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Guardians of the Throne; Part I

Page 13

by Rose-Merry Unan

didn’t mean I was immune to his wrath.

  I knew I had to be especially careful, because I had already escaped his wrath once by concealing my child.

  I tried to pretend like I was busy. The King had written up specific instructions for what to do in case of an attack. I was supposed to read them within the next two days, and then destroy them.

  When the girls asked me to play, I pretended I was too busy reading my orders. I didn’t wish to be a source of entertainment for them.

  Finally the King came for Catherine. There was another knight with him. It was another one of the orphans. I was told that the King’s brother had arrived, and I was to guard Catherine at a dinner tonight, and then bring her back afterwards. He stayed to speak with me for a few minutes. I could tell that he was troubled. I had never seen him so preoccupied.

  “Have you read your orders?” He asked me.

  “Not all of them yet,” I answered.

  He asked if he could talk to me outside the apartment for a minute. I followed him out to the passageways. They weren’t well lit, and I could barely see him.

  “If anything happens, I need you to get them out,” he said.

  “Get them out?” I asked.

  “Yes. If anything happens to me, I want you to hide in the passageways for a few days, then I want you to take the queen, and the children to safety.”

  “Where will I take them?” I asked.

  “The passageways lead to a way out of the palace into the forest,” he explained.

  “The forest?” I asked stunned. “The forest isn’t safe, what about the demons?”

  “There’s no other way. Make sure that you are well armed. There is a secret rock in the forest. The children know where it is. If anything happens, make sure they get to that rock. It opens up to underground tunnels. It will take you to the homes, of the guardians of the throne.” He paused. “I’ve sent word that I promoted you to the head of the guardians of the throne. If anything happens to me, you are to be the throne’s main protector.”

  I felt shocked. It was the highest honor that could have been bestowed upon me. The last head of the guardians of the throne, had been William’s father. It meant that the King favored me about all others. It gave me almost as much power as being King. Except, no one outside the royal family knew we even existed.

  “I’m sure nothing will happen to you,” I said.

  I felt troubled. I couldn’t help but wonder what news he had received that made him feel so afraid. Surely we could outmatch the strength of his brother in battle.

  He patted my shoulder. “ Will you fetch Catherine while I say goodbye to Isabel?”

  I went and got the girl. I wondered how much they knew about what was going on. As we walked through the secret passageways, the King carried Catherine, and played with her as if nothing was wrong. Once again, I saw the King lavish affection on a child, the way that I had craved it.

  I once again wondered why he had never loved me so. When we exited the passageways, we were greeted by a few of the other knights. The King and I chatted with them, while we waited for Catherine to be made ready for the banquet. The King had informed me that no one knew she wasn’t the real princess, and to keep it that way.

  I was once again stunned, and he didn’t offer me an explanation. I was burning with curiosity, but I knew better then to ask the King questions. When he wanted to tell me, and if he wanted to tell me, he would. The more secrets I found out about however, the more scared I was becoming.

  Fear wasn’t something that I was very accustomed to, not even when I was patrolling in the forest for demons. I found the thought of fighting one exciting, but not war.

  The Queen

  I tried to calm my husband once again as we prepared for the banquet with Harold. We were told that he had arrived, and been shown to his quarters. The King was frantic talking to scouts that were looking for his troops. He was in the middle of quite a fit when word arrived that they had located his army not far from the palace, hiding in the forest.

  “Of course,” he explained. “ I hope they get eaten alive!”

  I saw the frightened look on Catherine’s face. I suggested for Owen to take her into the other room.

  “No, I need him to know what’s going on,” the King said.

  “How many?” He asked the scout.

  “I can’t’ be sure,” he replied. “But it looks like thousands.”

  “Damn!” The King exclaimed. “Where in the forest are they?”

  “They’re by the lake,” the messenger said.

  The King grunted. “Prepare the soldiers to move.” He pulled out a map. “Come here,” he directed Gabriel. He pointed to the map. “You see there?” I want you to tell General Wolsey to station 5,000 men around each side of Heralds men. But not until dark tonight. We’ll surround him while they’re sleeping.”

