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The Lionman Kidnapping (Chimera Secrets Book 3)

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by Eve Langlais

  All it took in Luke’s case was falling in love.

  What if, and this was revolutionary thinking, the test subjects needed a partner to remain grounded? Perhaps there was something in the air between the attracted pair, some chemical reaction that calmed the inner beast.

  Adrian wanted to study the possibility. Problem being thus far he only had a few examples to draw from. Luke and Nurse Margaret would have made fine test subjects, but they went missing somewhere in a South American jungle. There was Becky and Jett, still at the clinic. The only thing was Becky never lost her mind, just her ability to breathe air twice a month. A fascinating thing on its own.

  There was his colleague, Doctor Jackal, who ran off with a patient named Geoffrey. The lovers had taken up open residence in Paris. Almost daring Adrian to send someone after them.

  Yet, he didn’t. He watched them instead. Because Geoffrey, once upon a time, was thought to be too far-gone. Then Jackal began treating him. Not with drugs but by his mere presence.

  Perhaps it wasn’t love but pheromones? A chemical reaction caused by the mixing of certain scents.

  He needed to test his theory further. Take samples. Set some baseline tests. Marcus and his response to Jayda presented the perfect opportunity.

  Test all you want, boyo. You’re screwed. There is no one for you. Just a slow descent into madness.

  The thing he feared most.

  The moment Aloysius entered with his daughter, Adrian clapped his hands. “About time the pair of you got here.”

  “Blame your slow elevator. Whose idea was it to build only one of those again?”

  There were actually two, but the other one was kept hidden and exclusive for his use.

  “The stairs provide an excellent form of cardio. I recommend doing the entire building, all of the levels, at least twice a day.” Adrian didn’t use the public staircase, of course. He ran the steps out of sight lest anyone see the demons riding his flesh. He needed to expunge them several times a day.

  For how much longer would he be able to outrun them? And if he lost his mind, what would happen to—

  “I brought her,” Aloysius interrupted. “Tell her what you want to do.”

  Adrian canted his head. “As if you didn’t already broach it.”

  “All he said was you wanted me to stay to help you with Marcus.” Jayda took her usual spot, legs hooked over the arm of the chair.

  “Is that all you told her?” Adrian shot Aloysius a look. “There was discussion of other options.”

  “Such as?” she asked. “Because if I don’t have to stay…”

  “Personally, I think we should eliminate the failure and learn from our mistakes.” Adrian tossed his suggestion out and watched her reaction.

  Aloysius barked first. “Already said I am not agreeing to an autopsy.”

  “What? Autopsy on who?” Jayda eyed them both. Understanding dawned in her gaze. “But he’s not dead.”

  “Yet.” Adrian shrugged. “But let’s be honest, he’s not thriving in our care. So it won’t be long.”

  “Dad said you thought I might be able to help with him.”

  She didn’t quite offer, which was why Adrian turned her down. “A few days won’t do us much good. If he only responds to you, then the moment you leave we’ll be back to square one.”

  “If he responds,” Jayda repeated. “Could be I just caught him on a good day. Maybe you should try having more visitors, more people interacting.”

  Adrian arched a brow. “What makes you think we haven’t?”

  Jumping in, Aloysius enumerated their efforts. “We’ve had three different nurses caring for him, eight-hour shifts. Apart from myself and Adrian, Dr. Hathor also tried talking to him. She even resorted to inappropriate attire, displaying her bosoms at an advantage to entice him, to no avail.”

  At the claim, Jayda snorted. “You whored out Jenny? What about a hot guy? Maybe he’s into dudes.”

  “We’ve had four guards try and engage him. Not so much as a twitch. Strangest thing. Which means you are probably correct. He was having a good day and you had nothing to do with it.” Adrian kept lining the bait, watching Jayda as she frowned.

  You just can’t help yourself. Even as he regretted his actions, he kept digging that hole deeper.

  “So you think he’s going to go back to dying again?”

  “It seems most likely.”

  “Surely there’s something you can do? A treatment, drug…” Jayda searched for solutions, and Adrian shook his head.

