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Bound Page 14

by Leah Holt

  Porter took my hand in his, and we followed his mother. Fanning out her arm, she flicked her head for us to sit on the couch.

  “What's going on, Mom?” he asked, pulling my hand into his lap, and holding it tight. “Where's Franco?”

  “He took off for a bit, went to cool down. He'll be back after, and hopefully he'll have his shit together.” Sitting in the chair to the left of her son, Jo clasped her hands, and smiled through thin lips.

  “Okay, so what's this all about?” Scrunching his brows, he leaned closer to Jo and touched her arm lightly. “Is everything okay?”

  Taking a deep breath, she pulled a thin folder out that she had tucked between the cushions. “When you were little, I always wanted you to grow up and become something. A doctor, a lawyer, maybe a pilot like your father. I wanted you to be a man with status, someone who would change the world. . .” Pausing, her eyes drifted around the room. “Life doesn't work that way, and neither do wishes.”

  “Mom, if this is some sort of intervention or something, I don't need it.”

  “No, no, it's nothing like that.” Brushing him off, she opened the folder, and pulled out a single sheet of paper. “You had your own ideas, your own life you wanted to live. I hated it, I hated that you got into the shit you did. But I'm not saying this to upset you, I just want you to understand why it took so long for me to give you this.”

  “Okay,” Porter said, his voice unsure and cautious. “Give me what?”

  “Franco is against me doing this, but it's not up to him. You're my son, it's my decision.” Passing the paper to Porter, she rested her hands in her lap. “When your father passed, this was left for you, and up until now, I never thought you were in the right place to have it. That being said, I want you to take that and go. I want you to run far far away and start your life over. There's no reason for you stay here, and I can't stand the idea of losing another son to those men.”

  Jo's eyes teared up, her hands twining nervously around each other in her lap. She tried to smile, but her lips lingered in this awkward position, half up, half down, trembling slightly as she tried to hold in her tears.

  “You were supposed to get that when you turned eighteen, but back then, you were—well you know.” Shifting her gaze around his face, she shrugged her shoulder. “You weren't ready, I didn't think you'd do the right thing with it.”

  “Mom, I can't accept this.” Trying to hand the paper back, his mother refused to take it. “I won't take your money.” Shaking the paper hard, Porter leaned in closer to her. “Here, I don't want this.”

  “It's not my money, Porter, it's yours, it's always been yours. Your father left that to you. You told me earlier that people can change, and you're right. You are different, you're not the man I remember, you're not the boy who lost his way anymore.”

  His eyes popped open wide as he looked back at the small black font. “Sixty thousand dollars?”

  Jo leaned over, rubbing her son's shoulder and squeezing it hard. “I want you to have a chance in this world, Porter. I want you to live to be old, and give me a million grand-babies to adore.”

  “Whoa, babies? Now we're talking about babies? Slow down, Mom, let's not get ahead of ourselves here.”

  “I know, I know, but the way you look at her,” she said, tossing me a smile. “I could see it in your eyes last night when you showed up here with her. You care, you were afraid for her, I've never seen you so worried about someone else like that. You deserve a second chance, Porter, in every way possible; with me, with Franco, with yourself. Don't let Zander's death stop you from moving forward, you deserve better than this life.”

  “I don't know what to say.” His mouth was open, eyes lost and confused, happy and excited.

  “Yes you do.” Smirking, his mother pushed his shoulder lightly.

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  “There it is.” Standing up, she kissed the top of his head. “I want you two to stay here until Emery is all better, then you can go where the wind takes you.” His mother pats his cheek, then walks out, leaving us alone.

  Porter turned to face me, his lips taut. Wrapping an arm around my back, he rubbed my side tenderly. “I don't know what to think, I'm not sure what to do with this.”

  “What is there to think about? She's giving you an out, why wouldn't you take it?”

