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Glass Apples: A Modern Steamy Snow White Fairy Tale (Fairly Twisted Tales Book 2)

Page 5

by Lux Miller

  My hand is enormous compared to her dainty thigh as I grip it, pulling her leg up over my shoulder. Holding her in place with my right hand, I push my left hand between her legs and trail my middle finger along her slit that’s slick with want. She shudders slightly, and I take that as my invitation, plunging my finger inside her cunt two knuckles deep. The walls of her pussy tighten around my finger, and I groan, adding my ring finger to the mix. After pumping them inside of her for several moments, I spread them apart inside her, plying her body to prepare her for the onslaught to her sweet, little pussy once I get my dick in the game.

  She arches her back, and I flick my thumb over her clit, twirling it around the tight, little bundle of muscles. She whimpers softly as I continue to finger her, her breasts jiggling with my effort that’s shaking her entire body. I bite down hard on my bottom lip and lean forward, grasping one of the pink, puckered nipples between my teeth. I suck it into my mouth and swirl my tongue around it as it pebbles into a hardened point in my mouth.

  Her breath is staggered as I pleasure her, one of her hands buried deep in my light brown hair. With a smirk, I pull my fingers out of her body and pop them into my mouth, licking them clean one by one as she watches me with a hungry look on her face. She looks like she could explode at any moment, and that becomes my new goal in life right now. To have Raven come on my face before she comes around my dick. I want both, I need both… I have to have both. And I’m going to make it happen.

  I bring my face to the apex of her legs, balancing her left thigh over my right shoulder. She whimpers slightly, but her noises descend into wild yelps as I slide my tongue along her slit. I suck her clit into my mouth, then sit back and flick my tongue across it before capturing it again. She makes a satisfied moan of approval, and that damn near breaks me. I nibble at the sensitive nerves there, then begin to drive my tongue inside her, lapping at anything I can reach with my tongue.

  She tightens her hand in my hand and moans, “Fuck, I’m going to come…”

  I nod as I reach up and caress each breast with my hands, rolling the sensitive pebbles of skin between my fingers. I assault her clit relentlessly with my tongue and teeth, alternating between making her yelp in startled pain and soothing said pain as I gently lave her clit with my tongue. She’s squirming and bucking with pleasure as she tilts her head back to moan.

  As she bucks her pussy against my mouth again, that’s when I realize that’s she’s on the cliff of no return. One more jolt to her nerves and she’s going to freefall over, toppling straight into the ecstasy of orgasm. So, I give her a giant push and thrust my tongue inside her cunt, scraping my upper teeth over her clit. She gasps, and I feel the quivering around my tongue as I thrust it in and out of her pussy.

  She mewls and fights me every inch of the way, but she simply can’t resist the primal needs of her body as it’s racked with pleasure. And fuck me, watching her squirm around as she gets off has my dick desperate for relief.

  Her head is tipped back, and her mouth hangs open as she gets off, her entire body tense with her release. When her heavy breathing turns into gasps, I let up on her, placing a single kiss against her clit before pushing her leg off my shoulder and starting to stand. Raven recovers quickly and shakes her head at me, wagging her finger as she scolds me, “Fuck no, Hunter. I’m not done with you.”

  She pushes hard against my shoulders, but I don’t budge. I probably weigh twice as much as she does. “And what did you have in mind? In case you didn’t notice, you just came all over my face. I’m not complaining. Your pussy tastes fucking amazing, but what more could you possibly want?”

  Raven’s eyes narrow and darken as she pushes me again. This time, she succeeds in catching me off guard and knocking me over, off my knees. I blink, dazed on the floor where I landed. Raven smirks and steps over me as I lay there on the floor. She squats down beside me, then answers my prayers as she loops one leg over my body, straddling me. “I want to ride you so hard, that you’ll forget your name or your purpose here.”

  I groan and before I can stop her, Raven digs through my jeans and pulls out a condom packet, ripping the package open with her teeth. She spits out the thin piece of foil that ends up in her mouth and pulls out the condom, waving it around. She leans forward and grabs my dick, sheathing it into the thin wrapper of latex before centering herself over my cock, the very tip brushing along her entrance with anticipation.

  I open my mouth to say something to her about how she doesn’t have to do this if she isn’t ready, but not a single words escapes as she sinks down on me, my cock disappearing up to the hilt inside of her. She rides me with such force that her perfectly round ass cheeks slap against my thighs as she takes my dick inside her over and over again.

  I’m begging every bit of willpower I can muster up to hold off my release for as long as possible. Being buried deep inside Raven is just about the only place I want to be right now, although if we get caught fucking in the ranch hand house, it’s probably the end of the road for both our jobs.

  Right now, though? I don’t fucking care as I dig my hands into her hips so deeply that I know I’m going to leave bruises. I slam her body down with such force, that her breasts bounce roughly, and she yelps. I push her down onto my dick, holding her there as I howl with my release, my hips bucking wildly up into her and pushing my cock even deeper inside her. The muscles in my body tighten as I spill myself into the condom buried deep inside her pussy.

