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Never Got Over You

Page 11

by Whitney G.

  AT NOON, WHILE MY STAFF was preparing for our first official boardroom session, I walked to Pike Place Market and slipped into the Purple Café and Wine Bar.

  Ordering a cup of water, I pressed a finger against my swollen lips—replaying James’s mouth against mine all over again. Hating the way he’d ended it.

  “No, Kate...No, we can’t.”

  All of a sudden, the doors to the café opened and the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen stepped inside the doorway. She walked over to the hostess stand, and then her eyes—the same color and hue as mine, lit up as she spotted me.

  Oh, Sarah Kay...

  She walked toward me, sporting a bright while trench coat over a perfectly fitted green dress. Her neck was adorned with a Harry Winston diamond choker that complemented the stunning silver hoops that hung from her ears.

  She looked like royalty and wealth. She looked exactly like the woman my mother wanted me to be.

  “Why the face, Kate?” She flashed her perfect smile as she sat across from me. “You look like this is the last place you want to be. That, or you really didn’t want to see me.”

  “I always want to see you,” I picked up my cup. “I was just admiring the fact that you look like a true ‘Kensington woman’ today.”

  “Ha!” I brought sweatpants and tank tops in my carry-on bag.”

  A waiter set a fresh vase of water between us and prepared two hot cups of coffee.

  I watched how she properly folded her napkin, how she set her cup and sipping spoon at perfect angles before drinking. I found it quite ironic that she’d remained in Edgewood, that she’d actually wanted to. She’d begged me to be her maid of honor when she was set to be married, to come to the wedding and show our family that I was still alive and thriving, but deep down, we both knew that it was too risky.

  “Before we catch up, I need to give you something.” She pulled a white envelope from her bag and slid it across the table.

  “No, that’s okay. I have a decent salary now.”

  She ignored me and leaned over the table, stuffing the envelope into my purse anyway. Without looking at it, I already knew the words that were inked across the front.

  “This never happened.”

  I also knew there was a check for ten thousand dollars inside. The amount she gave me at least twice a year from her own inheritance. (Well, the small, dripping installments she received from her inheritance anyway)

  “Now, onto business.” She smiled and tilted her head to the side. “You look good. You like you’ve just been fucked, actually.”

  I spit out my water, laughing. “I haven’t been.”

  “That’s too bad, then.” She picked up her coffee. “How are things here in Seattle?”

  “They’re um...” I couldn’t help but blurt out my thoughts. “Have mom and dad said anything about me lately? Like, anything at all?”

  She shook her head. “No, Kate.”

  “When people ask about me, do they tell the truth?”

  “No.” She looked as hurt as I felt. “They still say that you chose to perform at private events and closed tours after you finished graduate school.”

  “People believe that?”

  “Why wouldn’t they? They can afford to make things look however they want.” She sipped from her cup. “Mom paid the admissions department at your school to make it look like you have a master’s so...Maybe you can put that on your resume after all.”

  I knew that already, and I’d never use it.

  “Seattle is great so far,” I said, needing to change the subject. “I’m convinced everything her had been a sign, especially since I’m dealing with a certain blast from the past at work.”

  “Ugh. Please don’t tell me it’s ‘he who shall never be named.’”

  “No.” I shook my head. “It’s James. James Garrett.”

  She dropped her coffee cup to the floor, sending a team of wait staff rushing in her direction. Keeping her eyes on mine, she waited until the shards were swept away. Until our waiter poured her a fresh cup and moved away.

  “Is he client or a coworker?” she asked, her eyes lighting up with the news of fresh drama.

  “Neither.” I shook my head. “He’s my boss.”

  She smiled as she sipped her coffee, batting her eyelashes in search of her next words.

  “Nothing is going on between us, Sarah Kay.” I beat her to it. “And nothing ever will. There’s too much to figure out and I don’t think it’s worth opening wounds from almost a decade ago.”

