Spirit's Lullaby

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Spirit's Lullaby Page 21

by J E Mueller

  I shrugged. “I’ve no idea how to do that. Yet.”

  “Maybe we should sleep on it,” Danni suggested, drawing the attention to herself. “It’s getting late. Everyone’s been fighting. We all need food and a clear head.”

  “I have been wanting to look around again,” Key admitted.

  “Might be a good idea,” Lee agreed with her.

  Key smiled sweetly at him before looking at me. “Of course, if this was me, this is when a terrible plan would form in my head and I’d try to rush off.”

  Lee eyed her carefully. “Are you implying Tella is going to be rash? She’s much too level-headed.”

  “Since when?” Lydia laughed. “Clearly you haven’t been adventuring with her.”

  “I’m a good cousin.” I gave a sweet smile to my cousin before sticking my tongue out at Lydia.

  “And terrible at avoiding trouble,” Lydia retorted. “You only had to make it back here and if you signaled me that would have been enough.”

  I rolled my eyes at her, but she was probably right. “Well, I don’t have a crazy plan right now, so the worry is misplaced.”

  “Good.” Key smiled sweetly. “So, you’ll join us for dinner, a tour, and show us rooms?”

  There wasn’t a way to simply avoid it so I nodded. Going straight to bed honestly sounded better, but I understood her reasoning. Keep me busy until I was too tired to do anything else.

  After a very late lunch, Danni mostly took over the tour and Key was filled with questions. It appeared not much had changed in several years. As everything started to wind down I was glad to get to bed. Lydia was out in almost an instant but it took me longer to doze off.

  I noticed Danni appeared in her spirit form.

  I raised an eyebrow at her but got out of bed and moved further away from Lydia so as to not to wake her.

  “I may have a crazy plan,” Danni confessed.

  “And Key was worried about me.”

  Danni smirked. “If you’re willing to go along with it, now is the perfect time.”

  “What’s the crazy plan?” I sighed. I was rather tired already.

  “It’s a three-day journey to the perfect neutral zone. We can’t create exactly what you’re looking for, but I know we can banish all the demons and angels from here.”

  “How?” I replied a little too loudly. She had my full attention. I quickly glanced at Lydia to make sure she was still asleep before turning back.

  “Forever ago, Mist told me the altar wasn’t for everyone. Only those meant to guard it. I knew for a fact it didn’t do anything for anyone who wasn’t attached to the gate. Several had heard its tales and tried. So, that was enough to satisfy that question. Today I felt the magic in it. Of course, we know I’m not meant to guard the gate. My magic is green, not purple. So why? Why could I feel something when no one else did? I decided to see if I could do what you did. It worked.” She paused and glanced over at Lydia.

  I did as well and saw the steady rise and fall of her chest. There was no way Danni could wake her, anyway.

  “So, what did you see?” I whispered.

  Danni paced for a moment. “Nothing,” she replied honestly.

  I tilted my head in surprise. “Nothing?”

  She nodded firmly and continued. “Nothing. It was frustrating. I wanted to see something. If it brought me somewhere new then why couldn’t I see anything? Just darkness. I needed light…” Danni trailed off, lost in thought. After a moment she met my eyes. “I wanted light, and so there was light. Stars appeared all around me, glowing softly and happily. It came to me that things here could be fixed. They could be moved and altered, but I couldn’t just change things too drastically here. I could create alternatives. It’s who I am.” She smiled and then smirked. “Or I could be sacrificed again.”

  I looked at her with a mixture of surprise and horror.

  “Of course Mist would do everything she could to imply you needed to kill me to fix the gates. You need a Creator to do that. She has done her part by keeping me from finding out sooner, but we can finally end this cycle.”

  I had no idea how to respond. “I’m surprised Kegan would be friends with such a person…”

  “She is here for the Balance. Mist was keeping it by letting the cycle continue for some of us, and everyone else was getting the lives and growth their souls needed.” Danni shrugged, not even remotely upset. She had had time to work this out for herself.

