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Rise of the Wolves

Page 32

by J E Reed

  Kiuno glanced up into the glaring sun and shielded her eyes. Her exposed skin warmed.

  “The heat complicates things,” Silver said. He took a swig from his water pouch.

  Elite wiped sweat dotting his brow. “We’ll need to keep an eye on the animals. They weren’t made for this kind of environment.”

  The last of their men filed into the sixth realm, night descended, and Kiuno collapsed by a fire. Daytime had brought with it insufferable heat, but without the sun a chill swept over the sand and Kiuno shivered.

  Tomorrow she’d find K.J. and while Palindrome hadn’t seemed to blame her, he still might. Perhaps with Palindrome’s help Kiuno could convince K.J. of the truth.

  Elite sat beside her, tugging at his gloves. “The scouts are ready to leave with first light.”

  “Good.” Kiuno watched the flames dance then Elite pulled her to lie back with him.

  “Stop worrying.”

  “I can’t. What if we don’t find them alive?”

  “K.J. knows what’s out there and you got here as fast as you could.”

  Kiuno fell silent and curled into Elite. She played with the string on his shirt. “What happens if we encounter Reece?”

  Elite stiffened beside her and Kiuno closed her mouth. They hadn’t discussed anything Reece mentioned from the torture chamber. She wondered if the thought of her murdering another bothered Elite, but if she had to guess, her make-out session bothered him more.

  “Then you’ll use your best judgement to do what’s right. If you think we can save him, then I’ll help you try, but you need to prepare for the alternative.”

  She knew that, but when it came time to swing her blade, Kiuno wasn’t sure she’d have the strength.


  KIUNO WOKE with dawn and paced the camp while they waited for news. She glanced over the horizon and her heart skipped at the sign of smoke.

  Their scout arrived soon after.

  “We found them.” The man dropped from his horse and unwound the cloth from his face. “They’re a short ride through the sand, but I think they’re under siege. I don’t know how many.”

  Kiuno’s head shot toward the area with smoke rising fast.

  She took off at a run and grabbed Elite’s arm in passing. “Get the men ready.”

  He clutched her forearm and spun her back. “Where are you going?”

  “K.J.” She pointed.

  Elite pulled her in, kissed her lips, then whispered, “Be careful.”

  He released his hold and Kiuno ran for her sword. She fastened it to her belt, swung into a horse’s saddle, and kicked it hard.

  The animal spurred forward and she gripped the reins as it weaved around the men and obstacles in their camp.

  The heat of the day rose fast. Kiuno’s heart thundered with the horse’s hooves and she spurred it on.

  Her skin bristled as she neared.

  A mass of bodies poured from the jungle’s trees and men huddled behind trenches while magic sparked and flew in all directions.

  She jumped from the horse and the creature took off in the opposite direction. Men shouted orders over the roar of clashing steel and growling beasts. Kiuno disappeared in their line of troops, unnoticed by those struggling to contain the ambush.

  She shoved her way toward the front, pumping her legs as hard as they would go. Kiuno crashed into an individual, muttered an apology, and kept running.

  He’d brought more people than she’d realized, and Kiuno prayed it would be enough to hold until the others arrived.

  If they arrived.

  The shields sparked and wavered. Droplets of water ran down the dome and glistened in the sunlight. Those with offensive abilities launched their counterstrikes. Spearmen sank the tips of their weapons into any foe able to penetrate the magic users’ attacks.

  Kiuno didn’t pause. She jumped the trench, spiraled flames around her body, and burst through the first line of enemies. Kiuno tugged at the flames again and used their force to knock the creatures off balance.

  She summoned the lightning. The barriers would protect her allies.

  Men and women alike screamed for her to return to safety, but she ignored them and let lightning rip from her core.

  The screams faded as roars of pain filled her ears. Seared flesh burned her nose, but just like their last fight, the monsters didn’t cower.

  Kiuno steeled herself and tugged at another bolt and sent it ripping through their enemy. She only needed to keep it up long enough for K.J.’s forces to get themselves in order. Elite and the others would arrive soon.

