Spirit's Lullaby

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Spirit's Lullaby Page 22

by J E Mueller

  While he did that I glanced at Danni. “What do you think Mist will do? Can she do anything if she’s basically stuck in the spirit realm?”

  “I think I finally see her game,” Danni replied softly with a mildly frightened expression.

  “What’s that?” I asked. I thought we had already agreed Mist just wanted things to stay the same. There wasn’t much of a game there.

  Danni took a steadying breath. “I’m unsure how she knows what I am, but I have every reason to believe she does. With me out of the way, things would go exactly according to her plan. However, if I remain in the picture, I can change things. No wonder she said to stay away. If I never tried to get back to Reawakening, I would never have tried to bring about something new.”

  “If that is true, then we have a very big problem,” Lliam said as he reappeared.

  “Just one?” I had to laugh. “I can think of several.”

  Lliam nodded. “I can agree with that. She can easily track both of you, and if she wants to cause trouble, giving your location away won’t be difficult.”

  “Is there a way to block that?” I asked, hoping there was a trick I was missing out on.

  “Not that I can think of.” Danni shook her head.

  Lliam shrugged. “Well, there actually might be. Mist is a spirit and is bound by spirit rules.”

  I saw what he was getting at. “So, if we had a Blessed group of spirits, giving us a hand… Would they even be able to do that while moving?”

  Lliam shrugged again. “I think so, we won’t know unless we try, and if we don’t try this is going to be a disaster.”

  “Then the next problem is the demons as well as the angels. I doubt either would like being moved to another realm and not having their pawns,” Danni stated. “We’ll just have to avoid having the angels find out.” Danni shrugged.

  “Except the Blessed with us know, and I don’t know if they’ll keep it a secret,” I grumbled, internally screaming and wondering why I was being so upfront with everyone about my plans.

  “That is a problem. They’ll likely be too busy traveling with us to do anything, but after? Didn’t they say they wanted to split off and head back home?”

  “We’ll have to get ahead of them then.” Lliam paced as he thought. “It’s very common when a Blessed arrives back at the Order that they debrief and go over events with the higher members of the group. Then they take time to meditate and pray. What does our time frame look like?”

  “If they don’t part ways with us until we reach my home village, we stand a chance of beating them. It’s a small chance and everything would have to line up perfectly,” I replied. Nothing lines up perfectly ever. “So, basically we’re doomed.”

  “We’ll have to go on ahead earlier, then,” Danni stated tiredly. “Maybe we should leave behind a message so they’d try and catch up but we’d already be heading directly towards the goal instead.”

  “Or they would see we were off and decide thats a good place to part ways,” I pointed out. If I were them, that is what I would do.

  We were silent for a moment as we tried to think of alternative solutions.

  “I guess they’ll just have to come with us,” Danni declared.

  “How? If they want to leave it would be terrible to stop them,” I replied.

  “To be fair, while a lot of travelers know the general area of where they are going, a lot of the forest looks exactly the same. Exactly the same. If we take a slightly longer route and don’t stop at your village, how would they ever know?”

  I tried to think of an argument against it, but couldn’t. “I suppose that’s the plan, then.”

  Lliam nodded. “I’ll see who I can recruit without drawing attention.” With that, he was gone.

  “I guess that means we can finally sleep.” I smiled at Danni. Sleep had never sounded so good.

  With a nod she left, no doubt as ready as I was for all of this to end.

  Afternoon came quickly. Too soon for my tastes, but we needed to create distance soon. With more than several grumbles and choice words, Lydia got me up. Key invited me along to see if we could snag some food. With her fire magic and my speed, we really didn’t need much in the way of hunting equipment, which was great since our provisions were fairly nonexistent.

  “So, tell me what has been happening,” she said as soon as we were far enough away from the others. “I feel there’s a bit more going on than what’s been stated.”

  “I don’t even know what to say to that.” I sighed. “There’s been a lot of just… pure horrific garbage involved in this ever since I found out that I needed to keep this gift hidden.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked curiously.

  “I needed to keep hidden in order to avoid the demons. That didn’t work out. Then the spirits were getting upset and some started working with the demons. Overly angry and vengeful spirits can attack a human, but of course, we can’t even attack back because they’re spirits. Then the person I was supposed to be seeking out and who was supposed to help me only wanted to help me do things her way or not at all. She’ll likely try to come after us too once she realises we’re not going along with her plan.”

  Key was quiet for a moment as she considered everything. “What can I do to help?” she finally asked.

  “I’ve no idea. I thought it was crazy when you went up against so many demons, and here I am, taking crazy a step further.” I shook my head. Banishing them from this world wasn’t going to be easy.

  Key laughed. “It was a crazy plan. I didn’t think I’d survive that fight to free Juni. I had written so many letters to explain why I did what I did in case I died.”

  “That’s a great idea.” I hadn’t thought of that. Maybe I could still write Mother a letter in case this did go south. Who would give it to her, though?

  Key watched my expression for a moment before commenting. “We’ll be stopping by the village. I’m sure you’ll make it there to talk with your mother.”

  “About that…” I laughed. “How is your alliance with the angels?” I asked.

