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Page 21

by Justice, A. D.

  “There’s my brother. How are you today?” Brianna turns and hugs Shadow.

  “I’m a miserable fucking fool. That’s how I am today.”

  “Watch your language around the kids.”

  “Fuck. I’m sorry, Bri.”

  “Call her, Shadow. Tell her how you feel instead of trying to play the CIA officer investigating your target. She told you what she wanted—for you to open up to her and let her in your life. Listen to her and do what she’s asking you to do. You’re suffering for no reason.”

  Shadow considers her advice for a minute before finally surrendering. “Okay, Bri. I know you’re right.”

  He sits down at the table and dials her number on his cell. We all hold our breath while it rings, pretending we’re not all eavesdropping on his private conversation.

  “Elle? Don’t hang up, darlin’. Just hear me out. I’ve said I’m sorry a million times, but I want to tell you what I’m sorry for this time. You’ve been my life for as long as I can remember now. But I realize that by trying to protect you from what I do, I’ve excluded you from being in my life. I know I hurt you by leaving you out, by not telling you the truth about everything, and even by lying about some of the things I did.

  “From now on, I want you to be involved in everything in my life. If that means I have to share top-secret information with you so that you’ll believe I mean what I say, then so be it. If I need to quit my job and learn to love another line of work, then that’s what I’ll do. I only want you to come back home to me, be my wife, my best friend, my lover. What would make you happy and make you love me again?”

  “I’ve never stopped loving you, Devon. I had a crush on you as a kid when you were my brother’s best friend. I fell in love with you years ago. And I love you more today than I did yesterday.” Elle steps out of the kitchen onto the back deck, shocking the hell out of Shadow.

  He drops his phone and rushes to her, wrapping his arms around her and squeezing her so tightly, she can hardly breathe. “I’ve missed you so much, darlin’. I’m so glad to see you and hold you again. Where have you been?”

  “That’s not important. What matters is that you understand how it feels to be completely excluded from my life. Not knowing where I am, what I’m doing, who I’m with, or if I’m okay. We either make a life together, or we’ll be apart for good. Make up your mind right now and stick to it, Devon. Because if you ever do this to me again, I’ll make that choice for you, and I won’t change my mind again.”

  “You always have been and always will be my entire life. I understand exactly how I made you feel, and I’ll never hurt you like that again. I love you, darlin’. More than you’ll ever know. In fact, I’m so in love with you, I’m ready to give you a baby right now. I want a little girl who looks exactly like you.”

  Tears well up in Elle’s eyes as she draws in a ragged breath. She places his hand on her stomach and keeps her eyes locked on his. “I can’t promise you it’ll be a girl, but we’re definitely having a baby in about seven months.”

  Shadow changes from a downtrodden, beaten soul to an elated and exhilarated man right before my eyes. He lifts her off her feet and twirls her around with the biggest smile plastered on his fugly mug.

  “I can’t believe I’m going to be a daddy.” Shadow’s voice is full of excitement. He’s so loud, I wouldn’t be surprised if the neighbors heard him.

  I feel a hand slide into mine and squeeze, so I look away from the happily reunited couple to find Kira watching me with an odd expression. This is one of the rare times I’m unable to read her mind.

  “I love you, Silas. I just realized I’ve never said it, although I should’ve already told you a million times over. I love you like I’ve never loved anyone in my life.”

  I press my lips against hers, relishing the softness there while also wishing I could satisfy the yearning I feel in them. She rubs her fingers along my jaw then into my hair as I deepen the kiss. It’s still amazing to me that I can’t get enough of this woman, no matter how hard I try.

  The urgent tapping of a little hand on my arm ends the tender moment I’m sharing with Kira, and I look down at Amber with her big blue eyes staring up at me. “I love you too. Are you my daddy now?”

  Stick a fork in me. I’m done.

  Chapter 25


  When we returned from Russia, the first thing we did was contact the authorities and the Department of Children and Families about Amber. We were fortunate to have contacts—thank you, Senator Hunt, for your influence—to get an emergency custody order to keep Amber with us while the formal paperwork to foster her is finalized. Fostering is just the first step, though. We’ve agreed to co-adopt her and raise her as our own. She’s already stolen our hearts, and we’ve proven we’re willing to go to the ends of the earth for her, so her assigned social worker was more than happy to keep her out of the normal process.

  I fully realize we’re blessed beyond measure. Most people who want to adopt don’t experience the same speedy service. But just looking at that precious little girl, I know I couldn’t have given her up even if they’d said no.

  Now that I feel responsible for two beautiful ladies, taking out Viktor is more important to me than ever. After we located him when he took them to Havana, I never actually lost tabs on him. I’ve just been biding my time. His handler has been protecting him inside the Russian embassy in DC, but a man like him could only take being locked behind the walls of that building for so long.

  He’s accustomed to moving around freely and playing his games at will. Inside the embassy, he’d be held to their strict rules and code of conduct. Without autonomy, a spy can only drive a desk and do what his superiors tell him to do. The very concept of thinking on his feet flies out the window, and he’s left with the memories of the “good old days” when he could make his own decisions.

