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Then We Fly

Page 14

by Rebecca Salas

  “Pleasure is all mine.” He dipped his head and extended his hand. “Would you do me the honor?” I glanced briefly back at Fynn, standing at the front of the band, about to sing, staring intently at me. There was no sign of him joining me.

  “Of course.” I answered talking Alec’s hand and momentarily looking back at Jack to make sure I wasn’t offending him in some way. I was supposed to be mingling right? He didn’t seem upset.

  “Bring her back when you’re done.” Jack chimed in as we began to turn.

  “Maybe.” Alec answered over his shoulder as he led me out to dance.

  Alec was more graceful than I would have expected given his size, still not as elegant a dancer as Jack had been. Alec had an unexpected bounciness to his movements that matched his buoyant expression. He didn’t speak while we danced, just smiled and spun and smiled some more. His enthusiasm was catching and I found myself smiling as well. He had looked so intimidating initially, but now I felt like I was dancing with a big graceful teddy bear. In a moment the song was over and before Alec could decide to lead me back to jack there was someone new waiting to be introduced and inviting me to dance. It was remarkably familiar, so similar to that first ball at Muria Castle. The main difference being that everyone seemed to be extra formal in their greeting and speaking to me. Always a hint of a bow, always a “Miss Reed”, always an extended hand offering to lead me out on the floor.

  Once in high school a boy had tried to ask me to dance by nodding and pointing to the dancefloor before he walked out, expecting me to follow him. I hadn’t. He never came back. The contrast was comical and I giggled to myself as I left the dancefloor alone, heading over to the desert table.

  “You seem to be having fun.” Fynn’s familiar voice cooed over my shoulder. I turned abruptly to see him and reached up to hug him, glad to finally have him back. He grabbed my hands and held them down, turning the hug into some informal kind of double handshake. I tried to smooth out my awkward reaction with a smile. He shook his head subtly and I tried to reassess what was expected of me here. Apparently not too much familiarity.

  Dorian popped up behind Fynn and extended his hand. “Why Miss Reed, you have been popular this evening. I haven’t been able to find a single opening.” He gave a mischievous look to Fynn. “May I have the incomparable honor of dancing with you?” He winked and there was a note of warm sarcasm as he spoke. I smiled and looked back at Fynn. He was not amused. Fynn’s jaw clenched. His response seemed to please Dorian who chuckled as he took one of my hands and led me away. I looked back at Fynn over my shoulder, raising my shoulders and trying to convey my apology with my eyes before Dorian and I began to whirl away from him.

  “That wasn’t very nice.” I couldn’t help but smile as Dorian was still laughing to himself.

  “Fynn needs to laugh more. Don’t worry, I know for a fact that he is done singing for the night and then he can monopolize your time for as long as he thinks appropriate.”

  “He’s done singing?” I didn’t try to conceal my enthusiasm.

  “Thank goodness, right? Painful.” He said the last word like it needed no further explanation. “How that guy is so popular with the ladies I will never know. Sings like a goat.” Dorian smiled, amused with himself. He raised his eyebrows at me, looking over my face. “Now you madame are more interesting by the minute.” He spoke teasingly.

  “It would seem so.” I answered. “I’m more curious about myself by the minute. Soon we will all discover that I am secretly a queen in my own right, on top of being some distant relative of royalty I’ve never met before.”

  Dorian smiled even brighter, clearly pleased with my response. “I don’t doubt it. And in that case,” he paused as he spun me away and back into his side, “I must advise your majesty to give Fynn a wide distance.” He leaned in conspiratorially but looked across the room briefly. I followed his gaze and found Fynn, where we had left him, watching us with a vague look of annoyance. I smiled at him uncomfortably, before losing sight of him again.

  “I thought you two were friends?”

  “Oh yeah, we’ve known each other forever. Which is why I can say with confidence that guy is not popular with most royalty.” He gestured one hand toward me as he spun me out again, as if I fell into the category of royalty.