  She eyed me curiously. “As much as the others may hate it, it is hard to see the difference between the two groups. Of course, the angels won’t steal your soul if you break a contract, but they want it nonetheless. More good is done, and I would side with them in a heartbeat over the demons, but when you break it down and get to the barebones, it is what it is.”

  “Since we’re like-minded there…” I smiled and jumped into explaining our new roundabout plan. Going a longer way would not be ideal, but the plan seemed like a good idea even after sleep.

  “That may work,” Key agreed. She glanced around and I could feel her magic stretching out a short distance to see if anyone was nearby. What is your backup if it doesn't? After traveling this area for so long, there are many odd things that let me know where I’m going, and I’m certain they have their own markers too.”

  “I’m sure they’d take on a noble quest to deliver a letter, wouldn't they?” I shrugged, using her idea.

  “It would set them back slightly. Not by much, but any extra time does help,” Key agreed and stopped, pointing out a rabbit.

  Eventually, we made it back with enough food for breakfast. Lydia and Rosalie instantly began cooking while Jareth tried to help. Since I was free, I decided to see if I had anything to write on or with. I took note that Key pulled Lee and Emmyth aside. While I couldn’t tell what they were discussing, I had a feeling it was about our recent conversation. Hopefully, they would still be willing to help.

  Lee seemed to be reluctantly agreeing with things, and Emmyth was completely disagreeing. Finally, Lee seemed to side with Key and Emmyth reluctantly went along with it. After a little bit longer, Emmyth came to see what I was doing.

  My letter was progressing slowly. I hardly knew what to say. There was a lot of conflicting emotions.

  “How are things?” he asked, sitting down next to me.

  “Life is more insane than normal. I wa
s hoping for a few easy weeks.” I yawned.

  He nodded. “Are you sure making another realm is necessary?”

  “It’s the only way to get rid of the demons. To keep the balance and to keep everyone from dying from the realms caving in, the angels need to go too.” I shrugged.

  “That could hurt a lot of things,” Emmyth commented.

  “Such as?” I asked and gave him my full attention.

  He was going to say something then stopped. For a moment he looked away and then finally looked back at me before responding. “Actually, the only thing I can see it hurting is the magic structure. Angels and demons give us a big connection to it simply by being here.”

  “But the world will have no extra outside evil. It can be however it wants to be,” I replied.

  “It will also have no outside good influences. Those can be very beneficial,” Emmyth countered. He wasn’t angry or upset, just curious to see my next response.

  “Yes, so people need to start standing up for each other more. Good words and good deeds, and not relying on someone else. I see nothing wrong with people owning up to the world they’ve created.”

  Emmyth paused. “That is a fair point.”

  “What is?” Lydia asked sitting down on my other side and laying her head on my shoulder. “Writing to Mother. In case anything were to happen it’ll be good to have a letter for her.”

  “That is a good thing. We tend to highly encourage that.” Lydia accepted my answer. I still had to fill her in about the roundabout route, but that could wait until I was certain Rosalie and Jareth weren’t listening.

  “Is food ready, then?” I really wanted to be on the move again soon, but it was starting to smell good.

  “Just about.” Lydia yawned. “Maybe a nap first.”

  “Nope, gotta move.” I laughed, nudging her. She didn’t budge from my shoulder.

  “Nah. Nap first.”

  “Food’s ready,” Rosalie called.

  “Never mind, food first.” Lydia yawned once more and got up. She offered me a hand.

  Laughing at her quick change of demeanor, I accepted.

  Chapter 24

  Lydia and I had just finished packing and almost had the tent put away when Lliam reappeared with several spirits at his side. I tried to take a good look at them, but they were all in their Blessed cloaks with their hoods up. Still, I was excited. Maybe this could work.

  “Reinforcements?” I asked Lliam.

  He smirked. “You could say that. They are more than ready to take the fight to the next level.”

  “Perfect.” I could feel some of the tension ease out of my shoulders.

  “We think we should be able to keep the spirits off your trail, but…” He glanced back at his group. “Until we’re able to try it we won’t know for sure. Either way, if we need to knock in a few skulls and whisk them away, we can do that.”

  “We’ll take whatever help we can get,” Danni said, joining us.

  “Agreed.” I nodded at her before turning back to Lliam. “We’ll be leaving here shortly, so do whatever it is you have to do.”

  “Sounds good.” Lliam walked back over to them and they spoke in hushed voices.

  Turning toward Lydia, I caught her up on what was going on before we joined the others. We needed so much to go right, and I had so many doubts. It would help if I knew what had happened to Marella but she seemed to be missing. No one knew where she was. I wasn’t sure if something had happened to her, or if she was hiding for our sakes. With no way to know, I shoved the thought out of my head. We needed to go.

  The plan started to go off without a hitch. We were more than halfway through our plan of arcing around our original destination when Jareth realized what we had done. Rosalie and Emmyth were wrapped up in a heated discussion towards the the back of the group. He kept trying to get her attention before stopping us all.

  “We’re taking a much longer route by mistake,” he informed us.

  Rosalie seemed surprised. “How did we get misdirected? It’s not a straight shot but still, it’s not that far.”