  And the entire time, she’s staring at me with those green orbs of hers intensely burning a hole through the charged air between us. As her walls tighten around me, she throws her head back and laughs, the sinister sounds echoing off the walls of the pristinely perfect room where two completely imperfect people are fucking each other into oblivion.



  The first indicator that something I’m going to regret has happened is that I wake up naked in the pristine white bed in the bedroom assigned to me in the ranch hand house. I vaguely remember having a migraine slam through my head, and I know I dosed myself with a glass apple candy, which means practically anything could have happened in the haze that followed. I wince as I slide my hand between my legs, silently praying that I won’t feel the exact thing my fingers encounter.

  The lips at the apex of my thighs are swollen and damp. That only means one thing. “Ugggghhhh, I had sex… crap…”

  I push myself to sitting with a start, suddenly realizing there’s a good possibility that whoever I mauled while I was essentially high could be in the bed beside me. I gasp with relief when I find the other side of the bed empty, but that doesn’t put my mind at ease. Not one bit. There’s a zero percent chance that I just happened to strip down naked and pass out in the bed that way. The fact that my vagina feels like it’s been pounded relentlessly confirms that there was most definitely sex. And judging by the hints of rug burn on my knees, I’m going to hazard a guess that it was on the floor. The only real question is with whom?

  I shake my head quickly, murmuring to myself, “No, no, no…” I know without a doubt before I even manage to swing my legs over the side of the bed that I’m not going to like the answer I find. But there it is, right in front of me in leather and lace - the frilly white panties and bra I wore yesterday, and a cowboy hat that is absolutely not mine. I silently curse myself in language that’d make my mother cringe.

  At least my bag made it inside my room. I dig through it quickly and yank on a pair of decidedly unsexy panties and cotton bralette. I walk over to the mirror and gasp when I see the light purple discolorations on my hips. I run my fingers over the marks and shake my head, blowing out a heavy breath. The haze from the medication is getting thicker every time I take it. What started off as short gaps of a few minutes in memory are getting gradually longer each time.

  It’s not always that bad, but it can be. Sometimes it’s just a few minutes, but sometimes I’m losing as much as four to six hours of time when I have to self-medicate.

  I never know how long she is going to be set loose on the world, so I try to minimize how often I rely on the candy. Sometimes it’s just unavoidable and the migraines can come on so fast, most people don’t even realize I’m suffering until I’ve already become desperate enough to pop a candy into my mouth. Usually, nobody even notices Queenie, but when she wants to make a statement, she certainly will and I’m helpless to stop her.

  As it is, I’ve no clue how the marks got there, but considering they look like they were made by a large hand and I woke up naked and sore, I’m guessing that I must have engaged in filthy sex that I’d be too embarrassed to even consider when I’m feeling like myself. But when she comes out to play she’s ruthlessly demanding and hopelessly vulgar. I know that most people wouldn’t understand, but when Queenie takes control of the reins in my mind, I become a prisoner in my own head. Subdued into a dreamless sleep by a poisoned apple that’s both my salvation and my own destruction.

  This time, though, Queenie has made a bed I’m going to have a hard time lying in. There’s only two people on this ranch I could’ve had such a dalliance with, and if it’d been Blake that I’d screwed, Aspen would’ve already been in here demanding my head. She may be sweet and loving, but nobody messes with her man, especially not the sister she wrote off months ago as lost and hopeless. No, there’s only one man on this ranch I could have possibly done the dirty deed with…


  His name tumbles out of my mouth in surprise as I see him standing in the open doorway to my room. It’s the only word I can muster as my eyes go wide, and my cheeks undoubtedly go crimson. He turns to look at me with a smirk on his lips that confirms my worst fear. He nods his head at me quickly as he swipes his hat off the floor, drawling, “I forgot this. Can’t go out there roundin’ up horses without my trusty hat. How you feelin’?”

  I open my mouth to speak but no sound comes out. I’m sure I look like a deer trapped in headlights at the moment. He tilts his head to the side and steps into the room, a look of concern flashing across his face. “Raven? Are you okay?”

  Putting both hands up in front of me, I wave them as I shake my head. “Just...don’t…”

  He swallows hard and his face falls. “Is the headache gone at least?”

  I nod slightly as I yank a t-shirt out of my suitcase and jerk it over my body, thankful to have my body covered and away from his roaming eyes. “I...uh, yeah… it’s gone.”

  Ignoring his heavy footsteps across the room, I pull a pair of skinny jeans out of my bag and wiggle them onto my legs, jumping up and down to get them up over my hips. I wince as I button them as they press into my sensitive sides, but I push down the aching pain.

  His voice is soft as he invades my silent hell, “You passed out last night. I told your sister you weren’t feeling well, and she asked if you’d taken any medication. I told her I thought you’d taken some aspirin and gone to bed. But we both know that isn’t true, Raven. What the hell is in that candy?”

  I jerk my head up to stare at him incredulously. “Nothing illegal if that’s what you’re implying!” I know my voice is indignant, but the undercurrent of concern laced into his tone is disarming. “It’s just apple candy with some spices that help ease the thunderous pressure that builds up in my head, okay? It’s nothing for you to concern yourself with.”