  “The only thing that might snap him out of it is letting him go.”

  “You can’t do that,” Cerberus shouted. “We just found him.”

  “And we’re killing him.” Adrian noted. “What’s the harm in letting him live free?”

  It was Jayda who had a reply. “If you’re going to do that, you should order some seeds for planting, as I hear blood is a great fertilizer.”

  Aloysius glared at his daughter. “Not funny.”

  “Killing is never a joke, Daddy. Now let’s be honest. Adrian isn’t going to let that kitty with rage issues loose, because then he’d end up with a whack of dead people.”

  Aloysius rubbed at his chin. “Would he kill anyone? He didn’t kill you.”

  “He was planning to.”

  “But never went through with it,” Adrian added. “Do you think he really would have?”

  She shrugged. “Hard to tell.”

  “Let me ask, do you think he can still learn control?” Because every day Adrian worried that it would be his last in charge.

  Careful words emerged slowly from her. “I think he’s a very angry man.”

  “You used to be angry,” Adrian reminded her. He still remembered the teenager, never content, always screaming. Back in those days she never noticed the cripple who partnered with her father in the lab. She showed up out of control, ranting, the result of taking drugs for years, part of how she coped with an ugly parental split. She hit rock bottom and ended up in forced rehab.

  Through it all, Cerberus stayed by her side, and when her use of drugs returned to haunt in the form of organ failure, he did what any father would do. Fixed his daughter. One of their most successful cases.

  If the most challenging to deal with at times.

  “Who says I’m not still pissed at the world?” Jayda smirked.

  “You might be angry, and yet you are in control,” Adrian pointed out. Just like he was in charge. Most of the time. The times he could remember. But what about the moments he couldn’t? Hours lost at a time.

  Jayda rolled her eyes. “It’s called getting older and wiser. I’ve learned how to channel my rage.”

  “Teach him,” Adrian insisted. “Teach Marcus how to not give in to the beast.” He didn’t tell her the rest. Get close to the man because the closer you get, the saner he is. If they could bring him back from the edge, then there was hope for all his patients.

  Not you, boyo. You are doomed. How he wanted to throttle that inner voice.

  “You want me to teach someone how to not be angry?” At that, she laughed. “I am more likely to send him on a murderous rampage. You do recall I am the one who put him back in chains.”

  “Then you can be the one to release him.”

  At Adrian’s pat reply, she snorted. “I thought you wanted him alive. We both know what will happen if he gets loose and comes at me.”

  “Are you sure he’ll try and kill you?”

  Aloysius finally stepped in. “I don’t know if Jayda has the right temperament to be in charge of Marcus’s recovery.”

  “Way to call me a bitch, Daddy.” Jayda seemed more amused than offended.

  “You’re welcome, sweetheart. Because it’s the truth. I know coercing you will have an opposite effect. I think we should find someone else to entice Marcus.”

  “You mean another woman?” Jayda snorted. “Way to be a pimp. I’ll have to order you a gold chain for Christmas.”

  “That’s just it. I don’t
think anyone else will work.” Adrian grabbed a remote from his desk and used it to load a video of Jayda and Marcus, showing him listless moments before her entry. His lively engagement with her. He paused it with Marcus sporting a partial smile.

  “Look at him. A few hours ago, I would have said he had a few days to live. Then Jayda walks into the room, and next thing you know, his heartrate is up, he’s talking, and looking like he just gotten a shot of life.”

  “He’s horny. Send in a cute nurse,” Aloysius suggested, which earned him a glare from Jayda.

  “We have had cute nurses. Male and female. Ugly ones, too. Yet none got so much as a twitch.” Adrian jabbed a finger at Jayda. “We need her.”

  “Her is standing right here, so rather than talking to my dad, try talking to me.”

  Adrian faced her. “Stay.”

  “No.” She didn’t hesitate. “You’re nuts if you think I can help him.”

  “Exactly my point!” Aloysius jumped in to agree. “Jayda isn’t equipped to help him.”

  “Excuse me?” She turned a glare on her father. “Let me remind you that you contacted me for help. Not the other way around.”

