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Billion Dollar Love

Page 24

by Sam Crescent

  For the entire week, she left early and made sure she was never near him, or around. Lunch she spent in the cafeteria alone, while he ate at his desk.

  She was doing everything she could to avoid him. Not that he blamed her. They did have sex, twice, and he wasn’t done with her, not even close to being finished.

  The meeting was for Monday, and they flew out on Friday night. He was determined to spend all of Saturday preparing and Sunday resting, ready to deal with the meeting on Monday.

  During the flight, he tried to focus and catch up on some emails, but Leah kept catching his eye. She was fidgeting, and he found it charming of her to look so nervous.

  “I hated my first plane ride,” he said, drawing her attention.

  He should be working, but he didn’t want to see her nervous.

  “You did?”

  “Yes. It freaked me the fuck out to be honest. Being in the air. I was worried we’d collide with another plane. I was even worried about injuring another bird.”

  She laughed. “I don’t imagine you being afraid of anything.”

  “I’m more than a pretty face.”

  “You worry about stuff?”

  “Yes. I control thousands of people’s lives, and even though my company is strong, I’ve seen a lot of strong companies fail, and the employees, they are the ones who struggle.”

  “You care about them?”

  “I care about everything. It’s why I will go to these meetings even if I do hate flying.”

  “We won’t crash into anything, will we?”

  “No, we won’t.” He moved out of his chair and took the one beside her, taking hold of her hand. “I’ve got you. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “If we crash for whatever reason or end up floating in the ocean for days to be shark meat, you won’t be able to save me.”

  He laughed. “I guess you’re right.”

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “What for?”

  “For … calming me. For helping me. It means a lot to me that you are.”

  “You think way too much of me.” He stayed beside her for the rest of the flight and held her hand again as they touched down at the airport. Within minutes they were in the back of a limo, heading toward the hotel. He hadn’t told her yet they were sharing a room.

  He didn’t see a reason not to share one, especially as he’d already been balls deep inside her, and the attraction between them was as on fire as ever.

  By the time he finished his emails, they were at the hotel. Their bags were taken, and he placed a hand at Leah’s back, guiding her to the desk. He grabbed the key and went straight to the elevator.

  “Wait, where am I staying?” she asked.

  “We’ll talk about it in my room.”

  She was silent as the man in the elevator who handled the buttons and passed out refreshments cleaned his throat, offering them a chocolate or mint.

  They both declined.

  The elevator was taking too long, and he wanted to be alone.

  He breathed a sigh of relief as they made it to the right floor, leaving the elevator. He put a hand on Leah’s tense back, and opened the door. The moment he closed it, he had her pressed up against it, letting her feel the hard ridge of his cock.

  “This is why we’re sharing a room. I know you’ve got doubts about us, and you don’t think you should be fucking your boss, but rather than think about what is right, think about what you actually want.” He cupped her cheek, kissing her lips, tasting her. She opened her mouth, kissing him back, and he groaned, sinking his teeth into her lip.

  She was exquisite.

  This time she gasped.

  “No one need know what we’re doing here.”

  “Is this why you brought me along?” she asked.

  “No. I do have a meeting. Any other time I’d have brought Rebecca with me. She knows everything, but I had no choice. You can tell me no, Leah. I won’t force you to fuck me, or be with me. You’ll still keep your job. I’m breaking all of my rules with you.”

  “Why are you breaking your rules?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. I can’t fucking resist you. I look at you, and I can’t deny myself. I want you all the time.” He put her hand directly over his stiff cock. “You feel that. Just watching you can have me hard as a rock.” He watched her cheeks heat. “I love when you blush.” He wanted her to be comfortable with him. The last thing he wanted was for her to feel she had to be with him.


  Nate had given her the out she had wanted. Leah bit her lip, watching him, feeling the answering heat between her thighs.

  He stepped back, but she didn’t want him to go anywhere. Reaching out, she grabbed his shirt, and pulled him close to her again.

  His arms were down by his sides, and he didn’t do or say anything.

  She licked her dry lips. What could she say? If she did this, then there was no turning back.

  “I’m not doing this to get a promotion.”

  “Never even thought of it,” he said.

  “I’m doing this because it’s what I want and I like how you make me feel.”

  “We’ve not done it enough times for you to know exactly how good it can be.”

  “Then show me. I want to learn.” Pulling his head down for a kiss, she let out a moan and sank her fingers into his hair as he lifted her up. She wore a pair of jeans, and she was able to wrap her legs around his waist as he carried her across the hotel room.

  There was only a large bed dominating the bedroom, but in that moment, she didn’t care. If he planned this, it only saved them both time.

  He dropped her down to the bed, but she got to her knees, and started to attack his shirt.

  “What has happened to you?” he asked, laughing.

  “I’ve stopped fighting what I want. I don’t want to be known as the girl who slept with her boss, but I don’t want to fight this. Not anymore.”

  “Then tell me, Leah, what is it you do want?” He lifted her shirt over her head.