  “Um, okay, so ...I wasn’t thinking about that at all.” She shrugged. “I think you two should get it over with and fuck, though.”

  The woman at the table across from us scoffed at Sarah Kay and moved away.

  “Well, that part of you clearly hasn’t changed.” I held back a laugh, thinking about how close we’d come today. “Sleeping with him is out of the question though. I would never.”

  “I don’t see why not.” She smiled. “You already have...”

  I STOOD AT THE FRONT of the boardroom at four o’clock, my body still buzzing from James’s kiss earlier. He was staring right at me from the center of the table, turning me on with ease, but I still had to use this next hour to tell his board the truth.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I’ll make this analysis quick,” I said, dimming the lights. “I’ve passed out the preview shots of the commercials we’ll be shooting soon, and we now have a functioning department. However, after analyzing all of the issues that we may potentially face, I’ve decided there’s only one.”

  I clicked the slide and James’s picture appeared in the screen with “Our CEO” in bright bold letters.

  A few of the members gasped, but the room quickly became pin-drop silent.

  “True leadership starts at the top,” I said. “And if we are being led by a CEO who doesn’t function as a team player, we can’t work toward the same vision.”

  James glared at me, his lips slowly parting as he sat up in his seat.

  “If I’m going to be asked to report to our CEO, I expect him to stop interrupting our department’s private meetings and I expect him to participate during mockup sessions like he’s a part of this billion-dollar business. Not just watching it from afar.” I clicked my slide again and my team brought in flights of coffee for each member.

  Mr. Jewell picked up his water and chugged it. Carol started coughing.

  “This is the main thing that needs to be addressed to strengthen our core marketing. I believe that working on that relationship will help everything else. Now, onto—”

  “Miss Kennedy.” James held up his hand, silencing me with the stern sound of his voice. “Thank you for your presentation.”

  “I’m not finished yet.”

  “Yes, you are.” He clenched his jaw. “Take your team and get the hell out of my boardroom.”

  I swallowed, and the lights in the room came on. I looked to Joseph and Carol, hoping they would intervene, but they only looked down.

  “Now, Miss Kennedy,” he said, even harsher than the first time.

  My team members rushed to the door and I closed my folder.

  “I would start packing away your desk if I were you,” he said as I opened the door. The passion and lust in his eyes from earlier was long gone.

  I slammed the door on my way out and rushed to my office. I tossed my folder into the trash and slumped in my chair. My phone buzzed in my pocket.

  Joseph Jewell: Don’t worry...We’re not going to fire you...Next time, just give us a heads up if you plan on insulting him though.

  I let out a breath and walked over to the windows. That was the last meeting I was heading. I didn’t care what I’d previously agreed to. I was sending Summer in my place from here on out.

  As I was typing an email to her, a knock came to my door.

  “Come back later, please!”

  The door opened and James walked in, glaring at me.

  “I could’ve sworn I said, ‘come back late
r.’ Now that I know it’s you, you can just send me an email and stay the hell away from me.”

  He shut the door and clicked the lock. “I need to talk to you.”

  “I don’t want to listen.”

  “I need to talk to you,” he repeated, slowly stepping closer. “It’s important.”

  “I doubt it.”

  “I’m not going to repeat myself again.”

  “Good. Close the door when you walk away.”

  “You would be the person who knows how to do that to perfection, wouldn’t you?” he asked.

  I didn’t get a chance to react.

  His lips crashed against mine and my back hit the window. I wrapped my hands around his neck and slid my tongue against his—fighting for control, but he didn’t let me have it.

  His eyes were locked on mine, and I had no desire to ever look away.

  He slid his hand under my dress and between my thighs, groaning when he felt how wet I was.

  He continued owning my mouth with his kiss, tearing away from it briefly to unbuckle his pants.

  “Bend over your desk,” he commanded, and I immediately obliged. I needed him inside of me, however it came, and I wanted to finally kill the lusting tension between us.