  Key knew the answer but she and everyone else looked at me, Lydia, and Danni who had been leading the way.

  I shrugged. “Staying out of sight from everything must have added the extra distance,” I replied simply.

  Rosalie nodded and started walking again, but Jareth stopped her. “Weren’t we heading back? This is a good spot to part ways,” Jareth asked her.

  After her initial outburst back at Reawakening, I was surprised to see her hesitate.

  “If you’d like to head back, I will accompany you,” she replied after a moment.

  Jareth frowned. I could see the disappointment in his eyes. “You’ll accompany me? But you don’t want to head back?” He sounded baffled. I was equally confused.

  She nodded and quickly glanced at the rest of us. “I’ve had some time to think. While I’d hate to lose my mission, I wouldn’t be opposed to starting a new one. Helping others is in my blood, but we don’t need the demons here to add to the evils of the world. With them gone, just think of what we can actually accomplish. There is no balance to worry about. There’s just us trying to make ourselves worthwhile.”

  Jareth huffed. “I think you’ve spent too much time listening to this blasphemous scum.” He waved an arm my way.

  I wasn’t sure how to respond to that, but thankfully Emmyth spoke up instead, “The route you take is your own. Own it, and never fail to walk it in peace.”

  “Easy for you to say. You’re going along with these heathens!” Jareth spat back.

  Emmyth didn’t even looked phased. “Walk it in peace. You know the rest of the mantra. Spewing your words angrily, no matter how right or wrong they are, does not make you a better person.”

  Jareth was about to say something, but instead walked off, heading home. “Rose, follow me.”

  Rosalie didn’t budge. “I said I’d accompany, not follow. I’ve chosen my path. Best wishes on your journey.” She bowed to him, then without another word took the lead and pulled her hood over her head. At first her voice was hard to hear, but it quickly built up until I heard her sing the words of Valeon’s Lullaby. The song of a fallen comrade.

  The shock on his face was hard to bear, so I turned to follow her. The others soon followed us as well.

  The thing about Valeon’s Lullaby that always got to me wasn't the words on their own. When sung in a round, it created a haunting sound that penetrated deep into my soul.

  I wasn't expecting for the others to join Rosalie’s song, but near the end of the first verse Lydia had added herself, followed shortly by Emmyth. I had forgotten just how long Lee had been involved with them. He had never really been a singer, but that didn't stop him from from joining. Key didn't add her voice. She and I were not of the Blessed ranks, so neither of us joined this particular song.

  Key came to walk next to me. Her presence was always warm and reassuring.

  "I'm not sure where this path will lead..." she whispered to me. "But be ready for it to be a bigger change than you expect."

  I wasn't sure where this advice was coming from, so I just nodded, letting myself think about it for a moment. Going from Cursed to just being gifted with magic would have been an interesting and huge shift for her.

  "Do you think this is the right thing?" I asked. My heart fluttered. Were my intentions selfish?

  "If no others are destined to walk my path, then yes. I don't know the repercussions, but whatever the price is, I think it'll still be worth it," she replied, not skipping a beat.

  "What if it takes more than what we think to send these powerful beings away?" I realised that could actually be a problem.

  "Then we will take those issues into account one step at a time." Key shrugged. "As much as we can prepare, are we really ever ready for everything?"

  "Even the most boastful of the Blessed I've seen have not always been completely prepared," I agreed. It was a good point.

  Key smiled. "See?
We'll figure it out."

  "But what if we have to sacrifice more than we should?" I wondered aloud.

  "At that point, it'd be good to ask yourself how dedicated are you to this idea. Where are your limits? Set yourself some ground rules," Key replied helpfully.

  "Did you do that for your curse?" I asked curiously.

  "Not really. As long as it didn't harm another, I didn't much care about the risks. That leads to a lot of problems. I was so focused on the physical harm I could cause, not realizing my actions could still hurt others on different levels." She shrugged. "We learn as we go."

  We walked together in silence for a few moments as the song started to die down. Lliam had appeared at my side but didn’t say anything. Having died for the Order and seeing what things were really like must have been hard for him as well. Seeing people who were like family fight over these things couldn’t be any easier.

  I realised too late that there was no good way to distract him from reaching his destination now. Even though I could catch up to Jareth, he had no reason to deliver a letter for me. Too soon we’d be walking on thin ice. Was there a way to fix that?

  “If Jareth informs the angels of our plans we’re fairly doomed. He has no reason not to just stop somewhere and pray,” I mumbled to Lliam. Key was still right next to me and had no way to know who the comment was meant for.

  “That would complicate things,” Key agreed. “I’ve no idea what we can do to prevent that.”

  “I could try and distract him,” Lliam said. “Plenty of us try and give mortals warnings. Many describe it as a ‘change of the wind’. They know something is wrong, but can’t quite pinpoint it. That could make him ask the angels for help even sooner, though.”

  We had no real answer right now.

  I hadn’t realised Rosalie had heard us. “He’s following us.” She shrugged. “I’ve no idea why, but I can still feel him following from a distance. He may be against this plan, but I don’t know if Jareth would actually sabotage it.”


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