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The Book of Daniel and the Mystery of the Resurrection Machine

Page 24

by Holloway, Daniel;

  The fact that there never were 12 real Israelite tribes didn’t matter, as no-one dare-question the scripture’s authority and literal-sounding declarations. What mattered rather is that our population now accepted it as fact. This in turn increased their hearing, reading and repeating of that same divine-Word that in turn would open the portal.

  This hybrid land/star map was centered over the city of Jerusalem which was the capital of ancient Israel, though it could have just as easily been placed over any country and city, anywhere in the world. The only differences in locations would need be the latitude, longitude, and language input primers that customized the outer word to those local cultures. Remember, the sacred word was based upon math, not a geocentric language or region in which a scripture was written. Thus the resulting Word only gave the illusion of language, when in fact it was infused with a mathematical wave-pattern. In this case however, the illusion created was of Jerusalem/Israel and the Hebrew tongue:

  “And I John saw the holy city, New Jerusalem (map layer), coming down from God (the God-image) out of heaven, (star-chart layer)” Revelation 21:2

  The perfect disguise: Magi map-making 101: Hide star-charts in the form of a land-map and then record that information in the Bible as though it’s referencing those towns and geographic-features. Result: No one will ever figure it out. We didn’t just do this in Israel however, but in the scriptures of every ancient culture we developed.

  I’d like to begin with some obvious examples of our sacred-maps within the Bible. However, because there are no known surviving maps from my day, I was thus forced to use modern versions by which to portray them. Take note that these are not my maps; I didn’t make them: The ones chosen were produced by Broadman Supplies/Holman Bible Publishers. Their numerical-integrity and scale are consistent and portray the basic areas of Bible-geography.

  This chapter covers the real land of Israel and the biggest secret of the Temple thus far. Essentially you will see Bible verses decoded and located upon a modern representation of Israel and its surrounding countries. Any doubt concerning the angelic-genius, will likely be removed while viewing these recreations. The results are accurate and undeniable…

  The Real

  Jesus of the Bible (Part 2)

  “The Son of Man”


  Using the same positioning and grids as before, but this time with the map, you will see yet another layer of the Bible’s unbelievable symbolism. The following image of Jesus will be dissected and expanded for viewing. As you read, notice that every last detail of the verses perfectly fits the maps, grids and the colors of the firmament. The configuration of grids and their alignments border upon miraculous and, by-the-way, don’t forget; that these maps were produced by a reputable map company. All that is required to see the code is the magi-c of your mind!

  “…and his eyes (sub-image #3) like a flame of fire…And he had in his right hand seven stars (sub-image #1); and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword; (sub-image #2) “the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches” Revelation 1-3

  This is the real Jesus of the Bible as viewed upon the map-layer of the Wisdom Wheel.

  Sub-image #1

  “And he had in his right hand seven stars” “. . . the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches” (Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea.) Revelation 1-3

  Aligned with the right hand of Jesus are the seven churches of Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea. Their listing in these verses have a sole purpose; to portray the ancient star-pattern of Draco as they aligned with the hand of Jesus. The issue of whether or not there were real churches in those towns is irrelevant to the Scripture’s true function, yet their location on our maps was of key importance in cloaking the Israeli Grid System. Huge implications!

  Sub-image #2

  “out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword” Revelation 1:16

  “and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:” Ephesians 6:17

  This “sword” is the combined line data that aligns with the mouth of Jesus. It pictorially represents the lethal, wave-pattern of the sacred-Word which fights against the false imagination of this world, hence;

  Sub-image #3

  “his eyes were as a flame of fire” Revelation 1:14

  The “eyes” in question (highlighted in white) are envisioned from the hubs of Jesus’ peripheral grids with the sun placed at their center as it would be, hence the “eyes were as a flame of fire”. Thus the verse is not describing the eyes of the figurine itself, but instead a singular body-part formed from within the grids.

  Jesus Part 3

  The Miraculous Alignments


  The actual map-data of the Jesus figurine and its alignments are mind-blowing. Please note the conjunctions of Venus that formed his 5-sided star and the Bible details by which they are explained:

  Bethlehem (1st conjunction)


  “Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea” Matthew 2:1

  Bethlehem: The “birth” or 1st Venus/Sun conjunction of Jesus, aligns with the forgotten town of Bethlehem, not the traditionally accepted town of Jesus’ birth, but the town that the magi selected by which to synchronize our map-data. The Bethlehem of the Bible was only recently brought to archaeology around 2004, yet its memory came to me as a mind-image and instinct in 1995. This Bethlehem marks the 1st alignment of the Jesus figurine.

