The Gate of Limbo

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The Gate of Limbo Page 4

by Donovan Neal

  Raphael replied, “As you command my king.”

  Raphael opened his eyes, pushed himself from his desk, and made his way towards the upper level of the Hall. He unlatched the metal clasp that held the roof door in place and opened it to see that Nebula was already awaiting him floating in place.

  “We have little time Grigori. We must hurry for there is much to show you, and after you have seen and only then, will you know what must be done. But of more importance, wilt thou consent to do it?”

  Raphael walked towards him and as he did he spoke, “I do not know what you mean? Consent to do what?”

  Raphael slowly entered the lotus position as was required to concentrate when Nebula entered him.

  “Soon, young prince, soon you will see what I see.”

  Raphael settled to the floor of the roof and with legs crossed, slowed his breathing and queried Nebula, one last time.

  “This trance, will it be different?”

  Nebula floated before his face and nodded. “Prepare to receive the God-sight young prince.”

  Raphael then closed his eyes, inhaled through his nose, and then slowly exhaled through his mouth. And when he did, Nebula’s gaseous form entered both the nostrils and mouth of the angel.

  Raphael breathed in and Nebula filled the whole of the angel’s innards. Raphael opened his eyes and when he did his eyes turned white and were ablaze as the brightest star.

  Flashes of the past suddenly erupted through his mind.

  Exploding bombs of light detonated before the theater of his perception, while image after image paraded before his eyes. From the moment God mouthed, “Let there be light.” Raphael saw the burst of galaxies and the brilliant race of the universe gallop to fill the absence of matter that was formerly the Void.

  Raphael’s eyes quickly moved across his eyelids as he focused his efforts to the actions of his people. He experienced dizziness as the ability to temporarily see all things was overwhelming. Vertigo began to envelop him and he willed his mind to zero in on the actions of Lilith so as not to drift into insanity.

  The vision of Lilith who earlier sat on the roof of the Hall, materialized in his mind, and he watched as Lilith had similarly earlier brought his flesh under control that he might receive the flesh of Nebula. Raphael observed as Lilith took in Nebula as he had now done; and watched as the Grigori entered the Trance.

  Raphael floated in his mind in a ghost-like form above Lilith and reached out to touch the forehead of his spectral peer.

  “Show me Nebula, the sight seen by Lilith. Show me what his stylus has not yet penned.”

  And within the vision, Nebula reached out and took the apparition of Raphael by the hand, and pulled the angel even deeper into the God-sight. And Raphael beheld a vision within a vision and was allowed to behold all that Lilith had seen.

  Raphael watched as Michael and Lucifer sported with one another then observed as the Maelstrom placed them in mortal danger. He viewed the doubt of Apollyon, his journey to murder and the creation of Hell. Raphael’s mind reeled as he saw the birth of Charon, and the treason spoken by Lucifer and the rileing of heaven’s forces to pummel the land with Ladders. He watched in horror as he and Lilith battled in mortal combat, only to see himself take the life of Lilith to prevent the angels’ aid to Lucifer.

  Raphael began to hyperventilate.

  The vision continued unabated, and Raphael witnessed the destruction of the Kiln. And then his heart beat faster as he watched himself die: run through by a wayward Godstone the result of a battle between his brothers Michael and Lucifer.

  His heart rate spiked, and he began to clutch his chest.

  “Breathe, young prince,” said Nebula. “Calm thyself, and focus: go beyond what you see.”

  Raphael centered his thoughts on the voice of Nebula and reminded himself that the vision was yet for an appointed time and settled his mind to move beyond the immediate scene of his vision and looked away to follow the trail that continued to lead him onward.

  Shaken Raphael shivered and continued to fasten his eyes to the images that raced through his mind’s eye. He watched as Lucifer transformed into a deformity of angelic pride and was a three-headed beast with wings that blasted through the temple doors to raise his sword in open rebellion against his father. Raphael watched as his angelic leader lifted his weapon to slice at the heel of God Almighty: making contact so that he actually bled God. The Lord winced, and Raphael watched as the wrath of the Father exiled all those who dared lift themselves in rebellion against Him.

