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Crossing Boundaries (Miles for Love Book 1)

Page 23

by Sandra Alex

  “*eyebrow lift* and I’ll finish you off, too…hard.”

  “Keep saying ‘hard’ and I’ll suggest we meet up for a nooner.”

  “….can you?”

  “I can if you can.” The texts stop for a minute, and I wonder if maybe he’s on his way to meet me at work or something.

  But then, “Sorry, baby. Our plan just got nixed. I’ll see you tonight…but thanks for giving me a hard-on at work *wink*. Love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  As I finish work later, I’m driving home, and my phone rings. The dash tells me that it’s Daniel. I pick up. “Hi,”

  “Hi, yourself.” His voice is silky.

  “So how did our nooner plan get nixed?”

  He draws in a deep breath. “Traffic accident. Nasty. It was all hands on deck for a couple of hours. But I’m ready now.”

  “Are you?” my voice is sultry.

  “For you…always.”

  “Are you hungry? Do you want to go out for dinner?”

  “Well…I’m hungry…but I don’t have any intentions of going out. What I have in mind requires no audience. Just me, you, lips, tongues, teeth, and my hands all over you.”

  “Lucky for you I already made a casserole. It just has to be warmed up.” I pause as he chuckles softly. “So, did you really have a hard-on earlier?”

  “When my lady makes promises like that…in writing…it has an effect on me.”

  “So if I tell you verbally what I want to do to you, it won’t have the same effect?”

  “Why don’t you enlighten me?”

  My thighs are getting damp. His voice is so sexy I want to die. He sounds horny as hell, matching my mood. I can’t wait to attack him the minute I see him. “Well, for starters, I’m going to kiss your lips until they’re swollen, and use my tongue, too.” I’m not great at the dirty talk, but I’ll give it a try.

  “My lips won’t be the only things that are swollen if you do that.”

  I chuckle in a sultry way, in keeping with the phone sex we’re enjoying. “Well, then, I’ll have to take care of that, too. You won’t mind if I unbutton your pants and take you in my mouth, will you?”

  He draws in a deep breath. “Wow,”

  I turn onto my street. “Well?”

  “Hard as a rock.”

  My house is in viewing distance. I can see Daniel standing in my driveway. “Wet as a Slip-n-Slide.” He sees me and I hang up. I watch him take a step towards my car, and I open the door. He inches his way in, grasping me by the waist, pulling me close to him. I can feel his hardness against my belly. The look he gives me is smouldering. “Well, you weren’t kidding.” I murmur as his face draws near mine.

  “I only say what I mean, baby.” His lips envelop mine as his arms snake up my back, making me weak in the knees. My hands are in his hair, taking him in, pulling him closer to me, as our noses press into each other’s cheeks. We’re crushed together in a kiss akin to that of two lovers who’ve been parted for months, years even. We don’t stop until a car blatantly honks its horn, and the passenger rolls down his window, uttering a lewd comment. Daniel’s lips lift from mine. “Let’s get in the house.” He manages, taking my hand in his. I close the car door and press the fob, locking it. Daniel stands behind me, using his index finger to pull the hair off my shoulder, as he inches his face into my neck, giving me full-mouth kisses.

  As the lock disengages, we step into the house and remove our shoes. I lock the door and he’s right behind me, giving me an inch of space to turn around and face him. I can feel his body heat against mine as he leans on the door with his hands, pressing my back against it, scanning my face as if it were a precious gift. Parting my legs with his knees, he rests his hardness on the perfect spot at the apex of my thighs, and shifts his pelvis, forcing me to feel it more.

  My eyes close and my lips part as I take in the contact, and he tilts his head, opening his mouth, slowly, painfully slowly, lowering his mouth onto mine. Inadvertently, a moan escapes from my throat, as I feel his tongue meet mine. It’s deep, slow, and so hot my breathing matches his; ragged and heavy. Gliding his lips over mine, our tongues dance together as his hand slides up the back of my shirt. Using one hand, he unhinges my bra by giving it a practiced squeeze, and I feel it loosen around me. With the same hand, he flattens his palm across my breast, and I take a deep breath in, taking in the contact.

