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Billion Dollar Love

Page 50

by Sam Crescent

  “Jeffrey,” she murmured.

  She didn’t expect him to reply, but he did.

  “I don’t know who this Jeffrey is,” he said, returning to massage her bottom.

  “Sir,” she cried. “Please.”

  “Now, that’s a good girl,” Jeffrey said, sliding a digit inside. A shudder ran through Amalia. She pushed back, and he stretched her with another finger. He fucked her freely with his hand, the sound of her wet sex mingling with her moans and filling the space around them.

  “You’re so hot, Ms. Garcia. So desperate for a good fuck. How long has it been, huh?”

  “Too long,” she replied.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Jeffrey slapped her ass, drawing a strangled cry from her. She was hot and ready for more, and he couldn’t wait to give it to her. He delivered another hit, and she whimpered.

  “Just come for me, Ms. Garcia. Let yourself go.”

  Crouching behind her, he tugged her toward him and spread her cheeks. She squealed in surprise. Snaking an arm beneath her hips, he held her steady, while with the hilt of his palm he put pressure on her clit. Amalia whimpered. Jeffrey pushed his face into her pussy, inhaling deeply. He didn’t think his cock could harden any further, but it did, his balls rising and communicating his own impending orgasm.

  Not yet.

  Reaching out, he shoved his tongue into her vagina, fucking her with his mouth briefly and taking a taste of her musky juices. A groan slipped past his lips. He moved around, stroking her from top to bottom and back. Amalia’s hips went wild, rolling to find the perfect friction to achieve her orgasm. Her moans mingled with incoherent words, signaling she was on the edge. Jeffrey swirled his tongue past her anal whorl, and she screamed, her body tensing and then quaking violently.

  Satisfied, after a few moments, he set her down and sat on the edge of the bed. Amalia didn’t move. She looked at him with wide eyes. Her chees were pink, her makeup gone, and her hair disheveled. His heart jolted. Damn, if she wasn’t beautiful.

  “Now, what?”

  Jeffrey chuckled. “Always so impatient. Now, I’m going to leave my initials on your ass.”

  She scuttled into a sitting position. “Really?”

  “Didn’t I promise I would?”

  Her eyes widened, then, gleamed with seduction.

  “You did.”

  “I never break a promise.”

  “Just as no one ever says no to you.”

  Jeffrey grinned.

  “Exactly.” He stood up and went to his dresser. “Remind me of your safewords.”

  “Red means stop, green means continue, and yellow means I need a minute.”

  “Perfect. How are you feeling right now?”

  Jeffrey looked at her from across his dresser mirror. She was trying to see what he was doing, but she had a healthy glow to her. There was no pasty color to her face, and she didn’t seem to be concerned about her nudity.

  “I’m excited,” she said. “Horny and ready for more.”

  Jeffrey spun around. Amalia’s jaw dropped.

  “Don’t worry, Ms. Garcia, there’s a lot more to come.” He moved closer to her. “You’re going to assume the same position, except I’m going to bind your hands behind your back. Are you okay with that?”

  She looked from him to the handcuffs.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Since this is your first paddling, I don’t want you to move and accidentally get hit in the hands.”


  “What’s your color, Ms. Garcia?”

  She squared her shoulders and looked him in the eye.

  “Green, Sir.”

  “Excellent, then turn around and get in place.” He waited for her to do so. His cock jerked against his trousers, reminding him of the arousal coursing through him. He pushed it aside. This wasn’t about him. This was about giving Amalia the experience she yearned for. Stepping behind her, he grasped her hands and clicked the handcuffs closed around her wrists. Bunching her hair into one of his hands, he pulled lightly, forcing her to look at him.

  His heart jumped at the vulnerability in her gaze. This woman, regardless of the fact they’d met only a few days ago, was putting her complete trust in him. The feeling was humbling and empowering at the same time. Leaning down, he kissed. Her lips were soft against his, molding to his like puzzle pieces. She tried to seek out his tongue, but he tugged on her hair and regained control. One more touch of the lips and he broke them apart.

  “Tease,” she muttered.

  “That’s going to give you an extra hit.”

  “How many are you going to give me?” she asked.

  “We’ll start with six. If you take them well, I’ll give you another six, plus the one for being a brat.”

  She sucked in a breath.

  “Will it hurt?”

  “Most definitely, but the pain will fade and all that will be left behind is the burn of pleasure and my initials to remember me by.”

  “Do it,” Amalia said.

  Jeffrey tsked.

  “Impatient, firecracker. Do I need to gag you?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “Good, because I want you to count each hit, and I want to hear every moan and cry drop from you lips.”

  Jeffrey started to vigorously massage her ass to get the blood flow running. This wasn’t a punishment, and he wanted Amalia to enjoy every step of the way.

  “Ready?” he asked.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Amalia tensed, waiting for the hit, but it never came. Jeffrey continued to massage her ass until she thought he’d simply forgotten to spank her. She jumped when his hand slid across her labia, but then promptly returned to her butt. She frowned. Desire and impatience coursed through her, but she tried to push them back. She was quickly learning this was a game that required infinite patience. She shut her eyes and attempted to relax into his touch. It was really like that type of massage in which they roughly tried to iron out the kinks, except with an added element of sensuality to it. Maybe, she should try an erotic massage at some point, she mused.

  The hit came suddenly. She screamed in shock at the thudding, throbbing pain on her left ass cheek.

  “One,” Jeffrey prompted.

  Her mind rushed back to the present moment, to the rush of endorphins racing through her body as they tried to make sense of what was going on. Should she run or should she fight?