  My ass was up in the air, my face forward, and my faint reflection was in the glass.

  James moved behind me, palming my ass with his hands.

  I heard him unwrap a condom, heard him say, “Fuck, Kate...” as he slid a finger against my wetness.

  He pressed a hasty kiss at the center of my back, then he wedged his knee between my legs. He spread them a bit more, and then he slid into me all at once.

  I cried out as I adjusted to his huge and perfect length, resisting the urge to call his name as he filled me to my core.

  “This is how it was supposed to be, Kate,” he said, roughly gripping my sides. “Exactly how it was supposed to be.”

  He didn’t give me a chance to respond to that.

  He pounded into me without mercy, forcing me to grip the edge of the desk, my nails damn near digging into the wood.

  In the faint window reflection ahead of us, his eyes met mine and he gazed at me with every stroke. Fisting his hand in my hair, he pulled my head back and whispered into my ear. “Tell me how much you love this...”

  I moaned, but I didn’t answer. I didn’t see love in his eyes like before. This was just a fuck.

  My body couldn’t tell the difference, though. My pussy was throbbing, tightening around his cock, and within seconds I was reaching my climax—crying out his name.

  He reached his release seconds after me, and then he slowly pulled out of me. Tossing away the condom, he pulled up his pants before rolling me over to face him.

  Letting out a breath, he helped me to sit up. Then he ran his fingers through my hair, smoothing the strands into place.

  The look in his eyes wasn’t as primal as before. It was far softer, a mix of lost love and regret.

  Grabbing my left hand, he gently rubbed my ring finger for several seconds.

  The elephant of “nine and half years ago” was still in the room, and I didn’t think it was stomping away anytime soon.

  Still caressing my ring finger, he looked into my eyes. “Kate, can we—”

  “No.” I cut him off, returning his answer from earlier. “No, we can’t.”

  I pulled my hand away and left.

  Sometimes That’s the Only Way

  I PICKED UP A BOTTLE of vodka and poured a shot. Then I poured one more.

  Tossing them back one by one, I shut my eyes as the alcohol burned its way down my throat.

  I couldn’t believe that I’d slept with James in my office. That he was still, hands-down, the best sex I’d ever had. If I hadn’t been so upset with the way he’d treated me in the boardroom, I would’ve begged him for more.

  More of the type that I liked though...

  Even though he felt amazing inside of me and my body appreciated the much-needed release, it wasn’t the kind of sex I used to love from him in the past. It wasn’t the hours-long, leave-me-utterly-breathless type that left me in a bliss for days. The type that started and ended on a high, with him kissing every inch of my body.

  I shook the thought of him away and picked up my phone. The large order of Chinese food I’d ordered was M.I.A.

  Just as I was about to call the store and ask if it was still coming, the doorbell sounded.

  Finally. “Coming!” I picked up my wallet and headed to the door.

  “Thirteen dollars and fifty cents,” the delivery guy said the moment I opened it.

  I handed him a twenty and he handed me the bag of fried egg rolls and carton of pepper steak. I took it out and set it on my balcony. I realized that they’d forgotten to give me the Fortune Cookies, and the doorbell sounded again.


  “Thank you so much for coming right back, I—” My breath caught in my throat when I swung the door open and saw James.

  He was standing in the drizzling rain without an umbrella, his gaze heated and direct. And, for the first time since I’d seen him in this city, he wasn’t wearing a suit or a white button-down shirt. Dressed in dark jeans and a light grey T-shirt that clung to his abs, with his tattoos on full display, he looked exactly like the man I fell in love with years ago.

  “Were you expecting someone?” he asked.


  “Then you need to tell that person that you’re going to be unavailable tonight.”

  “My night is actually free and clear,” I said, my voice still hoarse from earlier. “Except for this unwanted intrusion from my boss.”

  “I’m not here as your boss.”