  “I want us to sleep together.”

  “You’re going to have to do better than that. Let me hear the dirty words.”

  Her cheeks heated. “I want you to fuck me.”

  He groaned. “That’s right. You want my cock, Leah?” He opened the belt of his pants and slid them down until they pooled at his feet. Nate took hold of her hand, wrapping it around his dick, working the length up and down. “You feel what you do to me?”


  “You make me so hard. I’ve broken so many rules, and I’m going to keep on breaking them.”

  He pushed her hand away, and with a yelp, she was on her back.

  Nate spread her thighs wide, and his mouth began to nibble on her flesh. She let out a moan as his tongue danced up the inside of her thigh, going to her pussy. He stroked through her slit, plunging inside her before moving up to swirl across her clit, and back down again.

  Over and over, he flicked her clit, and she cried his name, not wanting him to stop.

  Sliding herself from beneath him, she climbed off the bed.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” he asked.

  Stepping between his spread thighs, she put her fingers to his chest and gave him a little push until he fell on his bottom on the edge of the bed.

  Her heart was pounding, but she wanted to give him this pleasure.

  Sinking to her knees before him, she wrapped her fingers around his dick, and smiled. “Don’t you want me to lick you, too?”


  “I take that as a yes.”

  She slid her tongue across the tip and loved the sound of his hiss that he released. He tasted salty as she lapped up his pre-cum. Covering the tip with her mouth, she sucked him inside. She had witnessed this done a couple of times, but never done it herself. He was soft and hard, tasting a touch salty as she swallowed him down.

  “Don’t use your teeth.”

  She sucked on his dick until he hit th
e back of her throat, and she pulled off, only sinking back down again when she could. There was no way for her to take every single inch of him, but she didn’t care.

  Bobbing her head, she loved it as he sank his fingers into her hair, holding her in place as he pumped inside her mouth.

  “Sweetheart, you’re going to have to stop or I’m going to fill that pretty mouth.”

  She didn’t stop. She’d come against his mouth, and as he groaned, she wasn’t prepared for the cum that filled her mouth with every single jerk of his cock inside her.

  She tried to swallow as much of him as she could, but there was a lot.

  “Oh fuck,” he said, finishing off.

  Before she had time to lick her lips, he had her back on the bed, his mouth between her thighs. He sucked at her clit, and the pleasure was intense, taking her higher than ever before. She cried out his name, rocking her pussy onto his face, and not wanting to stop.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” she said.

  “Come all over my face.”

  She couldn’t stop it, and he brought her to a screaming orgasm, and he kept her there, not allowing her to come down.

  He was the one in complete control, not her.

  When he finished, he moved up the bed, taking possession of her lips, and she tasted herself on his mouth.

  “That was incredible.”

  “We’ve only just gotten started.”

  She couldn’t even remember how they had gotten naked, only how she’d attacked his clothes at the same time he’d started to remove hers.

  He cupped her tit, playing with the nipple, and an answering heat filled her body.

  “You’re not going to fight this anymore?”

  “No. I can’t. I want this.”


  “I don’t want to get a promotion or anything. Or special treatment.”

  “I won’t give you anything but my dick. I expect you to work hard, no questions asked.”

  She nodded. “We can do this.”

  “We can.”

  She was nervous. Sleeping with her boss hadn’t been high on her agenda, but one touch of Nate, and she couldn’t deny him. She didn’t want to.

  Chapter Seven

  “You are not allowed to wear clothes.” Nate grabbed the robe and tugged his woman close to him.

  “I can’t walk around the hotel room naked.”

  “You totally can. I’ve closed the curtains. There is nothing to stop me from seeing you. I don’t want anything to get in my way of enjoying the view.” He cupped her tits, lifting them up so he could lick across each tight bud. She moaned, and he loved the sound. “I could get used to this.”

  Stroking the curve of her tit, he bit down on the nipple and relished the cries she made. He pushed her breasts together, flicking his tongue over each rounded tit. He broke from the kisses to go down her stomach toward her pussy, then back up again, to suck on her tits.

  He took her hand, leading her back to bed.

  “We’re going to need to get ready.”

  “Soon. We’ve got plenty of time. Believe me.”

  He sat down on the bed and moved her so she straddled his waist. There was plenty of time for work. All of his life, he’d devoted to making his company the best it could be. They had two hours before they needed to be at his company for the meeting.

  His cock was already rock hard, and he’d spent all night making love, learning every single inch of her body, and getting to know what it was she loved or hated and where to be touched. He loved driving her crazy, seeing her come apart. Licking her pussy was his favorite thing to do, and watching her take his cock, he knew he was never going to get bored.

  He paused as she straddled him. She held herself up on her knees, poised near his cock.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  Shaking off his sudden feelings, he gripped the back of her head and pulled her close, claiming her lips. “I’m more than okay.” Stroking the tips of his fingers down her back, he went to her ass, squeezing the plump flesh. She let out a moan, and he swallowed it down, groaning as she rubbed against him.