  Those with advanced abilities joined her, protecting one another in waves of magic that rivaled her own. Kiuno let the bolts shift to flame, but it raged beneath her control.

  A rough hand grabbed her wrist and she allowed the individual to pull her away from the main part of the battle. They weren’t willing to sacrifice anyone. That was Palindrome’s teaching.

  Kiuno collapsed, struggling to catch her breath as a healer looked her over and stitched a wound on her arm she hadn’t realized was there.

  “Take a breath, we got it.” The woman jumped past her and Kiuno followed with her eyes. A shimmering bubble of magic ricocheted their enemy’s attack. They had it for now, but for how long? Leena would come, but Kiuno had no way of knowing when.


  Her head snapped around at K.J’s voice.

  69: Reece

  Realm: 6

  Day: 384

  Reece hated this. Hated every minute of control the creator poured into him. He longed for his freedom, but that seemed to rest on someone else. Perhaps Kiuno, if she could forgive him after this. If she could find it within herself to help dig this jewel out of his arm despite the pain he’d caused.

  Reece prayed she wouldn’t come, but as the hordes assaulted K.J.’s army, he saw hers on the horizon. He had to fight. As himself no less. It would be easier to blame the jewel, but the creator had done something to suppress it.

  He wanted to teach Reece a lesson. He wanted Reece to feel the guilt of his actions so that he’d never want to show his face again. So he’d relent.

  Reece clenched his jaw. He didn’t have a choice. Marci’s life was on the line and he wouldn’t put Nsane through that loss. Not after seeing his face when she’d been threatened.

  Reece took a breath and descended, running among the monsters as their leader and as much a vile creature himself.

  70: Friends

  Realm: 6

  Day: 384

  K.J.’s gaze shifted from her to the field. “What are you doing here?”

  Kiuno stood. “Hoping to right wrongs.” Calls of warning echoed from the rear and they both turned. “They’re with me.”

  Silence echoed between them as the sounds of battle raged.

  She took a step forward. “I swear I’m here to help.”

  He smirked. “Save your apologies for later. This is going to be one hell of a ride.”

  The line broke. Shouts of warning followed. Those manning the front sank their spear tips into thick hide and magic converged in flashing sparks.

  Kiuno drew her sword and glanced at K.J. He unsheathed two blades then darted toward the fray. She followed. Kiuno’s battle cry echoed in her ears as she brought her blade down upon a hollow’s arm. Fire flew toward her face and she raised one hand to block it.

  Kiuno pivoted when an axe flew toward her shoulder and shoved her weapon through her attacker’s gut. Crazed eyes locked with hers and it smiled. Kiuno pulled a dagger from her belt and planted it in the hollow’s throat. It gurgled and fell.

  The enemies converged and K.J. grabbed her wrist, pulling Kiuno toward him. His blade sank into an enemy at her rear. Kiuno planted her feet and returned the favor as the fangs of a reptilian threatened to sink into his shoulder.

  Kiuno didn’t know why K.J. had changed his mind and truthfully, it didn’t matter in the present moment. Perhaps Palindrome had gotten through or maybe her being here was enou
gh to prove her innocence. Whatever it was, she was glad to have him guarding her back.

  A roar echoed overhead and Kiuno followed the multicolored wings as they swooped down on their enemies. The felinians landed and sank their teeth into monsters that had broken through their defenses.

  Good, Cybele had gotten the message.

  Maltack and Cybele jumped from Milo’s back. Cybele swung her spear and the wild woman joined the fray with her creature at her side. The two tore through their enemies like wildfire in an open plain.

  Kiuno glanced toward their rear. Now if only the others followed. She bit her lip. Perhaps she’d made a mistake. Maybe she should have taken command of their armies and led them herself. Afterall, cowards remained cowards. She prayed they proved her wrong.

