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by Justice, A. D.

  Maybe I’ll let him make the next move…if there is one.

  Usually, sex wouldn’t be a big deal—sometimes it’s just part and parcel of getting the job done. But my targets were never anyone I wanted to know or spend time with afterward. The bottom line was I’d get the information I needed, then I’d leave. But getting to know Silas so well first has thrown me off-kilter, and now my head and heart are still reeling from just the thought of our every heated touch and passionate kiss.

  “It’s my favorite, too. But then, it’s also the only one I’ve been to.”

  “That sly smile doesn’t fool me, young lady. You know exactly what I’m talking about, so don’t even try to pretend you don’t.”

  The waiter delivers our appetizers at the same time the bartender sets our drinks in front of us. At least now my hands and mouth will be busy for the next few minutes, giving me an excuse to be quiet and bring my thoughts and feelings under control again. We devour the food and drinks in front of us, then Silas orders seconds, prompting me to raise my eyebrows in silent question.

  He shrugs his shoulders. “I’m a growing boy. I need food.”

  Our drink refills arrive first, and I sip on my piña colada while watching the waves lapping against the shoreline. The roar of the water and the soft breeze are instantly relaxing, making me question why I’ve waited so long to make time for a trip to the beach. My gaze drifts back to Silas, who is watching me with a curious expression, and the full force of how short life is hits me. All the things I’ve wanted to do and all the places I’ve wanted to see have been on the back burner my whole life. Like so many others, I lied to myself and promised I’d check them all off my list one day.

  One day doesn’t exist, though.

  “Do you ever feel like life is just one big blur? Like you’re just surviving from day to day instead of really living?” I set down my glass but continue playing with the straw, stirring the frozen drink though it doesn’t need it.

  “I’d say most everyone feels that exact way at some point in life. It seems to come in stages, as you look back at where you’ve been and look forward to where you’re going. It’s all a matter of perspective, though, and depends on your frame of mind at the time. We all only have one life. We all have to work to live. We all have trials and troubles and good days and happy memories. But how we approach every day we have is what makes all the difference. Whether you’re happy with what you have, or you think you’ve been cheated out of having something wonderful, you’re right.”

  “Good points. So, live each day to the fullest, be content with what you have, and keep a good outlook on life. Did I get all that right?”

  “You did. I should trademark that and slap it on a bumper sticker before someone else steals it.”

  “Well, obviously. It’s pure gold.”

  We fall into a comfortable banter over the rest of the meal. Silas finishes off the rest of the food after I’ve stuffed myself until I’m miserable. I jokingly complain that he’ll have to roll me across the sand like a giant beach ball by the end of the week if I go out to eat with him the rest of the time. Resuming our intentional double entendre innuendo and harmless flirting makes the tension from earlier completely fade away.

  Which I’m sure is his intention anyway. But the effort he puts into making me feel at ease means the world to me.

  “Shouldn’t we stake out the spa? See what’s happening there today?” I finish off the last drop of my drink just as the waiter leaves the check.

  “Not today. I told you—today is all about you having fun. We’re going back out on the beach for a while. We can play beach volleyball or swim or rent Jet Skis. If you insist, we can go shopping. Maybe even get you into a luxury spa for a massage—no human trafficking allowed. The world of Miami is all yours, for one day only. So, what will it be?”

  “How about…you and I stow away on one of those huge cruise ships I saw on the flight in? Let’s go find our own private island to hide away for a few years.”

  “You honestly have no idea how appealing that offer is. Can’t say it hasn’t already crossed my mind at least once or twice today.”

  His flagrant admission takes me by surprise. He’s considered running away with me? Maybe there’s a romantic bone hidden in that massive, muscled body after all.

  “Then my second choice is Jet Skis. Let’s go have some fun on the water.”

  “Perfect choice. A woman after my own heart.” He drops cash on the table to cover the bill and a nice tip. “Let’s go ride some waves.”

