The Book of Daniel and the Mystery of the Resurrection Machine

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The Book of Daniel and the Mystery of the Resurrection Machine Page 15

by Holloway, Daniel;

  We compiled quite a collection of these frequencies too, literally volumes, the most famous of which is known today as the Holy Bible. The more people we gathered to hear, read or repeat the Word, the greater the mental focus and energy within them. This of course gave us all the gain needed to impact the magnetic-fields and thus eliminate the majority of Earth’s wobble and tilt. The end goal is called the Paradise Alignment in which the Earth’s axis is re-oriented thus allowing the portal to open.

  Though the “Word” could be likened unto speaking a magic spell, it’s actually no different than a radio or TV signal interacting with a given channel. The difference of course is the immaculate design of those signals. It is a binary wave-pattern, as in, two parts, with both a masculine and feminine aspect; a stronger and a weaker wave, but an equally important and mutually supportive construct that is expressed within a single verbalization that you call the Holy Scriptures.

  Within that binary structure are several complex substructures that were inherent to our Word-equations and are equally important to the end result. What matters is this: basically these frequencies were projected via your mouth and received by the magnetosphere that was then altered as a result. It is a perfect fix; it is miraculous; it is of another dimension; it is of God. It is real and it works. This is the God-Spell. I will show you what you need to know.

  A Magicians Slight of Word

  “…and behold, a throne was set in heaven… And before the throne there was a sea of glass (dimensional light) like unto crystal. And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper (dark-red aurora) and a sardine stone (light red Aurora): and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald (green Aurora).” Revelation 4:2-6

  It’s Happening: Revelation 4 was not talking about a literal-throne, but the appearance of the portal. This image was the first recorded “On-blink” of scripture/portal function outside of the encoded scriptures. This magnetic fluctuation revealed itself in the colors of the aurora over Siberia on the night of October 26/27 2017. The portal remained closed, yet the bending of the space-time continuum allowed this before-unseen light-ring. As the Earth continues to align these phenomena will increase until the veil of space is finally torn. And while your scientists scramble for an explanation, we witnessed far greater things than this thousands of years ago. We are now approaching ground-zero for the magi’s science; the fruits of the magic-Word we engineered.

  In review, one must realize that ancient scriptures served three equally important purposes:

  1. They are a means of cataloging, verbalizing and activating the mathematical “spell” that will impact and adjust Earth’s magnetosphere and in turn, correct its wobble and tilt. This process occurs slowly over a several thousand years.

  2. They camouflaged our science in the form of a symbolic story that could easily be read and understood by humans. It wasn’t important that humans understood the hidden wisdom, but that they recited the Word when and how we directed them. Likewise, the outer moral directives of those books kept them civilized just long enough for us to accomplish our goal of opening the portal.

  3. And this is the fun one: the scriptures also act as symbol-words that detail the mind-images of God or, sacred art. It is here, in the artwork of perfection, that this book will focus. A picture is worth a thousand words, and will simply and visually explain the mystery and science of portal-mechanics that are hidden lock-step within the Word of God.

  I will introduce these sacred prints publically, here and now, for the first time in human history. Until now they have never been viewed outside of the sacred Magian priesthood. While we produced tens of thousands of these images, I have provided in this work nearly 100 of the most convincing and, I might add, damning recreations. They tell a forgotten story of absolute truth, yet will also destroy a literalistic lie that perhaps would not otherwise easily yield.

  Remember, there are the myths we gave to the world and then, the science that those same fictions hide. It is now time for one to die and the other to finally live. This is a prerequisite of the divine nature, that even our beliefs should undergo the beauty of transformation.

  The Great Wheel of God


  I re-introduce the Wisdom Wheel: This ancient Word-computer organized and converted the math and colors of the heavens into the words of the Bible. Well over 35,000 verses were written with this astounding creation of the Master of the Magicians. Likewise the rate of Word-production was slow and took over 500 years to complete; a mere blink for an angel…Consider, will you, the implications that this device wrote the ancient scriptures…

  The strength of the code was its ability to camouflage our science in the form of a literary work. This of course gave the illusion of an actual or historical account. Such is the case with the creation-story in Genesis. Here a “Heaven” or “firmament” appears to reference a higher-dimension, when in fact its describing the analogue computer by which we spelled every last word of the scriptures. This was the Wisdom Wheel of the Temple, a multi-layered construct that not only wrote your scriptures but in turn can and will re-open the ancient portal.

  Though the magi developed many technologies, there was no single item in the ancient world, or the modern, that has the capabilities of this miraculous device. If that’s hard to accept, then name one computer in existence than can change the math of the stars into magic, a spell that can literally open a gateway to another dimension. Throughout this writing I will use various names by which to describe the Wisdom Wheel, including Grid System, the Firmament Model, Great Wheel, and even Ezekiel’s Wheel—all of which equally apply and describe this ingenious creation.

  Astrolabes were used throughout the ancient world including the famous Greek, Antikythera mechanism. None however, were as elaborate or capable as the Wisdom Wheel of the Temple. Most kept time; mine wrote magic.