  “Good news then: I’m not exactly royal anything. I know Oran’s not a big fan of Fynn, but that’s his own issue, not mine.”

  “Oran is,” he spun me again, “not the issue. Mer prejudices being what they are; selkies aren’t universally popular. And beyond that…”

  The song came to an end and Dorian didn’t finish his thought. He took me by the hand and led me to the edge of the room where Fynn stood waiting. Fynn frowned at his friend who smiled back brightly. After a moment Fynn rolled his eyes, seeming to give up on being annoyed.

  “If you’re quite done…” Fynn said.

  “Oh, I didn’t realize you’d be alright with me taking her for longer.” Dorian said with a smile and swiveled to lead me back to the floor. Fynn grabbed his shoulder and spun him back to face him, bringing me along behind him.

  “Go find your own.” Fynn declared, and I couldn’t help myself.

  “Are you suggesting that I’m your own?” I asked giving him a half smile.

  Fynn sputtered, and seemed to turn pink. “That’s not...”

  Dorian held out a hand to me looking for a high five, when I didn’t, he smacked his own hand with comedic flair. The straight face I had assumed while staring at Fynn broke and I let out a single laugh. I wasn’t sure about Dorian overall, but on the surface, I liked him. He was fun and brought a lightness that reminded me of Dylan. Fynn shook his finger once at Dorian as if commanding a pet to sit and took my hand to lead me out to dance without asking.

  “Feeling protective?” I asked.

  “Always.” Fynn answered but as he placed a hand on my waist and held the other in his hand. His smile returning. That mischievous half smile that I had dreamt about too many times. His hair had been smoothed back, but as we danced one wavy curl revolted and resumed its usually messy posture at his forehead, dropping in front of one dark eye. In the low light of the ball room his eyes looked pure black and as we spun it was easy to stare into his eyes and forget the crowd of people around us. He glided easily through the crowd and I never worried that we might bump into anyone.

  Any yet, unbidden, unpleasant memories tried to worm their way into my easy moment.

  “Fynn.” I said as the memory tugged at my mind. “What happened in that cave? My memory of it is all jumbled. What you were doing there.”

  “That’s part of the reason that we’re here. That incident brought you to the king’s attention and he’s decided that you might be useful to him. It will be up to you Cora, but if you chose to go along with it you might get some answers.”

  “Answers are good.” Depending on what they cost.


  I could see my own concerns reflected in him. What would be the cost of the answers?

  “What is it that the king is hoping to get from me? You said that he thought I might be useful. Oh!” I interrupted myself without waiting for an answer, not knowing which question was more important. “The queen is my… great grandmother?”

  “Is that a question?” Fynn smiled awkwardly. It was nearly a grimace. “You didn’t know? You had to know.”

  I shook my head. “I guess, I hadn’t put it together. I knew that Zoya was my grandmother’s sister, and I knew that Zoya’s mother had married the king, but I didn’t connect it all in my head. And honestly, I would have guessed that any relative that far back was dead. My mom and grandma…” I trailed off. Fynn held the hand at my waist a little closer as if he would have hugged me.

  “Ondine live a long time, Cora.”

  “Not all of them.” I pointed out, thinking of my grandmother and mother. “Is she here?” Fynn took a moment to follow my thought.

  “The queen? She’s not at the ball. I ha
ven’t been told where she is. But you’ll have a chance to meet her before we go.” He paused for a breath. “Do you want to meet her?”

  “Yes. Yeah, that would be good.” I leaned my face closer to his. “Everyone thinks this means I’m some sort of royalty now. I’m more than half human though. And don’t most of these mer types dislike ‘mixes’ or whatever? Wasn’t that Blake’s issue with,” I stumbled looking for the right word, “everything?”

  I waved a hand at the word. Fynn looked thoughtful, his dark eyes somewhere far away while he thought of some memory.

  “Some people will definitely have a problem with you. Blake isn’t the only person with that opinion, but there will be plenty of people who want to get into the good graces of any form of royalty. Still, it won’t keep you safe from everything. You need to keep the extent of your abilities to yourself. What you can do is unusual. There are really only a handful of people who can do what you can do.”