  At first, I hop on the back of the watercraft while Silas operates it. The spray of water whips by us as we skim across the top of the water. I love it—the speed, the exhilaration, the beautiful water, the sun. I can’t stop the laughter from bubbling up inside me and bursting out every time we jump a wave. He takes us out past where the waves break and stops the engine. We float on the water, enjoying the gentle roll of the waves and the scenery surrounding us.

  “You ready to drive now?” He glances over his shoulder at me, and I realize my arms are still wrapped around his waist even though we’ve been still for several minutes.

  “Really? You trust me to operate this water motorcycle?”

  “Sure. Climb on up here.”

  We switch places, and he gives me a quick overview of the controls, then we’re off again. After a half hour of proving my mettle, he has another idea.

  “There’s no doubt you’re made for this. Let’s head back toward shore. I’ll rent another one and extend the time on this one, then we’ll cruise up and down the shore and sight-see for a while. Sound good?”

  “Sounds perfect. I’m having so much fun.” I can’t help but gush. Taking time for myself has never been my priority. Now I wonder what else I’ve missed out on after years of work being my sole focus.

  We spend the rest of the afternoon acting as if we don’t have a care in the world. Jumping waves on the Jet Skis, snorkeling along the jetties, and soaking up as much vitamin D as our bodies can take while sipping margaritas on the beach. This day excursion is exactly what I’ve needed, only I never realized it before. When the sun sinks lower in the sky, we pack up our things and head back to the car.

  “Looks like you’ve had enough sun for the day.” He nods toward the bikini line already showing on my skin. He leaves the top of the convertible up and rolls down the windows instead. The ride back to Noah’s house doesn’t take long, but it gives me time to collect my thoughts and consider our next steps.

  Today’s adventures allowed me to recharge my batteries and refocus my intentions. Now I’m ready to put all my energy into getting to the bottom of what the senator is doing and put an end to it once and for all. No more young girls will fall prey to his hands. At least then, there will be one less disgusting man loose in the world.

  “Silas, are we going to stake out the spa tomorrow?”

  “In a manner of speaking, yes. A couple of friends are actually watching the building today. When you and I go tomorrow, we’re going as patrons. We’ll get a good look around inside and figure out how they’re bringing them in, where they’ll hold them, and how we’ll get them out.”

  “You didn’t tell me you had people working today. Now I feel bad for taking the day off and having fun all this time.”

  “That’s exactly why I didn’t tell you ahead of time. And you can continue to feel bad for having fun instead of working tonight, because I’m taking you out for dinner and dancing in Miami. There’s nowhere else like this city at night—you’ll love it.”

  “You’re spoiling me. What if I become accustomed to all this doting? Then I could hold you responsible for maintaining the lifestyle to which I’ve grown accustomed.”

  He cuts his eyes over to me, so full of playfulness, and grins. “That would be a shame, wouldn’t it?”

  Inside his brother’s house, he first takes me to the large walk-in closet in the master bedroom.

  “Pick out an outfit—whatever you want to wear is
fine. Brianna is cool. She won’t mind.”

  Before he leaves me to rifle through her clothes, he shows me where the linens and soaps are located so I can shower and get dressed for a night out on the town. While I try to tell myself that this isn’t actually a date, that we’re just two friends going out to release some pent-up frustrations before settling into the roles that require our attention twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week until it’s over, even I don’t fall for that line. This definitely feels like a date. We’re getting dressed up.

  I mean… I’m wearing heels and a little black dress with long sleeves tonight.

  That’s definitely only reserved for a date.

  When I descend the curved staircase leading to the foyer, Silas stands at the bottom and watches my every step. Hunger burns in his eyes as I approach, heating me from the inside out. The spark between us is still there, and I feel it equally as strongly. He’s dressed in a gray suit with a light purple button-down, all exquisitely fitted to his frame. I’m secretly glad I’m not the only one treating this outing as a date.