  As my nipple beads against his touch, his lips lift from mine briefly, and he tilts his head in the other direction, dipping his tongue in deeper. Another moan escapes and he breathes a heavy sigh on my cheek. Lifting his lips off mine, his expression is smouldering, as he peels his shirt off and bends slightly, kissing the skin at my waist. While lifting my shirt with one hand on either side of my body, he slowly works his way up, sucking and dipping his tongue into my navel, and trailing kisses up my abdomen. When he reaches my bra area, he pulls my shirt over my head, removes my bra, and flattens his hands around my ribcage as he takes my nipple in, all the way to the areola, making my eyes roll into the back of my head.

  “God, Daniel…take me.” I beg breathlessly, losing myself.

  Pressing me against the door, his mouth is all over my chest; kissing, sucking, licking, making me pant and groan with need. It’s taking everything in me not to unzip my pants and ride him right here in my foyer. Finding strength, I grab the waistband of his pants and pull him, facing me, to the bedroom. As we reach the bed, I unzip his pants, pull them to the floor, and slide his underwear down. His cock is throbbing hard, pulsing already, and I don’t hesitate to stuff him all the way into my mouth as Daniel stands in front of me, facing the bed, and I sit on the bed, level with his cock.

  “Oh, Jesus.” He grunts as I feel his dick touch the back of my throat. My hand is already pumping the base as my tongue and lips work the shaft. “Christ, Kayla,” he breathes as I work fast. I want him so bad I can’t wait. He’s hissing and moaning as I take him all the way in to the hilt, sucking, pumping rhythmically, feeling his shaft turn to steel. His head is reared back and his hands are at his sides, chest heaving, as I work him up and down, sucking, pumping, taking him all the way in to the back of my throat as if it’s a race to see how fast I can make him come. In a way, it is.

  “Oh…God, Kayla…aaahhhh…” he mewls as I taste his salty pre-cum on my tongue. “Oh…baby…oh, I can’ t wait.” He grunts, lifting me by the waist, pushing me onto the bed in the wrong direction. Ten seconds later, my pants and underwear are on the floor and his face is buried in my folds, as he licks and sucks, driving me as crazy as I drove him a minute before. His tongue is battering my clit as he drives two fingers inside me, making me squirm and cry out loud.

  “Daniel!” I pant, squeezing air out of my lungs as my chest heaves. It sounds like I’m desperate, and I am. “God…Daniel…” I grunt, pinching my eyes shut tight. I’m climbing so fast, but I want to feel his rock hard cock in me so bad I can’t stand it. Grasping the sheets, I utter out an expletive, not recognizing the lust and need in my own voice. “Daniel…fuck me…now.”

  A second later, I feel his hands swiftly glide up the sides of my body as he drives into me, rocking his pelvis against mine so hard I’m glad I don’t have a headboard to contend with at this angle. His hands find mine as he interlaces our fingers, pulling both our hands over my head as he tilts up slightly, filling me completely, repeatedly, while the bed rocks as though we’re in the middle of an earthquake. We’re both breathless, panting, moaning, as Daniel’s rhythm picks up more and I feel my body quiver as my orgasm catches fast, igniting him, driving him over the edge with me.

  A panting, crying, squeaking, loud mess of sounds surrounds us as we simultaneously ride the waves of passion and pleasure together, until I splutter the last grunt, and Daniel rests his forehead on mine, while I feel our chests heave in unison, as if we’re one. “Holy…shit,” he pants. “Hands down,” more panting, “best sex I ever had.”

  I lick my lips and swallow. “Agreed. I’ve never ‘f�
�� bombed in bed before.”

  “I mean…I didn’t want to encourage that kind of language…” he teases.

  I make a pig noise with my nose. “It’s your fault.” I giggle.

  He releases my fingers from his and slides them on either side of me, giving me a warm embrace. “I will totally take the blame.”

  We both take a cleansing breath and chuckle at each other. “I spoke with Heather earlier.”

  “Oh yeah? What’s up with her?” he asks conversationally. It’s kind of weird talking casually when he’s still inside me.

  “I bounced an idea off her.”

  He kisses me chastely. “I’m guessing it’s about us moving in together.”


  “And?” another kiss.

  “She told me to go for it.”

  “I like this Heather girl…we should invite her over more often.”