  I know all too well how that scenario would work out for me… It wouldn’t. Same line of business, same circumstances, I know it won’t work for him. And I know he’ll never be content with sending those lame texts like the pussy he is. He’ll crave a more hands-on approach to his taunting and mocking, but he’ll never have the chance. I’ll make sure of that.

  Which also concerns me that the job Kira’s been offered won’t work for her when we get back to DC. Will she be happy working in an office, behind a desk, and shuffling papers? Or will she be bored to tears and looking for something else to fulfill the thrill of the chase?

  One major hurdle at a time, Silas. There’s one thing we need to focus on at the moment.

  When I slip into bed with Kira, I slide my arm over her waist and pull her back against my front. “This is our last night here. Back to DC in the morning. Are you going to miss Miami Beach?”

  “Absolutely. I’m not sure I’m mentally prepared to face another DC winter after spending so much time in South Florida.”

  “Do you think you’d ever want to move here permanently? My parents live nearby. Noah and his crew are here frequently. Chaise and Bull and their kids follow when Noah comes back. Actually, so do Rebel, Heather, Shadow, and Elle. And Brad, of course. They all work together and count on one another to get shit done.”

  She turns and looks at me, the moonlight caressing her face through the blinds. “If we did, Amber would get to grow up with a huge family. Aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents to make all the bad memories disappear and replace them with only good. That would be perfect.”

  “Yes, Amber would have that…and so would you. This extended family loves you too, you know?”

  “The first time you told me you loved me, I wasn’t sure if I’d imagined it or if you’d really said it. That day was the worst. But I realized you made me feel the words long before you spoke them. The way you’ve protected me, helped me, trusted me, and saved me.

  “You risked your own life to save mine. I mean, you came into the Kremlin dressed as a Russian officer in uniform. If you’d been caught…well, I don’t even want to think
about what they would’ve done to you. I still can’t believe you did all that for me.”

  “I’d do it all again—and more, Kira. I realize my timing couldn’t have been worse, but I knew there was a chance neither of us would make it out of there alive. I couldn’t let that happen without telling you how much you mean to me first. Now that I’ve accepted the fact that I can never go back to being the bachelor who’s content with being alone, I’ll tell you how much you mean to me every day. It’s amazing how much real love can make someone want the things they never wanted before.”

  “I know exactly what you mean because I feel the same way.”

  “I don’t think it’ll be a problem to convince Roman to move back here. He’s originally from Florida, so I think he feels the same about the cold and snow as you do. I’m not sure about Nick and Savannah, though. If nothing else, we’d just rely on video conferences for our meetings and cases. We don’t have to be in the DC area all the time to do our jobs.”

  “Just think, if we can convince the entire Scooby gang to live in the same area, we can start our own cult. Noah’s house can be our compound.” Then she bursts out in uncontrollable laughter, and I join her.

  Hearing her laugh, seeing her relaxed and playful, and knowing she’s safe and sound in my arms gives me more happiness than I ever imagined possible. Guess it just took meeting the right person, at the right time, and under the right circumstances to change my mind about marriage, love, and a happily-ever-after ending.

  Thoughts of a happy ending give me more immediate ideas. With my lips pressed to hers, I roll her onto her back and cover her body with mine. The feel of her body against mine is like pouring jet fuel on the open flame of my libido. After I peel off her clothes, I take my time and give every inch of her body all the attention she can take. With my lips, with my tongue, and with my fingers, I give her my full devotion. When I slide into her, she fits around me as if she is made only for me. The sensation of my every powerful thrust and the sound of her every sexy moan only make me want her more. When we reach the peak of our desire, we tumble over the edge together, our bodies slick with sweat, her nails digging into my back, and our eyes locked in the final throes.

  “Just so you know, I’m never letting you go. You’re stuck with me now, baby.”

  “You’re the one who’s stuck with me. If you ever try to leave me, I’ll just follow you.”

  * * *

  We say goodbye for now to my extended family and head to the private airstrip for our return trip to DC. Nick, Savannah, and their small kids board the plane while we help stow all their luggage. Then Roman, Brad, Mira, Kira, Amber, and I all take our seats. Now is as good a time as any to broach the subject of relocating. As I predicted to Kira last night, the only holdout is Nick, with his meticulous planning and need for order. He won’t make that decision without having time to discuss it thoroughly with Savannah, but I can see the wheels turning in his mind. He’s thinking about all the same points I had—so many members of our family and friends would be close by, making life easier for all of us.

  “What do you think about the prospect of moving, Savannah?” Mira asks.

  Mira is Savannah and Nick’s live-in nanny as of today, but I have a feeling that’ll change soon anyway. Her relationship with Brad seems to be taking on a life of its own. He’s as crazy about Mira as I am about her sister. Since the two ladies have been separated for more than a year now, they’ll definitely want to live close to each other.

  “I’m very intrigued by just the thought. Staying with Brianna for the last few weeks in Miami have completely spoiled me.” Savannah looks over at Nick and grins, essentially giving away her final answer.