  She wrapped her fingers around his dick, doing exactly as he’d shown her, working his length up and down, but he didn’t want to come all over her body. He wanted to be inside her.

  Pushing her hand out of the way, breaking the kiss, he held her hip in his other hand, guiding her over his length.

  You’re the only man who has been inside her.

  The only one who knows how tight she feels and what her face looks like when she comes.

  He didn’t want to think about how possessive that made him.

  Slowly, he lowered her down onto his dick, and he heard her moan. Her tight pussy was the most amazing feeling in the world. He watched his length disappear until he was seated to the hilt within her.

  “Do you have any idea how crazy you make me?” he asked.

  “I’ve got an idea.” She chuckled.

  She had no idea, not really.

  Holding onto her hips, he showed her the pace he wanted her to move, and as she started working up and down, he couldn’t resist licking her tits. He kept stopping just to watch them bounce.

  He kept on grabbing her hips and driving his cock in deep, feeling her heat tighten around him. Not once had he used a condom and he didn’t want to think of the reason why he hadn’t. There was no reason to dwell. He knew why he wasn’t wearing one, and didn’t care to.

  Letting go of her hip, he slid his fingers down, and finding her clit, he started to stroke over the swollen bud.

  She moaned his name, but he didn’t stop. With each touch of her clit, he felt an answering pulse around his cock.

  He was so close, but he was determined to wait, to feel her come, to watch her splinter apart. The moment she did, he pushed her to the bed, driving inside her, fucking her hard, and finally, with one thrust, he filled her tight cunt, driving in as deep as he could go.

  She cried his name, and it lightened his heart. How could he walk away from this woman?

  “Wow,” she said, laughing as soon as he broke from the kiss.

  “Should I take that as a compliment?”

  “Yes. I had no idea it could be like this for anyone.”

  “It’s not always like this.”

  “Oh, I know. Believe me, I do.”

  “How much shit did you see on the streets?”


  He saw the smile die on her lips and gritted his teeth. “I’m sorry.”

  “No, don’t be. I don’t like to think about the past.”

  “Does it bother you?”

  “No. There’s no point in dwelling, you know. I don’t want to mess up this moment with what happened in the past. I survived. So did you, and look what you built from it. You’re an inspiration, Nate.”

  “I’m not an inspiration.”

  “Yes, you are.”

  He cupped her face, pushing some hair back. “You’re incredibly beautiful.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Yeah, you are. I should spank your ass for not believing me.”

  “You’d spank me because I don’t think I’m pretty?”

  “Yes, I would. You’re beautiful, Leah. Inside and out. I’ve seen what this world has to offer, and knowing what you’ve been through, having lived some of it myself, I know how precious you are.” He had to stop speaking now, or he was going to tell her the truth about how he was feeling, and he didn’t know how he felt, not yet.

  This was all knew.

  Women, they were for amusement.

  He’d never experienced jealousy or need. He’d never felt a need to stake his claim on any woman, but with Leah, he didn’t know if he could let her go.


  The meeting was a blur for Leah.

  She took notes on everything. She was also recording the meeting as well in case anything was skipped. Nate liked to listening back to the meeting and was known for recording them for future use.

e were moments she didn’t have a clue what they were discussing and the arguments would get heated. Nothing seemed to sway Nate though; he wouldn’t be pushed around, or manipulated. She admired him a lot for his ability to stand up for what he believed in.

  Don’t fall for him.

  She quickly averted her gaze after watching him for several minutes. She didn’t want anyone to see how she felt about him.

  All night, he’d made love to her and fucked her. There was no mistaking the passion firing between them, but she didn’t know if he felt it, too. Did he?

  She’d never been in a relationship before, and her feelings were all over the place, confusing her every single second of each day.

  Nibbling on her lip, she finished taking notes as everyone left for dinner. Nate had refused to take a meal at the table while working through the current problems. When the last person left, she turned off the tape and allowed herself to look at him.

  He was so handsome, sexy even.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  “I’m fine. I didn’t mind ordering for everyone so you could work this out with them?”

  He wrinkled his nose. “I don’t have meals during meetings. A light lunch, maybe, if the meeting isn’t going to last much longer, but when we’ve got disagreements over the handling of certain contracts, I don’t like to break the barrier between boss and employee.”

  “And you think sharing meals does that?”

  “It does. People during food come together. They talk. Flesh out ideas. It’s the way of the world, and people start to break down the divide that is needed. I’m not their friends in this room. I’m their boss, and I need them to do a job with me. Not talk about problems in life. Also, I’ve got us a table booked at a little restaurant just down the street. If you’d like to come to dinner with me.”

  “Oh, don’t you need me to make these notes?”

  “You can take them with you in the bag. We’ll be back within the hour.”

  Within minutes they were outside. Nate didn’t bother trying to hail a cab, so they both walked the short distance toward the restaurant. When they were a few feet away, he took her hand, and she didn’t know what to make of the heat surrounding her from his touch.


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