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The Gate of Limbo

Page 11

by Donovan Neal

  “You know why I have called you all here?”

  Gabriel of the Theta realm looked at Jerahmeel and Talus. Sariel eyed Michael and let out a large sigh. “Believe me when I say that we are anxious to learn why?”

  Michael-Theta looked at Sariel and replied, “I am sure. Lucifer must be found. He must answer to the charges leveled against him. He must answer for the vision that the Grigori have leveled against him.”

  Gabriel-Theta eyed Lilith and spoke, “You mean this Grigori? For, prior to his coming no one had accused our brother of anything. Not even Raphael brought such an accusation. The Lord rebuke you Lilith from whatever realm you hail from: the Lord rebuke you!”

  Jerahmeel-Theta placed his hands on Gabriel's shoulder to calm him. “Michael you told us that Raphael portaled Lucifer and another Grigori from Lilith's realm away. I very much would like to find them. For this other Grigori may be able to bear witness to the words of this one here. Or perhaps…” Jerahmeel then turned to look into Lilith’s glowing eyes.

  “…help determine if we are being deceived.”

  Gabriel rose up, and he bent over the table and glowered at Michael, “And what of the death of Raphael! What of the death of my brother?”

  Michael also rose and placed his hand on the hilt of his sword.

  Jerahmeel reached out to touch Gabriel and calm him. “The consequences of Raphael’s death will be answered when El returns from Sabbath. Then of a surety our sins…both collective…,” He then looked at Michael and Lilith in the eye when he spoke so that it was clear that Raphael's passing would not be forgotten. “… and individual will find us all out.”

  Michael nodded in understanding. “If, El awakens, but until then are we in agreement that they must be found?”

  Talus-Theta spoke up, “Yes, Michael. But found and brought to trial… not executed. Know that you lead by consent of the Lumazi. You are not the appointed Chief Prince. And know that if Lucifer and this angel are not given a hearing; understand that I will not be a party to his death. Nor will house Arelim. The blood of Lucifer will not be on our hands.”

  The other heads of the angelic houses nodded. Gabriel also spoke and looked Michael squarely in the eye and pointed at his brother “He is not to be harmed Michael.”

  Michael nodded. “Understood, I will do my best brother but also understand that in the end, that will be dependent upon him.”

  The whole of the Lumazi then stood to their feet, and each proceeded to make their way out the meeting chamber.

  “Well that went as well as could be expected.” Lilith whispered.

  Michael nodded, “Agreed, have you spoken with the other Grigori?”

  Lilith bowed his cowled head. “Yes, the House considers the death of Raphael an internal matter and both Janus, Argoth and I are all in agreement. There is another Grigori that has entered the realm and has refused to submit to the order. It is imperative that he be found.”

  “And where has your search taken you to where Raphael has attempted to hide Lucifer?”

  “There is but one place one can hide from a Grigori my prince: a null. There are few that would provide cover from our eyes and only one that we need explore.”

  “And the name of this place?” Michael asked.

  “Eden, High Prince. We believe they reside on Earth near a null void in the region of Eden. Janus has agreed to send Argoth, and he has been dispatched with orders.”

  Michael turned to him confused and replied, “Orders? What will your brother do to the other Grigori?”

  Lilith smiled but his features could not be made out by Michael from under the angel’s cowl. But Lilith replied in the simplicity that marked his people.

  “He will be redacted high prince.”

  “And what of Lucifer?” Michael asked.

  “We both know what the vision has shown you. We both know what must be done.”

  Michael nodded reluctantly. “I know… I know.”

  Michael-Theta turned to face Lilith. “Come, and take me to your bounty hunter; for if my brother must die. Let it be by my own hand.”

  * * *

  Argoth-Theta landed at Eden per instructions given to him by Janus-Theta. Eden was indeed a beautiful region. The pinnacle of floral beauty; Eden was the lush, tropical, and palatial home of the Lord’s greatest creation. Argoth-Theta considered it unfortunate that Raphael had saw fit to bring the enemies of the kingdom to the world of the humans. The angel determined to be respectful of their domain and he would do his best to tread lightly as to not needlessly trespass. El’s pronouncement was clear. The humans were to steward over this world. It was not meant to be given to angelic kind to call a home.