  Nodding, I took in everything she said. If she had accepted her title as Creator, then that was that. “So, what do we do now? What’s the next step in the crazy plan.”

  Dani shrugged. “This is where it gets extremely complicated. Getting there will be the easiest.”

  I stared in disbelief. “You’re joking.” Leaving here and getting anywhere with so many demons around was not going to be easy, let alone the easiest.

  “Nope. After we get there we’ll need to make a structure for this ritual to work. It can be small. I’m thinking stones in the ground so it can just be buried later.”

  “Okay, that’s not too bad,” I replied, following along.

  “To create this place there will have to be a few sacrifices.” She held out a hand before I could argue. “It’s reasonable. We’ll banish the evil with a corrupted soul. You and everyone else want to get rid of Romulus correct?” Seeing me nod, Danni powered on. “Banishing the angels is a little tougher. Not sure how we’ll do that, but they need to go to since this realm is already falling apart. We can’t get rid of one and not the other. It needs time to rebuild. Maybe we could find a volunteer. I wouldn’t have to destroy their soul, but they would have to be willing to be a caretaker of this new world as well. Much like how those who are in charge of the balance here come to be.”

  I really hated that someone still needed to go, but maybe we’d think of another way. I shook off the thought. “What would that new world entail, anyway?”

  “We should walk and talk. We’ll want to get some distance. Likely we’ll get a few days before the demons realize we left. They’re not very bright,” Danni commented.

  I could agree with that fact for most of them. However, just leaving wasn’t going to work for me.

  “I can’t just leave Lydia behind.” I sighed.

  “You know Blessed attract more demons,” Danni pointed out. She wasn’t angry or disappointed by the suggestion, just simply stating the fact.

  Too true. The words weren’t what I wanted to hear. “Still wouldn’t feel right.” Not to mention everyone who had just come to help us. It felt like it would be a slap in the face. Just oh thanks for helping with this part of the plan. Glad you didn’t die, but we’re going to sneak off now so later! No, I couldn’t. I shook my head. “After everything they’ve just done, we should let them know what’s going on. Maybe they could follow at a distance instead, but I’m not just abandoning them.”

  Danni nodded. “Well, I’ll get my pack then and see you shortly.” With that, she vanished.

  I turned to wake Lydia to find that she was already awake. She was silently taking in the parts of the conversation she could hear.

  “So much for a good night's sleep,” I teased tiredly.

  “At least I can feel loved and included in your plans.” She yawned and sat up. “So, what’s going on?”

  I leaned against the wall and started to explain. I knew if I sat down I was done for. I did think Danni was right, though. If we took action now, no one would expect it. “...so we should see if everyone else wants to join. Hopefully they follow us after the morning. I’m fairly certain demons wouldn’t give them as much trouble if we’re not there.”

  Lydia nodded. “I’ll pack, you go relay the plan.”

  “I’m pretty sure they’re not going to like it.” Not that Lee could talk based on how some of his adventures had gone. At least Key should support my idea. Hopefully. I needed some backing here.

  I knocked on the room two doors over hoping to find Key. I didn’t know why I was surpris
ed to see three doors open. Blessed were terribly nosey about everyone's business. “Fine, fine,” I muttered and waved at all of them. “Let’s all talk.”

  Lee backed away from the door and everyone filed in. I shut the door behind myself and shook my head at everyone.

  “To start, we’ll say Key is right and a crazy plan has come up,” I began.

  Key threw an excited fist in the air. “Let’s hear it!”

  “I already hate it.” Lee sighed. “What’s going on Tella?”

  “What if there was a way to vanquish and banish all demons from this plane?” I began. With everyone’s attention, I launched into the quick story. Having finished, I gave everyone a moment before adding, “So, tonight’s our best bet to leave without them knowing.”

  Emmyth looked over at Key. “You’re going to be all in this, aren’t you?”

  She nodded. “There are some parts that need work, but I think this world would be better off if it was left on its own. Do I even need to point out the reasons? Children’s souls being bartered with should be enough of an example.”

