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Billion Dollar Love

Page 13

by Sam Crescent

  “Ivy.” James spoke softly, his eyes filled with such tenderness, as if empathizing with her confession. He gave her a quick kiss before holding her gaze. “You are not selfish. You have every right to be damn proud of your accomplishments. You are an amazing daughter, and you want the best of both worlds. There’s nothing that says that can’t happen. Your career doesn’t have to suffer, and your passion, your father’s passion, will not be destroyed, if I have anything to do or say about it.”

  She relaxed in his hold, leaning into his hand as his thumb swept across her cheek. “I’m so sorry I painted you as the enemy. All I saw was some company ready to pillage all we’d worked for, and it made no sense, and I saw it all slipping away…”

  “Ivy, nothing is slipping away.”



  “I think—”

  “Don’t think, just feel. Tell me what you’re feeling, Ivy. Right now, at this very moment.”

  She smiled. “I want us to share astonishing surprises and pleasant upsets together. I want us to challenge one another and champion the hell out of one another.” Her smile blossomed, mimicking his. “I want to blow off my lectures and blow you instead. I want to feel my lips wrapped around your cock while you’re rock hard, ready to explode. Then I want to feel you come apart while you’re deep inside me, making me shatter. How’s that for what I’m feeling right at this very moment?”

  James’s smile turned feral. “Fucking bliss.”

  James relieved Ivy of her clothes, and she quickly forgot about the incessant chimes from her phone. For another twenty minutes, they achieved bliss.

  As their tangled bodies lay sprawled across the bed, their skin cooling, their breaths returning to normal, James’s playful kisses had Ivy purring.

  “I love a woman who speaks her mind,” James teased.

  “And I love a man who isn’t threatened by a woman who speaks her mind.” She relaxed in his arms, uncaring about anything except the inexplicable contentment she felt.

  “Well, since we both love one another, I say—”

  Ivy jerked back. “Whoa, hold on there, we didn’t say we love each other,” she said in a panicked voice. She tried shuffling to move off the bed but found herself trapped beneath James when he moved faster than she could blink. “James, get off.”

  “I just accomplished that, but I’d be happy to do so again.”

  She chuffed with laughter. “Suddenly you can’t take anything serious. But seriously, you need to get off me.” Squirming to move only proved to excite him more, as evidenced by the growing erection pressing into Ivy. Okay, wow! “I really need to go. I’m horribly late. Erik is probably sending out a search party for me,” she rambled, trying to ignore the mischievous grin he gave her.

  He started peppering her with kisses, journeying toward her breasts while his hand found its way between her legs. With only one pass across her clit she sparked to life.

  “James, please.” She tried to sound stern, but it turned into a pathetic plea as he slipped one finger then two inside her while continuing to give attention to her happy button. Her hips jerked in time to his passes across her swollen clit that was already close to detonation.

  “Oh, I most certainly will please you, Ivy Baines.”

  He latched onto a nipple, sucking greedily as his fingers plunged in and out of her. She closed her eyes and moaned with pleasure, giving in to this luxury. But before she could fly, James pulled away, wrenching a sob from her.

  “Hold on, beautiful.” Ivy heard the unmistakable rustling of the drawer, the condom wrapper, and finally James’s assurance of an earth-shattering orgasm.

  Before she could open her eyes and welcome him to her, she squealed with surprise when James flipped her onto her stomach and lifted her hips. She had no chance to catch her breath as he thrust inside her, burying himself deep. Ivy threw her head back and screamed at the wickedly wonderful invasion. Clawing the sheets, she had no choice but to hang on as he rammed his body against hers. With one hand on her lower back, his other reached around to give attention to her engorged clit, setting her off within seconds. Ivy buried her face against the bed in order to muffle her cries as the orgasm wracked her body. Gripping tightly to his cock, she brought him along on this decadent ride, smiling to herself as he grunted his release.

  Moving in unison, their bodies lost control. The wildness of the act left Ivy delirious, yet happily so. She collapsed onto the bed, her body spent, welcoming the weight of James on top of her. But it didn’t last long as he rolled them onto their sides, wrapping an arm and leg across her, keeping her close.

  “I love when you abandon all reason,” James whispered, nuzzling her neck. “The result is fucking sexy.”

  Ivy laughed. “James Goldman, such language.”

  “You’re one to talk,” he teased. “You bring out the beast in me.”

  “Don’t you mean the best in you?” She cast a glance over her shoulder, giving him a sassy smile.

  “That too.” He nipped her skin as his body curled more protectively around her.

  She could easily forget all about her obligation to the University. That is until her phone starting pinging again and James commented.

  “Whatever will Erik think about you being AWOL this morning?”

  Ivy released a heavy sigh. “I really should contact him and apologize. I’ve never done this before. You’re a bad influence on my professionalism, James.”

  “Happy to contribute when I’m the recipient of your debauchery.”

  Ivy snorted with laughter as she rolled in her arms, facing him. “You’ve more than contributed, you are the corruptor, you sexual fiend.”

