The Gate of Limbo

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The Gate of Limbo Page 5

by Donovan Neal

  Lilith pondered his doppelgänger’s word and replied, “If you show me how to usurp the future… then yea, I consent.”

  Beta Lilith smiled and replied, “Good, Lucifer enters the Kiln and awaits El. Quickly now, before another grigori sees thee.”

  Lilith watched as Lucifer and Beta Lilith entered the fiery furnace of life. For here in the confines of the cavern the stuff of life had been deposited, and here God created his race of beings called angels. Stones littered the room, and each sung in harmony. Each made of the disparate elements of creation. Sentient vessels waiting to be fashioned after the Creator’s will.

  Lilith watched as Lucifer eyed the various stones, watched as the Chief of Angels surveyed which gem would be given to God, and then would be formed by the same, to ascend to the ranks of the Elohim.

  Beta Lilith then looked Lilith in the eye and motioned with his head for Lilith to look to his right. He then spoke aloud that both Lucifer and Lilith could hear.

  “The green one there, perhaps?”

  Lucifer eyed the gem for a moment then shook his head. “Nay, it is a gem for travel through time and to warp dimensions.” There is no Elohim assigned as yet for such a task. I must find another.”

  Beta Lilith then looked again at his peer and nodded to the gemstone Lucifer had rejected. When Lucifer went deeper into the cavern to select another; Lilith picked up the stone, and it radiated a deep emerald green. Lilith quickly took the gem and placed it in his tome and his tome also began to radiate an iridescent green.

  “I am curious,” said Lucifer. “It is my understanding that your kind has been commanded to never interfere. I was not aware that Grigori spoke with their charge.”

  Beta Lilith still unseen to the eye of Lucifer answered aloud that the angel might hear. “Yea, great one: it is indeed not our norm to speak to our charge. But my actions have not interfered with your task. I may indeed choose to speak to a charge if I so choose.”

  Lucifer harrumphed, “Interesting, that you would seek to speak now. I have walked up and down the midst of the stones of fire since the beginning and have never had another save El ever speak to me within the cavern. I am curious grigori… what has changed?”

  Beta Lilith was silent. He knew that Lucifer was extremely cunning and chose his response carefully.

  “The chamber is appropriate. For there are none that can hear our conversation save you. I may converse with thee and yet still keep the charge assigned. Carry on Chief Prince for I must note your words and actions. And I do not wish to contaminate my journaling with unnecessary prolonged conversation. Please proceed with your selection.”

  Lilith understood that Beta Lilith bought him time to vacate the Kiln before El had arrived and quickly dashed out the room. He scurried himself to the basement of the palace making sure to not be seen lest he draw suspicion from the Grigori who might wonder why the Lilith of this dimension was not with Lucifer. He then walked the dim steps back towards the Gate of Limbo and stood before it. His glowing greenish tome now imbued with the Godstone in hand.

  “Let me see the creation of the fourth race.”

  The misty gate swirled and a green jade glow enveloped the frame of the mirror and the gate illuminated showing a beautiful garden in the foreground. Lilith confidently walked through to see what his counterpart referenced.

  To see this new creature of mud and clay that would also be given the gift of choice.

  And unbeknownst to the angel, a small chip revealed itself in the mirrored doorway, and crept across the ancient gate.

  Chapter Ten

  Raphael called Janus and Argoth into his chambers and had both angels sit down. He looked at them quietly; each one stared back at him, waiting for him to speak.

  Janus broke the silence and spoke. “Raphael, I have never seen you so troubled. If something vexes you, then speak my friend.”

  “Agreed,” said Argoth.

  Raphael nodded and replied. “I have just come into my station as head of this great house. And already I am tasked with duty from El to determine the source of thought corruption that has seeped into the realm.”

  Argoth looked at Raphael not understanding, “What do you mean thought corruption?”