  “Yes, your majesty.” He bowed and left the room.

  “Well, it looks like tomorrow we’ll have a battle,” he said. “You remember the plan?” He asked looking at Owen.

  “Yes, your majesty,” he responded. “But sir, what about getting the children to the rock? It seems that Heralds army is in between us and the rock right now.”

  His face looked grim. “You’ll have to try and find a way,” he replied, and turned his back on him.

  “Is Catherine ready?” He asked.

  “I’ll go check,” I said.

  When I came back with Catherine, the King called for the guards. We began the long walk to the banquet hall, and a thousand thoughts went flying through my mind. What if tonight didn’t go well? What if tonight was the night they would try to assassinate my family? Were our servants loyal? Would an attack come from within?

  As we got closer to the banquet hall, my stomach turned in knots.

  I tried to talk to Catherine, and my husband to calm their nerves. I made small talk about how nicely the gardens were coming along this year, and asked Catherine how her studies were going. Catherine’s parents joined us on the way to the banquet hall. As I embraced my sister in law, I gained some comfort in knowing that they would be with us.

  I reminded myself that if anything happened to the King and me, they would be able to take care of my daughter and make sure that she got a proper upbringing.

  Finally we reached the banquet hall. I could see my husband once again tense up. I grabbed a hold of his hand and kissed it trying to calm him down. He smiled at me, and kissed my hand in return. He pulled me closer to him, and whispered, “If anything goes wrong, get Catherine out of here.”

  We entered the hall. The music that was playing stopped, and all heads turned towards us as we entered. Harold came forward.

  I hardly recognized him. Last I had seen him was twenty years ago, when he was still a strong young man who resembled his brothers. Gone was the youthful face and muscular body. He was replaced by an older man with thinning gray hair, and a worn face. I could see the years of banishment from the kingdom had been hard on him.

  He stepped forward and bowed to the King. “Rise, brother,” the King instructed him.

  Harold rose to his feet, and met the gaze of my husband. For a few long moments their eyes locked. Then finally the king embraced him. “Brother, it has been to long!” The King suddenly seemed overcome with emotion. I prayed for him to compose himself.

  Then I noticed the same thing in Harold’s eyes. For a moment, it looked like he had tears in his eyes. After all these years, could the two brothers still have love for each other? My heart glistened with hope. Maybe the King could find a way to stop the war.

  Charles stepped forward and embraced Harold. For a few moments, the three men embraced each other, with their hearts full of love. I looked over at Mary who seemed hopeful as well.

  “Let me introduce my daughter,” the King said with pride in his voice. He held out his hand, “this is the Princess Isabel.”

  Isabel stepped forward and curtsied. “I’m happy to finally meet you Uncle,�
� she replied. “May I give you a hug?”

  He laughed. “Of course you may.”

  I wondered if he was having a change or heart, if not, he certainly was a good actor.

  “Can I show you to your seat?” Catherine asked him.

  He nodded at her and smiled. “ She’s a charming girl,” he complimented me. “ You have raised her well.”

  “Thank you,” I returned.

  Catherine grabbed a hold of his hand, and guided him to the table. I was proud of her for doing such a good job. I knew how afraid she was deep down, and it was a lot to ask of a seven year old.


  It had taken a lot of effort to sneak away from our guard, and I was surprised that I had even managed to convince William to keep my secret.

  I pushed him painfully in his chair. I was still getting better day by day, but walking for extended periods of times still took some effort.

  “Are we almost there?” He asked.

  “Almost,” I replied. The truth was, the passageways were dark, and I wasn’t 100 percent sure I knew where we were. “I’ll be right back,” I said letting go of his chair. “I want to check and see if this is it.” I walked up to the wall, and peaked through the crack.

  We were at the banquet hall, and they were already having dinner. I pressed my ear up to the wall, and I could hear what they were saying.

  I walked back over the William. “Ok, this is it,” I said spinning his chair around.

  “You know that if we get caught, we’re both dead?” He asked.

  I nodded. “Don’t worry, we won’t stay a long time,” I replied.


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