  “You look absolutely stunning. I won’t be able to leave your side for a second without every man in the house trying to take my place.” He extends his elbow for me to take his arm.

  “You don’t look so bad yourself, handsome. Don’t think all those women won’t try to find a way to lock me in the bathroom stall so they can take my place.” I wrap my fingers around his arm and step closer to him.

  “Guess we’ll be stuck to each other like glue tonight, then.”

  Though part of me knows he means that for the time we’re dancing and drinking in the club, another part of me envisions a very different and more satisfying scenario.

  Chapter 14


  When she stepped into view, I fought to keep my tongue in my mouth. Otherwise, it would’ve been on the floor. Not that I haven’t found her utterly gorgeous in every other situation I’ve seen her in, but watching her walk toward me in that tight black dress and those spiky black heels was a full-on fantasy moment.

  My plan to take her out dancing until she couldn’t walk anymore flew right out the window.

  Fuck giving dancing that pleasure.

  If there’s any reason why she can barely walk later tonight, it’ll be because of me and only me. Judging by the way the pulse in her neck jumps from every brush of my fingers and how her breaths become ragged when I lean in to murmur in her ear, I’d say she agrees with me.

  We’re having dinner at Café Roval, one of the most romantic restaurants in Miami. The Mediterranean food is exquisite, but so is the outdoor seating in the gardens. With the lush green foliage of trees and plants and soft white lanterns lining the path winding around the sparkling pool, we couldn’t ask for a more tropical paradise setting. The tables are placed far enough apart to give seclusion and provide us ample privacy. Our chairs are close together, our thighs brush against each other, and our eyes linger on each other’s lips for a heartbeat too long to be a coincidence. The fact that we look and act like an enamored couple hasn’t escaped me.

  Nor has the sickening thought of her being forcibly removed from US soil when this is said and done.

  “Silas, this place is amazing. Thank you again for bringing me here.” She takes a sip of her wine and releases a little moan of indulgence. She has no idea how much that innocuous noise affects me.

  “It’s my pleasure, Kira. I hope you have your dancing shoes on. You’ll need them.” I waggle my eyebrows at her, prompting her to giggle in reply.

  “I’m ready to dance whenever you are, big guy. Where are we going?”

  “The Copa Room. Heard of it?”

  “No, can’t say I have.”

  “I think you’ll enjoy it.” The wink that follows is entirely automatic, a learned reflex I’m not even conscious of doing most of the time. But in this setting, she may have misunderstood it for something more lascivious.

  Not that I mind this small misunderstanding.

  “And what exactly is it you think I’ll enjoy, Silas?” She folds her hands under her chin and challenges me with her gaze.

  “There are cabaret shows and a large dance floor. Loud music and a lot of people. No one sees what you’re doing because they’re too busy with what they’re doing. I’ll leave my jacket in the car and roll up my sleeves, then I’ll take you out on the floor and spend every minute exploring your body through salsa dancing.”

  “Holy shit. I don’t know which sounds better—salsa lessons back at the house where we’ll be alone, or in the middle of a writhing, grinding crowd with loud music and lots of drinks.” The flush starts at the base of her neck and crawls upward, coloring her cheeks the perfect shade of pink.

  “Why not both? I can always give you all the private lessons you need later tonight.”

  “Get the check. It’s time to go. I’m ready to dance now.”

  With a chuckle, I signal for the waiter and quickly settle the bill. Then we make a beeline for the club. The bouncer on duty is luckily an old acquaintance, so we walk directly to the front of the line and into the multicolored light show inside. The music is blaring, the bass is thumping, and all the bodies are grinding on the floor. Without waiting one more second, I grab her hand and lead her onto the middle of the dance floor.

  Our bodies align perfectly as if we were made for this. With one hand on her back and the other holding her hand, I pull her much closer to me than needed for typical salsa dancing. The kind I have in mind is a little more intimate, with my invading her personal space so much we look like one body moving in a fluid motion. Pelvis to pelvis, we begin our dance and use it as a preview to foreplay. Her breasts push into my chest, her mouth is a mere breath’s distance from mine, and the way her hips rub against my crotch is making an already impossible situation hard.