  Raphael then opened his chest and pulled out the beating tome within him and played back for the two the thoughts of Apollyon. An angel who had questioned God’s goodness whilst he watched another angel stop a solar flare from destroying the newly created world El had made. Each angel observed as an angel by the name of Sasheal had raced to intercept and interject himself into the path of a solar flare that emanated from Sol and sprinted towards the Earth: a flare that was the result of Apollyon’s lack of concentration in his control of the star. Together the trio watched as Sasheal became flesh that he might interact with the flare and all watched as he absorbed the star’s energy and fell to the earth. But it was the recorded words of Apollyon that caused both Argoth and Janus to gasp. “El why didst you not save us?”

  Both angels watched as El then turned to Raphael and spoke. “Raphael, thou art commissioned to find all instances of thought, conduct, and or speech similar to Apollyon’s. You and your attendants shall bring to me a volume which lists all Elohim and research on your findings.”

  “Aye, Lord. And your desire as to when you would have this complete?”

  “Report thou to me on the conclusion of the 6th Earth day at which time I will take my rest.”

  Raphael then ceased his tomes display for the duo and reached to place the book back into his chest.

  Raphael looked at the faces of his friends and spoke. “Speak what is in thy heart.”

  Argoth was first to reply. “It is unthinkable that an angel would question the actions of God? Who is this angel that he would suppose on El so?”

  Janus also released his mind on the matter. “Apollyon has witnessed something that I think would make anyone of us wonder why El did not simply bring the solar flare to a halt. But to conjecture the mind of the Almighty is foolishness. For his ways are not our ways, nor his thoughts our thoughts, and his ways are past finding out. One would have a greater chance to speculate the depth of the bottomless pit than to understand all that moves the Almighty. What we do know is what has been revealed. El allows us free-will: allows us choice to act. We are not as the beasts he has made. But, if El’s goodness is questioned and is not established…”

  Janus paused to ruminate more before he continued. “Reality as we know it will be questioned. For El’s goodness is the foundation by which we exist. If others begin to believe in goodness apart from El… their own perhaps… it could alter reality as we know it.”

  Raphael nodded, “Agreed. Thus, I have begun my search per El’s instructions and believe I have determined that another source exhibits the same corruption.”

  Argoth suddenly scanned the room and looked to his left and right and spoke. “Where is Lilith; should he not be here to deliberate? Was he not also chosen to lead as head of Grigori?”

  Raphael let out a sigh and replied, “Lilith is the source of the corruption that has questioned the goodness of God. Even now unbeknownst to all save we in this room. He has moved to undermine the will of the Almighty: to… disobey.”

  Janus and Argoth both looked at Raphael in disbelief. “How is such a thing possible? This cannot be!”

  “It is as I say,” said Raphael. “I have communed with Nebula and have entered the Trance. I have seen with the God-sight and watched as Lilith has left this realm and has entered the forbidden realm of Limbo. He is not here.”

  “Limbo?” replied Argoth. “For what purpose would he journey there? Has not El stated it off-limits?”

  Janus nodded in understanding. “Limbo is the realm of choices, the reservoir of choices unmade, and the alternative of decisions not taken. It is the realm of alternate realities. Did Lilith see something he seeks to change? A decision or outcome he wishes to undo?”

  Raphael nodded his head. “I believe so.”

Janus then looked at his friend and his narrowed, “You have not told us what the God-sight has revealed.”

  Raphael breathed in deeply, looked away and then replied. “I have not.”

  Janus sighed and his face developed a sad smile, “It would seem my friend that the burden of Chief Prince is indeed heavy. Very well then, I will not press you on the matter.”

  “Agreed,” said Argoth. “You have called us here to inform us and inform us you have. But what is it that you require?”

  “I have not informed you of all,” said Raphael. “For Lilith's departure into the realm of Limbus has brought with it a fracture within the barrier that separates Limbus from our own. Even as we speak, the mists of Eternity seep through into our realm. This breach must be sealed. I cannot do it alone and I need you to assist me in the rifts closure.”