  I grin. “You’re so cute.”

  He mirrors my grin. “I love that smile.” Another kiss, “Did you arrive at a decision yet?”

  “I think so.”

  “Since you brought it up, and you’re not pre-empting, I’m going to take a risk and say that you’ve decided to move in with me.”

  I nod and he smiles, kissing me softly, slowly, once, twice, half a dozen times, and then his face turns blank just as he’s about to lift off me. “What’s wrong?”

  He tilts his head sideways, not looking at me. “Oh, man…we forgot to use a condom.” He rakes a hand through his hair, looking a little anxious.

  My mouth forms a small ‘o’. “Oh, shit…I guess we were a little…distracted.”

  Eying the tissue box on my nightstand, he inches his way to reach it, handing me a handful of tissues before pulling out of me. A minute later, we’re snuggling in bed. Daniel’s hand skates over my abdomen. “Chances are I can’t get pregnant anyway, Daniel. I wouldn’t worry too much about it, unless you’re fearing STDs or something.”

  “Nah, I just don’t want anything to ruin your future, you know? A baby right now would definitely throw a wrench in things for you.”

  “Well, people figure out ways all the time, baby. Besides, like I said, I probably can’t have kids, anyway.”

  “I’m pretty sure I’m very fertile.” He chuckles with little mirth. I feel like he feels guilty. Like he’s blaming himself for being careless, and he feels bad that we took a risk.

  “Why don’t I go on the pill?”

  His face goes blank. “No. No way. I don’t want you taking anything.” He cuts the air with his hand for emphasis. “That stuff kills the mood, too. Plus, I don’t like the risk.” He pauses. “We just have to be more careful, and pray to God that none of my swimmers makes it to one of your eggs. Can I ask you something personal?”

  “Of course.”

  “What day are you in your cycle?”

  “Right at the end. In fact, it’s good that we took care of business now, because it’s on its way.”

  He nods, satisfied, and kisses me. “Good.”

  “How’s your sister doing?”

  Just as I ask, Daniel’s phone rings from inside his pants pocket. “Sorry,” he says, bending over me to grab his pants. He’s on top of me and takes advantage by kissing my chest. When he picks up his phone, he’s kissing me at the same time. “It’s my mom.” He says to me before answering. “Hey, mom.”

  His smile fades as he listens to his mother. “Okay, I’ll be right there.”

  He hangs up and turns all business, lifting off me and getting dressed.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Get dressed, babe. We gotta go.” He says, pulling his underwear up.

  “What happened? Is it your dad?”

  “No, it’s Mallorie.” He says without looking at me. “She was rushed into the hospital.”

  I say nothing but start dressing fast. The next five hours change my life forever.

  Chapter 29


  It went from the best sex of my life to the second worst night of my life before I could blink. The worst night of my life was when my dad had his stroke. We thought we would lose him. In fact, it wasn’t until diagnostics came back showing that he’d had only a minor stroke, that we thought he had any hope. Days and nights in Afghanistan come close, but nothing pulls at the heartstrings more than when someone you love is in danger.

  Mallorie is pale as a sheet when we arrive in her hospital room. When I see my mom at her bedside, I see a side of mom that I haven’t seen since her breakdown. Her obstetrician hat is on, clearly, as she’s over the nurse’s shoulder, inspecting all the gauges and monitors. I have to pull mom aside, because she seems like she’s about to pounce on the nurse. “Daniel, it’s taking too long for them to figure out what’s going on.” Mom stipulates.

  “What happened?” I ask under my breath, out of earshot from Mallorie.

  “She started swelling up; her hands and face. Thank God dad and I were home. You know Mallorie, she’d slough it off.”

  A ‘v’ forms between my brows. “I doubt it, mom. I mean, she’s pregnant. Mallorie wouldn’t take that lightly.”

  Mom ignores my statement. “Well, at any rate, it looks like pre-eclampsia. Especially at thirty-five weeks. I’ve been noticing that she’s put on some weight in the last few days, too. Classic pre-eclampsia.”

  “So we get her medication and keep her off her feet.” My arms are crossed over my chest. Kayla is with dad, chatting off to the side of Mallorie’s bed. Mallorie looks exhausted.