  He ceased his observation of the forests before him and the blue skies above and turned his attention to the task at hand: to find Lilith Grigori.

  He was a redactor now. Commissioned by his people to ferret out falsehood and it was time to get to work.

  Argoth-Theta took from his robes an ink-horn and tossed it into the air. The black liquid emptied and floated into the air like a giant bubble. “Map of the region,” he said aloud.

  The ink then moved and laid out before him a three dimensional overview of a flat map showing the elevation of the whole of the Edenic region.

  “Narrow the search parameters to known regional nulls.”

  Again the black ink floated and moved to redraw the area as commanded.

  Two zones were now drawn in three dimensions and he took his stylus into his hand and twisted the reed between his fingers as he meditated on the two choices between him. He eyed each area and studied it as he spoke aloud to himself.

  “Raphael, where did you teleport them and more importantly… why?”

  The Grigori continued to eye the two options to begin his apprehension of Lilith-Theta and deal with this Grigori from another realm. He noted that one null was further from the garden where the Adam slept, nor did it serve as a priority for Grigoric oversight.

  He spoke to the black ink, “Is there journaling in this region here?”

  The black substance moved to and fro until it pulled back to one spot where Argoth was able to see through it.

  He studied the region and then eyed his present location the more. He took his ink-horn and placed it in the palm of his hand. “Retract” he said.

  Immediately the black liquid flowed into the container until it was seen no more and Argoth placed the ink-horn back within the folds of his robes.

  His pen then turned into a dagger and floated near his face and he spoke to it. “Take me to him.”

  Immediately the blade shot off into the sky and Argoth-Theta ascended into the air to follow.

  His hunt for his wayward brother had now begun.

  * * *

  Lilith-Theta noted Lucifer’s wound was slowly healing. “He will recover,” said Lilith. “But to your point earlier. I have given thought to your plan. Neither of us can portal the three of us to the gate.”

  Argoth sat on the grass floor of the jungle in which they dwelled, he lifted his knee and leaned upon it. “No,” he said. “But if we join our powers together, we can transport us to the gate.”

  Argoth then rose to his feet and turned his ear to the sky. “The wind whispers that we are not alone.”

  A swishing sound was heard and Argoth’s stylus instantly turned into a dagger and deflected what seemed like a blade that was but mere inches from his face. The angel backed up and Lilith also stood to his feet and his own stylus transformed into a dagger.

  Another swish sounded as if something was cutting through the air quickly and the object moved and a ghostly figure appeared from between the trees and spoke.

  “Thank you for speaking of your plan. I will see that Heaven is prepared to repel your advance.”

  Lilith cried out towards the figure. “Who goes there? And why do you sneak upon he who was appointed by the head of our House?”

  Argoth-Theta laughed then replied. “Greetings, Lilith. I am here by command of o
ur house. You are hereby accused to be in violation of Grigoric law and of giving sanctuary to a fugitive wanted by the Lumazi. You will surrender your tome or you will be redacted.”

  Argoth then looked at the cloaked figure and spoke in return. “He will not comply for he is under my protection. Leave us and I will not inflict harm upon you.”

  The Grigori looked up to gaze at Argoth. He eyed the angel and slowly lifted his hood to reveal his face and both angels could now clearly make out the features of the other. Each stared back at a face that was their own. Each one’s dagger poised to be unleashed. Each eyed one another in disbelief: disbelief until they both muttered one phrase aloud as they stood but five yards from the other.

  “In El’s name.”