  A hand wrapped around her ankle and Kiuno planted her free foot beneath a jaw. The hollow’s half body rolled across the ground and stopped on its back. Blood poured from the missing waist and pieces of flesh dragged as the creature rotated itself and crawled toward her again.

  A shiver ran down her spine. Chirping sounded to her right and Kiuno pivoted, yanking her sword around. She wrapped the blade in flames and sliced at the creature’s torso. It screeched and recoiled.

  K.J’s body slammed into hers and Kiuno hit the ground. Monsters swarmed, but she summoned the flames and burst them in a tight ball to knock the creatures back.

  Her eyes locked on K.J. then her blood shifted to ice.

  Blood dripped from a puncture wound in his side. Kiuno traced the green vine with her eyes to find Reece on the other end.

  Fear raced through her blood and Kiuno scrambled to her feet and charged Reece. She wanted to save him, but Kiuno wasn’t about to let him kill anyone else.

  Her flames collided with a barrier and their swords clashed. Reece’s step faltered. Kiuno grit her teeth and shoved. The flames wrapped around them both and the surrounding creatures shrieked, but the fire didn’t touch Reece.

  Reece didn’t smile, nor did he mock her efforts. If anything, he looked normal.


  He grimaced. “I’m sorry Ki.”

  Reece shoved her to the side and made another pass at K.J. She grabbed his shoulder and slammed her elbow into his back knocking them both off balance.

  Kiuno struggled for dominance. “Sorry? That’s all you have to say?”

  He planted his fist in her solar plexus, locked one leg around her own and pivoted to pin her body beneath his. “I don’t have a choice.”

  Her hands heated and Kiuno tightened her grip on his wrists. He winced and tried to pull away.

  “You always have a choice.” She kneed him in the groin and sent him rolling.

  Reece struggled for breath. “You’re right and someone else’s life is on the line.”

  His gaze flicked toward K.J. again and hers followed. K.J. struggled against a hollow and reptilian, keeping his distance from one while striking the other.

  Kiuno stumbled to her feet. “You can’t kill one person to save another.”

  He rose and stared at her with weary eyes. Plants grew at his feet, then shot past her body. Kiuno’s heart burst with fear and lightning cracked from her center. It raced toward Reece before she could reel it back.

  Reece hit the ground and tears stung her eyes. She tried to run after him, but creatures swarmed his body before she could assess the damage.

  Kiuno’s gaze swiveled back to K.J. The blood from his wound dripped down his shirt, but he didn’t stop fighting.

  Kiuno lifted her sword to block another hollow then closed the distance between her and K.J. The two backed themselves toward a group of magic users and retreated into their circle to catch their breaths.

  Another scream.

  Another break in their defense.

  Kiuno grit her teeth as she used everything Scorpios, Elliott, and Kikyo had taught her to keep herself alive. Slash, break, plunge, repeat.

  Another deep gash in K.J.’s arm had her cursing.

  Kiuno grabbed a magic user and shoved him toward K.J.


  He obeyed without hesitation and Kiuno let the flames take over. They crawled across the ground like serpents and consumed the enemies who’d penetrated their line.

  The magic users regained the upper hand and Kiuno turned to find Maltack working on K.J.’s injuries.

  She dropped to one knee beside them.

  “This is bad.”

  K.J. struggled, pulling at breath as though he were suffocating.

  The battle echoed and Kiuno’s gaze darted between the injured and those still fighting. They couldn’t hold this much longer. Where was Leena?

  “I need Palindrome.” Maltack moved his hand away and looked out across the battlefield.

  Kiuno’s heart jolted. “What does that mean?”

  Maltack went back to work on K.J, but Kiuno focused on K.J.’s breathing and the sweat pouring from his brow.

  “Maltack what does that mean?”

  “I can’t fix this.”

  Kiuno’s heart skipped and she surveyed the field then dropped to K.J.’s level. “Where’s Palin?”

  He took a few shaky breaths. “Center. Healers.”

  “Keep them off us, Mal.” Kiuno wrapped K.J.’s arm around her shoulder and pulled him up.

