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Adrian: An Ironfield Forge Hockey Romance

Page 13

by Frost, Sosie

  But, surprise surprise.

  The beautiful, old-world inspired kitchen was empty. All that awaited me was a built-in hearth bordering an unused eight-burner range, dust-filled hand-carved wooden cabinetry, and a delightful stone arch separating the space from a massive dining room—sans table. Boxes occupied most of the space, hiding the distressed wooden floorboards.

  He hadn’t even unpacked his glassware. At least he had the ice packs in the freezer and Gatorade in the fridge. Nothing else though. What the hell had he been eating, or did he really have his three meals and post-lifting snacks at the arena?

  What was the point of even buying a house? He should’ve curled up in a cardboard box in his locker and been done with it.

  I returned with the ice, but Adrian refused it.

  “I’m fine,” he said. “It’s just a bruise.”

  Maybe the towel was a little too tight, and he’d cut off blood to his brain.

  “You’re not a kid anymore, Adrian. And I know there’s no way you’re missing workouts tomorrow because of an accidental hit.”

  “For the opportunity to bed you?” He glanced over my lingerie. The straps weren’t quite tight enough to hold the cups in place, and my cleavage nearly popped out of the lace. “I’ll take my chances.”

  “Very sweet, but I won’t have you blaming me for blowing your mind and busting your ribs.”

  Adrian didn’t budge. “I promised you a night of passion.”

  “That’s okay.”

  “I told you I’d make love to you.”

  My core tightened in lovely memory. “Don’t need it.”

  “I wanted you to have a perfect first time.”

  “It’s just my virginity.” I couldn’t even look at him when speaking the word. “It doesn’t matter.”

  “It matters to me.”


  “Because I had you naked and writhing in my arms, crying out my name and coming on my face.” His words tickled, rooting me in place. “And that wasn’t half of the pleasure that you deserved.”

  My breath escaped in a shuddering puff. “And maybe that’s why I want you in prime condition? Ice your wounds so nothing distracts you tonight?”

  “I’m already distracted.” Adrian towered over me, and his shadow enveloped me in a sticky heat. “I’ve been distracted ever since that night at your house. Haven’t been able to get you out of my head. Your scent. Your heat. Your beautiful slit.”

  My stomach bumbled with excitement.

  We’d never talked like this with each other.

  Never admitted any attractions. Never dreamed of this sort of intimacy.

  I swallowed, but my voice was lost within a million words I hadn’t the courage to speak. I squeezed the ice pack in my hand. The cool helped to ease the searing heat pulsing inside me.

  “I want you to sit,” I whispered. “Ice your side. I won’t take no for an answer.”

  “And why should I listen?”

  I herded him toward the couch. He sunk into the leather with a poorly concealed grunt.

  “Because I know what’s best for you,” I said.

  “Of course you do. But I’m not gonna listen.”

  “Do I have to pin you down?”

  “I’d love to see you try.”

  We both knew I stood no chance against his strength, but I wasn’t letting him jeopardize his health for my sake. I smirked and gave him a shove. The motion only cast the lingerie’s strap down my arm and jiggled my breasts.

  At least it was effective.

  He surrendered with a grunt as I kicked his legs apart and straddled his waist. I settled onto his lap, prepared to earn his golden smile as the icepack rested against his ribs.

  But this was a bad idea.

  The best bad idea.

  His hands immediately rose to my hips, and I reflexively cuddled against his chest, one arm lazily encircling his neck.

  We fit together too well.

  As if I’d always belonged in his lap.

  I hoped he didn’t feel my shiver, but it was damned impossible to hide. His skin flushed hot from the shower, and a few rivulets of water still beaded over the packed muscles of his chest. My teddy bunched over the cotton white towel. A bulge grew under the material, and I bit my lip to avoid whimpering as the heat brushed my bare thighs.

