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Capturing a Unicorn

Page 17

by Eve Langlais

  Oliver moved toward her and stood staring down at her. “Why won’t you die?” he muttered.

  Those blood-red lips split into a smile that was grotesque and triumphant. “I’ll never die. I made sure of it.”

  “What have you done?” he whispered.

  Only he never got a reply.

  “Your antics end today.” Jane stepped into view, her body covered in a shimmering flame. “Sorry, Oliver, you’re about to become an orphan.”

  Much as he wanted to know what his mother meant, he knew what had to happen.

  “End it.” He didn’t move as Jane stretched out a hand and the body of his mother ignited, the heat so fierce she never had time to scream.

  He stood staring at the crackling remains, disgusted by the smell of cooking meat. Kind of hungry, too.

  “Ollie!” Emma came flying out of the building and ran for him. He opened his arms wide to catch her and hug her.

  It was over. They’d finally rid the world of the one monster that truly counted.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Adrian took control, looking rather majestic in his beast form. His words emerged guttural, but understandable. “Jayda and Marcus are sweeping the building for more patients. Once they give the all clear, Jane, you know what to do.”

  “How did you find us?” Oliver asked, keeping his arm tucked around Emma.

  “I found out who you were. For some reason, it never came up that you were Maudette Leyghas’s son.”

  “Because I wanted no connection to her. I even changed my name when I began writing to avoid her taint,” Oliver said with a shrug.

  “Which would have been useful to know before,” Jett snapped, having arrived with a glower and a gun in each hand.

  “Let’s not point fingers here. We’ve all had something we wanted to hide from in our past,” Adrian soothed. “Luckily, I found out, which happened to be about the time Oliver’s mother had her mercenaries hit the motel. After that, it was a matter of gathering the team and coming to the rescue. Although it seems you and the others did most of the rescuing yourself.”

  Oliver hung his head. “This should have never happened. I should have told you from the start my mother had Cerberus and what she planned.”

  “You’re right, you should have. But at least everything ended well. No one was truly injured. It appears we’ve rescued everyone, except for Xiu, Jacob, and Cerberus. The three of them seem to have vanished.”

  “Good riddance. Jacob was the one who betrayed us,” Emma declared hotly. She wished she’d followed her instinct and gored him when he tried to get rough with her.

  “What of Xiu?” Adrian asked.

  “We haven’t seen her since the attack,” Emma stated. Which wasn’t surprising given the woman had an uncanny sense about things.

  “Since Jacob knows about us and is on the loose, we can’t go back to the motel. We’ll need to acquire a new safe house.” As Adrian spoke, his body and features shifted slowly back, which meant averting her gaze from his naked form until Jett left and returned holding out some clothes.

  “I’ve got the women and children secured in the Suburban. Luke is watching over them,” Jett informed. “Any plan on where we should go?”

  Oliver stiffened at her side. “Actually, I have the perfect place. We can all stay at my house for now. Well technically Maudette’s, but given she won’t be needing it anymore…”

  “Does it have a pool?” Jett interrupted.

  “Indoor and outdoor,” Oliver replied. “Plus a few of the rooms have Jacuzzi tubs.”

  “And it will already have a security system,” Adrian mused aloud. “Sounds like the perfect option. Jett?”

  “I’ll head over with the gang and make sure it’s secure,” said Jett.

  “You aren’t going to shoot the staff, are you?” Oliver asked.

  Jett’s grin could have rivaled a shark’s. “Only if they get in my way.”

  “Tell them you’re my guests. And if they ask about my mother”—Oliver’s gaze strayed to the dark and smoldering pile of ash on the concrete—“tell them there was an accident at the lab.”

  “The wicked witch is dead,” Emma murmured. Which meant maybe their nightmare was over.

  From the building, Jayda and Marcus emerged at a jog empty-handed.

  “Report,” Adrian barked.

  “Not a single living soul,” Jayda said, slowing as she neared. “But lots of blood. Looks like something big with claws went through the lab security team.”