  “A title I’ll gladly carry as long as you remain the corruptee.”

  Ivy soaked in the sight of his handsome face, the brilliance of his eyes as they locked on hers. The feel of his arms around her body so wonderfully simple and comforting.

  “How did we get here?” she whispered.

  “Simple. One taste and I had to have you. And now that I do, I’m not letting go.” He held her tighter, kissing her tenderly. When their lips parted, Ivy sighed.

  “And your pursuit of the brewery?”

  James drew back and focused on her. “It’s a huge departure from my usual investments, but that’s what intrigues me. You intrigue me, Ivy. As I said, I’ve been contemplating a separation from Goldman Enterprises for some time. My mother and I are at odds with one another more than we are in agreement, and it’s been draining.”

  “But a brewery and tap house? Really, James?”

  He drew further back, propping himself on his elbow. “Why not? It’ll help your father by setting him and your mother up nicely for the future. It’ll ease your worries about losing a part of what your family loves.”

  “But, James—”

  Ivy received a finger across her lips to silence her. “But, nothing. I have billions, remember?” Ivy laughed as he continued. “All will be well, Ivy. We’ll figure it out. Together. If you’ll let me into your life.”

  She didn’t even have to think twice as she pressed against his shoulders, pushing him to his back before lying across his hot body. Moving her lips to his, she gave a sensuous kiss, promising carnal delights, and Ivy wasn’t surprised to feel the rise of his erection pressing against her ass.

  “You’re already in my life, James Goldman, so let’s figure it out,” she whispered seductively.

  His smile was one of pure radiance, lighting her up.

  And against her usual better judgment—because being responsible wasn’t high on her priority list these days it seemed—she ignored the annoying chatter of her phone and remained in bed with James.


  Ivy managed to smooth over her lapse of responsibility with Erik by offering to present her missed lecture Friday evening. Attendees were more than happy to stay, humbling Ivy with their eagerness to listen to her presentation. She wasn’t proud of her fib—okay, she had outright lie
d—blaming her absence and avoidance on a migraine. She certainly wasn’t going to confess to a sex-a-thon with the very well-endowed James Goldman, who appeared to be a source of endless energy.

  Not that Ivy had complained. Her time with the man had been divine.

  Once the lectures had concluded on Saturday, the evening had been reserved for a gala that not only recognized several of the speakers and contributors, but also served as a fundraiser for the University.

  Prior to leaving her room, where she and James had spent the better part of their late afternoon showering together, making love, then showering again, James had surprised Ivy by presenting her with the stilettos she’d ditched at the exhibit in New York. He had confessed to keeping them, vowing he’d see her again to return them in person. In true Cinderella fashion, he had bent down on one knee and slipped the shoes onto her feet.

  While walking arm-in-arm with James into the ballroom, Ivy had never felt so confident. She took his words to heart, knowing she should and could feel proud of her journey, and the only one she had to prove anything to, was herself. While she knew she wasn’t ready to walk away from her research and lecturing, she already knew she’d be more discerning in the projects she’d tackle. It was time to reprioritize her life, and that began with family, which now included James.

  “Have I told you how positively stunning you look tonight?” His appreciative gaze stoked her body, which still sizzled from earlier.

  “Mmm, you did,” she hummed, meeting his stare, exchanging smiles. “But thank you, again. And you look absolutely mouthwatering. I can’t wait to devour you later.”

  A growl escaped him as he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her tightly to his side. “I seem to recall a few times you couldn’t wait to flee my presence, Ivy Baines.”

  “Now I can’t imagine ever running from you again, James Goldman.”

  She welcomed his mouth to hers as he gave her a heady kiss, promising much more to come.

  The End

  Find more books from author Laura M. Baird:


  A Fallen Gliders MC Short

  Lynn Burke

  Copyright © 2020

  Chapter One


  Her long legs caught my attention first, disappearing beneath a tight skirt hugging a lush ass that swayed with every step she took down the sidewalk. I imagined burying my face between her thighs to see if she tasted as sweet as the chocolate color of her skin.

  “Goddamn,” I groaned, watching her when I should have been keeping an eye on Boston’s slow downtown traffic crawling around me and my chopper.

  Dark hair pulled back in a severe bun, shoulders back and chin lifted as though she commanded the world, the woman carried a cup of coffee in her hand, the other clutching a briefcase of sorts. With the Fallen Gliders’ colors I’d worn for over ten years, I’d never land a gorgeous model-type like her. She outshone the club whores in every way—style, bearing, and the business aura she portrayed.

  I drew alongside her hot ass, my bike rumbling beneath me, and she glanced my way.

  “Fuck me,” I muttered, the groan sliding past my lips as light colored eyes pierced me from a bronzed, flawless complexion. Not a stitch of makeup that I could tell.

  She blinked, her lips parting.

  And I bumped into the fucking car in front of me.