  “But can’t you?” I asked.

  “Of a sort. I can slip into dreams, and play some part to influence them, but I don’t have dreams like you do Cora. Outside of Ophelia there is only one other I know who can see things that are coming. It makes you a target.” I thought about Ophelia, comfortable in her cozy little house under the water, she seemed well cared for.

  “Is Ophelia a prisoner?” I asked.

  “A well pampered, heavily guarded and highly respected prisoner.”

  “She didn’t seem to be guarded to me. I never saw anyone around her.”

  “There are more ways to guard than one. If there were a set of mer guarding her door it would attract attention. Very few people even know that she’s there Cora. I don’t want to see that happen to you. Zoya already knows I’m sure, and I know that Oran would never do anything to put you in harm’s way—the one upside to his stupid song, but you shouldn’t tell anyone if you can avoid it.”

  “What about that other person you mentioned. Are they living like Ophelia?”

  Fynn’s eyes darkened and he hesitated to respond. “He’s not like Ophelia, but he’s lost everything because of it. Which is why when you have your private discussion with the king tomorrow, you can tell him about any dreams that are current, he already knows that much, but don’t hint that you can see anything beyond the present.”

  I had no reason to doubt Fynn, I knew he had plenty of secrets of his own, but he had never given me any reason to doubt him.

  “Alright.” I answered and he lifted my hand to his lips, pressing a quick kiss to the back of my hand. One song blended into another and we continued to glide around the floor.

  “Additionally,” he smiled mischievously, “It would be best if you kept your undying love for me discrete.”

  “Undying love?” I raised an eyebrow.

  Fynn pursed his lips. “I know, it’s going to be a challenge, but for now,” a hint of sincerity flitted across his eyes, “you’ll just have to resist all this.” He gestured to himself and continued, with somewhat less humor. “The king’s plans for you, I’m not entirely sure which direction they will take. And for your sake it would be best for you to appear unattached. To anyone.” There was a weight to his words despite his smile. I had preferred the levity of the moment before and I tried to bring it back.

  “But if word got back to my dearest love that I was claiming to be uninterested his poor heart would break.” I feigned concern.

  Fynn smiled his half grin again. “I’m sure he’ll be able to endure the difficulty seeing how concerned you are for him.”

  “Good point!” I placed my fingers to my lips in insincere thought. “I should let him know not to worry. I’m sure having been apart so long has worried him. Out here, dancing with all these strangers.”

  “He may have been a little annoyed at that.” Fynn’s smile dropped only slightly, and I smiled. He’d taken the bait.

  “Well on your excellent recommendation, I will call Oran right away to let him know not to worry.”

  I watched as Fynn’s eyes went wide, his jaw half open. I put my innocent face back on. “Oh! Oh no! you weren’t thinking that. You.” I continued, clicking my tongue. “I don’t know if you’ve heard, but the royalty around here isn’t necessarily on the same level as… Selkies.”

  I eyed him from top to bottom as I emphasized the word. He said nothing, his eyes were wide with a hint of a smile on his full lips. The song came to an end and Fynn twisted me in toward him before dipping me low and keeping his face incredibly close to me. His expression had shifted and his eyes held more intensity than I could have imagined possible with such an audience around us. I was nervous for a moment, hadn’t he just said that I needed to appear unattached. Who looking at this moment between us would imagine that we were unattached? My eyes were wide with concern.

  “Fynn!” I whispered anxiously.

  A wicked smile spread slowly and his lips parted showing his perfect teeth, he ran his tongue along the tip of one canine and winked at me before lifting me out of the dip. My heart was racing. For all his joking he could switch the mood quickly enough. He took my hand leading me to the side where Ell stood, staring him down and looking annoyed.

  “You seem to be entirely too comfortable making a spectacle of yourself Fynn.”