  Adrian grimaced. “Appears as if your father escaped.”

  “Given a few of the bodies had bites taken out of them, I’d say he grabbed a snack for the road. Want me to see if I can track him?” Jayda offered.

  Adrian shook his head. “He’s probably long gone by now. And we need to get moving before we’re noticed and the authorities arrive. Jane, my love, would you do the honors?”

  “On it. Although you might want to step away.”

  The fiery Jane stood before the lab and raised her arms. The flames grew around her, going from a cheerful bright yellow and orange to an intense white hinting of blue and purple. The fire shot from her hands and splashed against the lab, melting through the glass doors at the front, rolling up the building.

  In moments, the entire thing burned, removing all the evidence. Incinerating every single secret.

  Setting them free.

  It was the distant sound of sirens that roused them and got them moving. They piled into the second SUV, Marcus driving with Jayda at his side. Adrian and Jane got the row behind them, whereas Emma and Ollie got the back.

  Which was fine. It gave her a chance to use the first aid kit Jayda tossed at her. Ollie didn’t say much as she tended the wound in his shoulder. The bullet had gone straight through, and already it had stopped bleeding.

  “What happened to you?” she asked as she wrapped his shoulder in gauze. She remembered how he looked when he broke out of his cage.

  “Let’s just say you and I have more in common now than really good chemistry in bed.” His wry grin brought a ghost of one to her lips.

  “I’m sorry, Ollie.”

  “For what? Not your fault my mother was a psychopath.”

  “If you hadn’t gotten involved with me—”

  He shook his head. “Don’t you dare take any blame. If I hadn’t met you, she still would have injected me. Only I wouldn’t have had you to fight for.” He stroked a finger down her cheek.

  What could she say to that? She snuggled against him.

  In less than twenty minutes they pulled past a gate onto a long, winding driveway. They ended up stopped outside a mansion, and Emma gaped.

  “Where are we?”

  “My house,” Ollie said with a sheepish shrug. He hopped out and waited for Emma.

  “Um, I can’t go in there,” she exclaimed when he began tugging her by the hand.

  “Why not?”

  “Have you seen me?” She glanced down at herself. Her clothing torn and bloody. Her face surely filthy.

  “You look beautiful to me.”

  “You’re only saying that so I’ll get naked,” she huffed.

  “Well, duh. Did I mention I have my own private bath? The shower has twelve heads.”

  “Sounds like a recipe for drowning,” she mumbled as he kept tugging her up the steps.

  The others had no issue with piling out of the vehicles and heading inside. Jett greeted them in the doorway, a twin in the crook of each arm, with Becky hovering close. Luke carried his son—who squealed and clapped his hands, not at all bothered by the horror they’d escaped—on his shoulders.

  “Any trouble?” Adrian asked, his arm wrapped around Jane.

  “Nothing I couldn’t handle,” Jett replied.

  “Marcus, wanna join me and take a gander at the perimeter?” Jayda asked.

  “You should be sure to check out the gazebo by the pond,” Oliver shouted as the pair moved off.

  As they moved inside, Emma noticed t
he multi-story foyer with its sweeping staircase. Everything gleamed with cleanliness.

  “A place this fancy obviously has servants,” she remarked.

  “It does, but don’t worry. The staff here knows how to be discreet. I assure you, they probably saw much worse while under my mother.”

  “Yeah, but did they ever see a girl with a horn?” she asked, making sure her hair remained over her forehead, just in case.

  “Probably not, but they better get used to it.” He grabbed her hand and placed it on his smooth brow. Smooth but for the lump under the skin.

  She eyed him in shock. “Oliver! How?”

  “Mother, of course. I got a double dose with some of your freshly ground horn today. I’m guessing it’s already having an effect.”

  Adrian noticed them and approached. “What’s wrong?”

  “Oliver’s getting a horn.” She wrung her hands in agitation.

  “Let me see.” Adrian ran his fingers over the lump. “I don’t suppose there’s a hidden lab in the house.”