  “Okay, fine.” My fingers tapped the edge of the door, my heart raced wildly in my chest. “I still don’t want to talk.”

  “I didn’t come here to talk.” He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me, making me forget all the words I’d planned to say. All the things that’d been tucked under my tongue since I’d first saw him in his billion-dollar boardroom.

  With his mouth latched onto mine, he stepped inside my place—letting the door shut behind him. Kissing me softly, he slid his hands around my hips and squeezed my ass—pushing me back against the wall.

  We kept our eyes open as our mouths collided, saying everything and nothing at all.

  He gripped me by my hips and slowly lifted me up, making me wrap my legs around his waist.

  He carried me over to the couch and lay me on top of the cushions. I started to untie my sweatpants, but he flipped me over onto my stomach.

  Straddling me, he tugged on the elastic band around my ponytail—stretching it until it snapped. He kissed the back of my neck and whispered, “I can’t give you what you need if you’re still dressed...move your hands.”

  I obliged and placed my hands over the arm of the couch. Within seconds, he grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head. He unclasped the back of my bra with ease—pushing the straps off my shoulders and tossing it to the ground.

  He placed a trail of heated kisses along my spine, stopping when he arrived at the band of my sweats. The pillows underneath me shifted as he stood to his feet and slowly pulled the pants off of me.

  I felt him tug at my red lace panties—heard him let out a low laugh, but he quickly ripped them off.

  He slapped my ass and flipped me over to face him.

  Pulling the grey shirt over his head, he tossed it onto the floor. He started to unbuckle his belt, but I sat up and took control.

  I unhooked the belt from the loops, unfastened his jeans, and pushed them down. Pushing down his briefs, I leaned forward and slowly took the tip of his cock into my mouth.

  He groaned as I took him deeper and deeper, gently threading his fingers through my hair. He looked into my eyes as I continued sucking him, as I started bobbing my head up and down.

  I felt him getting harder in my mouth, but he tightened his grip on my hair and gently pushed me away.
r />   Before I could react, he pushed me back onto the couch pillows. Then he stepped out of his jeans and climbed on top of me.

  He picked up a condom from the floor and put it on, keeping his eyes on mine as he slid it up his length.

  He slid into me inch by inch, burying himself deep inside of me. He clasped my hands and held them above my head, then he began to thrust.

  He was much slower this time, far more loving this time. As he moved in and out of me, all of the reasons why I fell for him came back in full force. Even harder than before.

  In his eyes, I saw that there was still love there. Still burning as bright and hot as it did nine and a half years ago.

  We reached our climax at the same time, both saying each other’s name as we came down.

  James rolled me on top of him, caressing my legs as they shook against him.

  I’ve missed you, Kate. His eyes said it all.

  Me, too, James... I nodded, still unable to speak.

  We lay still in silence, unsure of what to say next.

  After what felt like forever, he kissed me and our bodies were entwined all over again. He kissed every inch of me, worshipped every freckle on my skin, left possessive trails with his tongue around every beauty mark.

  By the time we stopped, it was Saturday afternoon and we’d christened my bed, my kitchen counters, and my couch more than once.

  I was currently curled onto his chest, staring into his eyes as a rare streak of sunlight streamed into my living room.

  We hadn’t spoken more than a few words to each other over the past several hours, but I was hoping that this would be the start to rebuilding what we had. That maybe, we were finally ready to consider giving ‘us’ a second chance.

  James pressed a kiss against my forehead and sighed, slowly getting off my couch. He put on his jeans and grabbed his keys. Then he pulled on his shirt.

  I wanted to ask if he was leaving, but that was quite obvious. The question, “Why?” wasn’t, but I held back.

  “I honestly don’t understand, Kate,” he said, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. “I don’t see why you would ever marry someone who wasn’t me.”

  “Well, after all this time—” I let out a breath, noticing the hurt in his eyes, feeling the pain in mine. “I think you could just ask me.”


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