  Raphael shook his head in disbelief while his body shivered,; for the visions would not stop, and Nebula knowing what Raphael observed spoke to his mind.

  “You now see the rage that is the wrath of Elohim? But despite what thou seest, this is not why El hast brought thee to me. Now see the thoughts and intents of thy brother and when you do, follow the trail of mist that I lay before thee. Do not deviate from the path; neither move ye to the left nor the right; that thou might see what the end of all things will be. For here is where Lilith left the trance. Here he saw that the Almighty allowed himself to be injured; not understanding that the beginning and the end are one with El. Here, Lilith did not understand that it pleased the Lord to be bruised by him; that this act would foretell the efforts of the enemy and display his ultimate defeat. But the pride of life hath taken thy brother, and a rot infests the breast of Lilith. A rot that even now contaminates the Chief Prince… behold.”

  Nebula then revealed Lilith’s thoughts as the angel lifted from the trance and there were thoughts to depose Raphael as the chief prince. Plans and schemes to occupy as Chief of Eye’s and to rule by Lucifer’s side as Lilith completed the act of dissolution to the Almighty himself.

  Raphael was struck; “He covets my seat?” he communicated telepathically. “And does he mean to see these events change; events that will play out to his favor?”

  “Aye,” said Nebula.

  “But Lucifer’s rescuing of Michael hast already transpired. How… how can Lilith bring such a future to pass?”

  Nebula was quiet as he exited the nose and mouth of Raphael. Raphael too exited from the Trance, and he noted that Nebula looked away from the angel.

  But Raphael noticed his friend’s hesitancy and would not be denied his answer. “Nebula answer me!”

  The living cloud coalesced into a humanoid form and a frothy mouth began to speak.

  “There is but one way great prince; one way that if Lilith desires would shatter eternity as we know it. He must journey into Limbo and return to a point where the realm of Alpha may be subsumed by the realm of Beta, and if successful. Beta would become the Alpha realm.”

  “Is such a thing even possible?” Raphael replied.

  “I am the breath of Heaven. I am that which touches all the lungs of her residence and yea, even beyond. I exist prior to the spark of the Kiln and am brother to the Shekinah, and kin to the Virtues. I speak the truth, Eye of God. There is but one way apart from the Lord himself that reality may be overturned and Limbus my friend; is that way.”

  Raphael began to understand. He had never entered into the realm of Limbus. It was forbidden. Naught but the Lord traveled the currents of time and Limbus was Time’s river. The Lord cautioned that Limbo was the reservoir of Time itself: a realm that emptied into the Maelstrom. He tutored that the place was very much alive and was not the domain of angels. For, it was the living realm of choices: a place where the decisions of all beings lived their alternate lives. There, Lilith could explore and mayhap find the choices to create the outcome he desired. There, he could float forever until he found what he wanted... a path to rule the Grigori.

  “My apologies, Nebula, follow me please.”

  Raphael went to the roof door and lowered himself and the living cloud followed. Nebula followed Raphael until they entered the Hall of Annals, and Raphael broke the silence when he spoke to the white walls.

  “Location of Lilith Grigori.”

the room sprang to life and swirls of smoke suddenly showed themselves on the walls of the room. The basement of Heaven could clearly be seen. It was a dark abode and stone ornate columns of onyx mixed with cadmium held aloft God’s great house. Angelic runes and symbols adorned the pillars and walls. The room then revealed at the end of the basement of Heaven; a great door of fog. Swirling mists moved within a mirrored gate over 50 cubits high. Obsidian stones etched with the God tongue lined the frame and nothing was behind or within the mirror.

  A fog crept from the polished metal and seeped along the earthen floor as a serpent sways. Raphael looked, and the fog formed the shape of a hand that crawled along the ground.

