “Oh, thank goodness. I was a little worried I’d made a mistake by saying it so soon.”

  “Not a chance,” Daddy growled before taking possession of my mouth again.

  That time the kiss ignited a fiery flame of passion that ended with us coming apart after our bodies became one. And when I fell asleep that night in Daddy’s arms, I knew that he didn’t only trust me with his body, but with his heart, the same way I trusted him with mine.

  It was crazy to think a few months prior, I was scared, hopeless, and desperate. I was about to wave the white flag of defeat and beg my aunt for a place to stay while I struggled to get back on my feet. But all it took was a growly bartender at a biker bar to give me a chance to find myself again. Not only did I fall in love with the man who became my Daddy, but I also learned to love myself. But he wasn’t just Daddy to me—he was my someone special.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  “You can’t take your eyes off that door. You’ve literally been checking to see who’s walking in every time it opens for the last thirty minutes,” Law said, snickering. Before I responded, he held up his hand. “I don’t blame you. This is a big deal for the kid.”

  “It is.” I made myself stop wiping down the bar-top in front of Law, since I obviously wasn’t fooling him. Unless Davis broke every speeding law—which he’d never do from fear of my wrath—he’d only now have had enough time to drive from the other side of town where the college was located. It was his fourth day back in school, but the first time in the only night class he was taking.

  Rex set a beer in front of a man a few stools down from Law, then said, “He’s been like this all week.” He gestured toward me. “We’ve all known Davis’s schedule because Sarge paces and stares at the door waiting for him.”

  I huffed out a breath. “Sorry, guys, I know I’ve been crazy. I’m just so damn proud of him, and I want him to love every minute of it.”

  They teased me good-naturedly, and I continued to watch for my boy to get here. He’d grown so much in such a short amount of time, but getting him back in school excited me more than anything. We’d pored over the college website before he’d worked up the nerve to call the student advisor he’d been on friendly terms with when he’d worked there. Clutching my hand, he’d asked her what options were available to him, then we’d gone in to meet with her together. There had been a couple of hoops to jump through, along with having to remind him that I knew best and it was my job to take care of him, but the end result was my boy was in school, right where he belonged.

  Finally, the door opened and revealed Davis. It was hard to reconcile the timid kid who’d applied for a job here with the much more confident man striding through the door, joy on his face. He came straight over to stand by Law, placed his hands on the rim of the counter and stretched over to give me a kiss. I m
et him halfway, settling for a quick press of our lips and resisting the urge to taste that sweet mouth the way I wanted to after a day apart. “Hi, Daddy,” he said against my lips.

  “Hey, boy. How was class?” I asked, nibbling his bottom lip before backing away from him.

  The bright smile he’d entered the bar with reappeared. “I love it. I’m so glad you convinced me to take this one, Daddy.”

  “What class did you have today?” Law asked.

  Davis leaned into Law’s side for a quick hello hug, then said, “I’m taking a photography class. It doesn’t have anything to do with my major, but Daddy said I should soak it all up while I was back in school.”

  “Bestie!” Billy screeched from the other side of the room before bounding over and throwing his arms around Davis. “I miss you so much. I hate not seeing you.”

  Davis cackled, hugging him back just as hard. “We had lunch together today, Billy. You know, if you’d at least come check out the school, maybe we could go together.”

  “You’re thinking about going to college, Billy?” Law asked. “That’s great. You’d do well, I think.”

  Billy pulled back from Davis and blinked at him, then turned his bewildered gaze on me. I winked, but kept my mouth shut. It really wasn’t like Law to offer commentary on anyone’s life but mine, and now Davis’s, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have opinions.

  Davis broke the weird silence Law’s comment had caused, since it had temporarily struck Billy mute, by asking, “Do you guys really think Hunt and the guys are going to like the pictures I took for them at that fundraiser? They should be here in an hour or so to look at them.”

  Billy glanced at Law once more, then focused back on Davis. “Are you kidding? They’re going to love them.”

  The two of them kept talking as Billy grabbed the pitcher of beer he needed, and Davis walked with him over to say hi to the table of people he was delivering it to. The regulars were already missing Davis not working as much, but as soon as he had officially enrolled for this semester, I’d hired another waiter and dropped Davis to one night a week. I wanted him to have plenty of time for schoolwork, sleep, and for us to spend quality time together.


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