  Oh, I wasn’t wearing enough clothes for this sort of touch. The last time we were that close, I’d been lost in my own lust-crazed insanity. He’d offered me pure devotion, and I’d selfishly and eagerly enjoyed every last moment of his tongue, lips, kisses, fingers…

  But, in classic Adrian fashion, a little was never enough.

  He’d turned my world upside down, but he’d also wrecked me from the inside out. I had a momentary satisfaction, but I woke the next morning agonizingly unfulfilled.

  But now…

  His hands gently caressed my curves. First, just a steadying grasp as my legs were too short to straddle his massive form. Then, as my breathing hitched with unspoken need, his grip tightened. Hard and fierce.

  The ice packed against his side. He didn’t notice it. Instead, he stared at me, his jaw tensing with simmering frustration.

  My hips moved once. Twice. Grinding against the hardness straining under the towel. The motion teased the silk panties against my soft petals, dragging the lingerie against my clit. Every movement shattered my confidence yet rebuilt me with curiosity. I gripped his shoulders for strength and parted my lips.

  Adrian groaned. “Not like this, Clover. I’ve gotta be gentle with you.”

  “This is gentle.”

  “I won’t be…not with you on my lap…not so exposed and…” His gaze focused between my legs. His hips bumped up, and the harsh strike of his cock against my slit nearly careened me off his lap. “Can’t control myself this way.”

  “You don’t have to control yourself with me. I can take it.”

  His smirk broke me. “You have no idea what you can take.”

  “Neither do you.”

  He leaned close enough to kiss but tortured me with only a whisper. “You’re ruining my plans for tonight.”

  “Change them.”

  “I wanted to make love to you, Clover.”

  “Maybe I don’t need that?”

  “It’s your first time.”

  “Then let me decide what I want.”

  His hands were massive, uncompromising, and meant for crushing opponents on the ice. He held me tight against his bulky, muscle-packed body. Every inch of him was hard as steel and just as unyielding, from his thick, tree-trunk legs to his massive chest, tightened like a plate of armor beneath my hands. He wasn’t particularly comfortable to straddle, but I wasn’t looking for soft and cuddly tonight.

  I wiggled.

  Could he tell?

  Did he know what he did to me?

  How my head swam in his delicious scent? How my body quivered when pressed against his bare flesh?

  How the deepest, most secretive part of me ached in memory of his generous attention?

  I couldn’t help it. My hips bucked, and his hands settled at my waist, pinning me harder against him.

  This was nothing I’d ever imagined myself doing.

  And yet, it seemed so natural for Adrian. He was fierce, powerful, and confident. He didn’t keep many long-term relationships, but a man as attractive, as successful, as him must’ve collected his share of wild nights.

  But somehow—I was the one sharing it with him.

  “You deserve a night to remember…” Adrian’s fingers teased the hem of my teddy, brushing my tensing thighs. “You should let me spoil you.”

  “You already spoil me.”

  “Not like I should—not like I could.”

  I bumped my forehead against his and released a shaky breath. “You make it seem like so much has changed, but it’s still just me. Just…a virgin me.”

  “All the more reason to be careful with you.”

  Goose bumps prickled where he touched. He
liked that. Growled softly. His grip tightened.

  “I just want you,” I whispered. “I want you to finish what you started.”

  “And what was that?”

  My words trembled. “Delighting me.”

  Adrian’s arrogance only wound me tighter. “Was that all I did? Delight you?”

  I sat up straight, trying to breath anything that wasn’t his pure, masculine scent. It did nothing to ease the crippling tension that tightened my core.

  “Actually, you tormented me.”

  “Wasn’t my intention.”

  “Tormented in a good way.” Which, until that moment, I didn’t believe was possible. “You teased me. Devoured me. Gave me the greatest pleasure of my life. Then…you left.”

  His voice was every shackle that’d imprison me in place. “Those were the rules. Had to make sure this wouldn’t be awkward.”

  Oh, it wasn’t awkward.

  It was painful. Agonizing. Torturous.

  And I prayed it’d never end.