  “I was an idiot,” he said. “I should have known you wouldn’t—”

  She took an unsteady step. “I thought you said to save the apologies. You’re not dying, you have a game to beat remember?”

  He chuckled then his body went limp. “K.J.?” His deadweight pulled her to the ground. Heart pounding and frantic, Kiuno searched the sea of faces.

  “I see her,” Maltack yelled.


  Kiuno tore at K.J.’s leather armor and her hand came away bloody. She shook him and called his name, but K.J. didn’t respond.

  Palindrome, covered in dirt and blood, skidded to her knees and shoved Kiuno to the side. She repeated K.J.’s name and went to work, pointing for Maltack to position himself across from her.

  Kiuno stared for several long moments, willing some kindness in this universe to spare her the death of another.

  Their hands glowed.

  He took a breath.

  Then another and the knot in her chest unraveled.

  A horn echoed in the distance.

  Kiuno stood.

  It echoed again and she followed the sound to the rear.

  They came. Someone else came.

  With a final glance at K.J. Kiuno sent up a prayer and raced through the men. She screamed in passing, telling whoever would listen to prepare for an offensive attack.

  Kiuno saw Leena’s face first.

  The woman’s eyes fell to the blood on Kiuno’s shirt. “I hope we aren’t too late.”

  Kiuno shook her head. “Might be cutting it close though.”

  Leena dismounted and Kiuno’s gaze floated past the woman and men lining up at their rear.

  More than just Leena’s group.

  “Everyone came?” Kiuno asked.

  “Let’s just say your speech was inspiring.” Her gaze hardened. “Where do you need us?”

  “The front defense is about to break. We should secure that first.”

  A leader knows when to ask for help.

  “Line the rest of the magic users behind them. I’ll meet everyone there.”

  Yes. A leader did. It was never meant to be a one man show.

  Leena turned to shout commands and Kiuno stormed back toward the front.

  She possessed power, but it didn’t matter. One would always falter. One always had a weakness.

  It was the masses that would ensure their victory. And she’d lead them to it.


  WITH K.J. safely tucked inside one of their medical tents, Maltack sprinted toward the gathering line of magic users.

  His body trembled, but despite the pain hope blossomed in his chest.

  They came.

  They all c

  He ran toward the line and placed himself at Kiuno’s side.

  Those worn and weary broke from the front and retreated, allowing their group to function as replacements.

  Men and women filed past, but it wasn’t defeat that covered their faces.

  His blood pounded as a static charge of electricity surged through Kiuno’s body. He could redirect it. Prevent friendly fire.

  Maltack shifted the sparks and cradled them forward in a funnel that surrounded her body.

  Kiuno took several steps to separate herself from the crowd and he followed.

  Currents of hot air swirled the ground before them, creating a whirlwind of biting sand. It tugged at the flames and pulled them into the circling air to create a vortex like he’d never seen. It stretched and expanded, until the sun blotted out the top.

  The ground shifted beneath their feet, magic crawling to swallow their enemies in its deadly vise. Shards of glass formed and suspended themselves in the air.

  The air hummed as destruction sat on the verge of release.

  The enemy growled and snarled, baring fangs while others brandished swords.

  Kiuno stepped forward and shifted to a trot.

  The five alliances watched her every move.

  They watched the leader who had finally taken charge of this world.

  Maltack twisted the static in the air and ran at her side.

  Let them watch.

  Let them awe.

  Let them follow.

  71: Apologies

  Realm: 6

  Day: 384

  Kiuno fell back as the battle wound down. The enemy retreated to the safety of the jungle’s trees and her allies pursued. Every scar on her body burned with the magic still crawling beneath her skin.

  Maltack knelt at her side with his magic ready, but she ushered him away. They were both spent.

  Kiuno stood and stumbled, but another caught her arm.

  “Looks like you’re a bit woozy,” Palindrome said.

  “How’s K.J.?”

  “He’ll pull through.” Palindrome ran her hand down Kiuno’s arm.


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