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The Scrying (The Scrying Trilogy Book 1)

Page 18

by Jaci Miller

  She smiled as she heard the splash, turning toward him just as he reached her. Their eyes locked, and the air sizzled. He stared at her, his eyes full of lust as his hands reached around her waist pulling her into him.

  She gasped as her skin touched his, a jolt of desire running through her body. Her hand reached up, gently caressing the scar on his eyebrow. Her finger tracing the pale skin down through his eyelid and across his sculpted cheekbone. Reaching behind his head she dug her fingers into his long, wet hair, pushing through the thick strands until her hand cupped the back of his neck. She did not say a word, she just stared into his eyes the power of their combined energies flooding them both with a craving that could not be ignored.

  She was inches from his face, her eyes begging him to kiss her. His hands tightened around her waist in response bringing her lower body closer to him. She watched a single droplet of water run down his tanned face as he leaned in, his lips gently brushing hers. Her body tensed, exploding with sensations as her hand tightened around his neck and she pressed her mouth harder against his. His tongue pushed through her lips exploring the inside of her mouth, tantalizing her with the erotic movement. Her mind filled with passion as her entire body tingled with anticipation, an unquenched desire pleading for his touch.

  Releasing her mouth Rafe lifted her onto him. She wrapped her legs tightly around his back as he drove himself deep inside of her. A passionate hunger rolled through her as he thrust himself deeper and deeper, his mouth hungrily tasting her neck, her mouth, her breasts. They made passionate love in the water and then he carried her to the sand where they made love again, this time slowly, the intensity of their first encounter diminished by their need to understand this extreme attraction.

  He explored every inch of her, taking his time as he drove her to new heights of arousal and release. Her entire body was ignited by his energy, she could feel his need for her, his desire. She experienced every moment that he did, their lovemaking intensified by the innate connection that seemed to draw the two of them together. Her skin tingled in every place that his fingers touched; her mouth could not get enough of his. She could not think of anything but him, her longing, and how her body ached for his touch. It was surreal and intoxicating.

  As he entered her for the third time, she felt a peculiar sensation on her pelvic bone, a slight prickle that ignited her already hot skin. Too aroused to care she ignored the strange sensation concentrating instead on his mouth as it found hers and she was once again completely lost in him.

  Chapter 26

  There was something surreal about Dywen’s night sky and the way the stars throbbed against the dark backdrop as if they were alive—a heartbeat in an endless black void. The two moons hung extremely low, making Dywen seem a bit smaller from this vantage point.

  It was late in the evening and Dane’s body was still humming from their lovemaking as she lay quietly beside Rafe, her head on his chest, her legs intertwined with his. She looked away from the twinkling canvas and up at his face, the light from the dying campfire highlighting his rugged features, with its fading orange glow. Pulling herself up, she gently kissed the side of his jawline, her fingers sliding provocatively across his chest to play with the metal rune that hung from a leather string around his neck.

  He winked at her, a knowing smile crossing his lips.

  “We need to get some sleep,” he said, pulling her in tighter as desire grew in his eyes.

  “I know,” she responded coyly, playfully tracing his mouth with her fingertip.

  He pressed his lips to the top of her forehead, his husky voice whispering her name as his mouth began to travel down the length of her face. He lingered briefly, kissing her eyes and nose before his lips found their way to hers. She could feel the heat rising inside her as his kiss deepened; his hands exploring her body, caressing her skin and setting it afire.

  She felt the intensity build inside him as it fueled his movement, the desire that overtook his senses flooded through her. It was a strange sensation, feeling his emotions. Intuitive like her empath abilities yet much more intimate. As if she was experiencing how every fiber of his body reacted to her.

  His kisses traveled down her neck, lingering briefly on her breasts before his soft tongue traced a path down the center of her stomach. The strange sensations intensified but her attention was diverted as her body reacted to the heat swelling inside her. He kissed her belly button gently, his mouth moving over to the left side of her stomach. Her skin ached under the softness of his warm mouth and her body arched upward in response.

  Suddenly, the caressing stopped, and the air became heavy with an uncomfortable silence. She sensed the shock that rifled through him, a slight panic saturating his skin as his confusion pulsed around them. A small gasp escaped his lips and suddenly the fevered moment of passion was gone.

  “Dane,” he whispered moving his body from hers and into a sitting position.

  She saw the color drain from his face as his eyes stayed locked on her stomach, a bewildered expression clouding his tanned features, his body ridged. Slowly, he reached out his hand his finger touching the area on her pelvic bone where earlier she had felt the odd prickling sensation.

  Unnerved by the sudden change in his behavior she quickly glanced down at her stomach, her eyes searching the spot where his finger lay. There on the skin, where an hour before had been void of any blemishes, was a black inked tattoo. It was difficult to make out in the subtle glow of the firelight, but she felt like she had seen the image before.

  “It’s my tattoo,” he stammered, absently touching his pelvis with his other hand.