  “What is it?” Raphael said as he turned to Nebula.

  “It is the Mists, and they are on the move. Lilith hast disturbed the realm. It may already be too late.”

  Raphael watched as the fog slowly crept its way like an encroaching vine over the obsidian rock of the mirrored gate.

  “What is it doing?” the angel asked.

  “Exploring this domain and seeking to conform to this realm. If Limbo is emptied of her denizens if the choices locked away do not remain locked; they will consume those within this world; and you, I, and all within this dimension will be lost. The Grigori does not understand what he has unleashed… what he has left open to escape.”

  “Can it be sealed?” Raphael asked.

  “Yea, but you must find the fissure to stop its progress; for with every moment we do not, more of the Mists seep into our realm. If they establish a foothold, this reality will be replaced. All shall be awash save El. For the Great One abides in all realms and yet is beyond them. He can never be moved.”

  Raphael thought hard on the task before him, and the threat that encroached upon this reality. For unbeknownst to Michael and Lucifer, yea even the rest of the Lumazi, Raphael possessed knowledge that would see all that they love overturned. His was to keep the secrets of the Almighty, and before any open rebellion had occurred Raphael was privy that El’s children would rebel against him and that many would be cast out. Knew that he himself would be killed in a destructive wake that would result from a coming conflict that Michael and Lucifer would have over who would be God.

  Raphael began to understand the depth of the choice that was given to him. A choice to surrender to death so that others might live.

  “Nebula, is this realm the best future; the best outcome for my people? If I repair the breach and restore this realm: will it be for naught?”

  Nebula’s foggy features generated a smile. “Do you trust El angel of God? Did not the Lord say that thou had a choice to thy action? I perceive that those of us who possess the gift of free-will shall always be given the option by the Almighty. He has shared that it is up to thee to do this thing or not. Our fate my friend is in thy hands. For El hath made it so. My trust in the living God is unwavering. Trust in Him as well.”

  Raphael pondered Nebula’s words for a moment and then replied, “I know not my future save destruction by a God-stone. I do however know who holds my present. It is to fulfill the command of the Lord, and He has given me the choice to preserve this realm despite knowing the outcome of my choice. I will exercise… faith. I then choose to trust in the Lord, and though he slay me, yet will I trust him. Go to Nebula and leave me to plan rescue of this realm, for I must prepare and have little time to reverse Lilith’s breach of Limbus.”

  Nebula bowed and lifted himself as a cloud and departed.

  Chapter Eight

  Henel stood up from his chair and began to pace the room. He looked at Argoth and started to speak then shook his head as if he was conflicted and changed his mind. He then raised a finger and started once more to speak then lowered it and shook his head.

  Argoth watched the human as the human paced and eyed him. But Argoth sat still waiting for the question he knew would eventually come, and Henel did not disappoint the angel’s expectations.

  “You knew there was a civil war coming? You knew what Lucifer and so many others would do? Your people foresaw all of it. Yet why did you not stop it? Why didn’t you intervene? So many of your people… my people have died and suffered. And you had advanced knowledge of what would happen. You could have stopped it all.”

  Henel’s eyes narrowed as he peered up and down at Argoth as if he eyed a criminal.

  Argoth sat quietly understanding the depth of Henel’s statement. Understanding that Mr. James merely echoed from his limited understanding of what he understood of time.

  Argoth gazed at Henel and he looked curiously at the man and replied. “You think because I had knowledge of the events preceding them, that I did nothing to prevent the collapse of civilization as I understood it? Is that what you honestly believe Mr. James? Is it your assertion that knowing that trillions would die over our war; that I simply sat idle and left things to fate? You do realize that we are in Heaven Mr. James? The very dwelling place of God, and that there is nothing left to chance with El? That He is aware at this very moment, the number of hairs that reside upon your head. He is the Alpha and Omega: the Beginning and the End. Fate is a concept your people have invented due to their willingness to worship the creature more than the creator. No Henel son of James. I moved with much haste to stop the oncoming slaughter that was forthcoming. I did indeed set my hand to the plow to prevent the future and the demise of so many both then and who were yet to come.

