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Rise of the Wolves

Page 20

by J E Reed

  Scorpios held out his hand and Vixin approached as if she were a cornered animal. Scorpios unlocked the first then the second restraint and she rubbed her bruised wrists.

  “Am I free to go?”

  “Where to?” Elite asked.

  “Well, back home, where else?”

  “To keep stealing?”

  Vixin paused and looked toward the guards who blocked her exit. “You want me to come with you?”

  “I can ensure your debt is paid. If you decide you don’t like my home, you’ll be free to leave.”

  Vixin stepped around Scorpios. She studied him, then Elite, and finally the guards. “Do I have your word? That I can leave if I choose?”

  “Yes, but you have to at least give it a shot.”

  Vixin crossed her arms. “Fine. Can we eat now?”

  Scorpios chuckled and led the way. Vixin jumped at the guards in passing and they recoiled. She smirked, but Elite didn’t reprimand her. They ascended the stairs and Elite wondered if living in the wild had made her feral or if she’d always been this keen on causing trouble.

  They followed Scorpios down two main halls and passed several who eyed Vixin with confusion and hostility. She met their gazes with defiance.

  Upon entering a simple, yet comfortable room, exhaustion hit Elite like a tidal wave, and he crumbled in a chair. The stress and weight of the last week crashed over his body. Vixin picked at the fruit on a table and demanded a bath.

  Elite ran his hand over his face and prepared for the worst. “What’s become of my wife?”

  Scorpios sighed and sat in the chair across from him. He rested his elbows on his knees and clasped his hands. “She’s in the sixth realm.”

  Adrenaline shot through Elite’s body. “Why?” Of all the places she could go.

  “Before you panic, know it was an organized plan. She went with the scouts to scope the area.”

  “But why? Why send her somewhere—”

  “Not long after you fell the faction of people responsible attacked our castle. Despite her distraught state, Kiuno acted. We won, but after the battle she locked herself in your room and refused to eat or communicate.

  “K.J. approached me about the idea after he found her wandering the courtyard in the middle of the night. He said she needed a distraction.”

  “Sounds like he pawned her off. You don’t send someone unstable on a mission that could get them killed.”

  Scorpios’s eyes flashed. “And you don’t keep a ticking bomb near innocent people. I had my doubts just as you, but after considering the options, I agreed. Maltack and Reece accompanied her.”

  Elite sat back, his heart slowing. “I need to find to her.”

  “I know, but if I let you go alone and something really does kill you, she’d never forgive me.”

  “How long do you need?”

  “A few days at most. I’ll tell them an emergency has come up. Leena will understand once I tell her it’s about Kiuno. She’s fond of her.”

  Vixin emitted a loud yawn and crossed the room. “Glad to hear you’ll get a fairy tale ending, but when can I take that bath?”

  41: Love & Loss

  Realm: 6

  Day: 317

  Kiuno tilted her head back and let the warm rays of sunlight soak into her skin. They padded up a steep slope, each step shortening the path toward freedom. Milo had found their exit, just as Cybele promised.

  Kiuno shook the dampness from her bones. She’d never go underground again. Not if her life depended on it.

  After their incident with the Kiuno look alike, she and Reece had alerted the others to the danger. They’d crowded around the fire, hoping the light would ward off anything else lurking in the darkness.

  At first, she thought it to be a hollow, but Cybele said she’d never seen the hollows melt into the floor. She’d also never seen one imitate the living, though the dead weren’t uncommon.

  Great. As if they needed to add zombies to their mixture of problems.

  Reece climbed the last few feet then helped Kiuno to the surface. She collapsed on the ground, not caring that rocks and thorns bit into her skin. It was light, warmth, and sunshine. Things she’d missed while trapped in the dark labyrinth.

  Kiuno’s stomach growled and a dull ache pulsed at the base of her skull. Their food had been lost during their tumble and without light finding anything to consume had been a wasted effort.

