Another Younger Man (Tryst Series Book 2)

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Another Younger Man (Tryst Series Book 2) Page 12

by Mia Fox

  I extended my hand forward to his, intending to reach for the shirt he held for me. But we moved in slow motion and truth be told, I didn’t want the shirt. I wanted him.

  He took a hold of both sleeves of that shirt and swung it behind my back, pulling me toward him until we stood chest to chest. His mouth found mine and then traveled down my neck, lower still to my breast and a moan escaped my lips.

  “I missed this,” he rasped.

  “Kissing me or my breast?”


  My hand reached for his cheek, soft with the growth from his beard. His hand unclasped my bra.

  “You know, security might come back and get us out,” I fretted.

  “Nah, they finish their first rounds at ten o’clock. They won’t be back until midnight.”

  I smiled. “Two hours? What will we do?”

  “I’ll show you.”

  With his help, I wiggled out of my skirt. His shirt and pants followed my shirt into the corner of the elevator. As I stood there in just stilettos and a thong, I realized how much I wanted him. Reading my mind he bent down and lowered my panties, trailing kisses down each thigh as he lowered them. When I stepped out of them, he traced his tongue between my legs, making me shake with anticipation of how much I wanted him.

  The pile of clothes made an excellent makeshift mattress and his touch made me dizzy so we found our way to the floor. And then it was my turn.

  I hadn’t had him in my mouth in a year and I wasn’t going to wait until security showed and risk losing my opportunity. I gently pressed my hand to his chest. He got the message and lowered to the floor.

  “You are so hard and I want nothing more than to have you in my mouth.”

  He obliged my wish.

  At first I just teased the end of him, wrapping my tongue around the tip and tasting what was to come. Taking more of him in my mouth made me even wetter and he knew this. His hand found its way between my legs as I slid my mouth over him.

  But he always liked being in control. Just as I had teased him earlier, now it was his turn. His finger gently moved over my clit, tantalizing me but never giving me what I needed. I kept a steady rhythm over his cock with my mouth and he rewarded me by sliding his finger inside me.

  With ease he pulled me on top of him. “Come here. I want to be inside you.”

  He didn’t have to say it twice. I slid over him and we started the most beautiful dance, slowly at first.

  “God, you’re wet.”

  His reminder of my condition only intensified my feeling. I clenched over him, sliding over the length of him, taking him deep inside me until I felt myself tighten around him. “I can’t stop.”

  “Don’t, baby.”

  He waited until he felt me start to come before allowing himself the same release. When we finished, we lay together, his hand over my ass in that familiar way.

  Five minutes before Cole’s imposed story deadline, he texted to tell me time was nearly up. I’m a punctual sort of girl and writing is my business, but I wasn’t quite finished.

  “You’ll have to give me an extra five minutes or there won’t be a happy ending and I’m pretty sure that would be rather unsatisfying,” I texted back.

  He understood the double meaning. “I see what you mean. Take all the time you need.”

  Five minutes late, I sent it and he read it. He called the story ‘lovely’ but then he did something better than simply compliment my writing.

  “I’m never going to hurt you again, Kat. If I could go back in time, I would do so many things differently,” Cole wrote.

  I knew he never intended or wanted to hurt me. I realized that Cole was never the bad guy in my story. He was a good man. He never lied, even though I didn’t always like his words. He never made promises he couldn’t keep, even though for months earlier I longed to hear those aimless words. Even though he hadn’t expressed his love earlier, what he had offered of himself was truth and honesty. I just hadn’t liked what was on the table. In the time we had been together and the aftermath when we were apart, I wondered if Cole would take time to grow up. I realize now, that I grew up too. I now recognized that he hadn’t hurt me with actions or words. He was true to himself and honest with me. It was time that I did the same for him.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  I couldn’t wait to see Kat. It was crazy that another three days passed since our long phone conversation of confessions, regrets, and dedications of love. But my training schedule had been intense as it included my regular team and baseline fitness testing with L.A. Galaxy. I had been back and forth to Torrance throughout the end of the week, but finally the weekend was here and I was going to spend it with Kat.

  I sent off a text to find out her ETA. I haven’t stopped thinking of you since reading your story. When are you getting here?

  Kat: On my way. Do you need me to pick up anything?

  Me: I’ve got dinner for us. We’re staying in.

  The second she arrived I felt like she was my kryptonite — that special something that drew me in and left powerless. She sauntered in wearing booty shorts and a camisole top. Of course she would. She knew it was what I liked her best in. I watched as she headed to the couch, kicked off her heeled sandals and drew her legs up underneath her perfect bottom. I moved toward her and our eyes took each other in.

  I didn’t dare speak and neither did she. It was almost too much to believe that we had found our way back. Our eyes spoke volumes; so many unspoken words, but we knew what the other wanted. We leaned toward each other and kissed, slowly and passionately. One kiss that melted into another and had us both indicating that we should go into the bedroom. Dinner could wait.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  When I arrived at Cole’s place, I couldn’t help but inhale his cologne when he greeted me with a hug. It brought me back to when I first met him. It’s funny how the sense of smell can do that. I remembered when he tended to my leg when we first met. I thought of our first dinner out and of course, our first kiss. Just thinking about that made me shiver. He must have read my mind or else my lustful eyes betrayed me as I looked him over.