  Argoth looked at Janus and they both nodded, “We are at your service. Go on.”

  “Lilith is the reason the breach exists. His presence in the realm merely keeps the passage open. He must be brought back to the prime reality in order to seal it for good. I cannot go for someone must stay behind to attend to the breach and the mists possible incursion. Nor can I leave my post as Chief of Eyes to return him. I need you two to do this for me, our house and for the realm.”

  “And if he chooses to stay despite command to return,” said Janus. “What then?”

  Raphael’s face grew stern. “I have contemplated this and I fear he will not comply as his actions have clearly placed him outside the authority of El. He is considered rogue and any and all notes from his pen and tome are to be redacted. His letters cannot be allowed to contaminate the Book of Life. Bring him back alive if possible, but if not…” Raphael’s voice trailed off in sorrow.

  Argoth frowned and nodded, “Understood. We will do what must be done.”

  Raphael continued, “Know that Lilith’s presence within Limbo places the whole of creation at risk. The longer he remains in the domain, the longer the mists may seep into our own and transform this realm. If enough of the void-clouds enter… they will reshape our reality and possibly even turn it back to a state prior to God voicing, “Let there be light.” We cannot allow this to happen. You, therefore, will be my Redactors. It will be your purpose to scour his tome and to erase changes to the realities that you encounter; including the erasure of our brother himself if necessary. Will you help me?”

  “Of course,” said Argoth. “Will we be using the assist of the other houses?”

  Raphael shook his head. “This is an issue for the Grigori. He is one of us. If the situation grows beyond the means of our house to contain, then I will summon the council and submit to the wishes of the Chief Prince on the matter. Until then my concerns are conjecture wrapped in layers of possibility. Such is the way of Limbo, and none are better equipped than House Grigori to solve this dilemma. For now: I shall wait.”

  Both angels stood to their feet and bowed to their friend and elected Prince over house Grigori. “We are thine to command. We will let none of the words of El fall to the ground.”

  Raphael also stood to his feet and nodded. He proceeded towards the two and placed his hands on their strong shoulders.

  “Both of you… kneel. And I will make of you a new caste of Grigori. Thou shalt be my Redactors.”

  Both angels kneeled as commanded and Raphael laid his hands atop their heads and spoke a pronouncement over them. “Thou art now voice of my voice, and jot to my tittle. To write or rewrite as the pen of God, I now grant thee. To move through the ether and to enact the judgment of God and of house Grigori against those that are out of the way I command thee. A new ledger I now give and a page from the Chief of Eyes: a page to track down those who comment or edit contrary to the rule of Grigoric law. Go forth my Shaun-tea'll and correct the tomes that thou find.” Raphael then took his tome from his own breast and from it tore two unwritten pages from the book and took his hands and clutched at the tomes within the chest of each angel before him and inserted a page from his own into theirs.

  “From the journal of the Chief of Eyes I now tear. You are my extension as my power now flows through you. Represent our house, the Lumazi and the Lord thy God well. Rise Redactors. Rise my Shaun-tea'll.”

  Both angels then took the new ledgers changed by the insertion of their leaders’ own page and reinserted the books into their chest cavity beneath their robes. Power flowed through them both as never before and their bodies shimmered, and each stood to their feet.

  “You have been entrusted with virtue,” said Raphael. “Be thou a good steward; you will be able to track Lilith through the realms. Now let us go for he must hurry for if we delay, a night shall come that no one may work.”

  He turned to exit the room and his two comrades followed their leader as the three left Raphael's suite and traveled to the underskirts of Heaven to the gate of Limbo.

  * * *

  Raphael, Janus and Argoth made their way to the basement of Heaven and stood next to the portal to Limbus. Fog crawled from its mirror-like opening and slithered across the floor. Raphael frowned as he looked upon the dread mist and spoke. “I will need to stay behind and contend with the mist. It is not yet of a substance where it can contour to our surroundings. It cannot be allowed to coalesce and consume this realm.”