  Kiuno tilted her head. Milo seemed the happiest of their lot. He rolled in the grass, leapt through the air, and twisted his wings as he danced around Cybele. Once he finished, Cybele climbed on his back and took to the sky.

  Kiuno wondered how far they’d wandered from the plateau. Her heart skipped. Without provisions they’d head back to the fifth realm and to everything she’d been trying to run away from.

  Thomas, one of their surviving companions, announced his find of water. Kiuno groaned and rolled to her feet. A tiny spring leaked down into the cavernous pit below. She waited her turn and sucked down the liquid before washing the sweat from her arms and face.

  Kiuno stood and shook the droplets from her body then Reece circled his arms around her torso from behind. She stiffened and he rested his head on her shoulder.

  They were heading home. What would she tell the others about his advances and her reactions to it?


  He spun her around and silenced her with a gentle kiss. Kiuno’s heart raced as she still fought with whether she wanted him. Maybe it was all wrong, but she longed for the contact and comfort. The only problem was Reece longing for so much more.

  “I already told you, I’ll be whatever you need. If you need time when we get back to the fifth, I’ll back off. If you want to stay while I head back to check on Nsane, then you can stay.”

  Kiuno sighed and leaned her forehead against his chest. She still had a lot to think about. She’d set out to find herself, but had she started to build that self around another person? Was she incapable of finding her life without another as her guide?

  “I still don’t think it’s fair.”

  “And I’ll still tell you to let me worry about it.”

  Cybele landed. “Good news. I can see the platform. The tunnels connected us right back to where we started.” She pointed up and Kiuno tilted her head to the circling felinians above. “I brought your rides.”

  The creatures flew in one by one and landed on the ground before Cybele and Milo. They nuzzled Cybele and she greeted them with similar affection.

  Kiuno groaned as Reece boosted her up and strapped in one leg. She leaned down to strap in the other, then he joined behind and secured himself.

  Lifting from the ground wasn’t nearly as smooth as diving from the cliff. The animals required a running start with the weight, and she gripped the saddle as their wings unfurled and pumped vigorously to gain altitude.

  Reece wrapped one arm around her middle and it distracted her from the fear. His free hand rested on her thigh and Kiuno’s mind floated back to their kiss. It always seemed like he knew when to push. Almost as though he cradled her soul, caring for its every need.

  Was he part of her future or was he just a temporary bandage to her damaged heart? Kiuno tried to let the breeze carry her mind away, but Reece shifted his hand and brought her back to the present.

  Reece wanted to make a life here. In a world that had taken so much from her, but Kiuno wasn’t sure she could do that. There were still four realms to go. Who knew what the future could bring and who might still be alive in the end? She could decide later.

  After landing on the platform and unbuckling herself from the saddle, Kiuno passed through the icy portal and entered the fifth realm. Her heart tugged as she followed everyone from the mountainside and into the felinians’ domain.

  Cybele danced over to them as though she hadn’t just gone through a jungle and fought for her life. “Lunch is almost ready. Why don’t you join us?”

  Kiuno’s stomach growled.

e reached for her hand, but Kiuno recoiled. She stood beneath the cover of trees and gazed at the people gathered around their cooking fires. They laughed, likely telling stories of days long past. Nikita lay at Jim’s side, the two finally comfortable among Cybele’s people.

  “You should at least eat something,” Reece said. He furrowed his brow when she didn’t respond.

  How could she? She wasn’t ready to go back to them yet. Kiuno didn’t want to see Blue and Silver’s smiling faces as they drank around a table. She didn’t want to see Maltack or Liam grimace as they choked down drinks and their friends laughed. She didn’t want to see Scorpios smirk from the table right before being pulled into their playful banter. She didn’t want to see K.J. and answer questions regarding her wellbeing.

  Her breathing hitched.

  Reece stepped in front of her line of vision and Kiuno blinked a few times not realizing the tears that had formed.

  “You don’t have to go back you know.”

  Her lips parted as she stared into sea green eyes full of concern and—no, not yet. She couldn’t recognize that feeling yet.