  “Because I'm not done here.” Massaging his temple, he pursed his lips, dropping his head into his chest. “I set out to end it, I made a promise to my brother, and I can't break it. I don't want to spend the rest of my life sleeping with one eye open, and I don't want that for you, or my mother either.”

  “What I decide to do, is my choice, it doesn't fall on you.” Lifting my hand to his chin, I forced his eyes to mine. “Sometimes we have to make choices, I get that. But, this isn't a choice you have to make, it's not a promise that has to be fulfilled. You said you changed, you said you weren't that man anymore. . .”

  “I know, it's just—”

  Kissing him on the cheek, I ran the pad of my thumb over his bottom lip and stopped him from talking.

  “So don't be that man, it won't bring your brother back.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  The next week was a combination of sleeping, eating, and fucking any chance we had. I felt like a damn teenager, strung out on this man, unable to get enough of him.

  What we didn't do was talk anymore about what was running through his head, and the choice he thought he had dangling in front of his face.

  He didn't want to talk about it, he kept saying he still had time to figure it out. But every day I grew stronger, I could move easier, and that meant our time was coming to an end here.

  Franco had been a ghost in the house. I had seen him a few times, but he'd hang his head and go the other way. He hadn't said one word to Porter since their fight, and I wasn't sure where I stood with him.

  I had called work after the second day here, explaining to them there had been a family emergency, and I needed to take some time off. Della was a bit more frantic, but I told her I had lost my phone after leaving the club, and that I had to go out of town for awhile for work. I expected her to start asking me a gazillion different questions about when I was coming back, and why I had to go for so long, but she didn't ask me a damn thing. Della believed my little story, because why would she think I had any reason to lie to her?

  Maybe I am better at this lying thing than I thought.

  I felt weird not telling my best friend the truth, and in the same breath, I was happy she wasn't asking me a barrage of questions I might not be able to answer. I would tell her the truth eventually, just not yet, not until things settled.

  Porter's nose nuzzled into my hair as his arm fell over my chest. “I can't get enough of you,” he said, whispering against my head. His finger circled my breast, coaxing my nipple to a stiff peak. “I could spend every single day like this.”

  Arching my back, I pushed my ass into his morning wood, feeling the thick muscle as it jerked. “Me too,” I said, shamelessly rubbing his cock between my ass cheeks.

  The sexiest growl spilled over the back of my neck as he ran the sharp edges of his teeth over my skin. “Someone is hungry for a little morning cock.” Shifting his hips, he ground in harder, pushing his firm erection against my asshole. “I just didn't realize you liked anal.”

  “You never asked,” I said playfully, stroking his dick as I clenched my cheeks around his shaft. The soft cotton of his boxers folded over his length as I dry fucked his muscle until he moaned like he was going to come in his briefs.

  His hand swept across my chest, cupping my tit, and pulling me closer against his body. It felt like we couldn't get close enough, like no matter how much of our skin was touching, it just wasn't good enough. His pecs flexed against my back, and a wave of arousal wildly spread over my body, making me feel numb to everything else.

  I couldn't focus on anything but him. His cock moved up and down, fucking my ass cheeks like he'
d never had sex before. He seemed almost feral, like an animal in heat with only one goal in mind.

  We hadn't been as careful as we should, neither one of us had really thought of, or mentioned protection since that first time. But it hadn't really crossed my mind, because I couldn't think straight when he held me like that, I couldn't grasp reality when he touched me like I was the only woman he had ever been with.

  I'm not the only one. . .

  It would be naive of me to expect that this man had been a virgin before we hooked up. His hands knew my body too well, his finger knew my pussy too well. His lips and cock, they knew exactly how to draw out my moans, and enhance my pleasure.

  “Do you want that, Princess?” he asked, twisting and plucking my nipple.

  Biting my lip, I decided not to give him the satisfaction of an answer. Slowly, I peeled my panties down my legs, kicking them off as if they meant nothing.