  Hunter narrows his eyes at me, shaking his head. “It may be legal stuff, but it does some crazy shit. From the way you’re staring at me like you’re a terrified rabbit and I’m a rabid wolf, I’m going to hazard a guess and say you don’t remember last night at all, do you?”

  I swallow hard, but shake my head quickly. “I remember Ditsy getting stuck in the stall, and me getting a migraine, but, uh… after that, it all goes fuzzy. I sorta remember coming up here to the house and then, uh, waking up naked…”

  Hunter’s cheek flush as he puts his hat on his head. “Uh, yeah… about that. If you really don’t remember, then it’s probably better if you don’t know exactly what happened.”

  I cross my arms over my chest. “Did it involve both of us naked?”

  Hunter’s eyes flash, darkening in color until they’re almost brown ringed with a dark gold. “Raven… you can’t unknow it, but if you really want the sordid details, then I’ll tell you. But knowing that you and I did something that I don’t regret might be all you can handle. Because from the way you’re jumpy like you’re gonna bolt at the first hint of trouble, I’m gonna hazard a guess that you’re not going to handle the truth very well.”

  Is he really beating around the bush? What exactly did I do? My cheeks flame with embarrassment, and I still don’t know what I’m even blushing over. I shake my head quickly. “No, don’t tell me. I can gather from your horrified expression, and the evidence left all over the room that we had sex. It’s mortifying enough without putting the other pieces together…”

  Hunter’s Adam’s Apple bobs in his throat as he approaches me. “Raven, are you telling me you don’t remember it? At all?”

  I shake my head quickly with a sigh. “Look, it has nothing to do with you, okay? I’m sure you were great. I’m sure they all have been great, but my brain is seriously messed up, okay? I’ve heard stories, been told, been shown pictures of all kinds of crazy and inappropriate things I’ve supposedly done, but I don’t remember any of it. It always happens when I’m buzzed out of my mind. I’ve had sex more than a dozen times and yet, I’ve never experienced it. The doctors say that in time, I’ll heal, but I don’t think they know what’s going to happen. Despite their hopes for me to live a normal life, my new normal is apparently going to be as a prisoner in my own mind, held hostage by a personality I can’t control.”

  Hunter sighs heavily and crosses the room, despite my prickliness. He lays one hand on my arm, and I tense, shrugging out of his grasp. “I thought you were fucking with me, Raven. You really… had nothing to do with… that wasn’t you?”

  I groan softly. “Let me guess. It was amazing and you want to do it again…”

  He blinks, taken aback. He clears his throat and looks at me earnestly, “I’m not going to pressure you or insinuate that I thought anything beyond what happened last night would happen again, but I’d be a lying fool if I told you I didn’t want it to. I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that you don’t remember any of it, but Raven, that was the kind of kinky shit that men build fantasies around…”

  Just as my cheeks were starting to return to a normal shade, I feel them go undoubtedly crimson again. I shake my head violently. “That wasn’t me, Hunter… it may have been my body, but it wasn’t my consciousness.”

  He looks bothered by my admission, so I sigh, “I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but that’s not the kind of girl I am. I know that my body has been used and abused by men in ways that would probably make even you blush, but it was never me, Hunter. I’m sorry if this isn’t what you want to hear, but I have no recollection of any of it. So, even though it happened to me, did it really happen to me? It just doesn’t seem real, like it’s somebody else’s life, and I’m not privy to the filthy details.”



  Raven’s revelation floors me. And it makes me uncomfortable in ways I can’t even begin to describe. How could she not remember what we did last night? It was mind-blowingly incredible for me. I’m not one to toot my own horn, but the way she reacted, she sure seemed to enjoy it herself. I’ve never been with a woman that was so in touch with her own feral sexuality the way Raven was last night, except… now Raven claims it wasn’t her.

  I mean, I guess that explains her demanding that I call her ‘Queenie.’ I just thought it was some kind of kinky bit she threw in to spice things up. Now, she’s saying that she doesn’t remember anything beyond us being in the barn when we rescued Ditsy from his self-imposed problem. I’m no expert on women. In fact, I’m far from it, but how does a woman engage in sex like we had last night and not remember it?

  I get tha
t substances can alter someone’s frame of mind, but she didn’t seem to be blitzed in the least. She was coherent and adamant in voicing exactly what she wanted. She also swears there’s nothing narcotic in the medicine she’s taking, so how the hell did it bring out a side of her that she insists doesn’t exist? It definitely does exist, and I bore witness firsthand to the wild side Raven won’t acknowledge. Is this some kind of defense mechanism to excuse her lewd behavior?

  I can’t say I’d really blame her if this ‘Queenie’ is just a mask Raven wears to be able to dip her toes into the freaky river without having to answer for her actions. The kind of stuff that was coming out of her mouth last night is not what you’d expect to come from a seventeen-year girl — and certainly not from one so otherwise pristinely innocent as Raven. If I hadn’t been a part of the mayhem last night, you’d never convince me that the woman who fucked my brains out was Raven. In some odd way, I’m buying the story that it wasn’t her, but some other entity stuck inside her head. An entity with a serious vendetta against being caged off within the confines of Raven’s mind. And hellbent on making Raven pay at every opportunity.


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