  I walked to the couch because I felt I couldn’t stand up being so near to him and also because I wanted to give him a show.

  “If you’re going to wear those shorts, I’m going to have to kiss you,” he growled, scooping me onto his lap.

  My heart started to beat erratically. Just. Like. That. For a split second I was scared of falling and getting hurt, but then I realized I had already fallen… so long ago. I had fallen for him and never recovered. Then I looked into his eyes and saw a reflection of my own. He looked at me with love. I melted into him. His head dipped toward mine and my chin naturally lifted up toward him, wanting that kiss as much as I wanted to breathe.

  One kiss on the couch was not enough to satisfy us. All thoughts of dinner on my part were abandoned and it seemed Cole felt the same. He broke off the kiss long enough to rasp, “Are you okay?”

  I nodded to which he asked, “Do you want to stop?”

  I shook my head and sent my mouth back against his. He lifted me into his arms and carried me down the hall, never taking his lips off mine. The door to his room was open and he placed me on the bed. He pulled his shirt over his head and I literally gasped at the sight of him. Chiseled and beautiful. I had forgotten just how gorgeous.

  He lifted his chin once in my direction as if to say it was my turn. I got the message and began to remove the straps of my camisole from my shoulders. I moved with an agonizing slow speed. He watched my every motion and then the pent up feelings of the last few days apart got the best of him and he dove toward me, taking control.

  He finished pulling my cami off and let his mouth roam my breast. Cupping it in one hand and letting his tongue flick over my bud, he continued until I leaned back onto his bed and closed my eyes, giving into the luxury of the feeling.

  I wove my fingers into his hair, ran my na
ils down his back and then encouraged him to return to my mouth. I never wanted to stop kissing him. He moved on top of me and my legs found their way to wrap around his waist. I could feel his hardness pressed against me. It made me lift my hips toward him, squeeze my legs a little tighter, and become so wet for him.

  “Closer,” I whispered. “I want you closer against me.”

  He stopped kissing my mouth and neck long enough to pull his jeans down and then step out of his whites. His masculinity was breathtaking. I wanted him more than I had ever wanted a man.

  I welcomed his body into mine. At first, we simply lay intertwined and connected.

  He looked in my eyes. “I love you, Kat. Being here with you… this is all that I need.”

  Hearing his words and feeling his body inside mine brought a wave of emotions to the surface. A slow tear rolled from my eye.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked with alarm and immediately kissed my cheek.

  “I just love you so much. I’m overwhelmed with the feeling.”

  And with that, we started to move against each other. Slowly, we experienced each other. Moving to and fro, relishing the feel of being one. My body responded and my breath hitched. I couldn’t resist but to move against him faster. I felt him press deeper inside me and he groaned.

  “Kat, you feel so good. I never want this to end. I could live here.”

  I felt the same. I had never felt more fulfilled. I accepted everything he offered. I opened to him with my body and mind.

  “Lift up your leg,” he instructed.

  I did what he asked and no sooner, he had flipped me on top of him. “I want this to feel so good for you. Do anything you want.”

  He gazed up at me and I arched my back. I placed my hands behind me, resting them on his shins as I leaned backwards to take him even deeper. He lifted his head slightly to look at me and cupped my breasts.

  “You are so beautiful. Look at me, Kat.”

  I leaned over him and met his gaze. I smiled at the intensity in his eyes. It felt so good, but I didn’t want it to end. I started to slow my movements, just sliding back and forth, taking the length of him.

  “You keep doing that and I won’t be able to last.”

  I didn’t want him to last. I wanted him to be able to feel total fulfillment just like I did with him. I pressed my knees higher and leaned my bottom back. I pressed down on him and felt his balls rise against me. We moved in harmony and came together.

  After, we laid with our legs intertwined and my head on his torso. His fingers ran gently over my back and I played with his hair. If not for my stomach starting to rumble, dinner would have been all but forgotten.

  “You know, I could probably do that like twelve more times this weekend if you wanted.”

  “We’ll see about that,” he responded to which we both broke out in laughter. It wasn’t beyond our imagination.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  I may have made a ton of mistakes during the last year, but I was right in one decision I had made. My efforts to focus only on my training for the month leading up to my audition was probably a sensible choice given that now my mind was always on Kat.

  I don’t know what I was thinking, but I found myself looking into the bleachers for her in the midst of a match. Thankfully, it was a friendly match with just some mates, but still… a stupid move on my part.

  The opposing side’s midfielder landed a kick that I should have easily intercepted. However, I had turned my head to search for Kat and took a hit to my temple. I went down hard. Initially, nobody knew there was an issue with me, so I was told. But when I didn’t bounce back when they called pass interference, they knew something was wrong.

  My head didn’t hurt, but I just felt so heavy. I remember trying to get up, but feeling like my arms and legs were pinned down. The next thing I knew, two burly guys were hauling me onto a gurney and I was in the back of an ambulance.