  “Honestly, I think if I said yes right now, she’d have all of our belongings packed the minute we get home.” Nick smiles at the thought. “We don’t have any family in the DC area. Savannah’s best friend and her husband would be welcome to stay with us whenever they wanted. Since she works from home, moving wouldn’t affect that either.”

  “That’s a good point, Nick. What about you, Kira? That job proposal was only in the office. You wouldn’t be able to do that from Miami. Are you sure you want to give up that offer?” I turn to Kira to gauge her reaction.

  “That doesn’t bother me. Sitting in an office from eight to five isn’t my idea of fun, but I was willing to do it for the opportunity. There are plenty of other jobs I can find, so I’m honestly not worried about it. Besides, according to the government, I’m Nadia Utkin now, and she doesn’t have a sordid past. As long as we’re all together, I’ll be fine.” She leans over and kisses my cheek.

  We land in DC, and I stop Nick and Kira before we reach my truck. “Nick, I need a favor.”

  “Of course. What’s up?”

  “Can Kira and Amber stay with you and Savannah for a while? I have some business to take care of, and I won’t leave them alone yet.”

  Kira looks at me as if I’ve lost my mind. I offer an apologetic shrug, but that’s the most she’ll get from me on this. She almost died once—I won’t knowingly take her back into a situation where that could happen.

  “You got it. Kira, Mira, and Amber are welcome to hang out with Savannah and me for as long as they need. Brad, do you have plans for dinner tonight?”

  “Nope, none.”

  “Good. Join us for dinner. Savannah will love having a house full of adults to talk to for a while longer, and the three of you can finish convincing her to move to Miami.”

  We get a good laugh out of that. “Chickenshit.”

  “Hey, I just know who takes care of me. Let’s go—the Tucker train is leaving the station.”

  Kira wraps her arms around my waist and looks up at me with worry in her eyes. “Why do I have a feeling you’re about to do something I wouldn’t like?”

  “I don’t know, baby. Maybe you know me a little too well.” I smile down at her and place a soft, lingering kiss on her lips. “Don’t worry. I’ll be by Nick’s to pick you up late tonight.”

  “Please be careful. If you don’t show up, I’ll hunt you down and make you regret it.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Small arms wrap around my leg and squeeze as hard as a five-year-old is capable of. I lean over and lift Amber in the air until she’s sitting comfortably on my forearm. She leans her head over on my shoulder and wraps her thin arms around my neck. She doesn’t have to say anything because I know exactly what she’s thinking. She knows we’re going in separate directions, and she wants to hold on to our little family.

  “Don’t worry, sweet girl. I’ll be there to pick you up, too. You believe me, don’t you?”

  She nods her head, but she still clings to me. When I finally hand her over to Kira, a big piece of my heart goes with her. The sadness on her face at our being separated almost changes my mind.

  Almost. But I’m doing this to protect her too.

  They all pile into Nick’s SUV, and Kira and Amber wave at me as they drive away. Roman is still standing beside me, acting casual but knowing something big is about to go down.

  “What’s the plan, Silas?”

  “I know where he is. I’m going to kill him.”

  “What do you want me to do?”

  “Cover the exits so he doesn’t slither away again like the snake he is.”

  “You got it.”

  We climb into my truck and head to my place to coordinate our movements. When night falls and it’s pitch black outside, we make our way to the rendezvous point. As I suspected, Viktor has been sneaking out of the embassy to frequent his favorite watering holes and go home with whatever willing woman he can find. Tonight, I’m helping him out with a sure thing.

  I wait silently in the darkened room for them to get inside the house. She comes in first with her keys still in her hand. He’s hot on her heels, holding on to her hips and kissing the side of her neck. She promised him a night he’ll never forget, and she didn’t lie.

  “Oh shit. I left my purse in the car. I need to
grab it before someone steals it out of the backseat. We’ve had a string of car break-ins lately. I’ll be right back—make yourself comfortable on the couch.” She nods her head toward the sofa, and he takes her up on her offer.

  Fucker should’ve offered to get it for her at the very least.

  She closes the door behind her with a smug smile on her face. When she turned the lock on the way in, she activated an automatic mechanism that locks the door from the inside. He won’t be able to run out that door when he realizes something is awry. And that realization will hit him in three…two…

  “What the fuck?” He jumps up when he hears the car engine start. He’s still staring out the window when the car headlights flash across him as she drives away.

  He darts to the door to open it, only thinking about getting his rocks off tonight, but the door won’t open. The knob only spins freely in his hand. “What the fuck is wrong with this door?”

  “Nothing’s wrong with it.”

  He jumps about a foot high and twirls around toward the sound of my voice. His back is pushed against the door, and his eyes are wide with fear.

  “That doorknob is working exactly as designed. It’s locked and can’t be opened from the inside without the right tool. It’s keeping you in here with me, where you need to be. No more hiding out in the Russian embassy. No more using the consulate as your errand boy. No more sneaking out of the building at night to grab some pussy. That doorknob’s sole job is to make my job of executing you easier.” I step out of the shadows and directly into the stream of light coming in through the windows.

  I want him to know I’m the one who ends his life.

  I want him to die knowing that he lost and Kira won.

  I want him to know he’s as much of a piece of shit as his older brother was.


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