  Porter grunted, softly dragging his lips over the back of my neck. “I'm going to take that as a yes.” Slipping his hand down over my belly, he dipped a finger in my pussy. “You're fucking soaked.” His teeth nibble my shoulder, forcing a delicate coo from my lips. “God, I fucking love that.”

  He dips his fingers in my heat, then uses my juice to coat my asshole, drawing circles around the tight entrance. I was completely gone at that point, loose and relaxed, ready to succumb to this man.

  If he wanted my ass, he could have it. If he wanted to fuck me until my legs went numb and my voice was soundless, he could. I was at his mercy, charged and willing to explore his sexual prowess.

  Placing his palm on my belly, the tip of his cock tempted my asshole, pushing in just a little, then pulling away swiftly. “Have you done this before?” he asked, pressing against my puckered hole again, and massaging it softly.

  “No,” I said through heavy breaths, lifting my arm above my head, and wrapping his neck.

  “Don't worry, I'll be gentle, I'll take my time.” His crown popped inside my ass and a slight burn radiated down my legs, shooting through my thighs. Porter stilled his hips, just letting the head of his dick rest inside me. “I'm going to make you come so fucking hard.”

  Moving his hand up over my chest, he curled it around my throat. His fingers tightened around my neck, thumb skimming over the vein, and under my jaw. My mind was a total mess of need and sexual desire, I couldn't think of anything but slamming back just to end the torture.

  I wanted to come, I needed to come, I had to come. My muscles were tensed, shaking and trembling as I waited for him to keep going.

  “Why are you stopping?” I asked, scratching the back of his scalp with my nails.

  Porter chuckled, a devious, dirty chuckle, as he kissed the base of my neck. “Patience, Princess. If I move too quickly, this won't be fun for you. I need to work you, I need to make your ass crave me as badly as your pussy wants me.”

  Clenching around his engorged crown, I wiggled my hips. “What if I don't want to be patient?” Tearing at his roots, I pushed my ass back, taking another inch of his dick. The burn returned, and I hissed, not expecting it.

  “See, I don't want to hurt you. Let me do this, I'll make it so good you'll come over and over, and you won't be able to stop.” His hand moved to cup my pussy, finger flicking my clit.

  “Is that right?” My heart skipped, and a rush of tingles coursed through my belly and down my legs, making my toes curl.

  “That's right.” Licking the shell of my ear, he went deeper with his cock as his hand worked my clit.

  The burn was gone, and all I was left with was a buzzing sensation as he worked my sex, forcing my attention to my pussy. Moaning, I rocked my waist, grinding mindlessly against his hand. Porter started to thrust, pulling back to his ridge and gliding back in with ease.

  Closing my eyes, I rode his hand as he fucked me, building the orgasm up, only to have him slap it down before it stole me away.

  “Uh, uh,” he tisked, splitting two fingers around my pussy lips, and removing his touch from my clit. “Not yet, not until I'm ready.”

  Tipping my head back, I tucked myself under his chin, groaning with frustration. “Please, I can't take this, please.” I beg him, rocking my hips.

  “If you cum now, this won't feel as good. I want to cum with you, I want to feel your clit as it pulses in my hand, and I blow my load in your ass.”

  “Fuck, you're dirty.” The words came out on nothing but air as I grounded my ass down on his cock. “I want to feel you cum in me, I need to feel you.”

  Porter let out a savage grunt, curling his arm up under mine, and holding my shoulder. Using his other hand, he stroked my clit with the pads of his fingers, sending wave after wave of ecstasy through my muscles.

  He wanted me to wait, he wanted us to cum together, but if he didn't cum soon, there wouldn't be anything I could do to stop myself.

  Faster and faster his finger worked my swollen nub, and I couldn't stop. The orgasm was right there, it came and it stole me away, surging through my veins, and causing my lungs to hold still. I didn't inhale, I didn't exhale, I just held my breath until I felt his cock begin to throb.