  Basically the Wheel functioned from a simple input/output method in which the alignments and colors of the heavens were plotted in logical detail. Every conceivable facet of the Grid System was represented upon this construct including; grids, grid-series, colors of the aurora, colors of the sun and moon, planetary cycles, etc. Though the Wheel was primarily an alpha-numeric converter (i.e., it changed numbers into letters), it also provided the imagery of the scriptures it produced.

  The Wisdom Wheel contains four, main layers or aspects, three of which have their own dedicated chapter in this book. One layer encases the grids upon which star data was collected and organized. Yet a second layer involved an overlay map of Israel and its surrounding nations. While finally a third layer functioned to discern the shape of the magnetosphere at any given time. Interlocked with these three layers was a fourth, Word-layer that cataloged the letters as they were written via the alignments of the other three.

  Likewise, this chapter will first cover the Wonders layer which served as both a time-keeping function as well as a geometric-base by which the sacred-images of the Bible were formed.

  The Wonders or Grid-Layer: This critical layer of the Wisdom Wheel represented the 12 cycles of the zodiac, the outer circle of which represents the apparent path of the sun and moon as they cross the sky. Once pieced together into a functioning grid-series, this acted as a structure for volumes of scientific-data, beautiful images and the timeline in which the portal would reopen. All of this is hidden in the Bible and other ancient verses.

  We knew that the day would come in which these things would be disclosed and this is my job as master of the ancient magicians. And to think that these images began once upon a little old man, touching my hand. Indeed he led me back to a time I had long ago forgotten, but have since rediscovered in full.

  As it did for me, your questions too will be answered. Everything about the scriptures, its stories and its mysteries, will be revealed, piece by piece by piece. I will leave nothing for you to guess, as this is not a game; it happened, it is true, and you deserve to know at this time in history, h
ow and why. Indeed the trumpet has sounded for the seals to be broken and the mysteries of God to be known in full.

  But if my claims are true about the nature of the ancient passages, if in fact my memories are correct, that perhaps I am not the madman that we both suspect, then there should be some bit of evidence to prove it, some shred by which to realize my assertions. It makes sense, I suppose, that there should be a relic or artifact by which to validate my claims. Luckily there is a trace element of my past, clues, that for those who can recognize the truth, are undeniable. It is the code itself and is hidden, subtly, within the body of our religious texts.

  The primer of the Grid-layer is of course, the Great Wheel of God. Known today as the zodiac, this pie-shaped circle of 12 divisions was derived upon from the moon’s 12 monthly cycles. Not only did these grids help us to track the alignment of the Earth by which to open the portal, but through its imagery and symbolism, –to organize society. More so this critical-layer of the Wisdom Wheel gave us the needed structure by which to build the Word as well as the line-data by which to create some of the most astounding art-work ever made.

  We found that math is better by the dozen than the decimal. By twelves we found the sacred backbone of nature which is otherwise unachievable. As you will see, the magic that affects the Earth cannot be written with any other numeral-system. With it we kept detailed records of the repetitive, but ever-changing cycles of the Sun, Moon, stars, etc. This includes days, months, years and even 1000-year periods of time. Likewise these cycles and circles of the Great Wheel were then plotted upon a multi-layered-construct known as a “Grid System”, which in turn allowed us to extract and arrange the math of the heavens in order to further our science by which to open our portal.

  Now; if you are even remotely-familiar with the Hebrew or Christian Bibles, (Or any ancient religion for that matter), it’s obvious that the number twelve is also a common digit within their verses. For example; there were;


  • 12 tribes of Israel (Genesis 49)

  • 12 sons of Jacob (Genesis 35)

  • 12 gates of the Jewish temple (Revelation 21)

  • 12 wells of water (Exodus 15)

  • 12 stones set in the Jordan River by Joshua (Joshua 4)

  • 12 golden lions of King Solomon’s throne (1st Kings 10)

  • 12 yoke of oxen for Elisha’s plow (1st Kings 19)

  • 12 stones of Elijah’s altar (1st Kings 18)

  • 12 pieces into which a woman in the book of Judges was divided


  • 12 apostles (Matthew 10)

  • 12 baskets remained after the miracle of “5 loaves and 2 fishes” (Matthew 12)

  • 12 years a woman had a hemorrhage of blood (Mark 5)

  • 12 years old when Jesus first went to Jerusalem (Luke 2)

  • 12 sparrows of clay created by Jesus as a child (Infancy II)

  • 12 foundations to the New Jerusalem

  • 12 legions of angels (Matthew 26:53)

  Other ancient religions that contain the number twelve as a common theme include:


  • 12 names of the sun-god, Surya

  • 12 heads of Vishnu


  • 12 Olympians

  • 12 labors of Hercules


  • 12 infallible leaders/Iman’s

  • 12 princes beget of Ishmael (Genesis 17)


  • 12 gods and 12 goddesses who pulled Ra’s boat.


  • 12 clay tablets upon which the epic of Gilgamesh was written.