  “Fuck!” I jerked my focus forward to find the beater KIA or some such shit box kissing the rubber of my front tire. At least we hadn’t been driving fast enough to cause major damage.

  I killed my bike and put down the stand as a young punk hopped from his car. “You okay?” I called to him.

  “Yeah, no problem.”

  “Fucking sorry about that,” I muttered as we came together to check for damage. Not a scratch, thank fuck.

  I glanced up to find the woman who’d caused my distraction gone from sight.

  “Fuck,” I muttered again, glancing up and down the sidewalk, hoping for another glimpse.


  Scowling, I apologized to the young kid again, and we both went our merry motherfucking way. Turning at the stoplight ahead of me put me at the parking garage next to the building housing my late uncle’s business.

  The business I’d inherited without knowledge until two weeks after his death, without expectation, even.

  He’d been my mother’s only brother, unmarried with no children, a tech nerd like myself, but a man far beyond my IQ. He’d never been one for people or conversations, more wrapped up in the computers he built and the software he designed. Everything I learned, had come from him since my sperm donor of a father never came around after blowing his load, the selfish fuck. Even the hacking skills I’d used to help keep the Gliders in the money before we’d gone legit two years earlier all came from the successful businessman I’d simply known as Uncle Louie.

  I parked my chopper and made my way into the building next door, not really sure what to expect. As the new owner, I’d called a board meeting, still unsure of what I wanted to do with the business. Temptation to sell off and go enjoy the hell out of the few billion now resting in my bank back up in New Hampshire, itched my feet.

  A lover of freedom, I’d rather be in leathers on the back of my chopper than enclosed in a stuffy office under deadlines and listening to customers’ bullshit.

  It had been Jonny, the Gliders’ president, who suggested I at least head south to check things out. Fate had dropped the money and a lucrative business in my lap, and he thought I ought to find out why.

  A smiling gray-haired woman stood outside the elevator, and she glanced down over my leathers, my white t-shirt and colors as I stepped out into the foyer of Rucker Technologies. “Mr. Rucker?”

  I nodded, my rough hand engulfing her much smaller one, the bones beneath her skin fragile as the pale skin on her face.

  “I’m Mrs. Grimes.”

  The secretary I’d been in contact with—at least one person who seemed to be in my corner. Like a good little worker bee, she’d filled me in on all the assholes waiting in the conference room for our eight o’clock meeting.

  Add being late to my list of non-qualities, and I expected they’d be even more disdainful toward the man who held their future in his hands. Hands that in their minds, I felt sure, didn’t deserve what he’d been given.

  A wall of windows behind her revealed those men all scowling at me.

  Fuck them and whatever sensitivities ruled their thoughts.

  “Oh, I think you’re going to do just fine, Mr. Rucker.” Her eyes twinkled. “Just fine.”

  “What makes you think that, Mrs. Grimes?”

  A light laugh jiggled her massive tits. “You, young man, seem the sort that won’t take any shit.”

  I grinned over the slang I hadn’t expected to hear from her wrinkled lips. “Got that right. Shall we?” I offered my arm, and cheeks flushing, the secretary accepted my gesture. “Into the lions’ den we go.”

  “They’re all a bit cagy,” she whispered, “flexing make-believe muscles and vying for power they don’t have. There’s unrest—don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  I grimaced. “I appreciate it.” I didn’t like people-ing or adulating for that matter.

  “They’re ready for a fight.”

  More a lover than a fighter, I didn’t care much for confrontation, but I never backed down. Ever. A few inches over six foot made me look a lot more intimidating than I felt. Toss in a scowl I’d learned from Digger, one of my Glider brothers I called “ugly brute”, and most backed down if I narrowed my gaze.

  Mrs. Grimes paused at the conference room door. “Ready, young man?”

  “No.” I felt compelled toward honesty.

  She patted my arm. “Just pretend you are. Those idiots have been manipulating your uncle for years and won’t know the difference.”

  A deep breath, and I grasped the handle, ready to face the idiot lions.

sp; Chapter Two


  I burnt my damn tongue on my coffee, and tears pricked my eyes—again—over the fact I only carried one to-go cup rather than two like I’d done the previous five years while heading into work. Louie Rucker had been taken far too soon at a too young age. Sixty and good looking for a white man, Louie had been nothing but kind to me since I’d started as his personal assistant.

  He had paid for my night classes when he found out I couldn’t afford college, and the vultures waiting in the conference room hated me for it. According to them, I’d slept with a man old enough to be my father.

  But fuck them.

  He’d been a father figure to me, a sweet, simple man I would have bent over backwards to help as he’d done for me—getting me off the streets. Making me look and feel respectable.

  Chin lifted, I put my stoic mask in place and walked in the back door of the hornets’ nest like a queen bee. I wondered over the new boss, same as I’d done the previous two weeks while trying to sleep, nervous over his listening to gossip—and judging me for it. I felt sure the others around the table feared being laid off as well, but I ignored them as always and took my seat along the back wall where I sat whenever Louie had called a meeting.


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