  But you should know Mr. James, that the future is a finicky thing. I know this because I went into the future and I saw it. I indeed tried to change it. But in doing so I learned a secret: the future cannot be changed. All of our choices exist in the realm of their own living beyond us: the fruit of which always… always leads back to El. And know Mr. James that El has seen your future. And He has seen my future, yea even all futures. We have only to decide which future we will see… which choice we will make.”

  Henel replied, “I do not understand.”

  Argoth replied, “Of course you do not. The future Mr. James is like the hurricane. It cannot be stopped. It is a force of nature. The scope of its influence cannot fully be grasped until one steps beyond the hurricane or attempts to assess the damage in its wake. Time is likewise. Unable to be fully appreciated until one steps outside of it: to seek to understand the height, width and depth of it. And this is why I have brought you here. To see what others that despite long life have not understood: the wakes and eddies of time. To tell the story as only the Book of Life can tell it. But the question remains Mr. James… are you prepared to hear the rest of the story?”

  Henel stood silent for a moment unclear if he should continue. But the journalist in him took over, and he sat down, picked up his notebook and pen and nodded.

  Argoth smiled, “Good, then I shall continue, as I most enjoy your company.”

  Chapter Nine

  Lilith followed his doppelgänger and spoke. “Where are you taking me?”

  The spirit replied, “Somewhere, where your presence will not invite suspicion. For I know why you are here Lilith Grigori, for I am you and you are I, and I understand as no one else the calling that is in thy heart. And know that I would see your designs succeed.”

  Lilith stopped as they began to edge away from the basement of Heaven.

  “Are we not safe here?”

  “No.” said Beta Lilith. “We are not, for there are ears in Limbus: ears that are close to the gate and seek to spy the goings on of other realms. I have waited for you; waited since I took the Trance and saw that Lucifer would bleed God. We must move to secure our place, for I refuse to be brought low by the upcoming war between the Chief Prince and Michael.”

  “Hold, specter of another realm,” said Lilith Prime. “How do I know you will help me? How do I know that I can trust you?”

  Beta Lilith smiled, “Because I am you. Even now you wonder if your trespass into this realm will give you the advantage that you seek. I know your thoughts and ways as if they were my own. Because of course they are. Alas
, you question how you will usurp that which has been lawfully given to Raphael. You have been gifted vision, but you do not possess guile of ruse. For I have foreseen what must be done. And in this realm I have foreseen your coming.”

  The two floated towards the palace throne room and noted that Lucifer was waiting for El to enter the Kiln. “Step lively twin. When the time is right, I will show you the stone you will abscond. You will take it and with it you will query all of Limbus for eternity if you must. But you will find the option which will most bear fruit and would see us both live and yet also be head of House Grigori. And when you do, you will right all realms so that all exist in unison to one another. For El hath given choice to all creations that are sentient, and I have heard a whisper that He intends to give choice to another yet unmade being. But I have seen that all are not worthy of choice. That to give free-will to so many will cause ruin. Therefore, we must take matters into our own hands. I have seen a vision even further than yours. And we must incite Lucifer to believe that choice should be limited to celestials alone. For a fourth race El will make, and I fear it will dilute the purity that is Elohim and Abomination may well be the result.”

  “Abomination… I do not understand. What do you mean a fourth race? What are you talking about?”

  Lilith Beta sighed, “Know for now that those that are unworthy of choice must serve us. For the younger must serve the elder. Plant this tare into Lucifer’s mind and when he is defeated, he will still be a vessel to do our will. A vessel that will assure this fourth race will be a servant and nothing save God himself will be able to rescue them. Do this thing my double, and we will assure that mud and clay will never rise to challenge the stone of the Kilnborn. Do you consent?”


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