  “Not yet. But tomorrow we can see about getting one set up.”

  “We’ll meet at breakfast, and I’ll give you a list.” Adrian headed off with Jane to chat with Jett.

  Emma hung her head. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t be. This isn’t your fault.”

  “It is, though. My horn infected you.”

  He snorted. “Still not your fault. I’ll handle it.”

  “But now you’ll have to hide, too.”

  “Or maybe it’s time we stopped hiding.”

  She noticed the use of we. “I thought it was too dangerous.”

  “Then it’s time we changed how the world thinks.”


  “You let me worry about that.” He jogged up the stairs, tugging her along by their laced fingers, ignoring their friends who still chattered in the foyer.

  “Shouldn’t you be showing them around? Giving them rooms?”

  “I’m pretty sure they can figure shit out. You’re more important.”

  She was?

  The very idea warmed, and she bumped into him. “Still determined to get me naked?”

  “Very,” he laughed. “But also because you need to wash away what was done to you. Time for you to heal and believe in a better future. A future with me.”

  “Why, Ollie, are you asking me to go steady with you?” she said with a high-pitched giggle. Excitement at the fact he asked made her giddy.

  “I’m asking you to be my everything.” He set her down in a bathroom that was finished in gray stone tile. Except for the shower, which was surrounded by clear glass.

  She only had eyes for him. She cupped his cheeks. “Why me?”

  “Because you’re unique and special. Because my heart just about jumps out of my chest when you’re around. Because you make my knees weak and my cock hard when I see you. Because you are the one I’ve been waiting for.”

  “Oh, Oliver.” Then she screeched, “Ollie!” The water hit her backside, chilly for a second before warming and soothing.

  His eyes crinkled. “Did I forget to mention the shower is motion activated?”

  She slapped him. “I’m all wet.”

  “Not yet, but you will be.” He winked before stepping away, but only so he could divest her of her clothes.

  Only when she was nude did he get close enough to claim her mouth. The firm touch of his lips softened her, stoked her arousal. Not that it needed much help. As the hot water sprayed them both, she laced her arms around his neck. His fingers stroked lightly across the skin he’d bared, causing frissons of desire and a heat between her legs that only he could quench.

  The patter of hot water relaxed her body and sluiced the filth from her. Washed away the smell of the lab, rinsed away the blood. For once, not blood she’d caused. He made showering into a sensory delight, letting her go only that he might take his soapy hands and lather her flesh with suds. He used the excuse of washing her to intimately explore every inch of her body.

  It was enough to make her knees weak. She wobbled, but he was there to hold her up, his arm around her waist, his lips brushing hers with a softly whispered, “Don’t fall. We’re not done yet.”

  The very promise in those words had her shivering. He leaned her against the wall, giving her something for support when he got on his knees before her, leaning forward and pressing a kiss on her belly.

  Her breath caught, especially as he kept kissing her flesh, his hands on her hips, his mouth so close…oh God so close to where she wanted it.

  Her hips arched as desire pulsed in her sex. But did he get the hint?

  Nope. He rubbed against her flesh, dragging the rough bristles of his jaw over sensitive skin.

  She trembled from head to toe, silently begging for his mouth to touch her. Instead, he blew on her softly, a hot puff of air on sensitized flesh.

  She couldn’t help but cry out, and he chuckled, so close she felt the vibration of it, and gasped as a quiver went through her sex.

  “My sweet Emma,” he whispered against her as his hands spread her thighs.

  She tensed in anticipation, but he teased her, kissing the tender skin of her inner thigh, soft butterfly touches up and down, left side then right.

  She grabbed hold of his hair and almost demanded he give her what she wanted.

  He teased some more, blowing on her, a heated breath that brought a mewling sound past her lips.

  “This is mean,” she gasped.

  “Only if I don’t plan to make you come,” was his reply. “And you will come. Hard. On my tongue. Won’t you, my sweet Emma?”

  She almost came at his words. She definitely gushed some honey. She could feel the heat of it pooling in her sex.