  * * *

  Raphael entered Limbo expecting to see a host arrayed against him. Mentally prepared for battle, the head of House Grigori was armed to defend himself and set to find his lost friends. His tome buffered the realm against invasion, and it no longer resided within his chest. He was now bound by time. Limbo like Heaven was infinite, thus here was a realm where one could become lost; lost and unable to return to the shores of Heaven’s comfort and familiarity. For Limbo was the flotsam of Time and the cast off of decisions not made. In this realm eternity’s currents streamed and flowed through the land as storm surge; as the discarded choices of sentient beings now played out ad infinitum in Limbo. Here one could meet a version of oneself that was the remnant of a choice not made. Here in limbo, if not secured by an anchor one could potentially go… mad.

  Limbo was a dangerous realm made off limits by God. A causeway created to prevent travel to Aseir. A reminder by the Creator that choice was a gift. And if El so chose — a quality that could be withdrawn by the Lord. In Limbo, evil itself could be explored and made real. There were many in Heaven that were oblivious of what lived inside this domain.

  But Raphael knew.

  Raphael understood that there were choices from the Host that now clamored for escape. Knew that in this dimension choices were made alive and deliberated how they would take physical form and replace choices already made in the prime realm.

  Raphael was the seal of God’s knowledge. He knew all of angelic kind could not appreciate what Limbo was nor understand that it was the volitional septic tank of choices discarded; the land of predestination and the county that cradled the mystery that was free will.

  And here within the same he now clamored in the foggy murk that he might find and rescue his stranded friends. For Raphael moved through the dimness and cloudy land. Great ornate columns towered in the twilight; monoliths that testified to the work when El had built Heaven’s foundation. Here in this… wilderness could those choices that displeased El be released into the wasteland: a wilderness that led to several places. The Maelstrom, Aseir, and a nether realm of fire El had cordoned off even before he had placed barriers in the way to Aseir. A land lit in fire and brimstone: a volcanic region unknown to all but the Sephiroth. A place God had prepared; a breathing thing that seemingly was alive yet stood waiting for the call to be; waiting to be unleashed and crafted into something more. But for now it was buried deep in preservation for a future Raphael was unsure. The angel wondered if the burning lands of Aseir if ever unleashed would harm those not given authority to experience the heat from the living flame.

  And he realized that he did not desire to find out.

  Raphael floated onward and he could hear in the distance the roars of the Zoa.

  Heaven’s scavengers that fed off the discards of sentient choices: creatures that fed off… the Mists.

  Zoa were scavengers that ate all things discarded by Heaven: the consumers of all Heaven’s refuse. Their presence along with the Mists, and the ever changing landscape of Heaven made travel through Limbus perilous. After the Schism the Lord removed the barriers that kept the creatures at bay.

  Raphael quietly moved through Limbo looking for the echo of his friends. Reverberations of their journals would ping his tome. And like the vibrations of a spider’s web he was sensitive to the Grigoric heartbeat that resonated from the volumes of his people. It would take time, lack of interference from the Mists and Zoa, but they could be found and retrieved. Yet, the barrier he created in front of Jerahmeel would not hold forever. He only had so long before the barricade was destroyed and the Prime realm was open to Limbo.

  He lifted his hands above his eyes as dust and particulate matter flew into his face and a great wind rushed through the large cavern within which he flew.

  A crackle of energy erupted over head and a temporal storm appeared near the great caverns ceiling and powerful reality changing winds suddenly howled about him. Their gallop was such that the breeze entered crevices and the cut outs of walls made the grottos sing in a whistle like fashion. Raphael noted that even here in the depths of the basement of Heaven did Heaven carol of the glory of God. For within the depth of fog that ran the length of this dreary land. God’s power and majesty was still etched in each column and ran the length and breadth of the towering ceilings.

  Plasma burst all about him as lightning arced in crackling tentacles that stretched across both floor and ceiling. A major decision had taken place in the prime realm and the discarding of all others flowed into Limbo as sheets of torrential rain. The sparks of lightning scraped against the floor as a match-strike and ignited small fires; fires that created the creatures known as the Mists.