  Magi Time-keeping 101: The number 12 was only one of many astrological measurements encoded within the scriptures of every ancient culture. If I can relay nothing else but this, that the ancient scriptures were not haphazardly written by random wayfarers and prophets, but drafted no less than the blue-prints of any industrial machine.

  As you can see, the symbolic correlation to the Grid-layer is consistent throughout the ancient religions we created. Note if you will, that the nouns and adjectives attached to the number 12 are actually part of the code’s deception, in themselves only facets of the cover story. Regardless of the implied hierarchy of gods, angels, and heavenly orders that the outer stories suggest, beneath the veil of symbolism, are all detailing the same science. These are the “gods” of gravity and celestial timing including the sun, the moon, Venus, Earth, etc. Indeed the seal of our scriptures was ironclad in hiding this fact, but the clues to the primer are still there to be seen.

  Luckily our sacred system has survived the great crossing of time. In fact, it is still recognizable in literally every moment of your lives today. You can find it in the 12 months of your calendars and thus the 12 signs of your birthday. Next comes the 360° of a modern compass which is attained by simply multiplying the twelve months by their average number of days (12x30=360). Consider also the 12 a.m. and 12 p.m. hours of your clock for they too are an algorithm found within the prophetical section of the Hebrew Bible, itself divided into 24 books of 12 major and 12 minor prophets! Those numbers are not an accident, but a metaphor for the timelines tucked away within the Word itself.

  The hints of our sacred math are abundant throughout the ancient scriptures and are still used in your time-keeping today.

  Spelling the Perfect Frequency

  This is a “Word sheet” displaying the Song of Solomon in Hebrew, the original language of the Bible. Consequently, each circle represents a new cycle of the Wonders, or Grid-layer of the Wisdom Wheel, the alignments of which spelled each letter. Every book of the Hebrew and Christian Bibles were first compiled in this manner, helping us to speak the hidden language of math. The next step in our hidden-science was to create the “image sheets” from those same circles.

  Through the format of the Wisdom Wheel we were able to convert the alignments of the heavens and their numbers into letters. As each letter was produced, it was then placed upon the perimeter of the grid-series in a specific order that in turn spelled every sentence, verse, chapter and book of the Holy Bible.

  Finally the information that was spelled upon these Word sheets was transferred to either papyrus or parchment scrolls that in turn were read in every synagogue of ancient Israel. Long after the magi were gone, these same scriptures would survive in Christian and Catholic churches around the world and even honored to a degree within Islam. As a result of this, our math could now be verbalized in whichever language it was converted, thus creating the signals, via your mouth, that would impact the magnetic structure of Earth. Ironically, every time you speak or even read those words, you—yes, you—are literally fixing the problem with which we are faced.

  There was also a fail-safe integrated within the Word, a “firewall” of protection against misuse, one that is superior in construction to anything on your computer. This is the mental or dimensional aspect of the Word that only recognizes true, heartfelt convictions. Call it the power of sincerity, if you will. Simply put, there is no way to fake the magic of the spell; its expression must come from a broken and contrite heart. One can even blast the verses over megaphones, but it will do nothing without a genuine love and desire for the Source.

  Simply put, the Word requires reverence; it feels a person’s heart and whether or not it is compatible for the dimension from which we came. This engineering feature functions like an activation-code, and directly ties your soul to the dimensional values of the Word itself. Thus not only does the Word labor to open the portal, but can literally reject any and all incompatible mind-waves or personas in the process.

  The magic of the scriptures: These frequencies were designed to impact both the mental and magnetic structure, thus opening the door to Heaven and the way home for the angels. Hearing, reading and repeating the Word we created are key elements of angelic-survival.

  I would boast, at this point, yet I know better, that we were also Word-smiths, masters of illusion with how we wrot
e the ancient magic. The fact remains however, that we didn’t actually write the books of the Bible, but that the heavens wrote them for us. Indeed, these scripts were the direct result of alignments within the Great Wheel and we, the magi, only deciphered that information.

  Our way home will be achieved through the magic-spell of resurrection. The Word is the perfect wave-pattern of God that will create a bridge between the two worlds; it is the Resurrection Machine built by the math of the stars. Via this system, the magi accessed and mastered the physics of a dimension that, as of now, we can neither see nor touch nor smell, but make no mistake—it is there.

  The Artwork of God

  Here is where the mystery deepens and our magic of the Grid-layer becomes visible. As you will see, the magi were not only wizards at math, but incredible artisans as well. Yet our drawings were never freelance, but created along an exacting set of parameters, the center of which was the Great Wheel itself. These are in fact, the images I saw and see.

  There were a lot of circles and lines in the Grid System, thus providing a perfect format by which to create the story-images of the Bible it wrote. Largely it was a matter of highlighting the lines that fulfilled the image in question. This included every story in the Bible from Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden all the way to the beast of the book of Revelation and everything in between. Add to that the symbolic meaning of each word, and a multi-faceted artwork emerges that is truly mind-boggling.


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