  I didn’t mean to whine, but my whimper broke through my defenses. Wouldn’t be the only one he shattered tonight.

  “Why did you leave that night?” I whispered.

  “I couldn’t stay.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because we had to wait for the right day—had to wait for you to become…”

  “Fertile.” I said the word for him as the delicious heat whipped me from the inside out.

  His eyes darkened.

  My hips ground over his.

  And his rumbling profanity preluded a ravenous kiss.

  In a crippling burst of sheer pleasure, we exploded together. My lips parted. His tongue flicked mine. And the electrifying jolt of chaos shredded our world into something unknowable and forbidden.

  Life fell away. Our problems. Our worries. Our friendship.

  It all dissolved into a frenzy of wanton heat and wild instinct.

  I sunk my nails into the thick cords of his straining muscles. His kiss consumed me, and I murmured my surrendered shock.

  I’d never felt this way before.

  This passion threaded through me, burning away all hesitations and modest protections in a blitz of insane delight.

  So many firsts with this man—and so much potential for everything to go wrong.

  And yet, his arms wrapped around me, holding me tight. Protecting me, like he always did.

  Could it really be so wrong when we fit together in every conceivable way?

  I fell against his thick chest, but even while straddling him, he towered over me, his form thrumming with pure athleticism. In his arms, I was small and fragile, and yet, the man who spent his nights in brutal, bloody battles on the ice understood his strength.

  His touch gentled. His body cradled. And his kiss ensured only a breathless cry of excitement teased from my parted lips.

  The teddy separated our skin. His fingers gripped the thin material with too much force. The sheer silk immediately ripped.

  Seventy dollars well spent.

  Adrian didn’t apologize. Instead, he tightened his grip and shred the material from my curves. The teddy tossed away. I didn’t let him speak. I worked quickly too, my gaze studying the defined V’s of his lower abdomen.

  He hid himself beneath the thick terrycloth, but the towel didn’t hide much.

  He pulsed. Hard.

  And impossibly big.

  The monster between his legs practically jumped with need, straining against the towel to reach me.

  Adrian had teased me the other night. Pleasured me, ravished me, and then left me panting for something more than his skilled kisses. My body had slickened and clenched on nothing, wishing for that thickness to make me whole.

  He’d denied me.

  And he’d known exactly the trouble it’d cause. The long nights. The burning curiosity. The shameful touches in the dark.

  But now he was here, begging to be released and then to release within me.

  And I’d never wanted any man more.

  He ripped my lingerie in a lust-crazed fury. As if we had no other choice. As if we were compelled to writhe against each other in furious desperation.

  The sheer material fell away. I was exposed.

  More exposed than I’d been the night we simply teased and explored.

  He’d take me.

  Make me his.

  Come inside of me.

  His fingers tangled in the elastic of my panties, shoving them to the side as neither of us could bear the thought of me shifting from his lap. I wrenched at his towel and revealed my prize.

  It’d been a miracle that he hadn’t been more seriously hurt after the strike of the puck. My good fortune kept him whole and eager.

  Adrian’s cock was larger than I’d even imagined. It pulsed, and my mouth watered as it throbbed, eager for me.

  All mine…at least for tonight.

  Adrian’s kiss commanded me into stillness as his fingers explored the wetness between my legs.

  We were close.

  Inches apart.

  His cock, thick and bulging with straining veins, twitched against my tummy. He had me slick, ready, and nearly wracked with tears for just a simple touch. I bucked my hips forward, praying that sensitive part of me might contact his infernally hot shaft.

  One bump, and the sensation was too much to bear. His skin was velvet and iron, and my petals practically dripped for just a touch. It’d take only a careless thrust, and he’d enter me.

  And claim me forever.

  His hand tangled in my hair. The other embraced me around the waist—pinning me against him.

  As if I’d escape.

  As if I’d deny myself this amazing moment.