  Porter stopped moving, his body hard as stone as his dick exploded, spilling hot cum deep into my ass. My body was warm, tingling all over, and I didn't want to move.

  Our legs were tangled, knotted in such a way that you couldn't tell whose leg was whose. Our breathing was in sync, chests rising and falling in unison as he snuggled his face into my hair.

  “I don't know what to do, Emery. I just don't know now.” Holding me close, he squeezed me tight. “I don't want to risk my life anymore, but I don't know how to walk away.”

  Unfurling himself from my back, Porter pushed on my shoulder, rolling me over so he could look at me. His eyes were serious, hardening as he said, “Before you, the only thing on my mind was killing those men. And now, now you're all I can think about. I know it's not worth it, and you're right, nothing will bring back my brother. . .” Pausing, the tips of his fingers tickled across my forehead, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. “My life wasn't important, it meant nothing to me if I died trying to fix what I broke.”

  I didn't speak, I just let him say what he needed to. My mouth was closed, my eyes were full, listening intently.

  “Then I found you and everything changed.” He said it with such conviction. He said it without any hesitation in his voice or uncertainty in his tone.

  He said it as if he meant it with every inch of his soul.

  “Somehow we found each other.” Lifting my hand to his face, I cupped his cheek, running my thumb over the hard curve of his jaw.

  And as our voices went soundless, and the only noise around us was the faint beat of our hearts, I knew that together we found something special.

  We found love in this fucked up world.

  I've fallen in love with a killer.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Standing in front of the picture window, I looked out at the trees surrounding my mother's new home. It would have been nice to grow up in a place like this. And for a second I was sad that I never had the chance.

  How different would shit be if I had spent my childhood running around in the woods, instead of running around in the streets?

  I wouldn't be this way.

  Not like this.

  No one else was home except for Emery and myself, my mother and Franco had taken off at some point; which was still dangerous for them to do. Moving an hour out of the city was nothing.

  I had tried to convince them when everything fell apart to get the hell out of the state. They refused, believing that it would all blow over, and their lives would return to normal. Neither one understood the gravity of the situation until it was too late.

  Look where we are now.

  They had been lucky so far that Disesto's men hadn't found them. Then again, maybe I was wrong. For all I knew the crew was watching from a distance, waiting for the green light.

ery stepped up behind me, wrapping her thin arms around my stomach. “What are we doing today? I feel pretty good, better than I have in a long while. Want to go for a hike or something?”

  “A hike?” Twisting around, I hugged her back, looking down onto her beautiful face. She was smiling up at me, her gaze youthful and excited as if we were just two people living normal lives. “I don't think that's a good idea, not yet.”

  “Yeah, I understand.” Laying her head on my chest, I brushed my fingers through her hair, untangling the small knots. “Maybe one day,” she said, whispering quietly, and rubbing her cheek against my shirt.

  Kissing the top of her head, I could smell the lavender shampoo, so I took another deep breath. I wanted to hold onto that scent, embed it in my brain so I never forgot this moment.

  This was one of the good times, the calm before the storm. I knew our time together was limited, that keeping her for myself, or setting her free was a choice I'd have to make.

  As much as I wanted to have her by my side, the danger was imminent. I couldn't knowingly hold onto her while my head was on a chopping block. It wasn't fair to her at all.

  Staying in this place meant certain death for me. But running away meant never being able to stop. We'd have to run forever, hoping that we could outlive the legacy my name had left us with.

  Traitor, miscreant, disloyal. . . the list that sealed my fate goes on and on in their eyes. They would never stop looking for me, not ever.

  Looking back out the window, I tried to stare through the trees to see just how many miles there were between us and the city.

  “You know what, let's do it.”

  “Really?” she asked, rubbing my back and letting her eyes settle on my face. Her big green eyes glistened with excitement. “Are you sure?” The tone in her voice was sharp, and I knew she was aware now of what was waiting for us outside our small protected oasis.


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