  “To hunt him. Not play the part of therapist,” Jayda’s father said with exasperation. “Your part is done. Time for you to go.”

  “Way to kick me out.”

  “Then stay,” Aloysius snapped.

  “No, thanks. I’ve got better things to do.” She angled her chin.

  The whole thing proved disappointing but predictable. Jayda never stayed long to visit. Mostly because she and her father ended up at odds.

  However, if she left, how was Adrian to prove his hypothesis?

  He needed to change her mind.

  Adrian waved a hand at her. “I didn’t realize you had other commitments. In that case, you should go. We’ll find someone else to dangle and see if Marcus bites. I’ll ask Lowry to find someone young and attractive. Given his interest in you, perhaps we need a lady of tanned complexion.”

  Jayda’s cheeks took on a hint of color. “As if you can replace me.”

  “We don’t really have a choice since you’re refusing,” Adrian taunted.

  “Don’t listen to Adrian,” Aloysius interjected. “Go. Let the pros handle Marcus.”

  “The pros?” Disdain in that reply. “Neither of you has the slightest clue how to handle a guy like him, or you would have already.”

  “And you think you know better?” More shade was thrown, and Adrian saw where Jayda got her attitude.

  “Last time I saw him, he talked to me, not you.”

  “A fluke.” Aloysius waved dismissively.

  “Or not.” She faced Adrian. “If I stay, I’ll expect to be paid and given free rein.”

  Aloysius butted in. “Like hell.”

  “I’m sorry, but last I checked, I was well past the age of majority, Daddy.” She shot him a glare. “I can do whatever I like.”

  “Not in this case you won’t, because I know what’s happening here.” Aloysius lasered Adrian with his gaze. “I won’t let you do it.”

  “Do what?” Adrian asked in all innocence.

  “She’s not sleeping with Marcus.”

  “Never asked her to,” Adrian drawled.

  “I can’t believe you said that, Daddy.” Huffed with hands on her hips.

  “Because it’s true. Ask him. He wants you to fornicate with his pet to further his studies.” Aloysius jabbed a finger in his direction.

  Jayda arched a brow. “He can want all he wants, even ask, but I’d tell him the same thing as I’ll tell you. Who I screw is my decision. And if I do it with the lionman, it will be because I want it and no other reason.”

  “You will not sleep with Marcus!” Aloysius boomed.

  “Please. I never sleep with guys. I’m a leave-them-after-sex kind of girl.”

  Adrian covered his mouth lest they see his grin. The antics of the father-daughter pair never ceased to amuse.

  Poor Aloysius turned a mottled color, and if he wasn’t taking the treatment, Adrian might have worried about his heart.

  The dark-skinned doctor crossed his arms, expression mulish. “You need to leave. Tomorrow. On the first flight.”

  “But, Daddy, don’t you want to spend time together?” She batted her lashes, and Aloysius ground his teeth. She laughed. “Lighten up. I can’t believe you’re freaking about lionman and me getting freaky between the sheets. Weren’t you the one all giddy about some of the staff and pets fucking and making monster babies?”

  “They’re not monsters,” Adrian defended. Mostly. Although nurse Becky had some interesting things happening in her tummy.

  “I am interested in it happening to other people. Not my daughter. You’re not staying here. Not having sex with any of the projects. Most definitely not getting pregnant,” Aloysius declared. “I forbid it.”

  Jayda held her father’s stare for a moment before laughing. She laughed so hard she wiped tears from her eyes. “Holy fuck, that was priceless. Forbidding me.” She snorted. “Just so you know, I’m staying, but if it makes you feel any better, I’m not going to screw your pet kitty. Mostly because I am not keen on cameras watching my every move. But I will see if I can teach him to play nice.”

  “Promise?” Aloysius almost pled.

  “You know I live to break promises, Daddy. But don’t worry, I’ll try and remember a condom if I do.” She winked and then left.

  Adrian waited to be sure she was gone before saying, “You do realize, by forbidding her, she’s probably going to—”

  “Have sex with him? I should hope so. Can you imagine the children they might have?” Aloysius rubbed his hands, completely enthused.