  She looked closely at the artwork that covered much of his torso, her eyes scanning each tattoo for similarities. Drifting downward, her eyes stopped on the tattoo visible just above his waistband—the one she had been so drawn to the day before. The breath caught in her throat as her eyes traced the intricate black lines that wove through his skin. It was identical to the one that had magically appeared on her pelvic bone!

  Her eyes flew to his face, her heart pounding in her chest as she suddenly found it extremely difficult to breathe. She watched him intently, confusion etched on her features as a new kind of panic began to swell inside.

  “It is so rare,” he whispered to himself, shaking his head.

  “What is?” She asked her voice squeaking out the question as she tried to quell the alarm that threatened to stifle her breathing.

  His eyes met hers, confusion and disbelief, a raging clutter of his emotions suffocating her as they overtook her senses.

  “Binding,” he whispered.

  Binding! The word screamed in her head. What the hell is that?!

  As if reading her mind, he began to explain. “Binding is when two supernaturals become emotionally connected to one another. Their senses are intertwined. They feel everything the other does. It is an extremely intense and intimate experience and extremely rare. A binding can occur only if two individuals share a similar destiny and normally that destiny is of great consequence.”

  “But I am not a supernatural. I am mortal.” She responded. Her skin was clammy and there was a sharp pain in her chest.

  “That is why this binding is even more obscure, it seems to have recognized your destiny before it has even started.”

  She stared dumbfounded at him, not sure what to say. Her head was spinning. She felt nauseous. “Have you ever known of another binding?”

  “Only one—your ancestor Claaven Callathian and his wife, Seri.”

  He took a deep breath as the anxiousness that drenched her emotions slammed into him.

  “But how do you know this binding occurred to us?” The concept of being bound to another person, magically or otherwise, was overwhelming, especially when she did not have a say in the matter. “I don’t feel any different.”

  “This tattoo
,” he said pointing to his own. “This is my identity marking, every male supernatural has one. When a binding occurs, the identity marking is transferred to his mate. It appears in the exact same spot on the body as his and is identical in every way. The only difference is that it is a mirror image of the original identity marking—a reverse tattoo.”

  She held her breath and looked down at the tattoo, then back to the one on his pelvic bone. It was an identical version, a mirror image of his. She grabbed the blanket and jumped to her feet, wrapping herself in the heavy cloth.

  “What does this mean?” She said, her mind whirling, her hands shaking. She was very attracted to Rafe and obviously, she enjoyed his company, but binding, that sounded so permanent.

  She didn’t do permanent!

  Her breath began to quicken as the panic began to claim her rationality.

  “Dane, calm down,” he said firmly, grasping her by the bare shoulders and pulling her toward him, using his own energy to slow her erratic breathing.

  Tears welled up in her eyes and their emotions intertwined, intensifying their sensitive connection. His hand lifted her chin, his gaze penetrating her fear and calming her wayward nerves. As she began to relax under his intense stare she saw something in his eyes that she had never seen before—herself. Not just a mirrored reflection, but her entire being, every intimate part of her, all the deepest, darkest, hidden spaces in her soul were now visible in his eyes.

  A sudden feeling of euphoria caressed her skin as her mind began to expand. Her hands trembled in his as small beads of perspiration pushed to the surface. She sank deeper into the warm cocoon of his energy as it wrapped itself gently around her, intertwining with her own as his emotions surrendered themselves to their connection. She could feel his desire to protect her, to keep her safe, as he continued to hold her tightly against him. There was a strength inside of him, but she could also feel a vulnerability hidden deep within. The walls inside her crumbled as his emotions flooded through her. The parts of herself that lay hidden for so long revealed themselves to him. All the fear and angst that had built up over the years drained away. She felt strong, confident, safely wrapped in this man’s energy. She had no control over the depths that he could see and quite frankly, for once, she didn’t care. She no longer needed to hide, there was no need for secrets. Her breathing evened, allowing the emotional connection to take over her body, her mind, and her senses as it coursed unrestricted through her veins.

  Continuing to stare into his eyes, she heard the rhythmic thump of a beating heart. It was faint at first but then as their connection deepened it grew, its rhythm altering to match her own. For the first time in her life, she did not feel alone. She did not feel like she had to hide who she truly was or be ashamed of it. The link between them was raw and exposed and much more intense than any of the empathic connections she had experienced in the past. Her energy was completely wrapped up in his and as their hearts synchronized, they began to breathe as one.

  Rafe held her shoulders tightly until he sensed her relax and accept their shared destiny, at which time, he stopped resisting the massive flow of emotions and energy that were desperately trying to join with hers. He watched with curious abandon as she felt what he felt, succumbing to the fate that not only brought them together but made them one. As the binding process continued, he experienced an onslaught of raw emotions, long contained inside a woman who carried a heavy burden. Their destinies collided, intertwining as he felt his heart explode with love for the woman who stood vulnerable before him. He had never experienced feelings this intense nor experienced something so raw and natural. As their heartbeats and breathing combined in unison, he knew things would never be the same. They were one now and she would be a part of him forever.

  The magical exchange lasted only moments but when he let go of her shoulders and stepped away, he felt exhausted.