  Reece took her hand. “But you do have to eat.”

  Reece led her through the crowd of people and took a bowl for each of them before seating himself on the outskirts of the mass.

  Some felinians lay beside humans they’d grown close to while the majority went about their day without regard to the people in their midst.

  Kiuno finished her meal quickly, then picked up a gray feather from the ground. She twirled it between her fingers.

  “I want to go back.”

  Reece sat his bowl down.

  “Only to see if they’re all right. After that,” she looked at him, “I think I’d like to go with you.”

  A wide smile spread across Reece’s face. “I’d like that.” He draped an arm around her shoulder and she leaned against his body. They watched the young felinians play in the clearing.

  His breathing. His posture. The way she fit against him. Somehow it all felt wrong.


  THEY SLEPT beside a warm fire that night and Cybele offered to fly them to the castle the following morning. None objected.

  Just as before, Reece helped strap her in and settled himself behind her. The last time they’d flown to K.J.’s together had been to decimate their enemies. Now she was heading there to say goodbye.

  She didn’t know how long it’d take or what challenges might arise in their future, but she knew she’d always have an ally in K.J. and that alone comforted her. The others would be okay in his care.

  Memories flooded through her as the walls came into view. She glanced toward Maltack and caught him staring. He smiled, probably excited to see Palindrome. If Kiuno returned to the sixth realm, she wouldn’t ask Maltack to accompany her again. His place was here.

  The felinians roared to announce their arrival and circled above the inner wall before landing beside the castle keep. Those by the stairs scattered toward the buildings. Some grabbed weapons, but when the alarm didn’t sound, they kept their distance.

  K.J. and Palindrome stood beside the keep talking to Scorpios. Kiuno struggled with the clasps, but once she’d freed herself, she ran to embrace her friend.

  Scorpios opened his arms and she circled her hands around his back. “It hasn’t been that long, has it?” Scorpios pulled back and looked her over. “I hope everything went well?”

  “It was miserable,” Reece said from behind.

  “I’d like to say he’s exaggerating,” she added then turned to K.J. “It’ll be hard getting everyone through.”

  K.J. said, “I didn’t expect it to be easy, but we’ll talk about that in a minute.”

  She tilted her head. K.J. wasn’t normally one to wait for information.

  Kiuno looked from one person to another. She spotted Silver with a big grin plastered across his face then turned to Blue who carried a similar expression.

  “What?” she asked.

  Her friends parted and Kiuno was running before she even registered she’d moved.


  A STRANGE feeling rooted itself in Reece’s gut as he observed their smiling faces. Many welcomed him back, but Kiuno carried the weight of their stares. She felt it too and appeared wary as she tried to piece together the unknown.

  His heart raced. They weren’t acting right. They didn’t display the sympathetic glances that had seen her off. They didn’t step lightly, tiptoeing as if they feared her reactions.

  When Kiuno ran, Reece’s world split in two.

  Kiuno jumped into the man’s embrace without a moment’s hesitation. She clutched his neck, words flying between them Reece wasn’t privy to. They held one another, the world and those in it forgotten. Her friends clapped and cheered, but he stood frozen.

  Elite was alive.

  Cybele joined him, watching the rendezvous with little interest. “I don’t imagine this was in your plan.”

  No. It wasn’t, but in the weeks he’d spent with her, that smile had never crossed her face. Not once. He’d managed a few small ones, but what she did now touched her soul. A smile that told him he’d never had a chance from the start.

  Reece smirked and dropped his head, trying to steady his racing heart. “As long as she’s happy.”

  I’ll be whatever you need. Who knew a promise could be so heavy?


  KIUNO PRAYED she wasn’t dreaming. She kissed him again, relishing the taste and feel of his familiar lips and touch. Her body molded against his frame, fitting like a perfect glove. She cried and laughed, unable to contain herself as she pressed her forehead against the other piece of her soul.

  She’d died. That was the only way to describe planning a life without him. She’d died and tried to live in the echo of pictures floating through a lake of despair.