  He then reached into his robe and revealed his tome for his brethren to see. He turned to a blank page within the journal and ripped two pages from the volume, folded it and gave one folded piece of paper each to Janus and Argoth.

  “Here, take these pages, they will allow me to track you through the realms of Limbo. As long as you hold it in your possession I have means to bring you home. Lose this: and the way will be lost to me. Beware, for if such occurs you could be stranded in a reality that while similar is yet foreign to all that you know. Remember, find Lilith. I have conjectured that he has taken a Godstone and forged it to manipulate either reality or time, perhaps both. You must find both he and the stone or all is lost. If he will not submit to return… then you are authorized to redact our brother and bring his tome to me by any means necessary. Am I clear?”

  Both Janus and Argoth replied, “We are clear.”

  “Then go,” said Raphael, “And may the Lord God go with you.”

  Raphael then closed his eyes and the mirror of mists shimmered and within its reflections varied locales of Heaven appeared for a moment, and then disappeared to show another. Raphael watched as differing scenes misted into view and spoke, “Both of you… on my mark jump into the mists and you should arrive at your correct destination.”

  Another locale changed.

  “Make ready!” said Raphael.

  The locale then changed and the mirror then showed the three angels in the basement of Heaven. It’s visage merely replicating their presence.

  “Now!” Raphael roared.

  A jade hue suddenly and unexpectedly shimmered over the mirror and a fracture materialized and slowly inched across the seeing-glass.

  Raphael’s eyes grew wide and his face turned ashen white and he screamed out in a shrill voice for the two to halt… but it was too late.

  Both Janus and Argoth had leaped into the mirror and their momentum carried them through the doorway into Limbus.

  Chapter Eleven

  Janus walked through the mirrored gate of Limbo and he immediately felt himself become dizzy. Grayish fog swirled around him and distant voices whispered in his ears; calls from the ether that serenaded to him to follow their voice. To choose this over that and to embark to the right or to the left of the glowing path that was laid before him. He was on solid ground this he knew. But the darkness about him was a black surrounded in ebony. Janus strained with his eyes to see beyond the trail that he walked and whenever he thought to venture even in his imagination from the path set before him he began to shiver uncontrollably.

  He steeled himself and continued to follow the lit pathway. He intuitively felt the need to quicken his pace. To escape that gnawing that he
must hurry lest he trapped in the darkness of whispering entities that called to him, for as the whispers increased in their call, he sensed something reach to him from the darkness: a hand. A hand that attempted to pull him into the dark and away from the lighted lane that stretched before him.

  Again something touched his arm.

  Startled, Janus looked but saw nothing and began to sprint down the path towards an approaching light that raced to meet him in the distance.

  The whispers now grew more directive and louder.

  “This way,” said a voice.

  “No, over here,” beckoned another.

  “Come, feed us. Feed the Mists.”

  Janus ran as ghostly apparitions began to appear to his left and right; smoky figures that moved with him, floating as flickering clouds over water; each weaving towards him and then swinging back into the blackness.

  “We are the in-between of the tick and the tock: the personified glimmers of choices not taken, will you not abide in the infinite loop of mirrors? Why make haste to leave immortal. Stay… stay and feed the Mists.”

  Janus focused on the path before him and as ghostly hands reached out for him he pushed and shoved his way through phantoms of choices that began to materialize and form into solid beings before him.

  Humanoid shades of his choices past.

  The choice to lead his caste: the choice to leave the Trance and submit to the rule of his other brothers. Choices that became more tangible as he pressed towards the light of his objective.

  He exited the portal of Limbus, the tunnel which he traveled and when he did gaunt hands flailed and attempted to grapple him to pull him from escaping the foggy domain of election.

  “We are ever here… your choices that you have left behind. We are ever waiting… waiting to take flesh.”

  Janus broke through the barrier of light and when he did he found himself within the throne room of God. Stumbling, he situated himself near a pillar towards the rear of the room and listened quietly as El began to speak.


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