  Egypt (2nd conjunction)


  “…Joseph took the young child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt:” Matthew 2:14

  Egypt and the infant Jesus: The figurine’s left hand aligns with Egypt. Unlike the exact points of Bethlehem, Nazareth and the seven churches, there were no towns in that part of Egypt by which to pinpoint the 2nd conjunction of the Jesus star, hence a non-specific region was instead chosen. That said, this phase of the Jesus Star is symbolized as the “child” or beginning phase of Matthew 2:14

  Sea and Earth (3rd and 4th conjunction)


  Next we skip to the angel of the book of Revelation, which gives a general location of Jesus’ feet on our map;

  “and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth,” Revelation 10:2

  The feet of Jesus: Again the book of Revelation has provided only a non-specific geographic location by mentioning the “sea” and “earth”. Usually these two symbol-words were used to describe specific-facets of the Wisdom Wheel, yet in this case they were a reference to the alignment of Jesus’ feet with northern Africa and the Mediterranean Sea. Amazing!

  The 7 Churches (5th conjunction)


  “The mystery of the seven stars which thou saw in my right hand, … are the seven churches.” (Draco’s star pattern.) Revelation 1:20

  Here again are the seven stars of Draco as the 5th alignment of the Jesus Star: In this case there were an abundance of towns by which to pinpoint the seven stars of Draco in that region of the world. The seven chosen on the map by the Wisdom Wheel were Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea (see Revelation 2-3). Indeed they perfectly match the star pattern of Draco and, likewise, the star-pattern matches the towns’ location exactly. As you will see, there is much more about this alignment that I will reveal in the upcoming chapters.

  Nazareth (6th conjunction)


  “And he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, He shall be called a Nazarene.” Matthew 2:23

  Nazareth marks the 6th and final-alignment of the Jesus Star (Yes there are 6 in total), matches perfectly with the town of Nazareth. As Venus completes its final-leg of a star, it will overlap the first alignment by exactly 2.5 (degrees) and will be slightly highe
r or lower from its original position. Nazareth of course fulfills the verse’s location and perhaps the most important five-sided star in history; -the Morning Star known as Jesus. Can you see the significance of this revelation?

  “The Land of Milk and Honey”



  “And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians; to bring them out of that land unto a large and good land flowing with milk (full Moon) and honey (sun);” Exodus 3:8/fig.8

  The Real Land of Milk and Honey: This is the land of which the Wisdom Wheel spoke. The Israel of the Bible was never of this world, but instead an overlay of our grids upon a map of the earth. This type of encoding covered the tracks of our intentions until the final day. Milk and honey simply don’t flow from the ground; they never did, never will.

  Though this verse does not outline a specific set of map alignments, it does provide a general outline of the Grid System on our star-chart/map overlay. To begin with, the “milk” being referenced is the appearance of the large, white, lunar-band. Likewise by using one’s imagination it is easy to envision the golden, “honey” like effect of the sun within the large solar band. Remember that it is the sun and full-Moon that open the portal once Earth’s tilt and wobble are eliminated, hence the wording of Exodus 3:8.

  Furthermore the boundaries of biblical Israel within the map layer are outlined in Genesis 15:18.

  “In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram (figurine), saying, Unto thy seed (stars) have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates:” Genesis 15:18

  Please note the Nile and Euphrates rivers with the left and right enclosure of the grids. As you can see, there is quite a contrast between modern Israel’s actual boundaries and its symbolic boundaries within the scriptures. Therefore any time you read the words “milk” or “honey” in the Christian or Jewish Bible, it is always referring to these two grids in some capacity. The land simply doesn’t flow with milk and honey, but the Grid System maps surely did!

  King Nebuchadnezzar Part II


  “Thou, O king Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, saw, and behold a great image. This images head was of fine gold, its breasts and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of brass, its legs of iron, its feet part of iron and part of miry clay. Thou, o king, art this head of gold.” Daniel 2:31-33

  Will the real King of Babylon please stand up . . . or turn sideways . . . or whatever. We can plainly see how the Nebuchadnezzar figurine perfectly aligns with the ancient city of Babylon per the biblical-description. This figurine is a sub-grid of Tyre/Sidon, and though the math might be complicated, the images are simple to comprehend

  You’ve already seen the colors of King Nebuchadnezzar in the Heaven and Earth chapter, but now I would like to draw your attention to the same image only with the map-layer added as well. As you can see, King Neb’s head is located directly over the ancient city of Babylon per the Bible’s description as “Thou, o king, art this head of gold.”

  What else does a doubting Thomas need? So once again we can see that the scriptures were not telling us a history story about a real king, but instead about the placement of the ecliptic grid within the Grid System, the alignments of which coincide with Babylon on the map.