  “I can’t.” Rosalie shook her head. “I’ve no problem accompanying you until it’s reasonable to split up, but this mission isn’t for me. Without demons, this world would be perfect. Without angels there are no miracles.”

  “For once it would have to be solely on the goodness of others,” Jareth argued. “What’s wrong with expecting people to do the right thing? It needs to be better taught, not left for deities that are using us for their own means.”

  “But for the better. We’re helping thousands,” Rosalie argued back.

  “And either way…” I interrupted them, “it’s your choice. I won’t make you come with. I think it’s fair you know what’s going on.”

  Lee sighed. “Aunty is not going to be happy if I let you do this. She already thinks you’ll never return home.”

  “If the world had no demons, she might still have a husband. I would still have a father,” I replied coolly.

  Lee was the only one here who knew what had happened, so everyone else watched us curiously. “You’re right,” he relented. “That would be one less family secret swept under the rug.”

  “Mine isn’t the only family hurt by this. If the demons are gone can you just imagine? People would be able to have moments of weakness and not risk being trapped by those soul stealing lifeless monsters. People could grow, recover. Right now, if you sound desperate just a few times about the same matter, your soul could be gone. And you’d be hurting so many others all at once,” I reminded them.

  Sighing, Lee glanced around the room. There wasn’t room to pace, or really move, for that matter. Instead, he nodded. “You know I’m here to help.”

  “Get ready to go then.” I nodded opening the door. “And thank you cousin.”

  He gave a single nod back. His eyes showed his exhaustion. “Of course.”

  As I stepped out of the room, Danni was walking down the hall. I nodded at her and motioned for her to follow. Heading back into my own room, I saw Lydia was ready to go.

  “How far do you think we’ll get before we need sleep?” I yawned at her, longing for another night in a proper bed.

  “Not far enough,” Lydia yawned back. “But we can set up a shield to block the demons and sleep safely. If they really don’t notice us leave we should have at least a two-day head start. Hopefully, that will be enough time.”

  “It’s three days away so I think so,” Danni replied from the doorway.

  “Where exactly?” Lydia asked curiously. She knew these parts like the back of her hand. I wasn’t half bad at it either.

  “Just south of Rayshire,” Danni replied.

  “Oh, so just northwest of Kindlewood.” Lydia nodded glancing over at me. “I have an idea of where we’re going.”

  “An idea.” I rolled my eyes. While she may not know the exact spot, she and I both knew the correct direction. Kindlewood being our hometown.

  “Are the others coming with or following later?” Danni asked curiously.

  “I can relay the location and see.” Lydia answered, moving to exit the room. She paused when she reached Danni. “What sort of world are you looking to create?” she asked her curiously.

  Danni blinked, surprised, but smiled. “One where I can be free and not chased by demons for the rest of my days.”

  “Fair enough.” Lydia shrugged and continued on her way.

  “Is that all there is to it?” I asked curiously.

  “Of course not.” Danni shrugged, “But how do you explain such a complex idea in passing?” Danni sat on the edge of the bed. “If we’re banishing the demons and angels from here, we can send them elsewhere, or force them into a more controlled environment. We can let this world continue on without them and create a new world… But how do we keep the new world in balance? In check? How do we keep them confined there?”

  “Well, aren’t the angels and demons technically only a few handfuls of creatures? They’ve created their minions from souls. Maybe we should focus on the main group and let those transformed souls finish their time in their current forms and recycle them back into this world again?” I replied, thinking aloud.

  “Maybe, but really to help recycle any of the spirits, a gate needs to be fixed. It seems Mist is happy to do that forever.” Danni shrugged. “Guess we still need to finish that quest too…” She trailed off, getting lost in her own thoughts.

  “Everyone’s ready,” Lydia said from the doorway.

  I glanced over at the few faces I could see as Lydia grabbed her pack. No one looked ready. Tiredly, I grabbed my bag as well.