  That was cold even by Adrian’s standards.

  What was happening to him? To his mind? What before Adrian had done with impunity, now began to bother. Was it a symptom of his cure?

  Or a sign of his descent into madness?

  Chapter Ten

  Marcus did his best to sink back into apathy. A more difficult task than expected after Jayda’s last visit. She left him agitated. Questioning. Wondering if he truly wanted to give up.

  He’d thought himself decided. It became clear not long after his arrival that the doctors couldn’t save him from the madness overtaking him. He could feel himself, the man, slipping away, bit by bit.

  Then she appeared, expression sassy, her words a challenge. Daring him to fight. Waking him in a way that belied reason. The allure that had pulled him from the forest once again yanked him from his stupor.

  It seemed all she had to do was walk into a room and all his senses went into high gear. Even after she left, the lingering scent of her, the feel of her, remained. Tantalizing…

  It took a reminder that she probably wouldn’t return for him to finally calm himself. To close his eyes and drop into a serene state that his more bestial side didn’t appreciate at all. It wanted to fight.

  It didn’t realize just how hopeless it was.

  Marcus never learned. He still remembered the first time he woke up.

  His whole body felt heavy. Like the morning after a night of gaming and too many caffeine drinks to stay awake. A nerd’s version of a hangover. Except he woke in a place with a strange smell. A hospital-like scent of bleach, and something else.

  Something that wrinkled his nose.

  He opened his eyes to see a light overhead. Not his bedroom light. Not his room, he realized, looking to the side. The machines were strange in appearance. Full of lights and humming. Without his glasses, they seemed quite alien, which might be why he hyperventilated and sat up.

  Where am I? He pushed to remember. What was the last thing…He recalled getting ready to start a marathon online war event. Which meant stocking up on treats. He was crossing the road, against the light, in a hurry to make it home when—

  He whimpered at the sudden recollection of impact. And pain. Then nothing. Pure nothing.

  Because aliens kidnapped me! The only answer.

  He swung his legs off the bed and ignored the voice that said, “Please remain lying down.”

  As if he’d listen to his alien abductors. The sheet slipped from him, leaving him nude with only tubes running into his body. Into his… He squealed at the sight of the catheter in his penis.

  Yanking it only caused pain, which might have been why he reacted how he did when the door opened and a woman appeared in a white blouse and a ridiculous cap with a red cross.

  He roared and lashed out.

  Which led to him waking up in a different bed. Still in a cell. Not hooked to machines but a prisoner. And when he asked why, the stupid answer they gave, “You’re helping to save humanity.”

  Ironic, because they were the reason he lost his.

  Yet he’d returned to the clinic, lured by a temptress, and now trapped in a nightmare with no escape.

  Nothing to look forward to. Not even a glimpse of Jayda, who’d left and probably wouldn’t return.

  Which was for the best. He didn’t want the only woman who could somehow manage to rouse him from apathy around. Everyone else he could ignore. And he did. The evening nurse came to check on him. He feigned sleep. A guard checked in. His breathing remained steady.

  Another nurse around dinnertime wasn’t worth a sniff.

  He slumbered for real until the door opened again a short while later, which, in and of itself, he could have ignored. Technicians bustled in and out all the time. Cerberus and Adrian loved to visit, too. Those he took special pleasure in disregarding.

  But the scent that hit him, the awareness that raised every single hair on his body—and he had a lot of hair—told him who entered. Who actually returned to torture him.

  He refused to look. Didn’t twitch a single muscle. She moved silently, which was why it surprised him to suddenly hear the hum of machinery and the jolt as the bed went into motion, tilting him upright.

  Even once it stopped, he kept his eyes shut. Didn’t move a muscle at all. Didn’t hear a thing other than the whoosh and hum of the machines trying to keep him alive.

  Felt…her warm breath on his lips, which caused him to suddenly stare. She grinned at him, taller than expected given she looked him in the eye. A glance down showed her feet dangled because she held herself off the floor using the rails on the bed to suspend herself.


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