  “I’d planned to treat you better than this…” His words ripped from his rasping throat. “Candlelight. Music. I wanted to lay you down in my arms.”

  I arched as his lips trailed over my neck and below. He captured my nipple between his teeth and tugged. The lovely sharpness only enthralled me more, each nip a lightning strike to my waiting core.

  “I am in your arms,” I whispered. “I don’t need the other things. Only you.”

  He raised me onto my knees and positioned me over his thickness. “I wanted this to be perfect.”

  “This is perfect.”

  My heart pounded against my ribs, punishing me for every second I didn’t take advantage of the pleasure he offered.

  The head of his cock rubbed my slickness.

  The dark flint of his eyes struck hard, igniting his stare.

  I couldn’t take any more teasing or fantasies. For so long, we’d denied any sort of attraction toward the other. Played it safe. Never getting too close. Never revealing too much.

  But now?

  What was left to reveal except how badly I desired him?

  I bit my lip and lowered myself, sliding on his raging length.

  Slowly, slowly.

  He was big, bigger than I’d expected and far more severe and demanding. Not a since inch of him yielded. It was my body, my virginity, that had to give first.

  And I owed him that surrender.

  He demanded it of me. Whispered my name. Swore and shook, his hands pawing at my curves as each passing second tortured with the excruciating possibility of utter pleasure.

  The pinch flustered me. But Adrian was there. He wrapped me tight, kissed me hard, and stole the shocked squeal as I stretched and ached and impaled myself on this perfect mountain of a man.

  Too much.

  Too much of everything.

  His size. His heat. His scent.

  It overwhelmed me as my body eagerly accepted as much of him as was possible.

  How could anything feel this incredible?

  “Ready?” His words rumbled deep in my core. “Hold onto me.”

  Like I could do anything else.

  His hands wrapped over my hips. I sunk down and punished myself with the beautiful intensity of his invasion. Adrian’s satisfied grunt echoed with v
ulgar need as his hips flexed up.

  One single strike into the deepest part of me, and he’d taken me whole.

  What else could a girl do but surrender—to his strength, his skill, his solemn promise of pleasure?

  I fell forward, collapsing upon his barrel of a chest as his unprotected cock sheathed completely within my virgin softness. The man was a monster, as intimidating in the bedroom as he was on the ice. And yet, I trusted him implicitly with my most vulnerable secrets.

  His tender touch, his eager kisses promised only bliss.

  I melted.


  I combusted.

  My every thought, my every urge, my every inhibition shattered as I took his length again. Pulled out to the head plunged once more into my heat. The shivers captured me before his arms. I cried out, and Adrian silenced my confused pleasure with his kisses.

  But I couldn’t stop. Couldn’t stay still and simply enjoy.

  I had to move.

  Wild instinct overwhelmed me. My mind fractured with frenzied desperation, and I feared if I stopped the frantic bucking of my hips, I would’ve severed my connection to reality forever.

  This wasn’t a normal reaction to a man’s touch.

  This was something more.

  Something primal and dangerous.

  In this forbidden moment, all that was hidden suddenly revealed. Our simmering feelings, unspoken words, unrequited touches. He read it all. Deciphered it with a single kiss, explored it with a touch, and revealed that honesty with each thrust inside me.

  And yet, I still offered myself to him. Even knowing what he might realize. What might be undone.

  I clenched hard over his length, whimpering with quiet astonishment as he hardened even more. I savored the veined ridges, the head, the tightening of his shaft as he sliced within my heat.

  He held me close, his own desires destroying his resolve. The man’s control wavered, the unraveling thread of his patience all but frayed with pleasure. Adrian’s hands led my pace, and he slammed my body against his with enough force to clap my thighs against his. It was a vulgar, delicious sound, and every echo in his unfinished living room excited me more.

  He grumbled in my ear, and a deep, husky layer of passion shadowed his words.

  “You’re goddamned amazing…” His encouragement was punctuated with a rapturous groan. “Never knew you could fuck like this…”


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