  Dane collapsed to the sand the blanket still wrapped tightly around her naked body, staring silently at the water as it sparkled brilliantly in the dark night, a look of disbelief on her pale face.

  He lowered himself into a sitting position beside her, his eyes never leaving her face. Gently, he wrapped her in his arms, pulling her close, his instinct to protect her taking over.

  “What are you thinking?” He asked softly, feeling the confusion and frustration resurface inside her.

  She hesitated before turning to face him. “I was trying to figure out how this will work exactly, I mean how we are going to be together. We are from two different worlds, and you are, well much older than me.”

  A small smirk played on her lips, her sarcasm a feeble attempt at hiding her anxious energy.

  He smiled and kissed her forehead, worried that this ancient magical pact, a shared destiny, may be too daunting for a woman so immersed in her own independence.

  “It is true I am much older than you, but I am immortal. I don’t age and once you claim your birthright neither will you so that is quite frankly a non-issue. As far as us being from two different dimensions, well that is not really a problem either. Since the earth was created by the life force and magic of the Thanissia Universe, the two are forever tethered.”

  “So, you can go to earth without any consequences?” She asked slightly relieved that she would not have to go back home alone.

  “Well yes and no,” he answered noticing the concern that flashed across her face. “I am able to travel through the sphere of the Thanissia realms without consequences, but your realm is slightly different. It is born of ancient magic but is not sustained by it, so my presence there would be like a ripple in the fabric of time. There is a possibility that my energy will cause unforeseen effects, of which, I am uncertain. Further, unlike you, I was not born on earth. My life force is not anchored to that dimension. Although I can exist on earth for a short time by staying tethered to this world, my immortality is vulnerable. I am a supernatural being on a mortal plane, so I will begin to age, and I suspect will be easier to kill.”

  “Kill?” She yelped, “I thought you were immortal!”

  “Immortal, yes, but invincible, I am not.” He smirked, at the lack of knowledge she had of her ancestors and their capabilities. “Immortals can die, Dane, it is just very difficult and although we live for a very long time, sooner or later every supernaturals life force extinguishes.”

  “But Sebastian has been on earth for billions of years.” She replied, searching his eyes for answers.

  “Yes, but his life force was manipulated by the Guardian of Deities into a special form of light stasis so that he would be able to exist in the mortal world indefinitely. Sebastian is in his own unique form of stasis, he does not age, nor can his life force be extinguished but he is unable to exist like you or me. As you know he can take multiple forms, but he is unable to wander too far from the portal opening that tethers him to this universe. This is the only way for us to exist in your world indefinitely, but it too comes at a cost.”

  She looked at him, a sadness causing her eyes to shine with tears.

  “There is nothing for you to worry about, even with my vulnerabilities, I am still much more than a mortal,” he said kissing the top of her head.

  She nodded and leaned into him, her head resting heavy on his shoulder as she grappled with the enormity of her destiny—their destiny.

  “Let’s get some sleep,” he said, gently guiding her backward onto the blanket and pulling her in tight toward him. “Tomorrow is going to be trying, a day of sacrifice that will change your life and who you are forever, putting you on a path toward a destiny that cannot be stopped once it begins.”

  She closed her eyes, happy to be nestled into the crook of his strong arms. The scent of his musky skin calmed her as she listened to the metrical beating of their hearts. The soft rustle of leaves and the gentle hiss of the waterfall were seductive. She began to relax succumbing to her em
otional exhaustion. With his arms wrapped tightly around her, she felt safe and unencumbered by her past, not afraid to journey into the vast unknown of her future.

  Unfortunately, she knew this tranquility was a temporary facade—a false euphoria that would eventually be shattered by a looming violent reality, embedded in the history of a long-forgotten past.

  Chapter 27

  They reached the top of Ardrin Gorm by mid-morning. The sun blazing high in the sky caused small beads of sweat to trickle down Dane’s back as she pulled herself up the final ledge and stood exhausted beside Rafe.

  The view from the pinnacle was breathtaking, the overwhelming beauty of Dywen on full display. She scanned the countryside as it stretched out for miles in each direction. From this vantage point every vale, river, and forest was visible—an immaculate canvas of nature, a kaleidoscope of vivid colors. A multitude of differing landscapes meticulously contributing to this realms power and stunning ambiance.

  To the south, the metal spires of the city reached majestically out of the lush green forest that surrounded it. To the southwest, the waterfall where she had come into this world could be seen throwing its thunderous mist in every direction. The east and west were claimed by the thick forest that stretched as far as the eye could see the only disturbance to its expanse, the brilliant blue hue of the river that ran proudly through it. Off in the distance, on the other side of the waterfall near the western horizon, a simmering dusty haze was hovering just above the ground.

  “What is that?” She asked pointing toward the odd dust clouds that rose in the distance.

  He followed her gaze across the vast green expanses of the forest to the edge of the horizon. “The Dead Lands,” he said, offering no further explanation.

  “Sounds ominous,” she replied, shooting him a curious look.


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