  Vaporous humanoid clouds rose from the ground, and as they rose; a female sounding shriek rose with them; blood-curdling screams of rage and anger that echoed from being discarded. Abandoned choices deposited in the land of Heaven that were now gaining life… and consciousness: a consciousness that was birthed in fire, pain, and screams.

  Mist-like beings that rose as a foggy army to understand they were the shed skin of those who were gifted with volition.

  Beings now awakened that turned their heads to see that a living creature of volition walked among their midst--- Raphael.

  Raphael stopped his advanced as he became slowly surrounded by the newly birthed clouds of anger. He kept himself still to not provoke the creatures, for the Mists were eager to possess and consume choice; to cause one to bend their will towards enslavement to sin.

  The temporal storm continued unabated. It’s fury untempered as it passed along the lid of the basement of Heaven. The circling tornadic gale continued to unleash a bevy of arc discharges that caged Raphael from advancing further even if he was so inclined.

  The temporal storm’s path made the ground and all about him appear then disappear. Each bolt that stuck the ground heaved stones into the air causing them to float. Boulders and granite platforms phased into existence then phased out again. Each boulder solidifying then vanishing in orbit around the ground where lightning struck.

  The storm continued its march across the paved stones and moved forward and it advanced deeper into the darkness; following a path that all the storms in this realm followed: a path towards the Nexus.

  The center of Limbus and the seat of Limbo’s god appointed ruler… Lotan.

  Lotan was the Mist King: the center of Limbo’s convergence and the prince assigned to this territory by El.

  The newly formed clouds of forsaken choices continued their formation and stood as a growing army of foggy infantry with yellow eyes.

  Each temporal bolt of the storm illuminated the giant columns that towered above. Bridges that crossed ancient and deep chasms collapsed as the localized typhoon passed overhead and its voltaic fury discharged lightning strikes in all directions. And with each blast the Mists were birthed and their screams echoed across the cavern.

  Raphael then understood why he had not encountered his perceived enemy; cognizant why none attacked him. He watched as the mists lifted their heads as if something moved in the darkness. None suddenly seemed to care for his presence as all suddenly began to disperse. Giant wings and tentacled creatures fell from the cavern above him. Roars that signaled that the Zoa
hunted and they inhaled the shrieking cries of the Mist. Raphael too began to fly away chasing after the storm he could still see in the dimness ahead of him: a storm that followed the drainage path through Limbo: a path that led to Lotan.

  Raphael scurried past giant tentacles that flailed about him: tentacles with gnashing mouths that inhaled the foggy humanoids into their large orifices. Raphael stayed solid resisting the urge to phase as a gas lest he too succumb to the vacuumed hungers of the beasts. The giant winged octopi seemed to ignore him; caught up in the frenzy that was the newly formed mists that scattered as antelope under attack from a pack of lions.

  Suddenly the air became charged and the sound of howling winds filled the immediate area and light flashed above his head and Raphael saw that another temporal storm now raged around him. Howls, voices and bolts of lightning flared out in all directions. The eye of the storm opened and he could see that all of house Grigori seemed to march into Limbo and at their head, Janus led them. A thunderbolt stuck behind him and Raphael turned to see that the Zoa had dispersed in fear of the storm. And those Mists not consumed by the Zoa were sucked up into the whirlwind of the storm and Raphael also looked to see where he could hide from the now constant bombardment of electrified limbs. Explosions ripped around him and instinctively he misted and in the same instant was struck by an arm of the storm.

  He cried out in agony as the current ripped through his body and the angel became paralyzed unable to move. Like a fly caught in a web he was suspended in a lattice of heated arcs that moved as spider legs across the cavern floor. Legs that corralled him and that prevented his escape: slowly the storm began to churn deeper into the cavern: the tempests trajectory now echoing the earlier cyclones that had come before.

  Temporal power ripped through his frame and he gritted his teeth in a vain attempt to endure the agony that now wracked his jerking and spasmodic body. Current flowed through his misted person and he felt himself being torn apart. Images and flashes of locales lined the wall of the ribbons of rain and flashes of settings were revealed to his eyes: squadrons of angels.


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