  Flashes of the attack from last year came to mind. Oxygen was placed over my nose and mouth. Apparently, I lost consciousness for a brief moment. When I arrived at the hospital, my gurney was wheeled through the double doors and Kat was already on the other side. How she beat the ambulance is beyond me. I gave her a wane smile.

  “Cole, I’m here.”

  “You don’t have to be here.”

  “I’m not leaving,” she insisted. “You stay quiet.”

  I did as she said because I was feeling incredibly tired suddenly. I fell asleep or passed out in that moment.

  I awoke to feeling my arm being squeezed. I thought maybe it was Kat holding onto me. Damn she had a strong grip. I opened my eyes to find that I had been moved into a room and a nurse was taking my blood pressure.

  She had kindly eyes and instantly greeted me. “Hi there, welcome back. My name is Amy. You’re going to be fine. Just a bump to the head. A slight concussion, probably as much from falling as the hit. Oh and you’ve got a visitor.”

  Amy left and Kat rushed to my bedside. She closed the curtain that separated the neighboring patient from me and threw her arms over me, burying her head onto my chest.

  “Are you feeling okay? I know that I’m probably not supposed to lay on you, but please… please tell me you feel okay.” Her eyes were wet with concern.

  “Please don’t cry. I feel fine. Except for a killer headache and feeling stupid.”

  “What were you doing?”

  I laughed. “I was looking for you. I missed you.”

  It was Kat’s turn to laugh. “Are you crazy? You were in the middle of a match. What were you thinking? You gonna pull that kind of move with the L.A. Galaxy?”

  “No. I just reserve that brilliance when you’re in the bleachers. You better not come to my first match with them. Good thing I’ll be on the training squad for awhile.”

  Amy stepped back into the room to add a note to my chart. “Amy, tell her I’m fine.”

  She gave Kat a reassuring look and took my vitals once more. “He will be fine,” she confirmed.

  “So, when can I get sprung?”

  She removed an IV drip from my arm and reported, “You don’t need this anymore. Your orders say that you can have a normal diet, but that doesn’t mean you’re being discharged tonight. I suspect the doctor will want you to spend one night here for observation. My guess is you’ll be back home tomorrow.”

  “Thank you,” Kat said as Amy left. A half second later, her arms were wrapped over me again. “Don’t do that again.”


  “Get hurt. I don’t want you hurt anymore. By a ball, a gunman…or…” through sobs, Kat finished her thought, “by me.”

  I squeezed her hand. “You can’t hurt me. I’m teflon.”

  “Even teflon scratches.”

  There were truth behind her words. “Kat?”

  She lifted her head and looked at me. “I have three very important things to tell you. Are you listening carefully?”

  She nodded solemnly, ready for anything I might ask of her and it killed me to see that she also looked terrified that it might be news she didn’t like.

  “Okay,” I readied myself, “First, we will never ever question each other’s love. Next, we will understand that what works for our lives may not be right for everyone and that’s just fine with us. And last, because I think I may never earn this right again, can you please go to the deli that I like and bring me back a corned beef sandwich because I’ve taken a bullet for you, a ball to the head for you, and damn it, I’ve even given up eating meat for you… except right now, I kinda want my former favorite sandwich.”

  Kat laughed, placing her hands on either side of my cheeks and bringing her mouth to mine. “Those are three very manageable tasks. And here I thought you might ask me to do something indecent. Easy peasy.”

  “Damn, had I known…”

  “I’m going to get that sandwich now.”



  One week later…

e sat on the bleachers watching the soccer match. Even though it was the final game of the season, Cole seemed surprisingly content with being a spectator. I thought back to the first time I ever watched a game with him.

  I can’t remember which teams were playing because all I focused on was the banter between us. He teased me mercilessly and it was the start of our relationship even before either one of us knew that we would have one.

  Like then, we sat with our thighs nearly touching. Our hands resting on the bench, right next to each other’s and yet, not really touching. So close and yet careful to avoid any suspicion between us. As if reading my thoughts, Cole suddenly moved his, placing his palm over the back of my hand.

  Never had something so simple and innocent affected me so much. At that moment, the whistle blew signaling the end of the game. Friends and players stepped down the bleachers, others came toward us from their positions on the field. I waited for Cole to quickly remove his hand, but instead, he intertwined his fingers with mine and when I gave him a surprised glance, he merely gave my hand a squeeze.

  “Something wrong?”

  “Not at all,” I beamed. In fact, everything was so perfect in my world.

  A couple of his teammates bounded up the bleacher steps, stopping just below us. I waited to see if Cole would release my hand. It would be okay if he did. It’s not like I was mentally challenging him. People could be a couple and not be glued at the hip. I was just… curious. I wondered if we would naturally slip back into our old habits.

  As if knowing exactly what I was thinking, Cole lifted my hand to his mouth and kissed the back of it right then and there, in front of anyone who was looking. I smiled up at him, letting everyone know that this was the most natural thing in the world to me.


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