  “Shall we?” I asked and headed out before there were any audible replies.

  Chapter 23

  Getting out of Reawakening was easy. There were no signs of demons or even spirits. Everything seemed to be going as planned.

  And then Lliam appeared.

  “What’s going on?” he asked myself and Danni as we picked our way through the woods.

  “New plan, crazier goals than normal, but if this works, you’ll be free,” I replied softly.

  Lliam took it in before replying. “Mist is wondering what’s going on. She can’t figure out what you’re doing.”

  “Essentially, not going with her plan,” I replied honestly. “Some things need to change. She doesn’t agree. The sacrifices needed to keep things the same aren’t worth it.”

  “But what are the sacrifices for change?” Lliam asked curiously.

  “It’s similar, I will admit, but instead of murder in cold blood, it requires a more knowledgeable volunteer,” I replied, doing my best to make sure no one else could hear me.

  Lliam nodded. “If you know what you’re getting into, that is a better option. I’m surprised Mist would keep us out of the loop about a sacrifice.”

  “I doubt she would have forever, but by the time she told you, everyone might have been angry enough to do whatever it took to end things.” It was a horrifying thought, and I was surprised it hadn't come to me sooner.

  Lliam considered this. “Given enough time in any bad situation, even the best may turn. If even a handful of the Blessed that are trapped here as spirits were to go down that route, I’m sure such a thing could easily be accomplished.” He looked troubled by the thought, “When you stop for the night, call me. I want the details, and we may be able to help.” With that, he was gone.

  I knew I should explain more to everyone about all the different little pieces, but I was just too tired to find the words. I shuffled closer to Lydia and leaned against her for a moment as we walked.

  “There’s so much going on,” I mumbled.

  “Anything new I need to know?” She yawned.

  “Probably. But I’m too tired,” I admitted.

  “We’ll discuss things after sleep, then.” Lydia shrugged. “It’s not like we’re getting there in the next ten minutes. There’s still time.” She looped her arm through mine.

  “I like that idea. The sl
eep part most of all.” I yawned. “Hopefully this can work out…” I let the thought trail off. Who knew what would happen if we failed?

  It was several hours later before we set up camp. The Blessed in the group made a double secure perimeter while Key and I dropped things in the middle.

  “Think it’s nice enough to avoid tents?” She yawned, unpacking hers anyway.

  I made a sound in response but I couldn’t even make out what it meant. I just wanted sleep. I briefly mentioned to Danni that we should speak with Lliam before we slept.

  It was rough. The second I sat down I was ready to fall asleep, but instead I forced myself to focus and got into my spirit form. I wasn’t tired here, and it was surprising to be so suddenly awake. Hopefully, my body could rest a bit without me.

  I called out to Lliam, and he came right away. Danni arrived at my side just a few moments before him. Silence marked the moments as we all stared at one another. What was there to say?

  “So, you’re traveling out of safety now? Got some new friends?” Lliam finally asked.

  I laughed. “That is the simplest way to sum it up I suppose.”

  Danni nodded. “Yes, but we’re out of time for simple.” Without hesitating, she gave him all the details. She didn’t pause for a moment at anything and happily revealed her Creator roots as well as her idea of how to create a new realm.

  “I’d be happy to help,” Lliam commented. “Can I be the bit that helps make the new realm? Does a Blessed soul count as pure?” He sounded excited about the idea.

  Danni shook her head. “Sadly no. It would have to be someone among the living.”

  Lliam’s shoulder slouched over. “Oh.”

  “You can help in other ways, and I think you could still help with a new realm too,” Danni replied, her thoughts elsewhere.

  “How?” Lliam quickly demanded.

  “For the new realm, I’ll have to think about it. There are a lot of memories to sort through. For the present though, you’re a Blessed spirit. You can keep spirits from finding us at night.”

  Lliam’s face lit up. “I hadn’t thought of that! Finally, I am back in the battle!” He threw a fist up triumphantly and quickly took off to the perimeter.


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