  Fynn looked at me again, wagging his eyebrows quickly. “It is my profession.” He held out his free hand as he made a mock bow toward Ell and again pressed a kiss to my hand that he was still holding. “Our meeting with the king is going to be early and Cora has had a long day of travel, I think she’s been sufficiently entertaining to the king’s guests for one night.” He looked at me sidelong. “She needs her sleep.” The mischief on his face was plain for anyone to see. Ell’s arms were crossed across her chest, her short black hair cut a hard line and made her face look even more stern.

  “I will check that her accommodations have been adequately prepared. Your room is ready presently, and you’re welcome to go.” Ell responded. It sounded almost like an order. Fynn’s expression was unfazed.

  “Well thank you Ell. I’m sure you’ve put us right next to each other so I can assure her well-being. I’ll wait until her room is ready so I can escort her.”

  “Hardly.” She said as she turned away. “I’ll escort her when she’s ready.”

  As she walked away, I elbowed Fynn lightly in the ribs. Once she was safely away, I turned on him. “I thought you said it was important that I appear unattached?”

  “Exactly,” Fynn said, “you have to appear unattached. I can be as charming as ever. In fact, around here, it’s my job to be irresistible.” He leaned in close so that I could feel his breath brush my ear as he spoke his next words. “You get the difficult task of convincing everyone else that you aren’t interested.” He pulled back to look at my face as he ran a finger along my cheek. “So, no more blushing.”

  I pulled myself together trying to look annoyed. “It’s warm in here.” I announced as Ell returned. I turned my back on Fynn as I spoke to her. “I’m ready to head to my room for the night Ell.” Fynn squeezed my fingertips before dropping my hand. I hoped that it wasn’t obvious to everyone around how much I didn’t like walking away from him. I forced myself to look forward as I followed Ell out of the room. I would not turn around. I would not turn around.

  “Cora.” Fynn’s voice carried like a song across the room. How had he managed to put so much feeling into one word? I turned around. “Sweet dreams.” I closed my eyes to steady my breathing. It was like he had never tried to use his abilities on me before. It was like this was the first time I had ever heard his voice. Had it always sounded like that? So perfectly musical in just one word. I had to make a sincere effort to turn back around and walk away. His gaze was so earnest and content. I did not want to walk away.

  But I walked away.


  Chapter Eight


  In many ways swimming with mermaids had become boring to me. I know
it should have been exciting still. I knew it still was for Cora. We had only been here for a few months after all, but I felt like I had no purpose here and I was bored of it. The only thing that really held my attention at this point was Fayre. If it weren’t for her, I honestly think I would have gone home with grandpa. I should be saving up money for college. I should be helping grandpa on his farm. I knew he had been neglecting it since dad died. But here I was swimming around in a paradise that should hold my interest, but didn’t. That’s why I was so intrigued by the little mer girl.

  “She really needs your help.” The little mer child had impossibly large blue eyes. She had popped out of nowhere as I swam the familiar route to Fayre’s family home, hoping to see if she had turned up yet.

  “Who?” I asked. Maybe she had news about Fayre.

  “Your sister. She has no idea what she’s getting into.” Her long lavender hair waved with the underwater currents. While the look of the mer people had become familiar to me, this strange child seemed otherworldly. I smiled patiently as I answered.

  “Cora’s got a lot of people watching out for her. I’m sure she’ll be fine.” I tried soothing the strange little girl. While I was a frequent visitor to this place, most of the mer eyed me with curiosity, but maintained their distance. Fayre had been the distinct exception, seeking me out from the first. Her family had come to tolerate my presence. I liked to think that some of them even liked me. The fact that this girl approached me at all was peculiar.

  “She’s got many watching for her to fail, but you could help. I’ve seen you help.”

  “You’ve seen it?” I asked. While my relationship with Cora had grown distant in these months since we’d come to the island, I had still picked up enough to know that she was having troubling dreams. I wished that she would confide more in me, but she had chosen to keep me out of it.

  “Yes.” She answered cheerily, extending her hand to shake mine. A gesture that was foreign to the mer, and I wondered where she had seen it before. I took her small hand and shook it. She beamed.


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