  “One,” Jeffrey repeated, the edge to his voice more prominent.

  “One, Sir,” she said, her voice tiny compared to his.

  “Good girl,” he praised her, drawing elation into the mix of hormones in her system.

  She was aware of the harsh clapping sound as the paddle hit her butt a second time.


  “Good girl,” Jeffrey praised her.

  By the time she got to six, her body was on fire, the skin of her ass pulsating.

  “Six more,” Jeffrey said. “Tell me your color, Amalia.”

  Amalia bit her lip. How was she? She was aroused. Shaky. Sweaty. Her pulse pounded in her ear. Was she scared? No. In pain? No. Uncomfortable? Maybe a little sore if anything. Did she want more? Her heart tripled its rate. Yes.

  “I’m green.”

  “Excellent. I don’t want you to count anymore,” Jeffrey said. “Just enjoy.”

  “Thank you, Sir,” Amalia said.

  The hit came suddenly, and she screamed surprised at the intensity.

  “Good girl,” Jeffrey praised her, his tone soothing, as if he knew how much it hurt.

  She shut her eyes, determined to count them in her mind. Another flash of pain struck her other cheek. Jeffrey praised her again. Then, another and another. Her breathing turned labored. Faster and harder than before the hits fell. She lost count of how many times the paddle landed on her flesh. Jeffrey’s voice faded. The sound of the paddle swooshing through the air and bouncing on her ass disappeared. Her head swam. A giggle tore through her lips. S
he swayed.

  Chapter Twenty

  Jeffrey slowed down the paddling to a soft tease. Finally, he stopped. Amalia moaned. Quickly, he released her wrists from their constraints and rubbed her arms to get the blood flowing again. Amalia chuckled.

  “Will they be red for a bit?” she asked, her speech slurred.

  Jeffrey smiled. He remembered those were the words he’d told her when he’d arrested her at his place.

  “Yes, but they’ll feel better in no time. Do you think you can stand?”

  “Yes,” she murmured.

  Jeffrey hooked his arm around her waist and helped her sit up. Amalia teetered to one side. He grabbed her and sat her on his lap. Jeffrey brushed her hair away from her face. Her eyes were glazed over, and a big smile grazed her lips. She glanced down at him and flashed him her pearly whites.

  “Best experience ever,” she said, barely enunciating the words. “It’s almost as if I’m floating or drunk.” She giggled. “It’s weird.”

  Jeffrey rubbed his thumb across her cheek. He could see the trail of mascara where a tear had rolled.

  “Good kind of weird?” he asked.

  “Most definitely.”

  She leaned into him, and he wrapped his arms around her, breathing in her scent. She smelled like sweet peaches. Shutting his eyes, he absently wondered if she would consider seeing him again. He’d always assumed that one or two nights would be enough to get the edge off, but now, he realized that even forever would not be enough time with Amalia..

  “Will you fuck me now?” she whispered in his ear.

  “You want to—”

  “Hell, yes.”

  She stood up, and though he could tell she was still not one hundred percent steady, she was no longer tipping over.

  “Take off those clothes before I rip them off you.”

  Jeffrey laughed. “We’ll have to work on that bossy attitude of yours next time.”

  “For sure,” she agreed, unbuttoning his shirt buttons. “Next time. But now, sex.” Her mouth mashed against his, while she continued to make quick work of his clothes. Jeffrey helped her, quickly ridding himself of everything.

  “Finally,” Amalia said, clasping his cock.

  Jeffrey hissed through his teeth.

  “Careful. It’s sensitive.”

  “All the better.”

  “Not if you want to fuck. Lie down on the bed, close to the edge.”

  She hurried to do as he asked. Jeffrey picked a condom from atop his dresser where he’d left them earlier and rolled it on. He took in Amalia. She had done as he’d ordered and was spread in front of him, breasts rising with every harsh breath and pussy glistening with juices. Grabbing her ankles, he drew her even closer to the edge.

  “Legs around me.”

  He smeared the head of his dick with her juices, dipping near her hole but not really entering.

  “Stop teasing,” she groaned.

  Jeffrey sank into her in one go, letting out a long breath as intense pleasure gripped him.

  “Yes,” she moaned.

  He pulled back and thrust back in. She lifted her hips to meet him.

  “Hot. Wet. Precious, Ms. Garcia,” he said, picking up speed. “Pinch your tits. Let me see how you like it.”

  She locked her gaze with his and tweaked her nipples, tugging and twisting them. Moans dropped freely from her lips. Jeffrey leaned forward and pressed down on her clit. Amalia shrieked in surprise. He increased the pressure and thrust into her. She lifted her hips at the same time, gasping out his name. Her orgasm came suddenly, clenching around his dick and drawing out his pleasure.

  They tumbled into the bed, legs and arms entwined, bodies slick with sweat and breaths coming out in hard pants. After a few minutes, silence settled around them.

  “I guess that’s it,” she said.

  Jeffrey drew her against him.

  “If you think we’re done, you’re wrong. I said one night. We’ve barely even started, Ms. Garcia.”

  She turned in his arms. Her gaze danced over his face as if she were testing the veracity of his words.

  “One night of passion,” she said. “Until daybreak.”

  “It won’t be enough,” he said.

  The corner of her lips quirked. She pressed closer to him.

  “I guess, we’ll just have to do it again. This one time.”

  Jeffrey kissed her. “And tomorrow and possibly the day after, too.” And forever.

  “Yeah.” She smiled, teasing his lips with hers. “You’ll have to convince me.”

  “It’ll be my pleasure.”

  The End

  Find more books from author Elyzabeth M. VaLey:

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