  “Exactly. If the doctor has any sense at all, he’ll keep her here under observation.” She tells me Mallorie’s current blood pressure reading. “If she goes any higher, she may have to deliver.”

  I nod. Kayla looks over my way and I give her a casual wink. She gives me a tight smile in return. God, I love this woman. Walking over to her, I slide my hand around her waist. “I hope dad’s not filling your head with anything bad about me.”

  She smiles. Dad looks at me. “That would be funny if I had anything bad about you to tell her.” he says. “It’s my other three boys I have to worry about.”

  “Don’t worry, dad. Tyler and Grant will be home next week. You’ll have plenty of material to share.” I say.

  “I get enough flack from Christopher at any rate.” Dad grumbles. “You know he’d rather sleep on the floor in an uninsulated box than stay with family? It’s no wonder you kicked him out, Daniel. You know he isn’t even coming to see your sister?”

  Glossing over dad’s comment, I turn to Mallorie. “How do you feel, chum?”

  “Like I’m eight months pregnant.” She says, not hiding the contention in her voice.

  “That’ll teach you.” I say, and then I bite back, seeing as Kayla and I just finished having unprotected sex not two hours ago.

  Mallorie ignores my comment and turns to dad. “Dad, you look tired. Why don’t you and mom head home? Daniel and Kayla can keep me company.”

  “I’m not leaving until they get your medication.” Mom stipulates.

  “Mom, I can take care of that.” I say, growing impatient, until Kayla hooks her thumb in the waistband of my jeans, pulling me closer to her. I rest my arm over her shoulder. Mom glances at Kayla and I and takes a step towards me, kissing my cheek.

  “You’re right, dear. You can handle this.”

  “Sure. Get dad home to bed. The last thing we need is two medical emergencies at the same time.”

  Mom kisses Mallorie on the cheek before hooking her arm into dad’s, not only to lend him physical support, but to rest her head on his upper arm. As they leave, I aim a thumb towards them and address Mallorie. “Geez, mom’s really clinging to dad lately. I haven’t seen her like that since before her breakdown.”

  “She really got down to business with the doctors, too.” Mallorie says. “Truth be told; I wanted to get them out of here. I need to talk to you about something, Daniel.”

  “Oh, I’ll give you two some privacy.” Kayla says, taking the hint.

nbsp; “No, no...actually, I’d like a woman’s opinion, too.” Mallorie says, waving.

  My hand finds Kayla’s as my sister starts. “Brent, the father of the baby, he’s been in touch with me.”

  “Is he still overseas?” I ask.

  “No, he’s back. He found me through a mutual friend. Anyway, he wants to see me, and I don’t know what to do.”

  “Well, how do you feel about him?” I ask.

  “I know him only casually. I mean, he’s way higher up in ranks than I am, and I think that’s why he steered clear of me while we were in combat after I got pregnant. He was embarrassed…it’s kind of a cliquey thing out there; kind of like a government official getting involved with a taxi driver, you know?”

  We’re both silent, listening.

  “Anyway, I feel reluctant to see him. Especially looking like a whale.”

  “You’re carrying his baby, Mallorie. I hardly think he’s going to hold your appearance against you.” Kayla points out. “Besides, you don’t look like a whale.”

  “I feel like one.”

  “That’s because you’re swollen, Mal.” I rub her arm. “Believe me, you don’t look bad at all.”

  “So, what do I do?” Mallorie prompts.

  “I think you should give him the benefit of the doubt, personally.” I say.

  “Yeah, I mean, for all you know the guy had some other issues to contend with first. Maybe his standoffishness had nothing to do with you at all.” Kayla says. “You won’t know until you see him.”

  She nods, satisfied. “Okay.”

  “Have you been stressing over this? How long ago did he make contact with you?” I ask.

  “No, I’ve not been stressing over it. Brent only came home last week. I heard from him three days ago. I just haven’t called him back. Darcy, our friend, called me this morning saying that he’s been looking for me.”

  “So, call him.” I say. “Find out what he wants.”

  Kayla places a hand on her arm. “But if something doesn’t feel right, end it. You’ve got enough to deal with. Plus, I’m not sure,” she looks at me with honest, dinner plate shaped eyes that tear at my heartstrings, “but I think stress makes what you have worse.”


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