  He groaned. “You smell so damned good.” He finally gave her a lick. Then another. He began lapping at her in quick strokes before he finally placed his mouth on her sex.

  She yanked on his hair, her body twitching at the exquisite pleasure of it. And it only got better.

  His deft tongue stroked her sex, following the outline of her lips, stabbing at the opening before flicking at her clit.

  She might have jerked and bucked against his torturous mouth, but he kept her pinned, holding her in place that he might tease and please.

  And, oh, did he ever please. Through heavily lidded eyes she stared down at his head, his hair damp and plastered, her fingers probably tugging too hard, not that he complained.

  As if sensing her stare, he paused with his licking, but she didn’t mind because his eyes, smoldering with passion, peered up at her and his lips curved into a sensual smile. “Hey, beautiful,” he said. “Ready to come for me?”

  Was she ever!

  His mouth latched onto her clitoris, that most sensitive of nubs. He pulled and tugged on it. Sucked it. Flicked it. Arousal tore through her and brought with it intense pleasure.

  But when he thrust two fingers into her, giving her something to clench…

  That was when she came, with a cry that was strident and guttural. Her orgasm made her body clench and undulate as she rode his thrusting fingers, melting at his flicking tongue.

  When her shudders began to ebb, he withdrew and tugged her with him on legs that wobbled. He wrapped her in fluffy towel and carried her to his bed, laying her on it gently before covering her body with his, his lips latching on for an intense kiss where she could taste herself.

  He didn’t stay there long. He slid down her body that he might suck on her nipples, pulling and tugging them into aching peaks while his thigh inserted itself between her legs and rubbed. Rubbed against the core of her, rousing her desire again.

  “I want to touch you,” she gasped as he bit down on her nipple.

  “You touch me, and I’ll never make it,” he said with a wink.

  “What if I’m okay with that?”

  He chuckled. “How about I do this instead?” He knelt between her legs, his erection jutting from his body. He stroked his fingers over h
er nether lips, making her hips jerk and honey pool.

  He rubbed the moisture over the head of his cock before positioning himself close enough that the tip brushed her.

  She made a noise and arched her hips. The tip of his cock pushed, parting her lips, stretching her, but in a good way. A way that had her breath catching and her body shivering. He took forever to sheath himself, and when he was done, he stayed still within her, pulsing, the fit of him inside so damned tight.

  “Fuck me, you feel so damned good.” He grunted as he thrust in and out of her. His body glistened with moisture. He grabbed hold of her ass, changing his angle, seating him even deeper inside.

  Deep enough he found her sweet spot.

  And once he found it, he bumped it over and over. Each stroke drawing a cry. Emma thrashed and clawed at the sheets, meeting his thrusts, her pleasure coiling until she climaxed, her body shaking and shuddering, the experience intense and intimate.

  Because for a moment, just a single moment, she felt that connection with Oliver. Felt that moment of perfection where she didn’t hear or see but knew, knew in the depths of her soul, that he loved her. Would never hurt her. Would always be there for her.

  And that was even better than the amazing sex.

  She snuggled against Oliver, forehead to forehead. Not something they could do for long, not with her nub already starting to protrude. But she no longer worried about it coming back.

  She’d found acceptance.


  And a man she knew she could count on.

  “What are you thinking?” he murmured against her hair, hugging her close.

  “I love you.”

  “Love you, too, Emma. Now and forever.”

  Together they would face the world. Proudly displaying their horns.


  The tragedy that engulfed the lab, leaving nothing but soldering ash, was ruled an accident. His mother’s remains—what was left on the pavement after she obviously jumped out the window trying to escape the inferno—were DNA matched. Within a few months, the will, making Oliver the only heir, was probated.

  With his mother dead, he inherited everything. Including Leyghas Labs, which—while it had lost its main building—still existed. Under Oliver’s leadership, he changed the direction of research and mandate, making it about helping those in need rather than profiting—which pissed his shareholders off to no end, until they began seeing mass purchases of their now affordable drugs that brought up volume and profit.


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