  Very hard.

  Obviously hard.

  I glide my hand down her side, relishing her curves as I go, and lift her leg until she wraps it around my thigh, ensuring we’re effectively dry-humping on the dance floor. So much about her makes me feel like a crazed man. She’s sexy and demure, soft and hard, cunning and trusting—all at the same time. She makes me feel so much—too much sometimes. I shouldn’t want her as much as I do. I shouldn’t cause a scene in the middle of a crowded danced floor, drawing attention to us rather than blending into the background.

  Before we’re both escorted away in handcuffs for indecent exposure, the song ends and then the main lights dim. The spotlights draw circles on the curtain, drawing everyone’s attention toward the stage. A voice comes through the speakers, telling us to put our hands together and welcome the cabaret performers. When the curtain opens, five beautiful ladies take front and center on the stage, singing and dancing their sultry song. The crowd goes wild before settling down to unite as impromptu backup singers. Kira and I join in, ad-libbing and making up our own dance routine while taking advantage of the darkened dance floor.

  Though I would love nothing more than to take her home and rock her world until the sun comes up tomorrow, I know tonight is a rare treat for her. Dates, dinner, dancing, drinks—this atmosphere isn’t something she’s experienced much outside of working her asset for more information. Simply having fun wasn’t in her training manual. For now, we are breaking all the rules and crossing all the lines—even that blurred line that still threatens to keep us apart. The line on the map that prompts my country to say she doesn’t belong in it anymore.

  I’m not ready to accept that decision, so I’m soaking up the time while we have it.

  Since we have no intention of leaving anytime soon, I open a tab and keep the beer coming. We don’t leave the dance floor all night, exploring each other through our movements with every song coming from the speakers. When the bar finally shuts down, we stumble out the doors with permanent smiles affixed to our faces and not a wisp of air between us. Taking my state of inebriation into account, I consider calling a taxi to take us back to the house. While doing undercove
r work, I’ve had to drive while intoxicated plenty of times. Getting a ride after knocking back a few too many doesn’t exactly scream “badass criminal.” Though I don’t condone it for the average civilian, I have had extensive training in driving under the influence.

  Lucky me, I realize I don’t have to make that decision the moment we step onto the sidewalk outside the club.

  “It’s about damn time. You’ve literally danced your ass off tonight. You have absolutely no ass left now, Silas.” Even drunk as I am, there’s no way I can mistake his smirk or his smartass remarks.

  “Shadow. What the hell are you doing here?”

  “What do you think I’m doing here? You have enough people looking for you now to form a regiment. You’re not exactly making it hard for them to find you. At least wear a disguise if you’re going out and getting caught on every traffic camera from here to Jacksonville.” He shakes his head and opens the back door of his truck. With a sideways jerk of his head, he motions for us to get inside. Kira slides in first. “Reaper has your rental vehicle—complete with new tags. And when we get home, you’re explaining to my wife why I’ve been out all night. I’m not taking the fall for this one.”

  “This is Shadow?” Kira looks between the muscular mountain of a man and me. “The one you told me about?”

  “That’s him.” I nod and shake his hand before sliding into the back seat beside Kira.

  “You didn’t tell me he’s CIA, too.” She can’t hide the concern in her tone.

  “What makes you think I’m CIA?” He closes the driver-side door and starts the vehicle.

  “It’s not as if you’re trying to hide it. If you were with any other government agency, you would’ve brought a SWAT team and shut down the club to get us. Instead, you’re helping us get away. Not many people have the steel balls to pull off something like that.”

  Shadow throws his head back in laughter. “No wonder you’re hiding this one. I like her already. Yes, I’m CIA, but you’re safe. Silas, Nick, and Roman are three of the best men I know. The other three men I trust also are waiting to help.”


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