  Elite pulled her into another kiss before they turned to acknowledge the sea of smiling faces.

  Kiuno’s heart skipped when her eyes locked with Reece’s. He wasn’t cheering like the others. He wasn’t congratulating Elite’s return and why would he? Kiuno’s heart ached but Reece tilted his head and a lazy smile appeared on his face. He gave her what she needed. Afterall, that’s what he’d promised.

  Blue hugged them, breaking her eye contact and she returned the gesture. She kept a firm hold on Elite’s hand and tried to search for Reece again. His back retreated toward the gate.

  Where was he going?

  Kiuno planted a kiss on Elite’s face and though she hated it, Kiuno forced herself to separate, leaving him to deal with the crowd as she fought her way out.

  Kiuno ran for Reece, catching up as he tugged at the latches on a felinian’s saddle. “You’re leaving already?”

  He paused, but resumed pulling, though there wasn’t anything to adjust. “I’ve been away from Nsane too long. It’s time to get back.”

  “You ought to stay and rest, at least for a little while.”

  Reece let out a long sigh and rested his hands on the animal. “I can’t stay and watch you love him.” Her heart tightened. “I had a chance. I let myself believe.” Reece turned, but instead of looking at her, he looked behind. At Elite and those surrounding him.

  “If I stay—” He shook his head.

  “I’m sorry.” Her voice cracked, and Reece pulled her into his chest.

  “Don’t do that. Don’t cry anymore.”

  She sniffed and swallowed hard. “I feel like if you leave, I’ll never see you again.”

  Reece pulled back and gave her a crooked grin. “Have a little faith, will ya?”

  She choked out a smile and he wiped away the tears. Reece leaned forward and planted a kiss on her forehead, lingering a moment too long. He squeezed her shoulders. “Keep me in the loop of things?”

  Kiuno nodded, and he jumped in the saddle. Cybele joined him, and they took flight, catching everyone’s attention. Kiuno wiped the tears from her eyes and startled when Elite wrapped an arm over her shoulder.

no turned into Elite, resting her head on his chest for a moment before meeting his gaze. His brow furrowed and a million questions raced to the forefront of her thoughts.

  “What happened to you?” she asked.

  “I fell and someone saved me.”

  “But where did you go?”

  His face fell. “I was unconscious for two days. The rocks trapped us under the mountain.” Kiuno’s gaze trailed up and down his form, but Elite cupped her face. “I’m fine now. I promise I’ll tell you everything later.”

  K.J. pushed through the crowd. “I don’t mean to interrupt, but I think we have a few things to go over before you two disappear.”

  Debriefing. Better to get it out of the way.

  Kiuno, Elite, Maltack, and the two remaining survivors in their party followed K.J. and Palindrome up the stairs, down a hall, and through the large double doors that led to K.J.’s office.

  Kiuno seated herself at the table and Elite wrapped his hand in hers. She stared at their interlaced fingers and wondered when the dream would end. She imagined herself flung back into the jungle with all the chaos to add to her aching heart. It still throbbed. Even now as Elite sat by her side, Kiuno’s heart bled.

  Maltack helped unfurl the parchment and set a weight at each corner. Or what was left of the corners. Wet patches had splotched the ink causing it to run along the creases. A large tear ran through the upper middle and the lower left corner had been charred.

  “Looks like you had quite the adventure.” K.J.’s gaze fell to the chairs that should have been occupied by their fallen comrades. “Tell me what happened.”

  Kiuno recounted the details but left out anything involving her and Reece. She told them of the creatures in the forest and their immunity to fire. She detailed the white cavern grubs and their loss of good men and finally the woman who’d taken on her identity. Once again Kiuno omitted the part about Reece.

  K.J. was silent as he looked over the details on the parchment. “There’s still a lot of land to trek through. I think the cave might be a good place to stop along the way, but it sounds like we need to eliminate some threats first.” K.J. crossed his arms. “Reece and Cybele seemed to be in a hurry.”


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