  King Nebuchadnezzar was a biblical-badguy of sorts, which means he was an evening star within the larger, wobble-grid of Tyre and Sidon. There is no faking these alignments. Obviously there really was a historical King Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon, but when his name was mentioned within our scriptures, there was zero historical reference. Now you know the real story of this royal figurine.

  The Real

  Giants of the Bible


  There were giants in the earth in those days; Genesis 6:4

  And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight. Numbers 13:33

  Giants—and really big ones too! Biblical claims of giants originated from within the images of the Grid System. That said, it is yet a truism that the original luminaries were somewhat taller than the average human.

  And so now you know where the biblical concept was derived. Of course there were giants in the land, huge ones: not flesh and blood mind you, but the larger pictorials of our sacred maps. There are however, two sides to this part of the story. On one hand we understood that humans were notoriously superstitious, thus the implied imagery of large scary monsters fed nicely into their consciousness. It was part of the storyline that the Wisdom Wheel wrote and thus part of the outward literary mystique of the Jewish religion as a whole.

  That said, gigantism is a real condition that is believed to be the result of an overproduction of growth hormones. Yet scientists struggle with tracking the genetic link in this disease as even, on occasion, the removal of the pituitary gland still doesn’t stop excess growth. It is possible I suppose that the responsible culprit is the angelic energy connected to that person’s genetic-code.

  During the time-frame of the melding our elements (Both light and dark) compacted more heavily upon some parcels of land than others, and at various points around the globe. This was the result of magnetic anomalies to which our element was attached which then distributed more heavily is some locals than others. The end result was an increase in the size of humans and primates in those areas including entire tribes of “giants”.

  Today however the vast majority of elements are melded and distributed within the huge volume of the human race. This is why there are far less giants born today than in prehistory. That said, none of the giants mentioned in the Bible were in reference to these beings, but instead the larger figurines of the Grid System.

  On a more dramatic note, a few of the original magi did eventually mate with human women. As the dimensional-energy faded more quickly in some magi than others, things got boring, thus one does what they can to pass the time and avoid losing their mind. Believe it or not however, even sex gets boring after a couple of hundred years as does even finding yourself in a body to begin with. After enough time, the fun is all gone and an angel simply wants to go home. That said, the giants of the Bible were figurines on our maps; nothing more, nothing less…

  The Four Corners of Heaven and Earth


  “I saw a vision, a certain vessel descend, as it had been a great sheet, let down from heaven by four corners; and it came even to me:” Acts 11:5

  “And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel from the four corners of the earth.” Isaiah 11:12

  So, at this point I must ask, did you really think we believed that the earth was flat; that it really only had four corners? I chuckle, for just as your modern maps are flat, four-cornered representations of the earth, -so were ours. The difference is that it wasn’t that long ago that the majority of humans actually believed you could fall from the earth’s edge (sadly, some still do). So indeed the four corners were those of the sacred sheets, and since a flat earth was all that primitive humans could understand, then we simply let them believe it.

  Perhaps however, you don’t believe in the myths that we created and their simplistic descriptions by which we tamed the human animal. If so, that’s good; then awake! But don’t make the mistake of confusing us with the simpletons of humanities past. Neither be deceived that because our myths were misleading in the strictest sense, that somehow the spirit of God is also a farce. God is real: More real than, at this point, you can possibly imagine, but I am here to tell you, he lives in you and is soon to be born from within.

  The Real

  Jerusalem and Zion of the Bible


  “Then the moon shall be confounded, and the sun ashamed, when the LORD of hosts shall reign in mount Zion, and in Jerusalem and before his ancients glori
ously.” Isaiah 24:23

  “Jerusalem is built as a city that is compact together: (Two grids superimposed)” Psalm 122:3

  For the magi, the location of Jerusalem on our sacred maps was not used for land navigation, but instead to mark the center of the Zion and Jerusalem Grids. These facets of the celestial-globe were symbolically described throughout the scriptures. This is the real Zion and Jerusalem of which the Wisdom Wheel wrote.

  Now that you’ve seen some fun examples, I’d like to show you the reasoning behind each grid’s placement upon our maps. We must begin with the city of Jerusalem which was the religious epicenter of ancient Israel. Because Jerusalem was central to the Jewish people, it also made a logical center of the Wisdom Wheel. Thus we used the city’s location and basic geography as an overlay by which to symbolize a critical element of the Grid System.

  At the heart of this symbolism is that Jerusalem was originally built upon the hill of Zion, one being atop the other. This is similar in fashion to the grids of the celestial globe when viewed from above, also one atop the other. This stacking of the grids in turn provided the line-data by which to create the artistic hill of Zion as well as the artistic town of Jerusalem. What’s more we were able to populate this artwork with both the male and female stars that were located therein. Neat!


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